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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. Thanks very much, I wasn't sure. I'm never sure with those kinds of things.~~
  2. I guess I understand that, but if kids back when the MNOLGs came out were able to play those with no problem, shouldn't the LEGO Group not have to dumb down these new ones? :| It could just be that the actual storylines of the themes themselves are less full and rich now, which is how it seems to me. Besides Hero Factory, almost none (that I can remember) of this year's themes have any more storyline than just a basic premise. Actually, Ninjago has a far more complex story than Hero Factory. The Spinitzu Smash games tell part of the story, actually, although not in a way like the old BIONICLE and Alpha Team games did. Then again, there being two seasons of 13 episodes each telling the Ninjago story, there is not much need to tell the story with games. Actually... yes, Ninjago does have a complex story. Sometimes I forget it's still going on. But it certainly does seem to have a lot of media going for it with the TV episodes and (admittedly short) books.But really, the various Spinjitzu Smash games don't compare to the old LEGO games. And of course as a non-TV-watcher, I tend to like online content, and would value some story-carrying Ninjago games much more highly than the TV episodes that I never watch.~~
  3. I'm not sure I even remember who S was for. I'm going to have to check my PM box again...Apparently you haven't done a comic in a bit, nor have you added a period to the statement.~~
  4. Most definitely. And in anything I write, there is no place for such a person, unless they're dead prior to the story.The below knows about scientific names but doesn't know any scientific names of trees.~:~
  5. I thought it was ONLY the heads that were useless? :PAnyway, for me, probably the Toa Nuva canister lids. When you look at them, you'd think they'd attach, but the few to which I've tried to attach axles have axleholes that are far too loose to be useful. ~:~
  6. I figure we're going to have to wait another three years if it comes back at all. :PI really don't know how I'd want the storyline to return. I imagine it might be set on some sort of planet that was a side project of some renegade Great Beings, but I haven't thought about it that much.All I want for the sets is for them to be more pin-and-axle-based, with no more of this cladding/plating-based Hero Factory cookie-cutter stuff. I understand that might be even less likely in any sets than for BIONICLE itself to return, but like I said, that's really all I want to see in sets. I own zero non-Titan Hero Factory sets for that reason.~ :~
  7. I think they'd like it a lot less if I were into other, less versatile toys. :PMy parents actually both like LEGO stuff a lot, and sometimes even seem to enjoy looking at sets with me. My mother (and my father, to a lesser extent) grew up with LEGO sets anyway.But they're definitely fine with my liking LEGO, and I think they'd be more surprised than me if I ever were to stop liking LEGO. ~:~
  8. That would be the site I wasn't going to mention by name. :PIt's a possibility, but it can sometimes be hard to get several canisters at once, even there.~ :~
  9. I guess I understand that, but if kids back when the MNOLGs came out were able to play those with no problem, shouldn't the LEGO Group not have to dumb down these new ones? :| It could just be that the actual storylines of the themes themselves are less full and rich now, which is how it seems to me. Besides Hero Factory, almost none (that I can remember) of this year's themes have any more storyline than just a basic premise.~ :~
  10. Yeah, I'm very pleased that they've left them up on the site all this time.This used to be one of my favorite games to play on LEGO.com, and now it's one of the only ones I play. I've made it through all buildings and all sublevels (yes, even X), but I still need to figure out how to get gold on some of those levels...~:~
  11. Very true. Same here. Even the 2010 dark-bluish-grey ones (from Nektann) have, I think, broken for me. :| Pretty much everything from Gorast breaks/bends too easily. ~:~
  12. I really do think all three versions of the Ignika used in the storyline were pretty great. :PThe one that was never released in a set reminded me fondly of the Kaukau, and of course it had horns (always an interesting thing on Kanohi). The Vezon-fused version was wonderfully tall... I don't recall any taller mask than that. And of course the last one is a classic design.I actually liked both the original Kaukau and the adaptive-armor Kaukau Nuva, for different reasons of course. The former I thought was just another great design, and the second looked very interestingly technological.The Kualsi and Iden were also interesting, and I'm sure there's more I can't think of at the moment.~ :~
  13. I haven't had terrible luck with the collectible minifigures, luckily.The fact is that I've had better luck with randomly picking them out than with feeling them, at least in the latest series. (I did have good luck with feeling the bags back when Series 4 came out, though.)I'm just pleased I got myself a Series 1 Caveman rather than the original Clown.~:~
  14. It almost has to be the stand, but that is pretty strange. Generally LEGO is very good about catching things like that before boxes are printed.I wish the set did include that piece though.~:~
  15. Two small polybagged sets from Target. One was a mini City police helicopter, the other was a miniature version of that... uh, Star Wars ship. Whatever the one is that I can never remember. >_>But yay for promotions! I love promotions.~:~
  16. If I don't have as much time, I open the bags in order (if they have an order). Mostly if I have time, though, I just dump all the bags into one huge pile. :PThat's assuming I build the set at all.~ :~
  17. I would like to note that although Dino Attack didn't replace Alpha Team, I did find the appearances of the Dino Attack characters suspiciously similar to the Alpha Team Agents. :PAlso, now they have the really truly vastly inferior "DINO" theme.*shot by Dino fans*~ :~
  18. It's funny how so many people are listing things that are actually not that "little". :PI do like quite a few things - the (fairly) clean look of the site, the friendliness of other members, etc. But I think the things I'd consider "small" - buttons, in-forum navigation, and such - are not anything that make me like BZP in particular. The "load more topics" button in forums is nice, I guess.Also, I'd like to note that not only is the "closeness of the community" a large concept (not some little thing!), I rarely feel or see anything like that here. It's just smaller, not necessarily closer, on BZP now.~ :~
  19. This is a good point, I hadn't thought of that for myself.Then again, I'm not sure I'm any less awkward in online conversations, so I don't know. ~:~
  20. The reason you couldn't go to school is that you are terribly sick, and you are bedridden for the rest of your life.I wish I were impervious to lightning.~ :~
  21. I wouldn't say a fan, but I like them. :PThe below has no LEGO videogames.~ :~
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