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Everything posted by electrodude

  1. Probably Tamaru, we're both bad at sports and we both like music.
  2. Granted, but it's wrong, the Hobbit came out 12 december while the mayan calendar ends the 21th. Instead, they were counting down to the day when "Gangnam Style" would reach 1000000000 views. I wish Greg Farshtey would write ANYTHING longer than 500 words.
  3. Just listened to the title track of it. OH MY GOD. Same here. And then there's Sons of Winter and Stars O.O
  4. What do you guys think of Time I from Wintersun?
  5. Does anyone know when Slender: The Arrival comes out?
  6. I think the title explains it quite well .Here is the original epic, Hopeless Wars. Constructive criticism is appreciated .
  7. Since my last disastrous attempt at a comedy, which featured cannibalism, gore and Justin Bieber music and was therefore rightfully closed, I have decided to try and write a new fanfic, for real this time. I decided to post it in the epic section because it has a serious plotline overall, even though there will probably be some humor in the chapters. If there's any spelling mistakes, please tell.The epic is set in the Expanded Multiverse, which you have probably heard about. If not, here is the discussion topic. This fanfic features a bunch of toa from Alarist which are sent to Barrawahi to help Hand of Faith solve a hopeless conflict between 2 clans.Here's the review topic.Chapter 1: The first chapterListen again, friends and creepy online persons, to another EM fanfic of the bionicle. It's the year 498...Hi, my name is Kazuma and I'm from Central. Today, when I got out of bed, I found a package lying on my doorstep. I read the tag and it turned out to be from the Wiki Nui, which was made obvious by the logo on the tag.I started reading: "Hello Kazuma. We are pleased to inform you that an anonymous donor has given you a certain object. Provided you accept, you will recieve it this evening in room 236 at the Wiki Nui. Password is reverse.I was kind of shocked, as something this seemed more important than stuff I usually dealt with. I even suspected the criminals of having something to do with it. However, I decided to pick it up anyway, for kicks. I guess I had been too bored those days.When I arrived at the Wiki Nui in the evening, it was starting to go dark. My brain was restless, because I had had nothing but normal work today at my job, dishwashing in the popular forum plaza "Kopakabana". Which meant I could only wonder what the heck it could be that would happen. I've never been to room 236 before, must be one of those supersecret rooms that are used for weird purposes. I had heard all about it in the forum plaza: Shady businessmen from Industrial making even shadier deals, Hand of Faith members asking for nuclear weaponry, scientific expiriments that would cause commotion if they were made public and AAG officials making deals with the criminal underworld.When I asked for room 236 at the help service, the worker first asked my what I was to do here. I replied:"I have to pick up a present of some kind" The worker said she had to ask for confirmation so... Yeah I had to wait a second. After a while, I was joined by someone else, a red matoran I assumed was a Ta-matoran. After an uncomfortable silence he asked:"So, why are you here exactly?""You first." I replied."Well, I need to pick up something... It's kinda weird, I just got told this morning""Dude me too!" I replied. "We should be bros. What's your name?""I'm Laika the Ta-matoran, from the Wiki Nui." He said, sounding tired. "And you look like you're a Ko-matoran to me.""Thanks, toa obvious. I'm Kazuma, I work at the koro""Must be exciting out there." He said, slightly sarcastic."You bet. It's awesome." I said, trying to outsarcasm him.Before we could continue, the worker returned, saying she had confirmed our access and told us where the room was. When we arrived, I stopped. I had completely forgotten that there would be a password gate. This one had voice commands"You knew there would be a password, right?" I said"Yeah it's reverse" He said. The door did nothing."Maybe it's a code!" I said. "It's password in reverse! Drowssap!" Nothing happened.Laika looked at me weird. After a while of trying a third matoran walked in, apparently with the same mission. His name was Usilas and since he was transparent I assumed he was a Ka-matoran("You don't say").After a while he came up with a suggestion: "Maybe, it's reverse IN REVERSE!""What, you mean like esrever? That's the stupidest idea since my boss suggested I should travel to Enigma in a canoe if I would not accept my demoted salary." Laika said while the door opened."Or not." He said irritatedly.Inside the room, which was much less shady than I had imagined, was an AAG official, an green agori which was waiting on a couch. When he saw us, he quickly stood up and started talking."You have been called here this evening because one of our agents, Toa OIetsj, left you this." He pulled out three packages and gave them to us. Laika and me simply took them, but Usilas was hesistant."And how do I know this thing isn't just going to explode in my face? I don't like this whole thing. If you wanted us to have it, why didn't you just send it by mail? Why does this have to happen in a secret room, where nobody is listening? Why is this room locked with a cryptic password. When I looked I away I noticed Laika had dropped his package."Because" the agori spoke, "It only works in this building." He picked up Laika's package and revealed what was inside, a glowing crystalline thingy. "This is a toa stone" the agori bellowed. "Toa Oletsj resigned from our organisation and chose apparently random 6 matoran to be his successors."What organisation are you talking about?" Usilas said sharply. "I hope you don't mean the syndicate: I'm not going to throw my life away to work with criminals like you!""I'm a representative of the Awesome Brotherhood. We are nothing like the syndicate, We strive to do good in the world and fight evil! Ask yourself this question: If we were criminals, why would we have any interest in you? A cleaner, a dishwasher and a banker? No, I'm only doing this because I know Oletsj wanted you to do this, to be in here and part of our organisation."He turned around. Everyone was looking startled. Usilas and Laika had pick up their package again.The agori looked pleased. "I have arranged you'll meet the others tomorrow. I'm afraid you have no choice..."End of Chapter oneComments and constructive criticism are appreciated .
