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I've been wanting to be more active on BZPower, but I honestly feel like there's not much to do anymore, what with Bionicle being finished officially. It's been I think 10 years since I signed up for BZPower, and so much stuff has happened. It seems from my perspective that the comic section is officially dead. But does that also mean the rest of the forums are dead? I'm very curious what everyone thinks about this. BZPower literally was the sole reason I found my passion in life. Whether it was in Graphic Design and creativity or just watching or reading awesome content. I felt like there were so many talented and cool people on here (I'm sure there's a lot lurking around still). I would love to find that niche again. I also am feeling very nostalgic every few months or so about Bionicles. Being 23 means, kids stuff isn't cool anymore. (Even though I still think it's super cool!) In a way, this is an open ended honest question for the BZPower community. I'm reaching out and legitamately wanting to know if BZPs still the coolest place on the internet.
Let me make this clear: I do not hate TTV. I do not enjoy the TTV podcast (mostly just personal preference — I do not enjoy getting my news in video form when given the choice), but I respect them for what they do — and I reserve the right to be disappointed when they do it badly. If a BZPower set review made similar mistakes, praising or criticizing features that do not exist when the set is built correctly, then I would want them to be held accountable as well. In fact, I have vocally criticized instances when I feel like BZPower set reviews have fallen short of expectations, such as when a Legends of Chima set was criticized earlier this year for a building mistake made by the reviewer, or when reviewers poorly "estimated" the piece counts of those and the summer Hero Factory sets, despite the official piece counts already being publicly available from several reputable sites. "Fueling the excitement" is not necessarily an honorable goal in and of itself. Even excitement ought to have real substance behind it, or it devolves into tabloid-level sensationalism. But even if it were unquestionably honorable, having honorable goals does not mean freedom from criticism. People DO make mistakes, and when they make mistakes they should be held accountable. And a mistake by a well-respected YouTube channel with hundreds of viewers is not the same as a mistake by a random dude on a message board. The wider and faster misinformation spreads, the more of a mess it is to clean up. I do not criticize TTV or try to correct misinformation originating from them because I enjoy taking them to task. To be honest, I'd rather I didn't have to. I'd like to be able to just trust them completely to keep people informed. I'd rather not feel a sense of apprehension when I see they've "reviewed" a set months before its release. But if I see them saying something untrue and see others repeating that information, I feel like I'd be amiss if I didn't correct it. So please, if you see me (or anyone) criticizing TTV, don't assume it's because I have some kind of petty grudge against them. The fact that I have high expectations of news outlets like BZPower News or TTV means that I care about what they do, and consequently, about how well they do it.
Welp, I'm pretty close to prepared for Brickfair. Got my clothes, MOCs, name badge, and art all packed up. MOCs I'm exhibiting this year include Caitlyn Gauss XL, Delwyn Buckler, Blacktron Vivisector, Kit Martello, Hero Factory Canine Buddy, Rise of the Dread Colossus (submarine only — I had to borrow some of the Dread Colossus's tentacles for Delwyn's hair, so he's out of commission), and My Little Tahu. I think Delwyn Buckler and Caitlyn Gauss XL will probably be the most popular of those seven. As far as art is concerned, I will mostly be bringing the same collection of drawings I brought last year — sadly, I have not really made much cool new LEGO-related art since then. I'm registered for the BZPower parts draft and will also probably be bringing a hat or two for the Hatpile. A number of my BZPower friends who I spent time with last year (Lady Kopaka, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, Toa Lhikan Hordika, and Cholie) will not be making it this year for various reasons, so I think a good portion of my time will be spent trying to make new connections both within the BZPower community and the larger AFOL community. I will also look at vendors to see if I can find anything that interests me. While packing, I came to the realization that I do not really have any light-colored LEGO T-shirts, except for old Brickfair T-shirts and a Barraki Kalmah T-shirt that is a little worse for the wear. So as with last year, I will definitely want to try buying some new LEGO-related wearables. I'll also be on the lookout for affordable CCBS parts and constraction sets. I got a steal on some pre-owned Legends of Chima constraction sets last year (basically half-off), and a bunch of useful CCBS parts the year before. This will be my first time staying at a hotel for Brickfair (in the past my family has always driven there and back each day), so that should enable me to take part in more evening activities, including enjoying the brand-new "World of Lights" (sadly, none of my MOCs are going to have any light-up features, though). Maybe a visit to the vendors could change that, if they happen to be selling LifeLites or something similar, but generally the MOCs I'm bringing aren't characterized by a lot of transparent elements. If you happen to be attending, come and find me! I will be wearing the same brick badge as the past two years, though it is larger than the one pictured and has more yellow (including a brick printed with my screen name, Aanchir). I should be spending a good amount of time at the BIONICLE table hanging out with the BZPower crew. That about covers it, I think! If you're also going to be at Brickfair, leave a comment so I'll know to be on the lookout for you!
