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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by >_<

  1. Oh, hello Mr. Shiny-eyes =) You're still at Doc. No. 9 then, you know, leather jacket, big ears. You'll meet the Doctor from my avatar sometime later =3 BTW, Doctor Who is the best show.
  2. I'm using WorldEdit, Essentials, GriefLog (which kinda sucks but I don't have to install MySQL), LapisPortals, PlayerSkulls, VoxelSniper, TempestEnderCrystal, DisguiseCraft, and a few others I can't recall ATM. Hmm, I'd advise using Spigot instead of CraftBukkit (it's essentially CraftBukkit but then with performance optimizations), getting pTweaks, and then getting rid of GriefLog and replacing it with LogBlock. How easy it is to get a MySQL database up and running would depend on whether you're hosting your server at home or with a professional company, but the guideline is that you usually want to get an internal database, otherwise your queue will probably just file up, causing the plugin to respond slowly and eventually lag out your server. And I'd advise against telling me how to run my server. I don't recall ever asking you for help. What an incredibly nice and considerate response of you. I was just giving you some friendly adive on plugins, not commanding you, so no need to go all angry like that =P
  3. Some might see black lines and while ones within those black lines spelling out the word 'Marked', but truely it's just Cthulhu depicted by Apple Maps.
  4. "Winter is coming." Is this Internet-memes I am sensing? (Aite, even though it's officially one word, changed it just to be sure. All hail the glorious power of synonyms!)
  5. Yes, I know. That was what I meant by "Kinda a sad fate that it ended up in the hands of some trader who doesn't even remotely care for anything about it except for the $way-too-much he can resell it for.", since obviously $29k is waaaay too much, even for the rarest Bionicle piece ever.
  6. Inspired it's owner to make his post above this one rather "smarty"/unoriginal, depending on how one looks at it. (4th wall, you will be dearly missed)
  7. Actually, looking at it some more, those aren't eyebrows in front of your ears. It's simply an epic Moustache of Moustachely Moustacheness. How about a monocle? =3
  8. Still, the idea that a Toa would, through some way, gain a more nuanced control over his/her mask's powers, remains an interesting one. However, even is Bionicle were to come back, I do not see this happen to more than one Toa with a mask-power like this, or if there were to be multiple Toa that could do similar things, it would have to be less potent with their mask's power, to prevent extreme Godmodding.
  9. 1. The Netherlands. Awwwwww yeeeaaaaahhh!2. Dutch (obviously) and English (also obviously). Tend to constantly switch between the two IRL.3. Yeah, they're all over the place. Usually just a lot of the same ones though.4. Hero Factory? yes. Bionicle:? no.5. Usually about half a year. By the time they're promoting them in the local LEGO Magazine, the next line is already on the global website.6. In a store, when I see something awesome, or a good deal.7. I'd like some more Bionicles, yes.9. BECAUSE IT'S THE MOST SYMMETRICAL NUMBER! YOU TERRIBLE PERSON, LEAVING IT OUT LIKE THAT! Just look at it: '8'.. it's perfectly symmetrical 10. [sorry, could not answer this question due to Doctor Who-induces emotions]
  10. Silence and the End of All Things.

  11. Hmm, I found out about BZP ages ago, most likely also from BioSector, which I found through Googling '[something Bionicle-related] wiki'. Didn't join though, since I wanted to maintain my 'no more than 2 forums at once'-policy, because if I try to be reasonably active on more than 2 at once, I tend to fail miserably and die. ('die' as in 'completely inactive', BTW. I'm not a zombie......... or am I? >=D )
  12. Do you think he's sell it to me for €200,-? [/poor] Still, that's one of the coolest thing's I've ever seen =D my precious..... Kinda a sad fate that it ended up in the hands of some trader who doesn't even remotely care for anything about it except for the $way-too-much he can resell it for. Anyway, I've sorta come to accept the fact that the rarest piece I'll ever own is a mere Chrome Hau. BTW, anyone has a list of the rarest pieces? I know there used to be one in the Archives, but they're kinda accessible right now.
  13. Yeah, seems like LEGO made lots of little-known promotional items. Should have a Barraki keycord around here somewhere, and I haven't seen all that many search results for that either. (BZPower: 0; Google: 1)
  14. What, you're saying that people who came before a legend can't have adventures? D= That's, eeehhhmmm, time-ist! >=I
  15. Well said. This discusion is getting too science-y One does not simply have enough science. But yeah, you can have lotsa' fun using Telekinesis to manipulate, i.e., the Higgs Boson.
  16. Well, you can't directly detect whether a mob is dead or not (there are proximity detectors, but those generally only work for players, and break after a couple of updates), but there are a couple of other ways to solve this: The obvious one: Force a mob to always be in contact with a pressure plate or tripwire, and then open the door when they're unpowered. Not very useful, since this also prevents players from entering.The cool one: Taking advantage of the Wither's sheer size, you could use several daylight sensors to detect whether it's still there, which should be possible since 1.5 will also introduce signal strength. This could be stretched out over a larger area because of that signal strength-function, but you'd also need a daylight sensor somewhere else that isn't near the others, to determine the time of the day and thus the threshold for when the Wither isn't there, since daylight sensors emit less power at later times of the day. This setup won't work at night though, which is kinda stupid.
  17. Try looking for Takutanuva instead, since that set also includes Makuta/Teridax and an exclusive remold of the kanohi Kraahkan.
  18. I'm using WorldEdit, Essentials, GriefLog (which kinda sucks but I don't have to install MySQL), LapisPortals, PlayerSkulls, VoxelSniper, TempestEnderCrystal, DisguiseCraft, and a few others I can't recall ATM. Hmm, I'd advise using Spigot instead of CraftBukkit (it's essentially CraftBukkit but then with performance optimizations), getting pTweaks, and then getting rid of GriefLog and replacing it with LogBlock. How easy it is to get a MySQL database up and running would depend on whether you're hosting your server at home or with a professional company, but the guideline is that you usually want to get an internal database, otherwise your queue will probably just file up, causing the plugin to respond slowly and eventually lag out your server.
  19. Based on a Kid's TV-show. (I sure do hope you get the irony there)
  20. Yes, while chronology tells us those titles had to be switched around, keeping it as-is seems more logical when considering the content of the books. And, as 'The Forgotten One' pointed out earlier, they probably indeed wanted to build some suspense..... for a series of micro-Bionicles that were really just overprices Matorans. ("Buy them for the gollllldd!")
  21. Since my memory is about equal to that of a spoon, I don't remember that much of the movies either, but that line could've been much better delivered if it was a play on something stated earlier, i.e.: Earlier: "green-eyes bad Hordika"-Vakama: "Friends don't do anything!" And then later: "That is what friends do." Pay attention to the pronunciation of the underscore/italics.
  22. That's probably because /nuke isn't provided by WorldEdit, but Essentials. Since it's not a WE command, you can't use WE's //undo function, since that only applies to recent WE actions.
  23. It makes me put in great effort to try and not be a massive Grammar Nazi. I failed.
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