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Tifosi 92

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Blog Entries posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Tifosi 92
    You honestly thought I'd have something worthwhile to say in my first entry?
    So I finally decided to make a blog. It took me a moment to get everything set up, and I'm not quite sure I'm done yet, but it's a start. Thanks to all my friends who encouraged me to make this; I wasn't planning to until I saw the amount of support you guys showed for it. I can't think of much else to say, honestly!
  2. Tifosi 92
    So with Valentine's Day coming up, I figured I could use it as an excuse to finally get a love story written and posted so I can get it checked off on the list of genres I've written into. For a while, I was absolutely rock-bottom on inspiration, and then suddenly, I've got so many ideas that it's difficult for me to pick just one of them. Honestly, what would you guys be the most interested in seeing?
    -A songfic about a Kolhii player who has a crush on a fan, who in turn is totally unaware of this.
    -A mostly action-oriented story about two Toa who find they have closer ties after they're sent to raid a fleeing airship.
    -A more subdued story about an eastern/Oriental-themed island with Matoran who hold values different from the three virtues.
    -A slightly more sorrowful story set on Bara Magna during the Core War.
    -Another S&D "fanfic" concerning the still unconfirmed "romance" between Dekra and Ayla.
    In all honesty, I may revisit some of these ideas even if I don't choose them, but my reputation for leaving projects unfinished may dictate otherwise. *lol* Which ones would you guys be most likely to read?
  3. Tifosi 92
    Valentine's Day Story Club

    Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and love is in the air... for some. For others, it's a perfect time to write a love story. I have a feeling I'm not the only one writing a Valentine's Day story, and as such, this idea crossed my mind: a Valentine's Day Story Club.

    Q: What is the club about?
    A: Basically, the idea is to form a list of V-Day stories in this entry with the goal of earning reviews from fellow V-Day story writers. If you've written or are still planning to write a Valentine's Day story and want reviews for it, you can get them by posting a link to your story here. The reviews won't necessarily come for free, of course--if youre in the club, you're expected to leave a review on at least two stories from other club members out of kindness.

    Q: How would I go about getting into the club?
    A: If you've written a V-Day-themed story, something similar, or are planning to write one, post a link to your story in a comment on this entry, and I'll add it to a list of stories at the bottom of this entry. That's all there is to it!

    Q: Does the story have to be specifically written for Valentine's Day?
    A: Technically, no. If you've written a story that fits into the love-story genre recently (within the last two or three weeks), I don't see a problem with submitting it to the list.

    Q: What incentive is there to give reviews?
    A: I don't really want to turn this into a contest (mainly because there aren't any prizes I could realistically give ) but I think there should be something given to the author in the club with the greatest combined total of given and received reviews. This might not be more than bragging rights that you were the most helpful member or wrote the most reviewed story, or maybe both. Time will tell, depending on how many writers join.

    Q: How long will the club be active?
    A: After some consideration, I'm thinking of keeping it open until the end of February, in the interest of giving everyone time to review stories. After that, there really isn't much point in keeping it open.

    I have absolutely no idea how this will work out, or even if anyone will join. If there aren't many participants, I'll probably end up just deleting the entry. Hopefully, that won't have to happen. *lol* If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment asking them.

    The List

    Tifosi 92 - I Go to Extremes
    Peach 00 - My Valentine
    Cap'n K - Bittersweet Melancholy
    Inferna Firesword - Beautiful Nightmares
    Lady Kopaka - Story Pending
    Spink's Cat - Story Pending
  4. Tifosi 92
    Island of Doom

    Story: You are a lone Toa, with no known past and no planned future. You make a living in the Matoran Universe by being a treasure hunter. Travelling to the farthest charted regions of the Matoran world, you collect important artifacts or other items sought by many in order to gain profit. When there is word that six traitorous Skakdi thieves have found the Mask of Shadows and left for Voya Nui shortly after, you trek posthaste to the forgotten island in search of Makuta's coveted mask. When you arrive, you find the island barren. Your Toa canister washes up on the shores of a massive fortress, no doubt where the Skakdi thieves have hidden the mask. Armed with only a pistol, you make your way into the Piraka's stronghold...

