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Everything posted by Garda

  1. @Invi: Believe me or not, this isn't necessarily supposed to be aimed as a comedy. Not all comic topics are comedies, I will have intermissions between Seasons. And those will be consisted of humor. Also, not only will there be humor during the intermissions, but there will be some humor in the background, but this is mostly a plot-based series. I can explain the names. Basically Garda started the clan known as the "Arda Clan." Which are like relatives going down and down the chain. Each one has "Arda" in their name.
  2. Dubstep is for hipsters yo. Good job Darcy, keep up the good work.
  3. First of all.. I'd just like to mention.. This does NOT connect to the NGCverse at all.. This never happened in the NGCverse, and will never happen, but that doesn't mean that the NGC or the ICC or any other continuity don't exist. In fact Garda was in the NGC.. Before this happened. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Anyway.. This story takes place 15 years after the end of Portal Panic. Which I'd have to apologize to my readers for that series, because they either, 1. Weren't interested or 2. Extremely Confused, but regardless, I am hoping that this series will succeed.. I am also hoping this will exterminate my old stereotype. Which is mostly gone, but now it's time to finish it off. Regardless this takes place 15 years after the end of Portal Panic. At the end of Portal Panic, Garda was flying a plane back to main base. Full of prisoners of war, because the war had ended, and the plane was shot down, and he didn't survive. Just before the end of the series he met a girl named Keemy, who he married, and she had triplets.(Xarda, Jarda, and Arda.) Before she died after giving birth. She asked one of Garda's best friends, Sarah, to take care of her children. The boys are now 15 years old and this series about their lives. Season 1 The Prelude ​Life Credits Rahi Zaku and all of his helpers for the kit. Justax-Kal for my sprite. Deceimeter for the header. The Internet for the pictures. If I missed you please PM me in a jiffy. Thank you.
  4. I really like it so far Zero.. Can't really say much after just one comic.. But I can't wait to see more.
  5. Man.. That's kind of depressing when you say "Fail attempt." It's very nice to see you back Mr. Maniac..
  6. Well.. That's an interesting name for the planet.. I guess someone could always ask the ancient old question. "Why are we here..?"
  7. Garda


    They're not comics he's ripping off.. It's off of a video called asdfmovie. There are 4 movies, and a song.. And I find them absolutely hilarious. And Bio... Great job on the comics.. Keep it up. It may just be, but your mask looks odd in hand drawn form.
  8. Bluhhhhh..

    1. Calvirick
    2. Garda



      I couldn't think of anything else on my mind.. But.. Bluuhhhh..

  9. Garda

    *Kicks down door* Quirk has been stolen. ;D

    1. Utah


      *old western music plays*


      I see how it is, good sir. A DUEL IS IN ORDER, THEN!

    2. Garda


      *Pulls out Persian Persuader* *Charges* ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH *Bashes into what was a living Soldier*

      *Looks around* Oopsy. *Charges away*

  10. It makes me so sad that you're retiring. Even though you have a great gift of comic knowledge, that not many people in this forum have. I can't believe that you're retiring. Well.. I loved the prologue. It was absolutely amazing. I really wish I could do things like that.
  11. Decei.. As wonderful as always.. I love your graphic style. Glowing text seems to be your quirk.(If that's used correctly.)
  12. Something awesome you can make with these awesome Sprites.
  13. Enjoy this edit: http://www.brickshel...ns/tale1sit.pngI just realized that you could make a "It's Friday!" Reference in that comic.
  14. That's a very nice Herofeed page.By the way.. ICC Garda can now commence smashing his face into a wall of styrofoam filled with TNT. Alena Paprika Hyper is the lady that posted above you. And.. Adrag is pronounced Ad-rag.. Not A Drag. XD Just saying.
  15. Garda

    Kanohi Of Comedy

    Well.. If it isn't one of idols, that helped me in comic making! I'm really liking the new comics Coob. Keep em' up.
  16. Garda


    This is one of the moments where someone would say.. Dun dun DUNNNN.
  17. Garda

    Why Not?

    Hey Spirit.. How's it going..? It's going good..? That's great! Thanks for noticed me! And.. That's pretty funny. I like how his name is bum.
  18. I'm really happy that you were our forum leader on the old forums. I kind of wish that you could continue to help us, but a new generation has come along. Thanks for all of your great help. I'm really happy that you were to help us. Thanks.

    1. Garda


      That you were able to help us*

  19. Garda


    I believe what he is talking about is.. Biocraft.. A minecraft movie based off of the first Bionicle Movie. You should look it up. I'm somewhat excited to see what you have planned for us.
  20. That, or 600 some people have read your comics.
  21. Garda


    I was extremely bored when I made these.. And I'm a weird person.. And with those two combinations put together.. Weird and random is made. But if you actually read the topic.. I'm looking for Criticism.
  22. When Chilly says.. "Opt." Is that her way of saying "Uggh..?"
  23. Garda


    To be honest.. This topic servers no other purpose.. Other than just plain constructive criticism. Some of you that know me from Skype, may have already seen these comics. But I wanted to know what some others have thought.. I have two examples at the moment.. May make a third representing Story Based. And I'm not sure if it's allowed.. But if anyone else wants to post some of their comics.. For criticism as well.. Go ahead. Here's my two: Random Humor Based Graphic Based <-- If you read this comic, PLEASE do not tell me how stupid the comic is. Cause I already know it's extremely stupid. Criticism.. Away..
  24. Garda


    That's from the comic post up at the top. It may be shot in Minecraft, but it is Bionicle-based. -Rez It may say it.. But if you actually read the comics.. Is it Bionicle related at all..? Or does it progress into Bionicle stuff..? Cause otherwise it's lieing. It progresses into Bionicle, the current character is actually an infamous bionicle. And, it's lying, not lieing I'm sorry if I sounded mean. But I just wanted to clarify. And thank you for the clarification. I'll be watching these. Also.. Welcome.. Unless you were here before.. Then.. Welcome again.
  25. Well I'm glad that I have something meaningful to say once and awhile. I'll try my best to post more often, to express my opinion on your creative art that people call comics these days.
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