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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. You make the highest-quality dubstep heard by humankind. It is ignored by snobbish critics and you accidentally delete your digital copies of it.I wish I had as many Olmaks as appear in my signature.~ ~
  2. Haha, it kind of is. :PIt's Rocka... who in this case looks like reworked set art.~ ~
  3. Nope. :PThe below frequents this topic least often of the COT games.~ ~
  4. Eh, it's alright. Not as if I use it. :PThe below always uses the acronym "TPBM" in this topic.~ ~
  5. It simply doesn't work.I wish I had a "professional" spotting scope for astronomy and birdwatching and such.~ ~
  6. My favorite was definitely the Toa Metru canister design. The lid was quite easily the best BIONICLE canister lid ever made, and the canister itself was compact and utilitarian. Shame that it was one of the few canister designs they didn't really reuse.My least favorite, if I think of them all as canisters, was the Toa Mahri box thing. Its rim was acceptable as a piece to build with, but... not a canister, really.~ ~
  7. Ah yes. THE PAIN.The below has never used the "Blog This" button that appears on every post. ~~
  8. Kind of an interesting idea, to remake BIONICLE in the name of its prototype form. :PI'd support it just because it's cool... but I guess there must have been a reason they called it "BIONICLE" instead of "Voodoo Heads".I like it though, and I'd be happy to see it get off the ground if at all possible.~ ~
  9. No, not really. XPThe below cannot make up names off the top of their head.~ ~
  10. People stop making wishes like that one because no wishes are ever granted.I wish there were fewer highways.~ ~
  11. This place is... Familiar? :P5/5. Back to the regulars. ~~
  12. Not in my house. Luckily. :PThe below posts mainly in COT game topics like this one.~ ~
  13. Overlord

    Suddenly, Nostalgia

    I enjoy reviewing things, but I don't think anyone enjoys my reviewing things. ~~
  14. I don't think I could have hoped for a graduation present a sixth of the greatness of this. Congratulations on... well. Everything, I guess. ~~
  15. It is a roller coaster. Your drink spills.I wish I could instantly repair BIONICLE parts.~ ~
  16. I can relate to it as well. Although usually it's only 11 P.M. that I'd consider exceptionally late, but yeah. ~~
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