~BIONICLE~ The Legend Continues ... Hello people! Here's a topic where I will continue the Bionicle Story. I will write, but I would love to see people contribute anyhow, with MOCs, shorts, character descriptions, concept art, and anything you could think of! I'll do my best to discuss and integrate anything you guys post! Please note that this should be posted on this Epic's Review Topic, not here! Anyway, this is the first part. There's more description of what's happened until now than anything else, but trust me, it will NOT stay that way. I have quite an interesting idea for the murderer (that is Velika as you all know*, but that's not the idea). *Some of the story may refer to things Greg Farshtey has posted on these forums through Erebus. You can check out some of the Q and A's he's done. Freefall (forget the rubbish name I'm thinking of something ...) Brutaka stared out a window of the strange of the Great Being's Temple at the vast expanse of Spherus Magna. It wasn't a real window. From what he saw when he'd ventured out, there were no windows. What he was seeing was a screen showing what some camera on the exterior was. Him, Axonn, Helryx, Tuyet, Miserix, Artakha, Vezon, and Great Being himself had watched the whole spectacle of Mata Nui confronting Makuta, both in the forms of robots, one of which contained the universe that he and the others had known. The next thing they knew, they were on a fully reformed Spherus Magna. Then for some reason the Great Being had decided to lock down the entire building, leaving them trapped. Another thing that had changed was that Brutaka had regained his usual form, losing his mutation from the Pit, and that from the Pool of Makuta, including the conscience that had possessed him. Another issue was that neither Artakha nor Miserix could teleport them all away, due to some kind of block. The Great Being himself hadn't been seen whatsoever hiding in the darkness of his chamber, that was naturally protected by some force field, and judging from the gibberish he spoke, and how he spoke it, he was more insane than Vezon himself, who was sulking in some corner for being locked out of the Great Beings chamber and locked in the Temple itself. Vezon's Olmak that had fused itself to the back of his head like the Ignika, wasn't working either. They were all well and truly trapped. None of the people trapped seemed happy about the high tech luxury of their prison, most of them disliked each other. Brutaka was nearly convinced they could use Lewa who'd disappeared out of the temple to look around before the lockdown. He might have been able to break the tension. Suddenly Axonn got up and picked up his axe. He wasn't happy. “I've had enough of this! Waiting, staring out of the fake window! We have to do something!” “We were … And we'd tried virtually everything before realizing that this place is invincible! It's hopeless!” Snapped Tuyet, getting up angrily. “Nobody asked you your opinion traitor.” Said Helryx trying to contain her obvious craving to crush the rogue Toa. “Oh come on! Are you seriously still steaming mad about that incident thousands of years ago? Seeing some of the things you've done-” Tuyet was cut short as Helryx pinned her to the wall with her shield. “I'd suggest you shut your mouth Tuyet, unless you want me to do it for you!” Tuyet was about to strike back, only to be stopped by the mighty Makuta Miserix, violently pushing the two Toa apart. “Enough! It's bad enough without the two of you killing each other!” “We have no space for traitors! When we get out of here we'll be walking into a new world!” Yelled Toa Helryx. Artakha himself stood and telekenically pushed all three apart. “Exactly! So all of you sit down and stop fighting! Start clean. Now I suggest that either we continue to sit in this unbearable silence, a building storm in between Helryx and Tuyet, and probably soon all of us, or we actually try and find a way out of here using our heads, not our weapons!” Nobody spoke. Then the ground started shaking. Chiara and Zaria crouched behind a thick bush. They were being hunted by apparent Bota Magna Vorox. Some kind of revenge for the Glatorians hunting Bara Magna Vorox. The only difference between the two was that these had advanced technology and could speak, and their leader had cancelled out the Toas' elemental powers. As a result, Chiara Toa of Lighning, and Zaria Toa of Iron, were weaponless and powerless. A Vorox scrambled up a tree and looked around. They clearly knew that they were close, but hadn't found them yet. That's why Zaria was quietly leading Chiara through the bushes, back the way they'd came, trying to confuse the Vorox farther more. “This had better work … Our lives kind of depend on it.” Whispered Chiara angrily. “Unless you had a better idea, then I'd shut your mouth! The Vorox have acute hearing and I don't feel like dying because of you cinically biccering!” Whispered Zaria. Chiara shot a small bolt of lightning that struck Zaria and made him jolt. He was about to get back at her when he realized something. “Chiara did you see that?” “What I zapped you, and you actually seem happy about it. Want me to do it again?” “No! Our elemental powers work! Kabrua's staff only works at close proximity. How far have we gone from the Vorox?” “I don't know … Twenty mio away?” “That's not even that far. If we can get in the closest distance possible for our elemental powers to work, then we can blast him!” “Ha. You nearly make it sound