    In short, Island of Doom is a first-person-shooter that my brother (Tifosi 94) and I are working on creating. The game takes place in an alternate universe. Just how alternate that universe is will be revealed at the end of the game.

    Software Info: Besides the obvious title reference to Doom, which is arguably the original first-person-shooter, Island of Doom is being constructed using an improved, freeware source-port of the game's original engine: ZDoom. While the original Doom ran in DOS, ZDoom can run in Windows XP and Vista, and revives the classic Doom for gameplay in newer versions of Windows. Another popular aspect of Doom that ZDoom revives was the amount of customizable features the game had. With the right tools, one could completely convert Doom into another game entirely. That's what my brother and I are doing in the creation of "Island of Doom", in an attempt to make a groundbreaking Bionicle FPS game.

    Gameplay Info: Because Island of Doom (IoD) uses the same engine that powers Doom, many of the controls and gameplay features are the same. However, we're looking to change a number of aspects of Doom gameplay in order to make it feel more original while still keeping the classic Doom gameplay intact. There will be five varying settings of difficulty to select from, depending on your experience with FPS games. IoD will feature nine playable levels, set in a variety of locations inside the Piraka stronghold; you'll be fighting through a laboratory, through underground tunnels, and at one point you may even come across the very room in which the Toa Nuva were imprisoned. The game has a variety of enemies for your character to fight, including Bohrok, Vahki, Rahkshi, and even the dreaded Makuta. Your aresenal includes a number of weapons from Bionicle lore, like a zamor sphere launcher or a Midak Skyblaster, as well as a few original weapons, such as the KS40 and Nynrah Shotgun. I'd like to stress that despite being a first-person-shooter, IoD will be no more violent than many existing fan-fictions here on BZP.

    Other Info: Right now, we're targeting a release date sometime around December. The game is well on track with no plans of being cancelled, as we are somewhere past halfway completed. IoD should run properly on most Windows operating systems. There is a patch that can run ZDoom on Macintosh, but we have no plans to integrate that into development as we have no Macintosh operating systems to test it on. The final download size for the game will be no more than 40MB, maybe less, so it shouldn't use a whole lot of space compared to other computer games.

    So yeah, that's Island of Doom in a nutshell. If you have any questions, just drop a comment. Every once in a while I'll probably post a few dev status updates here, as well as any more info on the release of the game.
  5. Tifosi 92
    I don't even know why I'm writing this.
    Rainbow Road, in pretty much any of its forms, is one of the most awesome race tracks ever, even if it's only from Mario Kart. The music, the setting, the danger, the speed, the spectacle; it's all there. There is absolutely nothing like cruising about the cosmos on a narrow, multi-colored ribbon that twists this way and that, even if only in a video game. Whoever came up with the idea certainly had an original one, that's for sure. Still waiting for Nintendo to feature them all in one GP on the same game...
    Racing on Rainbow Road for real would probably be pretty close to the top of my "things-I-could-do-if-I-could-do-anything" list. 'Twould be absolutely amazing, especially on a bike.
  6. Tifosi 92
    Found this today, and I just had to post it here. Even if you don't follow Formula One, this should still be mildly entertaining:

