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Blog Entries posted by Nescent

  1. Nescent
    Spent half an hour fishing broken joints from my Bionicle drawers, took some photos.
    Here is the whole pile of broken joints. May they rest in pieces.
    Most of them just had small, unexciting cracks, so I picked out all the horribly disfigured parts and took some glamour shots.

    The obligatory 2007 lime green comparison. I was actually surprised to have so many still in tact, but I've probably never MOCed with those pieces since they're so fragile.
    To be honest though, I think this is the most fragile piece in all of Bionicle:

    I could only find one that didn't have any cracks.
    The dark red 2008 hands also put up a weak fight:

    This was probably the most interesting ruined joint.
    Anyway, it's nice to have those cleaned out, although I'm sure there are still some left for me to find. Observation: Aside from the 2007 lime greens, there was only one - one, amongst hundreds - cracked 2001-style hand piece. It was a dark blue piece from Gadunkadunk. I really wish they never replaced that mold.
  2. Nescent
    Recently I've been sifting through different fonts, trying to find the right one. I've settled for a font called Avenir:

    Isn't that just the loveliest font you've ever seen?
    Are there any fonts you're partial to?
  3. Nescent
    Are your 2015 Gold Masks sitting at the side of your desk serving no purpose whatsoever? Perhaps you should build this simple rack out of common pieces to put them on display!
    Posting this here since I don't think it belongs in BBC. The bonus with this is that they have eyes, and you can pretty much use any color you'd like!
  4. Nescent
    This should be a criminal offense...maybe then I'd stop doing it.
    Still haven't finished Death Note. I was really into that show, made it to the second-to-last episode, really wanted to see how it ended - then three years passed and I still haven't finished it.
    Star Trek: The Next Generation. Freaking loved the show, watched all seven seasons, but still haven't watched the last episode. Been putting that off for months.
    Now I'm re-reading Harry Potter, and I'm at the very end of the fourth book (like, four chapters left), and I just stopped reading it.
    It's like, the ending is really special so I want to wait until the time is right before I read/watch it, and it just never happens. Anyone else have a habit of doing this?
    Also, I decided to spice up my blog. New name, sidebar is now on the left, and I'll put a different Futurama quote under that picture with each new entry.
    Oh - also! - this doesn't really have to do with anything, but Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials is coming to television. Between that, and the new Star Trek show, I've got a lot to look forward to!
  5. Nescent
    I have to have blood drawn every month to get it tested, and I learned three months ago (the first time that I had it drawn) that I'm totally prone to passing out. Tomorrow I have to give blood for the third time, and I'm dreading it. Here's what happened when I passed out:
    -was blind for 3+ minutes
    -the nurse kept putting ammonia in my face and it took a few seconds for me to smell it
    -couldn't talk
    -my hearing got...weird
    It was an interesting experience...but I hope it doesn't happen again. Afterwards I am going to check a few stores for Bionicle, since apparently Target restocks toys on Tuesdays.
  6. Nescent
    Recently I've been wanting some pumpkin pie. Just, I don't know, I love pumpkin pie, and I want to have some. Well as it turns out, I've been lied to, for you see pumpkin pie is in fact not seasonal. I always thought you could only get it on Thanksgiving, since that was the only time my family ever served this particular treat.
    Delighted, I picked up a can of pumpkin, and the ingredients from the recipe on the back - evaporated milk, seasonings, pie shell, all that good stuff - and just ten minutes ago I started drumming them all together. First the sugar and the spices..then came the eggs...the pumpkin settled in nicely, and it was starting to smell pretty delicious already.
    When I added the condensed milk - gradually, as per the instructions - it slowly dawned on me that this was quite a bit of mix. In fact, the large bowl was almost over-spilling with liquidy pumpkin goodness. Could it be...but surely, no...yes, this is far too much mix...
    I withdrew the pie crust from the freezer, and lo and behold - there were actually two crusts in there. Surprise, I wound up with a bonus pie.
    I've got two pies in the oven, and a mostly-full can of whipped cream in the fridge. It's all happening.
    What's next? Summertime eggnog? Wintertime snow cones? Are those little yellow Peeps chicks actually only available in Easter?
    Edit: I was supposed to let it cool another hour but I'm having a slice now anyway. It's warm, but still delicious.
  7. Nescent
    I've got another thing to share.

    I felt like an idiot photographing that
    Two of October's contests down, two to go. I'd still like to build something for the Halloween BBCC, and also for /r/bioniclelego's Technic-function contest.
  8. Nescent
    Just finished up my second (and final) entry for #BionicleMaskMaker.

    Mask Power: Instills fear into the opponents of its wearer.
    Here's the full gallery.
  9. Nescent
    If you read my previous entry, you know that I'm creating a third Wildlife Combiner installment, this time with a video. Well I've been creating some 3D scenes for each of the regions, by dissecting each regions' art into layers and creating short animations that show the art in motion. They're really cool (and a lot of fun to make!) and I'm excited to share them next year.
    But while I wait for the new sets, I'm also creating an animation of the island itself. So right now, I'm working on a 3D island of Okoto, and once it's done, I can pan around the island in the video. I just started it tonight, so it's very preliminary, but it's looking pretty cool so here's a preview!