easy.” Orde struck the intruder with a mental blast. The creature in front seemed to take minimal damage and threw a sword at the Toa. Orde dodged just in time as the blade went soaring past his head and impaled itself in the tree behind him. Then Gelu leaped at it from behind. It spread it's wings in a struggled to get him off as Orde ran at him face on and kicked him down. The thing simply rolled backwards and kicked both of them off, flying up into a tree and creating a force field around itself as Orde And Gelu got up, dazed. The creature didn't move, and stayed up in the trees, not showing any signs of attacking or dissipating it's force field. “That's a Kanohi Hau … Mask Of Shielding.” Pointed out Orde. “What the heck is it?” Asked Gelu stepping back and looking around for a potential weapon in case. “I am Gaardus. Not an it,” The creature replied. “Why did you attack?” “We didn't attack, you did. You appeared right in front of us.” “I didn't attack. I just appeared.” “No … I suppose you didn't. Still isn't that kind of menacing when a ten foot creature appears in front of her.” Gaardus was silent, and didn't move. Nor did a confused Gelu and Orde. The creature had simply appeared in front of them, coming out of nowhere. After a long while it talked again. “I had come to hunt. Do you want to help?” Two Toa teams walked slowly away from what used to be a huge fortress. Jaller stumbled along confused, helped along by Pouks. His mind was in shambles after being somehow psychologically manipulated into following the Golden Being. The Toa Hagah had succeded in saving him, and the rest of the Toa Mahri. That was the first shock. The second was caused by the fact they were on some Spherus Magna and the whole of the universe they knew was in ruin in some giant robot. It was hard to take in. Suddenly Jaller tripped and fell to his knees. “Sorry …” Said Pouks helping him to his feet again. “I'm alright … thanks …” He replied. He looked back at the ruin of the Golden Being's Fortress. Some parts were simply faded, or so undense that they'd shattered, others had been cleanly cut by some sort of dematerialisation field. Anyway, the damage had been done, and Anonna, the very creature that had inflicted it, had been sent to another world. Yet the Golden Being still stood fixing areas of the fortress with his mind, using the dreams of the Skakdi themselves, who some of were running around looking panicked more than anything else. “Hard to take in isn't it?” Said Hahli next to him. “Yeah … I wonder what the Golden Skinned Being will actually do after he rebuilds his fortress. I mean, what is his purpose? If he was created by Teridax, then for what? Enslaving all the Toa?” “Well he's not doing that anymore. I guess we'll have to wait and see …” The two toa stopped with the rest to see the temporel settlement for the toa and the Agori. The Mata Nui Robot lay quite far away, some of it in an ocean. It was so immensely big that the Toa couldn't see the head, or the feet. “Wow. That is big …” Commented Kongu. “The settlement looks rather … basic. And … well not very advanced.” Said Hahli. “You haven't been gone for centuries, you know? This is where most of the Matoran and the Agori live in … well lets say they don't always get on so well. For the moment at least …” Explained Iruini. “There are some small villages that are being built, and we are searching for a good location for a city, but nothing is fixed right now. Nearly half the Agori and Matoran live in camps!” Said Gaaki. “It's not as bad as that. It will get better in the future. I mean, we weren't expecting it to be a utopia the moment we settled …” Commented Norik. Suddenly, something landed heavily behind them, sending out a small shockwave. The twelve Toa swirved round, drawing their weapons, shields, spears and Cordak Blasters. “Whoa! Hold your Ussals, Toa …” The figure who stood in front of them raised his hands. He was tall and wore armour of dark purple and jet black. He wore a mask that none of them had seen, and although he was nearly definitely a Toa, he wasn't like one that any of the ones who stood in front of him had seen before. “It's alright! I'm a Toa aswell. There nothing to worry about.” The Toa lowered their weapons. “Just because you're a Toa, doesn't mean you're a good guy …” Said Kongu. “I guess not. However, I can assure you, you can trust me …” “How about you start with who you are …” Asked Bomonga skeptically. “I'm Iragan, the last Toa of Gravity …” Zaria and Chiara clutched their newly gained high tech weapons. Their plan had worked, succesfully luring two Vorox to where they could take them down. “The plan is simple. Chiara, you go and cause a distraction. Lightning and whatever you want. Don't make it too obvious that it's a distraction. Make it look accidental. An accidental backfire of your power or missuse of the weapon. I'll go round from behind, take down Kabrua, and destroy his staff.” “Sounds simple the way you put it, brother. I'll deal with the distraction. This better work.” “We haven't got a choice, sister.” Chiara snuck off under cover of the bushes. Zaria couldn't fail, or both of them would likely die. But then again, both of them had faced worse. Zaria made his way round in the opposite direction, keeping enough distance in between him and Kabrua, but enough to catch him. Once the staff was his, the Vorox were going to be easily delt with. Even without elemental powers or weapons, he was capable of taking down most of the Vorox