    I don't think that anything like this has ever been done before, actually. I'll have to get tickets to the loser's flight and make sure they keep their end of the bargain.
  7. Tifosi 92
    I could probably ask the Short Stories Critics Club about this, but as they're looking rather busy at the moment, I'd like to see if I can get some help from a few regular members. Most of my recent writing works have gone un-reviewed lately, and it's starting to make me wonder the slightest bit if it's because I'm simply not as good at writing as I may have previously estimated. If you're reading this, I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't mind at least checking out one of the stories listed below. I'm not even asking for reviews here--if you were to read one of these stories and simply post a short blog comment on this entry telling me what you thought, that would be really helpful. Of course, reviews are still welcome, but all I'm asking is for a basic opinion of my writing. Here are some of my most recent stories, all of which have gone with little to no feedback:
    Flying Alone
    The Mansion
    Wish You Were Here
    Again, any help would be extremely appreciated, even if only to find out how my writing's been doing lately.
    EDIT: This is the last time I'll be bumping this--any help would mean a lot to me.
  8. Tifosi 92
    No, this isn't a LotR-related entry (Gotcha LK (you too, Velox) ), but something I think is a bit more important:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « 
    Simply amazing. My interest in F1 has been multiplied ten times compared to what it was at the end of last year. If you weren't watching F1 before, now is the absolute best time to start. Can't wait for the first race of the season!
  9. Tifosi 92
    So that's that then. I don't dislike Alonso, but I'm not really a fan of him either. Kimi, on the other hand, is probably my favorite driver in the field right now, and he'll be going to McLaren, of all teams. Looks like I'll be rooting for Vettel next year.
    EDIT: Kimi's not even confirmed at McLaren yet. I'd honestly rather have him retire at the end of the year than race anywhere else.
  10. Tifosi 92
    Just a heap of random updates because I haven't said anything here in a while:
    -I highly suggest that you check these two blog entries out. They address a few things that I think BZPers have been ignoring as of late. I'd write something like those two highly intelligible members have, but I'd just be repeating them and therefore wasting my time.
    -It's that BBCC time again, in which most members seem to disregard a few guidelines. I'd specifically point you to this one.
    -So, nine days into NaNo, and I haven't written anything yet. Sort of depressing, as I have a bunch of ideas and this one story that I've been meaning to get down for ages, but haven't had the time to yet. Curse you, block of the writer. Not really asking for encouragement, just making this fact publicly available so that I'll be motivated to write after everyone sees I've done nothing.
    -I haven't been very active in the forums lately for a variety of reasons. I'd like to participate much more, but I'm just too busy with a bunch of different things that are of a higher priority and require my attention.
    -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 realeases tomorrow, and I couldn't care less.
    -I can't wait for the results of the third part of the Short Stories Autumn Olympics, even though I'm very doubtful I did well.
    -Discussing Formula One is like discussing politics--if some people don't see it the way you do, they'll always be on the other side of the fence and there's nothing you can do about it.
    -Island of Doom has taken somewhat of a backseat to other projects as of late. The release date may end up being switched to sometime early next year rather than within the coming weeks.
    -On a somewhat lighter note, I've been abnoramlly hooked on Mario games lately. I'm finally coming close to finishing Super Mario Galaxy some two or three years past its release, and if I'm playing any game it all, it's usually either that or Mario Kart. Ah, Nintendo... you've done it again.
    And that's all. How's everybody been going?
  11. Tifosi 92
    What a waste of a great car. I mean, if anything, the guy should've been enjoying the ability to drive the car, not using his cell phone. Just goes to show that having a fast or precise car doesn't always make someone a good driver. Honestly, the thing that scares me the most about this is that people like this are on the road every day--if anything, this speaks volumes about the dangers of using a cell-phone while driving.
    Next time you're having a bad day, just be glad you aren't this guy.
  12. Tifosi 92
    Just wanting to wish everyone here on BZP a Merry Christmas, and to a greater extent, a happy new year as well. Remember to be thankful for everything you've gotten today, and to show appreciation to those who gave things to you. Hope everyone got some really cool stuff!
  13. Tifosi 92
    If the entry title is confusing, that's the level naming scheme for Doom/IoD. "E" stands for "Episode", "M" stands for "Map". E1M5 in IoD is going to be set in a series of mining tunnels, and is certainly the most customized level the game will have to offer, featuring a number of lifts/elevators, a mutagenic river, and a few teleports as well. The music is going to be fast-paced as well; something that'll probably make you want to run faster through the winding claustrophobic tunnels while toasting everything with a Midak Skyblaster.
    So why am I hyping all this up? Because I'm finally getting close to finishing design work for it. Honestly, though, it's one of the levels I'm most excited about.
  14. Tifosi 92
    Even if you aren't really a follower of Formula One or racing in general, I suggest you read this. It's mildly amusing, to say the least. *lol*