    (I am going to be so very disappointed if next year takes place on a different island by the way )
  10. Nescent
    Today I passed out with my arm tucked beneath my pillow. A couple hours later, I awoke in that same position, and my right arm was dead. From the elbow down, it just felt like rubber. Couldn't move it at all, and it was completely numb. It was really weird to lift my arm up, and watch my hand just flop down like a piece of meat. After a couple minutes, it went back to normal, so I guess there's no lasting damage.
    Side note: the second Harry Potter movie had a fairly accurate portrayal of this.
  11. Nescent
    Hello! I'd be kinda surprised to find someone reading this, but okay. Well, there's not much going on today, except that I really have to [start and] finish a board game for school. That is to say, for English class, I have an assignment due in which I need to read a book, and make a board game on it, and...Well, I have about 200 pages left in my book and it's due Friday. =( But the good news is that tomorrow, I have two periods free to talk to my friends, and listen to my iPod. =D
  12. Nescent
    I'm moving in ten days. I'll probably make a post about that later, but right now I'm starting to gather my things, and decide what to bring, what to leave here, and what to toss (since I really can't leave much here in storage).
    So I guess it's time to say goodbye to the ol' LEGO Magazine collection:

    Guess it's not a big deal, since I never read them anyway. I think I'll just keep a few for memories' sake.
    I'm also going to throw away a bunch of my Bionicle canisters:

    Mostly, I'm going to miss the Stars canisters, and also those Agori boxes. They're really cool boxes and I imagine they're hard to come by. :c But I'm keeping some canisters, namely one of each Bohrok canister, and a couple that have sets in them. I also flattened all my G2 boxes, definitely not throwing those out.
    As for my Bionicle collection, I'm leaving that behind, all seven drawers of it. The only actual Bionicle things I'm bringing are my G2 collection, my collectibles (like all my masks and stuff), and a few choice sets. Probably a Bohrok or two. For giggles, here's my G2 collection in parts:

    Pretty impressive stack of pieces, I'll say. That is all the 2015 sets, and three from 2016.
    Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for how to dispose of those canisters and magazines, I'd love to hear them. Shame to toss them in the trash, but maybe I can donate the magazines somewhere.
  13. Nescent
    Well, not quite. I'm moving in about 36 hours.
    Going back to Alabama! Neither Florida nor Alabama have really felt like the right place for me, but I am excited to move back to my hometown. A wonderful friend is giving me a place to stay while I get settled...It's gonna be sweet.
  14. Nescent
    I was at Walmart today and the Minecraft sets caught my eye. If they had Snow Hideout I probably would have caved in and bought it...fortunately they didn't, but they did have a bunch of $5 Mixels, so I decided to finally buy one.

    Mixels are pretty great. It was a tough choice between this guy and the purple wizard, in the end I made a snap decision and went with Glomp. I like his mustache.
  15. Nescent
    If you're struggling to find the new Bionicle sets (like me), then you'll be happy to know that Barnes and Noble is selling them. My local B&N has all of the Toa, but none the Protectors. Also, if you order online, you get free shipping on orders over $25, and unlike the LEGO store, you don't have to pay sales tax.
  16. Nescent
    When I was a kid, my family travelled a lot. I actually spent very little time in the States from '04 till '09, so I missed out on a lot of Bionicle - but I never forgot about it, and I missed it the entire time I was out of the country. In fact, the first thing I did when we returned to the US in 2006 was buy a Bionicle set (Hewkii Inika). I also managed to compile a massive collection of bulk parts, which I would haul around from country-to-country in an enormous hiker's backpack for years to come. Seriously, Bionicle was the only thing I cared about enough to carry with me (well, except for a few pairs of clothes).
    Anyway, moving back a bit - when I was separated from the Bionicle fandom, I spent most of my time MOCing, but I also put together this little book that was my own Bionicle universe. I dug it out of the closet today and took some photos, which is what prompted me to write this. Though largely incomplete, it's got some cute drawings and stuff. Here it is - and please, I was like twelve years old when I wrote that, so sorry about the han...well, I still have terrible handwriting. Never mind.
    Later, when I was going to school here in the US, I was fortunate to have a close friend who was also interested in Bionicle. We made these booklets out of composition notebooks which were supposed to be chronicles of Bionicle's lore. It's really just passages from the Bionicle Wikia that I copied down alongside some Bionicle images from comics/magazines/instructions/etc., so it's less exciting than the other one, but here it is if you want to thumb through it.
    I've got a bunch of small mementos and such from Bionicle, and I'm glad I managed to hold on to them for so long. I've got no clue where I'll be years from now, or even months from now, but I hope I can keep my Bionicle stuff with me forever.
  17. Nescent
    There's your Christmas tree.
    I just wanted to pop in and say Merry Christmas to all you bloggers. Today I'll be enjoying an awesome ham and wishing that Florida had some snow. 2015 should be an interesting year, so perhaps I will have some things to post here in the future.
    Merry Christmas!
  18. Nescent
    Those 90 degree axle pieces are new to me, and I've been itching to do something interesting with them. Here's what I came up with.

    It's really easy to build, and works wonderfully - the claws snap open and closed, and have enough force to lift medium-weight Bionicle parts.
  19. Nescent
    There's a contest on Reddit to build a Bionicle MOC with twenty pieces or less, so inspired by BBCC 69 I built a CCBS Keetongu.

    I made it for lulz, but I know some people here really want a CCBS Keetongu so there you go!
  20. Nescent
    When Makuta donned the Mask of Ultimate Power, Okoto split, and he fell beneath it in a deep slumber. The power of the mask caused him to grow a thousand times in size, until one day, he will rise again.

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