in hand to hand combat. The only problem was the weaponry they possesed. They were not a problem with the control over metal though. Zaria got into position. He could see Chiara getting into place aswell as he awaited the signal. It came to him that all their mask powers had been blocked aswell. With his own Xhorath, Mask of Biomechanics, and Chiara's Perimi Mask of Inertion, they would with no doubt win the battle. Zaria looked ahead to see Chiara wave. He had to await the right moment. Chiara was in place. All she needed to do now was create a distraction that seemed like an accident. But as Chiara prepared to cause her distraction, something happened. There were a few thuds as arrows hit at least four Vorox in the chest, then something big crashed through the foliage above and landed on Kabrua, stabbing a sword through him. The being cut through most of the other Vorox before they could react, and drew out his bow to finish off the last ones. Chiara stayed hidden. She didn't know what to do. The creature was a huge winged being, wearing a Kanohi Hau with four legs and at least four arms, carrying a sword each. The thing slung his bow over it's body and walked over to the dying body of Kabrua. Zaria looked over at her from his hiding place, confused. What had just happened? Suddenly, two figures jumped down from the trees next to the beast, and talked to it. Only then did Chiara realize that the figures were in fact Orde and Gelu, their guide. What was there to do? The creature stopped talking to them and started picked up Kabrua staff, studying it, and storing it in a sachel. It picked up and stored a blaster that the Vorox carried, and then went on to start finishing off and gathering the bodies. Orde didn't look to happy, but they seemed to be allied with the thing. Then the beast turned towards Zaria. It had heard something. It drew out his bow as it walked towards him. What happened next didn't come as a surprise. Zaria reacted swiftly, using his Mask of Biomechanics to slow down the creature just enough to use his powers over metal to mostly disarm the beast. It managed to hold onto a sword and it's bow, and attempted to strike the Toa. Zaria dodged and fired his weapon. It caught the beast on the shoulder but the creature reacted fast, throwing it's bow over his head, pulling it and letting it ping back in his face. Taking advantage of the disorientation, it swung it's sword at knee level but Zaria just managed to dodge and roll backwards, firing his weapon again. Chiara crashed out of her hiding place and ran towards the fight like Gelu and Orde who were trying to get the beast to stop. This time Zaria took the upper hand, using his power over metal to damage the creature's armour, but it responded in shooting an arrow at it's foe. It caught the Toa of Iron in the arm and leaped at him, sending him sprawling, only to recover and painfully rip out the arrow and aim his weapon again. “Stop! Gaardus, Zaria please! Both of you, we're on the same side!” Said Gelu running over. “He smells like Vorox and carries one of their weapons …” “Well so do you, and I didn't attack did I?” Snapped Zaria angrily. “It's not particularly obvious what's happening, to be honest …” Added Chiara. Orde mentally informed them of what had happened to them. “He just slaughtered at least thrity Vorox! I don't see how you could let him to that. It's not part of the Toa Code …” Grumbled Zaria. “I'm not a Toa.” Pointed out Gaardus. “But Orde is …” “He simply left and attacked the Vorox. We followed him in the treetops but there wasn't much I could do. We were in range of Kabrua's staff …” Retorted Orde. Zaria made a slightly skeptical face and looked at Gaardus. “So what are you doing slaughtering Vorox, big guy?” “I was hunting.” “Why? What had they done to you?” “Nothing. They were already dead, and I may have use of their parts, weapons, or technology.” “They were already dead? What do you mean?” Asked Gelu curiously. “They were killed, and somebody used their empty shells. I couldn't feel a consciousness in any of them. Somebody was controlling them …” Orde looked stunned. “But I could read Kabrua's mind! He definitely had one …” “Yes. He seemed more alive. There was still his last moments of consciousness in him. But he was still being controlled.” “But by who?” Asked Chiara. “I read Kabrua's mind, or what was apparently left of it. This is going to sound strange, but I think these Vorox were being controlled by a Great Being himself, and whoever this being is, he has been hiding in disguise, in the Matoran Universe itself …” Sahmad ran across the shallow river, the pursuer close behind. The Agori of iron was out of breath, clutching a feeble dagger. The thing running behind him was a huge, nearly Skopio sized wolf like creature. Sahmad crashed through the undergrowth of a small forest and out into a more deserty area where grass was only just starting to grow. The monster behind him bought down a few trees as it followed him. Whatever I was, was catching up fast. He wouldn't escape, not on open ground anyway. Then Sahmad realized that he wouldn't even be able to try. He stopped short of a cliff as the silver beast finally closed in, roaring a roar that must've been heard a few mio away. The Agori turned round to face the Iron Wolf that slowly took a few steps towards him. He was as good as dead. Suddenly, a sound wave powerful enough to knock him off his feet struck, and there was a blinding light. Then it all went black.