    I got quite a kick out of this. I can't remember the last time F1 drivers argued like these two. I must say it's quite hilarious.
  15. Tifosi 92
    Looking forward to the new year, though it will most likely be a busy one. I've been less active on BZP towards the end of the year, and I'm starting to think that this might not change for a while, unfortunately. School is just too much of a burden for this, and whenever I do have time to relax I'm often chatting with friends or playing games. Here's to a hopefully easier year for everyone in 2010--and a more active one on my part.
    Also, I've been trying to finally write out some projects I've had in the back of my head for a while, but none of them are coming out the way I want them to due to perhaps a lack of motivation. I know they can be good stories if I can get my mindset right, but for some reason I haven't been able to do that. Should I try to brainstorm some of my old ideas more thoroughly and see if I can get the fire back into them, or should I abandon them completely and wait for a new idea to come along?
  16. Tifosi 92
    Just realized I haven't posted anything here in a long while. I've been sort of inactive lately for a variety of reasons, but in the coming days I'm hoping to get back into posting/reporting/random stuff. I've been meaning to get some of my writing topics cleaned up and also post some new stuff soon, so keep an eye out.
  17. Tifosi 92
    So now that I am somewhat caught up on writing stuff, and finally did get a refreshing bit of inspiration earlier, why is it that I feel like I'm worse off than I was before? There are still some other ideas that I'd like to put into topics here on BZP eventually, and even though I want to work on them, I can't seem to get the drive to do it all of a sudden, even when I was ready to write just last night. Can't figure it out at all, and it's driving me nuts.
    Oh, and does anyone have any idea why the views for my latest story topic doubled from 40 to 80 today even though I only viewed it four times?
  18. Tifosi 92
    It's been a long-awaited plan of mine to go back and touch up my only existing epic, Search and Destroy. Finally, I've found the time to start making revisions. If you've read any of my work other than S&D, then you shouldn't expect much from it. The writing quality is much lower, and I've since adopted a higher standard in what I want to have posted here on BZP. As such, I'm going back and revising much of the epic, making some relatively big changes to the style of narration and description, hopefully to bump up the quality a notch. No changes to the plot will be made.
    The revised Chapter 1 has been posted in the epic's topic. If you haven't read it before, now would probably be a good time to start. I'll keep you updated as each chapter is revised. When I'm done revising them all, maybe I'll finally be able to post the last chapter. *lol*
  19. Tifosi 92
    Finally decided to put aside some time for BZP and end the pseudo-hiatus that I've had going for the last week or so. Went on a total posting spree in GD to make up for lost time, as well as caught up on all the hubbub regarding psionics and the end of Bionicle sets. I don't really think I missed much, quite honestly. In addition to that, I've managed to catch up (I think?) on reviews for the most part (Check your HB Glats topic LK!), although I know there are still one or two things I missed (a review for your SSAO story is due soon, Velox ). There are still some stories that I'm obliged to read, and a number of writing edits that I'll hopefully be able to make in the coming weeks, but I've finally gotten the ball rolling towards making progress on this stuff. I'm stopped at 1499 posts for a reason, as well.
    How's everyone doing?
  20. Tifosi 92
    So the last F1 race of the year was run today, and I can honestly say I wasn't exactly impressed. Usually nothing can take my attention away from an F1 race, but I barely payed attention to the last twenty laps or so. There were very few overtaking moves at all, and honestly not much to remember from the race other than the track. The only highlights of the race were Kamui Kobayashi passing newly-crowned world champ Jenson Button and a battle for second between Mark Webber and Button towards the end of the race. I didn't think that the race itself was a fitting close to the season, although the track was amazing. A few other circuits could take a cue from Abu Dhabi. In short, I'm much impressed again with the way Toyota's Kamui Kobayashi drove through the race. For a rookie, he's got immense talent, and reminds me a lot of Michael Schumacher. Kobayashi may yet be the only reason I'd watch F1 next year because of all the rule and driver changes. I'm very sad to see Kimi Raikkonen leaving Ferrari on such an anticlimactic note as well (12th ). I'm not entirely looking forward to watching Ferrari next year.

    And with that, there's a large chance that this will be my last F1 related entry for a while. 

  21. Tifosi 92
    Thanks to everyone else on Team Yes who participated in the creation of our story. It was a pleasure working with all of you, and I'm very glad we came out on top. Excellent work everyone, and be sure to keep writing!
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