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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. In hindsight (and foresight? O~o), I agree. I should visit more often. ~~
  2. I've never changed my display name and never intend to. Overlord has a ring to it that few other names I've taken on elsewhere have.Besides, I'd probably fade from living memory if I changed my appearance. Gradual personality change is one thing, theme switching is another.~~
  3. It pays well, but leaves you no free time. At all.I wish I could see the past.~ ~
  4. 1/5. Oddly, I've only seen you today, as far as I know.~ ~
  5. Frankly, I don't imagine myself as anything but a vague presence. It's kind of the way I actually do appear on BZP.Then again, less relevantly, I suppose you could say I think of myself as a man wearing a turban.~ ~
  6. I have to agree with both of these.Sometimes I do end up imagining them anyway, but not purposefully. There's not much use in it, I think.~~
  7. Wow, nice to see that so many people still take the time to remember his reign. :PWell, I certainly wasn't a member when Ninjo was around, but I know he was cool. Very much so, it seemed.So, a raise of a goblet from me. Onwards with luck, Ninjo.~ ~
  8. Everyone knows I'm a BIONICLE fanatic. :POn the other hand, I think about three of my friends ever knew I was on BZP, and I wouldn't be surprised if all of them had forgotten by now.~ ~
  9. If I actually post a topic, which is a ridiculously rare occurrence, I just set it to send me notifications via email and get on with whatever else I want to do. :PIn essence, even when I do post topics, they're not the reason I'm on BZP, so I don't think of them as all that important.~ ~
  10. Dimensioneer is the kind of administrator I'd like to be. :PYeah, though, he's just behind the curtain of anonymous BZP-browsing.~ ~
  11. It's no less arbitrary, th-*shot*Okay, okay, it's actually great. Five posts seems like a good point.~~
  12. The Ninjago Wiki forum is pretty new, so I don't really count it as one I've rarely visited in my mind (even though I've actually never visited it at all).So, I'd have to say the RPG forums. I don't have any reason to visit, so I tend to disregard them even more than most forums.~ ~
  13. Once upon a time it was Promotions.Now, probably COT, GD, BIONICLE Sets, and Blogs (if the last counts). I still don't post as much as I used to though...~ ~
  14. Wow, some divided opinions here.Personally, I just don't have enough colors/a large enough amount of the fist-type hands, whether Glatorian or Hero Factory, to use them in most MOCs. I actually like the fist-type hands well enough, but have all the wrong colors most of the time.~ ~
  15. Wow really people actually know of me. O~o1.4/5.~ ~
  16. The world becomes too normal for you or any other BZP members to exist. :PI wish I had actual Photoshop.~ ~
  17. Yes. It's been years though, and I mean years upon years. :PThe below has only one game platform/console.~ ~
  18. 1.3/5. Your name registers with me, but barely - I probably don't frequent the same areas of BZP as you. ~~
  19. For the wish to have never happened, nothing could ever have happened. The universe is unreal and evaporates.I wish for this wish to have been wished before I wished it so I could wish a different wish right now.~ ~
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