~Bionicle~ the Legend Continues: Review Topic Hello people! This is a Review Topic for the ever-growing topic Bionicle: The legend Continues . This is basically where you comment on that topic, and hopefully contribute for future installments! I will do my best to try and integrate it one way or another into the main story. If you want to post your media that's not to do with this though, do it in the right place. All comments are welcome (unless troll posts of course, and very unpleasant ones, or off topic, or ... just read the forum rules), and I will try and be active on replying!
~BIONICLE~ The Legend Continues ... Hello people! Here's a topic where I will continue the Bionicle Story. I will write, but I would love to see people contribute anyhow, with MOCs, shorts, character descriptions, concept art, and anything you could think of! I'll do my best to discuss and integrate anything you guys post! Anyway, this is the first part. There's more description of what's happened until now than anything else, but trust me, it will NOT stay that way. I have quite an interesting idea for the murderer (that is Velika as you all know*, but that's not the idea). *Some of the story may refer to things Greg Farshtey has posted on these forums as Erebus. You can check out some of the Q and A's he's done. Freefall (forget the rubbish name I'm thinking of something ...) Brutaka stared out a window of the strange of the Great Being's Temple at the vast expanse of Spherus Magna. It wasn't a real window. From what he saw when he'd ventured out, there were no windows. What he was seeing was a screen showing what some camera on the exterior was. Him, Axonn, Helryx, Tuyet, Miserix, Artakha, Vezon, and Great Being himself had watched the whole spectacle of Mata Nui confronting Makuta, both in the forms of robots, one of which contained the universe that he and the others had known. The next thing they knew, they were on a fully reformed Spherus Magna. Then for some reason the Great Being had decided to lock down the entire building, leaving them trapped. Another thing that had changed was that Brutaka had regained his usual form, losing his mutation from the Pit, and that from the Pool of Makuta, including the conscience that had posessed him. Another issue was that neither Artakha nor Miserix could teleport them all away, due to some kind of block. The Great Being himself hadn't been seen whatsoever hiding in the darkness of his chamber, that was naturally protected by some force field, and judging from the gibberish he spoke, and how he spoke it, he was more insane than Vezon himself, who was sulking in some corner for being locked out of the Great Beings chamber and locked in the Temple itself. His Olmak that had fused itself to the back of his head like the Ignika, wasn't working either. They were all well and truly trapped. None of the people trapped seemed happy about the high tech luxury of their prison, most of them disliked each other. Brutaka was nearly convinced they could use Lewa who'd disappeared out of the temple to look around before the lockdown. He might have been able to break the tension. Suddenly Axonn got up and picked up his axe. He wasn't happy. “I've had enough of this! Waiting, staring out of the fake window! We have to do something!” “We were … And we'd tried virtually everything before realizing that this place is invincible! It's hopeless!” Snapped Tuyet, getting up angrily. “Nobody asked you your opinion traitor.” Said Helryx trying to contain her obvious craving to crush the rogue Toa. “Oh come on! Are you seriously still steaming mad about that incident thousands of years ago? Seeing some of the things you've done-” Tuyet was cut short as Helryx pinned her to the wall with her shield. “I'd suggest you shut your mouth Tuyet unless you want me to do it for you!” Tuyet was about to strike back, only to be stopped by the mighty Makuta Miserix, violently pushing the two Toa apart. “Enough! It's bad enough without the two of you killing each other!” “We have no space for traitors! When we get out of here we'll be walking into a new world!” Yelled Toa Helryx. Artakha himself stood and telekenically pushed all three apart. “Exactly! So all of you sit down and stop fighting! Start clean. Now I suggest that either we continue to sit in this unbearable silence, a building storm in between Helryx and Tuyet, and probably soon all of us, or we actually try and find a way out of here using our heads, not our weapons!” Nobody spoke. Then the ground started shaking. Chiara and Zaria crouched behind a thick bush. They were being hunted by apparent Bota Magna Vorox. Some kind of revenge for the Glatorians hunting Bara Magna Vorox. The only difference between the two was that these had