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Blog Comments posted by Ehksidian

  1. Honestly, I feel like real-money lootboxes in full-priced AAA games just...don't belong.


    Companies aren't paying more for game development, but less. EA is the biggest culprit of this, literally spending less on game development than in 2009, yet racking in the profit through these hideously exploitative lootbox systems. The lootboxes don't "fund extra development", they literally just result in higher profit margins for less development cost.


    Even cosmetic ones I feel are bad, but EA's lootboxes have been especially bad. It's disappointing, really. The original Battlefront 2 is a fantastic game I have lots of fun memories of, and it's just a shame to see EA wringing what could've been a fantastic, enjoyable game for as much money for as little effort as possible. EA doesn't see games as an art form. They see them as a revenue stream and literally nothing else.

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  2. It's not even that old, yet it's being adapted like this.


    Honestly, I don't expect anything good to come from this adaptation. Some of the most stunning parts about it came from the fact it was animated. The vibrancy of the color palette, the landscapes shown, that one scene. It can't translate to live action and not lose some of what made it so good.


    And there's no doubt they'll try to americanize it. Which will just...make it all the worse, really. Certain elements of it simply just won't work. Yeah, it could be made into a story about a city boy and a country girl, but...the spiritual angle shown just doesn't have an exact equivalent in the states. How would they work that out? Or are they just going to strip that away, another layer of what made the story so impactful?


    Your Name is probably my favorite anime film (though, admittedly, I haven't watched many outside of Ghibli films) and I have a sinking feeling this won't be a good adaptation...just because of how much will be lost. I hold little faith in an actually good adaptation of a japanese work to live action after both GitS and Death Note were adapted in the west. Both had the chance to work well, but both missed the mark. Maybe Abrams will hit that mark, and set a new standard. Maybe not.


    Only time will tell.


    (no matter what though if they replace the soundtrack i will be upset.)

  3. i still want sinnoh ports :(


    i was initially disappointed with US/UM not being on the switch, since Su/Mo ran so poorly on the normal 3DS, but gamefreak normally doesn't jump to the next system immediately, let alone with the "definitive" edition of a generation.

    oh well.


    i just hope if they do remake gen 4, it's on the switch.

  4. or Nintendo doesn't wanna pull support from the 3DS instantly and throw all their eggs into the Switch basket

    the 3DS is still selling well

    until the Switch shows that it will succeed the 3DS, nintendo will probably maintain that it's totally not meant to replace the 3DS...just like how the DS wasn't meant to replace the GBA line.


    though yeah i can't wait for the first few "real" switch exclusives. ARMS and Splatoon 2 both look like they'll be good. especially splatoon 2.

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