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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. Well... do you mean a lot of input from the staff, or is there actually a theme to the names? I meant the latter, and I can't tell.~~
  2. Are you suggesting that I have goals here? :PNo wait... I'm suggesting that by being in this topic.I guess I still believe I'll finish my sixth and final BIONICLE-based short story for BZP, and maybe post some more PBZPs. Other than that, my only goal if I stick around will be to rally the Mancers.~ ~
  3. Indeed so.And it was worth it, I'M SURE.[/sarcasm]*shot*Anyway, interesting changes, but rather random. ~~
  4. Yes, although I don't eat them very often.The below has bought BIONICLE parts/sets off of eBay.~ ~
  5. This. Despite the clamoring of semi-metaphorical tons of people for "MORE FUNCTIONS", I thought even when I was younger that functions (especially gear functions) were goofy, unnecessary, and even sometimes annoying. I had a similar experience, though luckily I wasn't smacked very hard. Posing the Metru was always difficult... they were probably my least favorite gear-using Toa design, although they could look good if posed properly.~~
  6. It is raw, bacteria-covered bacon that you have no way of cooking.I wish I could load videos on my terrible internet.~ ~
  7. I probably should watch that show, but nope.The below has a screen name that they always return to.~ ~
  8. 5/5.Eh what, Gnaritamancer?~ ~
  9. Rocka (?) is swimming in gold, gold everywhere. Unlike you, he doesn't seem to be descending into protodermis.~ ~
  10. 2/5, I think.My return is not only triumphant but... uh, triumphant.~ ~
  11. I used to love BZP.There, I said it. I used to love BZP.I came here in the beginning because it was a great place to discuss BIONICLE. In a way it still is, but in a way it isn't. And, more importantly, I just don't often feel like discussing my still-abiding interest in BIONICLE.I eventually stayed here long-term because I made friends through the site. I still stick around mainly because I do still have friends here, but many (if not most) of my friends from BZP are no longer here on the site.The truth is that my presence has faded along with BZP's glory. I know how many members here are optimists, but I just don't see BZP ever attaining much greatness again. It's a solid site, true, with (dare I say it?) a great complement of staff members. And yet... I can't possibly see BZP making it big as a LEGO-based site. That's just not happening very quickly, anyway, and someday I think I'll see the last of this site, just as it'll see the last of me.BZP was a model site in my mind once. If its decline is to be turned around, I can't offer any concrete advice (yeah, I'm so helpful that way), but I do know it'll take more than just a shift towards LEGO.There's my hundred cents that no one asked for. :|~ ~
  12. I don't actually miss the books all that much, so I can't say the entire storyline.What I do miss about the storyline is the web serial part of it. Even as BIONICLE drew to a close, I'd scramble to read the new serial chapters as they came out.I miss the sets too, but the Hero Factory Titans aren't so bad after all. (The HF canister sets, however... are.)~ ~
  13. Good lard would you look at all this back-and-forth over Greg Farshtey.Anyway. This. Despite the clamoring of semi-metaphorical tons of people for "MORE FUNCTIONS", I thought even when I was younger that functions (especially gear functions) were goofy, unnecessary, and even sometimes annoying. I don't know if it was the best mask for her, but the mask by itself is just plain cool. ~~
  14. I have no shelf. :PWell okay, I have a table. And on that table there are several finished and perhaps two half-finished MOCs.It has to be said, though, that almost all available space I have is devoted to loose pieces I want to use in creations. I just don't care enough to display my MOCs, let alone my sets, except very briefly to take pictures.~ ~
  15. Most of the members I'd like to meet are site-dead. Sad but true.Because of that, nobody's going to actually care if I list people, but I'll just mention a few briefly anyway. :PI'd like to meet essentially all of the Mancers, but that's a given... Maybe Orahklas too.... Actually never mind, I won't go on with my list, there's too many other people to overfill this post with.~ ~
  16. ... unless you're a Doctor Who character?*shot* This is true.Well, as for me, I don't know anymore. I learned a whole lot of trivia, how to build articulated figures, and how to write badly. I also became part of this community.The question is, did I learn anything, or did I learn anything?~ ~
  17. It'll probably have another new theme... and will be highly dead. The website itself may possibly... It probably won't have many active members, if any, though. I expect BIONICLE will have returned in some form or another by then, but unless it too survives past BZP's second eleven-year-mark, I simply don't know if there will be anything other than bland generic LEGO discussion (or BIONICLE, I guess). I'll think of it when I get there. ~~
  18. A new and... highly colorful banner, I see. :PPlus a selection of many interesting links.~ ~
  19. Overlord


    OH YEAH? Well I took 12-hour car journeys every few months when I was younger than 11. *shot* I know the feeling of mental exhaustion after properly developing plots though... And I'm glad you had a great time. ~~
  20. Good afternoon, Gnaritamancer. Long time no see. :P

  21. I knew what you meant. I was just saying that it's usually the times that I'm not happy when I can't think of anything to blog about... not that I blog most of the time anyway. ~~
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