advanced technology and could speak, and their leader had cancelled out the Toas' elemental powers. As a result, Chiara Toa of Lighning, and Zaria Toa of Iron, were weaponless and powerless. A Vorox scrambled up a tree and looked around. They clearly knew that they were close, but hadn't found them yet. That's why Zaria was quietly leading Chiara through the bushes, back the way they'd came, trying to confuse the Vorox farther more. “This had better work … Our lives kind of depend on it.” Whispered Chiara angrily. “Unless you had a better idea, then I'd shut your mouth! The Vorox have acute hearing and I don't feel like dying because of you cinically biccering!” Whispered Zaria. Chiara shot a small bolt of lightning that struck Zaria and made him jolt. He was about to get back at her when he realized something. “Chiara did you see that?” “What I zapped you, and you actually seem happy about it. Want me to do it again?” “No! Our elemental powers work! Kabrua's staff only works at close proximity. How far have we gone from the Vorox?” “I don't know … Twenty mio away?” “That's not even that far. If we can get in the closest distance possible for our elemental powers to work, then we can blast him!” “Ha. You nearly make it sound easy.” Orde struck the intruder with a mental blast. The creature in front seemed to take minimal damage and threw a sword at the Toa. Orde dodged just in time as the blade went soaring past his head and impaled itself in the tree behind him. Then Gelu leaped at it from behind. It spread it's wings in a struggled to get him off as Orde ran at him face on and kicked him down. The thing simply rolled backwards and kicked both of them off, flying up into a tree and creating a force field around itself as Orde And Gelu got up, dazed. The creature didn't move, and stayed up in the trees, not showing any signs of attacking or dissipating it's force field. “That's a Kanohi Hau … Mask Of Shielding.” Pointed out Orde. “What the heck is it?” Asked Gelu stepping back and looking around for a potential weapon in case. “I am Gaardus. Not an it.” The creature replied. “Why did you attack?” “We didn't attack, you did. You appeared right in front of us.” “I didn't attack. I just appeared.” “No … I suppose you didn't. Still isn't that kind of menacing when a ten foot creature appears in front of her.” Gaardus was silent, and didn't move. Nor did a confused Gelu and Orde. The creature had simply appeared in front of them, coming out of nowhere. After a long while it talked again. “I had come to hunt. Do you want to help?” Two Toa teams walked slowly away from what used to be a huge fortress. Jaller stumbled along confused, helped along by Pouks. His mind was in shambles after being somehow psychologically manipulated into following the Golden Being. The Toa Hagah had succeded in saving him, and the rest of the Toa Mahri. That was the first shock. The second was caused by the fact they were on some Spherus Magna and the whole of the universe they knew was in ruin in some giant robot. It was hard to take in. Suddenly Jaller tripped and fell to his knees. “Sorry …” Said Pouks helping him to his feet again. “I'm alright … thanks …” He replied. He looked back at the ruin of the Golden Being's Fortress. Some parts were simply faded, or so undense that they'd shattered, others had been cleanly cut by some sort of dematerialisation field. Anyway, the damage had been done, and Anonna, the very creature that had inflicted it, had been sent to another world. Yet the Golden Being still stood fixing areas of the fortress with his mind, using the dreams of the Skakdi themselves, who some of were running around looking panicked more than anything else. “Hard to take in isn't it?” Said Hahli next to him. “Yeah … I wonder what the Golden Skinned Being will actually do after he rebuilds his fortress. I mean, what is his purpose? If he was created by Teridax, then for what? Enslaving all the Toa?” “Well he's not doing that anymore. I guess we'll have to wait and see …” The two toa stopped with the rest to see the temporel settlement for the toa and the Agori. The Mata Nui Robot lay quite far away, some of it in an ocean. It was so immensely big that the Toa couldn't see the head, or the feet. “Wow. That is big …” Commented Kongu. “The settlement looks rather … basic. And … well not very advanced.” Said Hahli. “You haven't been gone for centuries, you know? This is where most of the Matoran and the Agori live in … well lets say they don't always get on so well. For the moment at least …” Explained Iruini. “There are some small villages that are being built, and we are searching for a good location for a city, but nothing is fixed right now. Nearly half the Agori and Matoran live in camps!” Said Gaaki.
