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Toa Chuck

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Everything posted by Toa Chuck

  1. So I have about five Mocs I wish to enter. Should I just make just one topic with their galleries, or should I make separate topics?
  2. As we are allowed to submit previously posted creations, are we allowed to post a moc for critique before submitting a final version?
  3. A few questions: 1. So we can enter multiple villains? Is there a limit? 2. Would pieces that have been slightly chewed on (Unintentionally of course, from when I was young) be counted as modified if they don't effect color or connections? 3. Will the winner's model be used in any way by Lego? 4. Are we submitting an entry picture, or should it be a gallery? 5. When the prizes say Bionicle heroes, does it mean the masters? 6. Do LLD creations need to use only preexisting colors?
  4. I just had an idea of what the MoUP could be. In the original story, what resulted when the six elements were combined? Protodermis. What if by creating the MoUP, Makuta gave the Energised Protodermis entity (or its reboot equivalent) a way to channel its powers to the surface, in evil attempts to shatter Okoto to free itself from the core and wreak havoc. It would make for an interesting twist. Rather than the series end goal being to reunite the planet, the goal would be to prevent it.
  5. Ok, I think we can all agree that they could more or less make fair Kaita out of the sets. My issue with Kaita is that they are established to be stronger one on one than the three constituent Toa. This seemed a huge plot hole to me in Bionicle gen 1. They used the Kaita against the Manas, and were unable to use them against the Makuta, due to Makuta's aura of chaos and anti-unity. I can accept this. Why, however, they didn't use the Kaita against the Bahrag or Rahkshi is beyond me, and in later years, there are plenty of opportunities for Kaita to be really useful, but they simply have vanished. The issue with Kaita is that they are a Deus un Machina. It's interesting once, but when you fail to use it later, it makes no sense. And if you DO use it regularly later on, it becomes boring and predictable. Just leave the Kaita out this time. It makes things much simpler.
  6. Bionicle is back! Exciting!

  7. Mata-nui was literally the driving force behind all of bioneicle's story. His story has been told. I am happy to see new storys told about new charactors.
  8. My guess? The basic mask gives basic elemental abilities, while the golden ones give full elemental control plus a bonus power akin to the original kanohi powers.
  9. While Mcdonalds promotions seem out of the question, I would love some Mini-Protector polybags given out semi-frequently like the black brain polybag was.
  10. I heard due to the placement of the side pins, they fit in the sides of a ball socket. As such, they also fit on brain attack heads, but the glatorian heads stick just a little too far out for the new masks to fit.
  11. Wow! These are pretty impressive! Crystal beast has a nice spine, but is otherwise a bit plain. Flyer beast looks great re imagined as a dragon. Jaw beast simply is amazing. The proportions on tunneler beast are a bit off, but he is otherwise solid.
  12. Not at all. They're same prices as the ones from this year's Hero Factory sets. New functions are not to blame for the price increase, just good old inflation. I know, right? The prices are the same, but the complaints seem to be mistakenly based mainly on the fact that they want so many more of these guys. (Unlike hero factory, where just one or two sets per wave was normal)
  13. Quick comparison: Tahu/Kopaka/Onua = Splitter beast/Furno XL/Dragon bolt Gali/Pohatu/Lewa/LOSS = Drill machine/crystal beast/stealth machine + 1 Protectors = jaw beast/rocka climber/evo walker So, considering their size, and the inclusion of technic gear fuctions, I'd say they are pretty on par with lego's constraction prices. If you think they are expensive though, just take a gander at some of those chima sets.
  14. I would like to join. Spot seven please.
  15. ...are you sure? All the cg renders of pohatu are blatently trans yellow. Trans lime is such a downer. Its not a bad color, but pure colors are so much more useful, and i already have an oversaturation of trans lime from hero factory.
  16. Honestly, all the small story details we are getting sound cool, but I'm going to reserve judgement until it actually gets started. Looking back, Lego had three big story themes after Bionicle. Hero factory was always kinda meh with story, and kinda just fizzled out by the end of its run. Ninjago seemed like any other generic lego theme at first, but it EXPLODED. With storytelling some have hailed as "The true Bionicle successor," and was wildly successful. Chima had a strong start, with excellent world building, interesting charactors, and even constraction figures! But then the first TV show came out. Chima's reputation plummeted. While it has gotten a lot better since then, it is nowhere near as popular as Ninjago. My hope? Lego has hopefully learned from their mistakes and victories and will use this knowledge to make Bionicle 2.0 great. On a different note, I would find it amusing if Vezon popped up for a cameo, as long as it has no real storyline significance.
  17. Poor makuta. He just can't motivate himself to do great things unless he is one upping someone.
  18. And people wonder why they are changing it to just raw magic and solid gold.
  19. If you figured out how to make massive quantities of magic plastic, you'd want to build an absurdly giant robot too.
  20. In the Karda-Nui saga, the Av-Matoran used plants called light vines to prevent the approach of shadowy beings. I'm pretty sure they were effective on shadow Matoran, but were they strong enough to deter a Makuta? Did the Av-Matoran think so?
  21. My guess is they will be showing off some of their movie and comic licensed sets for next year, along with bionicle. Bionicle will be getting ALL of the limelight however, because it is lego's own IP.
  22. If it is some sort of continuation, the shadowed one and the barraki would make the best candidites for the main villians. Velila is too backstory laiden, goldie isn't really evil, and marendar would be unable to support a sustained storyline. If its a reboot, it could be nearly anything, though i would like the idea of karzahni being the villian against artahka. However, i would not want it to be a makuta. They are too op, and too oversaturated in the old story. We need something new.
  23. Looking back on the story, I noticed something. Mata-Nui is not a very good charactor. When looking at the vast history of the matoran universe, what do you notice? Mata-Nui could care less about the people inside him. He completely ignored what was going on within him, he required a toa to die for him because he didn't bother interviening in the (rather large scale mind you) civil war, he assigned six barraki to basicly run things for him (and look how well that turned out), and worst of all, he got all the credit for everything. This complete lack of respect for others was what drove the Makuta to rebel. In Time Trap, Vakama is awed by Mata-Nui's interferance to create the toa, but really, Mata-Nui was just trying to save his own skin. Then, what happens when he is ejected from the robot? Rather than an interesting story of a fallen god trying to redeem himself for his mistakes, he lands on a planet, paints himself a perfect protagenist with the deus ex machina face, and proceeds to ruin everyone's lives. Who does he soley blame for his downfall dispite it being his own fault? Teridax. Who became an angry idiot so that Mata-Nui could fight him? Strakk. Who became an angry idiot with back pains so Mata-Nui could beat him? Tuma. Who changed from the strongest, most feared warriors on bara-magna to mindless pathetic soldiers so that Mata-Nui could be victorious? Skrall and bone hunters. What interesting race was reduced to total obscurity because someone hogged the brown set spot? Vorox. Who got the agori to give up their giant sheltering fragments so that he could be big again? Mata-Nui. Who became an angry idiot in a giant robot so Mata-Nui could beat him? Teridax. I think I'm overblowing this a little, the the point stands. As a god, Mata-Nui did a poor job. As a Glatorian, he was a terribly generic (and don't get me started on the Kanohi OPnika) good guy, when they could have done so much more interesting things with it.
  24. My headcannon is that MU inhabitents have no gender whatsoever, and so only indentify as one due to the culture they live in.
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