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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. If Kopaka were wearing his adaptive armor and was transported to a planet populated by really old-fashioned robots, I imagine it might produce an Akaku Nuva similar in appearance to Rocka's helmet.~ ~
  2. 2.7/5, I guess. I see you around a fair bit.~ ~
  3. I certainly don't do so regularly, although I'm sure I've heard things by string bands. :PThe below knows what the term "shoegaze" refers to.~ ~
  4. Granted - it was still intelligent. The entire human race, along with you, have long since been wiped out.I wish I could grow Palmer Oaks where I live.~ ~
  5. I guess I understand that, but if kids back when the MNOLGs came out were able to play those with no problem, shouldn't the LEGO Group not have to dumb down these new ones? :| It could just be that the actual storylines of the themes themselves are less full and rich now, which is how it seems to me. Besides Hero Factory, almost none (that I can remember) of this year's themes have any more storyline than just a basic premise. I should have been more specific here, Lego did indeed cut Bionicle for having a too "in-depth" storyline, but MNOG was sort of a foundation for that story, or at least a large component of it. From what I heard, Hero Factory's story is more simplistic. I guess I should have thought of that... if LEGO did cut BIONICLE for its complicated storyline, then they wouldn't produce another MNOLG-like game.Personally, I wouldn't say Hero Factory is more simplistic, but they don't seem to explore the potentially rich story-universe they have in the same way that BIONICLE fleshed out its own.~ ~
  6. No, to my chagrin I have no idea what you're talking about. It's just an Olmak. :PI wish I could identify the insect to species, but that might not be possible even if I were an entomologist.~ ~
  7. I think my banner disproves that. :PThe below has never been to a desert.~ ~
  8. Never had one, so I can't still be using it. :PThe below has more friends off BZP than on.~ ~
  9. Much as I can be politically correct, yes, I don't like political correctness very much. :PThe below only frequents this topic in COT.~ ~
  10. You undergo the classic teleporter's dilemma and accidentally duplicate yourself multiple times.I wish I lived near a mountain of infinite height.~ ~
  11. You have a cloud entirely made of sound. Or maybe it's just a website name.~ ~
  12. Nothing major that I remember. Or rather, if I have, then I've already forgotten. :PThe below has a banner in their sig that they made themself.~ ~
  13. Exactly, it was just a logic-lacking gimmick that Greg had to make work somehow. :PI'm not sure there can be a deeper answer than that, but if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the Klakk scream is something unusual itself. There are so few Toa of Sonics around that it's hard to know much else.... Now I'm wondering if the Makuta would kill off the Sonics-Toa in the same manner as Iron- or Magnetism-Toa, because Sonics-Toa might be able to undo light draining.I probably should reread most of the BIONICLE story now. ~~
  14. My collection consists solely of Von Nebula and the Furno Bike. You heard me right. :PWell, okay, I do have most of Stormer 2.0 from a trade too, but still.I should admit I wanted most/all of the Hero Factory Titans, but never got around to buying them. With the 2.0 and 3.0 Heroes, I don't intend to get any. Some of the newer sets are interesting, but I'll see when they go on sale somewhere.~ ~
  15. I used to trawl through almost all of them (except for the BZPRPG), but rarely visit and never post now.Where the BZPRPG's concerned, I've never visited and probably never will. ~~
  16. Heck, I'm just going to reply here and not even vote. :PIt depends on the poll. I never actually like the feature, but most of the time I don't really care. I suppose there might be instances where I actually dislike it, too, though.~ ~
  17. IT'S TIME FOR A DOUBLE NEGATIVE:I never don't. :PThere will be the very rare occasion on which I get a set "just because", but I usually end up just using those impulse sets for parts too.~ ~
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