I created this topic for people's convenience, so it's easier to keep track of who's who at which events. If you're planning to cosplay as a character at one of this year's LEGO events, go reply there to have your name, character, and event plans added to the list!
- 1
- The LEGO Movie
- Community
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Hey, everypony! I know I haven't blogged in a while but I figured I ought to share what my plans are for Brickfair VA this year. Yep, my brothers and I will be going again this year, as has become a tradition. I'm a bit sad that this means I can't make it to BronyCon, which is going to be in Baltimore the very same weekend, but hopefully next year the two events will be scheduled on different weekends but BronyCon will remain near my home in Virginia. Anyway, I've already registered my MOCs for Brickfair. Most of them are Hero Factory MOCs this time around, which is nice, since last year I ended up spending so much of my time near the BIONICLE table anyway. I will be bringing Kit Martello (who has been modded somewhat since I entered her in BBCC#64), Koboldon in both his Before Mutation and After Mutation forms (who I'm now allowed to mention was a contest entry in the "Before & After Brain Attack" contest on Eurobricks forums, which is currently in voting), and my Hero Factory Canine Buddy (who has had minor cosmetic alterations for his IRL debut). Rise of the Dread Colossus, an Atlantis MOC which Lyichir and I exhibited last year, will be making a return appearance. I will also be bringing some of my LEGO-related artwork to display. It's nothing too impressive but it was well-received last year and I've gotten a couple drawings done since then. Natalie Breez, Jaller, Captain of the Guard, The Venerable Turaga Vakama, Swarm of the Century, Kai and Family, and Captain of the Guard (not to be confused with the previous Jaller drawing I mentioned). I have other LEGO art such as my MLP:FiM/Ninjago crossover drawing Welcoming Cousin Spitfire, but I do not know if I'll be exhibiting it because it is sketchier and has never been brought to any level of finality. I will, however, be bringing my drawing folder in case I want to share any of my less finished or less LEGO-related art with any other artists in attendance, just as I did last year. I'm very much looking forward to visiting the vendor area, where I hope to get some bulk Hero Factory parts like I did last year (that decision definitely paid off) and some more specific System elements I've lately found myself in need of. I'm not entirely sure what I can expect to find, but since last year there was no shortage of parts from 2011 Hero Factory sets (which I imagine the sellers may have picked up on clearance), then I hope to see an abundance of parts from 2012 Hero Factory sets and Super Heroes constraction sets this time around. Most importantly, though, I'm looking forward to spending time with people I've gotten to know online, including some of my more recent acquaintances from Brickset, Flickr, BZPower, and Eurobricks, as well as many of my older friends from BZPower like Lady Kopaka, Turakii #1 Lava Surfer, Toa Lhikan Hordika, and Omicron. Many in this latter category are friends who have not been especially active on BZPower for a long time, for one reason or another, but whom I've kept tabs with on Facebook and other sites. I'm wondering about possibly bringing my iPod and a small stereo to Brickfair. I find Brickfair is very, very often lacking in terms of music. Last year at the BIONICLE tables someone brought some music and it really livened things up. Plus, I happen to have a decent amount of LEGO music on my iPod: the BIONICLE Power Pack, all the Cryoshell songs used in BIONICLE promotions, and over two and a half hours of music from the Ninjago soundtrack. I'm not entirely settled on bringing music but I'm thinking it could be worthwhile at least on the non-public days (Thursday and Friday). If you want to find me at Brickfair, I'll most likely spend most of my time either walking the show floor or hanging out at the BIONICLE tables with the BZPower crowd. You should be able to recognize me by my badge, which will be bigger but otherwise mostly unchanged from last year. And perhaps also by my glasses and hair which are not all that different from how they appear on the sigfig in my avatar. I look forward to connecting with many people I've met online this year, and I hope we can exchange contact details so I can possibly deepen some of those relationships!
It's a fairly basic question. What aspect of BZPower keeps drawing you to the site? Is it the community, the fancy forums, the staff (teehee narcissism), or your fellow members? Or do you really don't know why you haven't left yet? (please don't please don't I beg of you please don't)For me, it's a number of reasons. The most obvious answer: I got a job to do here. The more complicated answer is that I really love the staff (they're a weird, lovable bunch), as well as the community. Everyone is so whacky and funny here, and without it I think my life would be unimaginably dull.So how 'bout you?