  8. Granted but you're sentenced to 30 years in jail. I wish Greg would continue his stories on bioniclestory.com
  9. The absence (mostly) of trolls and flamers, except when that TRUE FAN MOVEMENT thing struck a few years ago. Most people here are nice and understanding, and it ain't always that way on forums.
  10. Comedies are allowed right? (I'm planning one, but it will be kind of serious as to not mess up the continuity). Also, what happened to the shards contest?
  11. Zamorak is the god of chaos in RuneScape, in case the reference is still unclear . Well that was quite a chapter.
  12. I'm not really an active member so maybe I'm asking the obvious, but what happened? A few years ago the EM was big business and now it just seems like it just kinda... stopped. The last post on the discussion page dates from 2011, the wiki is down and the link to the 3.0 version of the guide no longer works. Did it just die down or did Bonesii and the other creators leave the project or something?
  13. Yeah the main problem with the commandments as a whole is that it just makes the whole thing too simple. On the other hand, a lot of kids like simplicity . I'll add those.
  14. I've been a lego fan for a while and while I no longer buy their stuff I still keep an eye on their products. Throughout the 2000's but especially in the recent years, 2 developements in lego struck my mind, and they're still in use right now. I'm sure you've all noticed them in some way.The first is the increase of lincenced themes, since Lego Star Wars was such a hit around 2000 it was only logical, but now some long standing themes have been replaced with a licence like Castle and Pirates.The second more complex, but still pretty clear. It's the rise of the Commandments of Flashy Themes, which are listed below.I. Thou shalt have two sides: Good and Evil. No moral ambiguity here. They can be identified by colour and styleII. In addition to Commandment 1, thou shalt not use complexity.III. Thou shalt not use subtlety, subtlety is for wimps.IV. Thou shalt make the good and evil guys fight over a set of objects carefully spread around all of the sets or even sold seperately.V. Thou shalt have a colour scheme containing lots of extreme colours and contrast.VI. Thou shalt not worry about being realistic.VII. Thou shalt not worry about being practical, especially in the weapons department.VIII. Thou shalt make anything that is valuable or powerful either bright and transparent, or glowing, or gold.IX. Thou shalt no longer put the emphasis on construction, but on action instead, with lots of epic functions that mostly consist of shooting. .X. Thou shalt not use peace, and victory can only be attained by slaughtering the enemy, directly or indirectly.Edit:XI. Thou shalt have an epic story with loads of room for expansion. Note that I don't think these are bad, I love Monster Hunters which is a prime example but it's very different from the lego before the 2000's.Also notice that Bionicle uses some of the commandments, but also adds a layer of complexity and a better colour scheme.What's your opinion on this subject? Please tell me if I'm wrong.NOTE: These are not mine, nor do I think these are necessarily the best things to go by, I'm only saying Lego goes by it
  15. I don't really think there's much of a change but if it happens, POLYNESIAN. I would want it to go back to its roots, with exotic locations, without flashy colours, and with some legendary feel to it without scifi.
  16. He ran out of fuel and died. Nah just kidding, I guess he wasn't really advanced so it's easy to think he just died of some battle or environmental hazard.
  17. Agreed! Though I don't think Lego had much of a choice, after all new enemies are usually more interesting.
  18. Who could've known that the Iron man face from 2009 was only forshadowing
  19. A few months ago I made a comedy. With cannibals. I'm lucky they didn't take my proto energy.
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