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Everything posted by Overlord

  1. All the wishes you are granted are actually corrupted in a similar way to those in this topic, and the cumulative bad luck knocks you out of existence.I wish that if I had a wish granted it could do me no harm.~ ~
  2. Many multiples - each - of Cahdok and Gahdok as well as Muaka and Kane-Ra at an ordinary independent toystore in 2007. Sadly, I only got one Cahdok & Gahdok...It wasn't exactly a weird place in space as much as a weird place in time. ~~
  3. I liked the idea, but never got them... and I can't find them (to buy them) to this day. :PMy favorites were probably the Rahkshi ones. The others seemed a bit forced in design to me, I suppose.~ ~
  4. You perceive depth where there is none and trip over everything.I wish I had a personal helicopter.~ ~
  5. 2/5. I remember you... But apparently I still get only a 1.5/5 from you. ~~
  6. Nope...The below has a mobile device.~ ~
  7. I actually (finally) sorted out my BIONICLE parts by category and use one canister for each category.... Although some categories inevitably spill out into multiple canisters.~ ~
  8. 3/5. It's been a while. ~~
  9. You learn how to do it at the cost of a thousand paper cuts. You may or may not die as a result.I wish I had a proper cloak.~ ~
  10. I have so many reasons beyond so many logics that I... where was I going with that?The below has worked with sprites before.~ ~
  11. I like it a lot, especially since the Avohkii is the one mask I've drawn that eludes me. (I.e. this one is nice.) Admittedly the feet look kind of mismatched, but I don't notice so much after the detail of the leg armor. ~~
  12. Sadly, I don't even know. :PProbably up to a year at a time? I don't exactly visit very often now, but I think my longest absence may have been in late 2009 or 2010.I keep coming back, though...~ ~
  13. You are over-sharpened and eventually broken.I wish I understood more phylogenetic research.~ ~
  14. Nope. :PThe below has more than 6 Kraata.~ ~
  15. 4/5. Once a semi-regular... I think?~ ~
  16. Not permanently or anything of course. I'm still around enough to make replies such as this one. ~~
  17. Sometimes BZP scares me because whenever I take a glance at anything on here after a long absence, I have absolutely no idea what it means or should mean. This is another one of those times, and I think I'll be off now. o~o ~ ~
  18. Granted, but it becomes entirely silent, and you are completely unable to locate your cat.I wish I could write at a higher rate.~ ~
  19. GOOD. :PI thought badly kept secrets could do some major damage, too, but maybe not the most.~ ~
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