Well, it turns out Kit Martello didn't perform too well in the BBC contest, only getting around seven votes in the first round of polling. I don't feel too bad about not winning, since there was a lot of talent in the contest, but it still bothers me that most of my feedback concerning Kit has been largely negative. Regardless, I think Sparkytron's Eris is due a round of congratulations for emerging victorious in the final poll. There are several things I dislike about this MOC, particularly the stand, but it's still a work of art in the end. In other MOCing news, I've posted a topic of my various tablescraps over the past few months. Now, I don't mean "tablescraps" in a negative sense. I'm quite proud of these, and none of them are bare-bones Heromods. But compared to Kit Martello these were all fairly simple endeavors. I anticipate bringing Kit Martello and some of these MOCs (particularly my good buddy Bogwaddle) to Brickfair Virginia this year. I'm hoping to continue modding some of these in the meantime, and perhaps scrapping some of the more basic ones to open those pieces back up for experimentation. One set I've been hoping to get lately, both for its MOCing potential and for its brilliance as a model, is 70500 Kai's Fire Mech from the Ninjago line. But frustratingly, none of the stores around where I'm attending college seem to have it. Still, I'm keeping a sharp lookout for it, and will not be afraid to get it online if double VIP points happen before I find it in a brick-and-mortar store. So that's what's up on the LEGO/MOCing side of things. Schoolwork and other obligations have been keeping me from dedicating long stretches of time to MOCing or building, but I've recently started making progress on my drawing assignments again so hopefully I can get caught up fairly soon.
- Hero Factory
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So I will be attending Brickfair this weekend, and it will be my first Brickfair since BZPower forums came back (as it will be for a lot of people, I'm sure). Want to find me? Chances are I'll spend some time at the BIONICLE table with the BZPower crew and some time wandering the floor, but as identification I'll be wearing my 2009 BIONICLE hat and, of course, my name badge. My name badge this year is smaller than it has been some years, but should be just as distinctive with its four differently-colored Hero Cores. The blank 1x8 brick is a stand-in for my Brickfair 2012 brick while the blank 1x6 tile is a stand-in for a tile printed with my screen name (Aanchir). Both will be added as soon as I've checked in at the registration desk tomorrow. The Ninjago Wiki tile is a gift from my brother Meiko. He and my twin brother Lyichir will also be attending. As I mentioned in the last entry, MOCs Lyi and I will be displaying include Rise of the Dread Colossus, Sophia Blaze, My Little Tahu, and a CubeDude of webcomic character Axe Cop. I will also be bringing some drawings for the BIONICLE table. I plan to attend on all four days (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), though I will probably not arrive right when it opens on all four days since I live a good distance away and will not be staying at a hotel. Hopefully I will also make it to the BZPower luncheon Black Six and the other staff have planned. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
On the last day of the entry period, I completed my second drawing for the Flash Fire contest. The venerable Turaga Vakama can be found in the same topic as my Jaller drawing which I mentioned in the previous entry. It feels good to have completed two entries, but if the entries before I had submitted my own were good, the ones that followed in the final hours of the entry period included several that could only be described as stellar. Truly I'm having a hard time deciding what to vote in any of the categories! Flash Fire voting has begun, and there's a lot of talent in all three polls. My entries are Entry 8 in the Matoran poll and Entry 10 in the Turaga poll, but there are many other entries I would consider voting for including Entries 3 and 12 in the Matoran poll and Entry 11 in the Turaga poll. Later today I'll probably come to a decision on which entries I should give my votes to, but it's a tough decision even knowing all the hard work I put into my two submissions. Overall, I'm certain that whichever entries end up on display at Brickfair will fully deserve it! For such a quick contest, I'm surprised how many more artists let their talents shine here than in the Battlescapes contest. Guess it's just a subject more artists could find inspiration in!
Don't forget, the final polls in GAC #18 are up! Click here to go to the poll! My entry, Swarm of the Century, is in the running! Now, other updates. On Monday I drew and inked a piece based on Neil Gaiman's The Sandman graphic novels, which I will be attempting to color. I haven't decided how I'm going to color it. I was able to color something very well digitally recently (and am near finishing an older drawing that has been incomplete for far too long). But digitally coloring a piece with lots of characters in it is a challenge I've never really tackled successfully. I also am not sure what style of coloring I'd prefer, so it may be a while before that is finished. But quick edits are not quite as much of a challenge as full pieces of artwork, and I was inspired for this Avatar: The Last Airbender comic during a recent chat:
My entry, Swarm of the Century, narrowly made it through Preliminary Poll A, and as such it's now a contender in the final poll! Click here to go to the poll! I think it goes without saying that Crunchy's two entries, which dominated the preliminary polls, will also sweep the voting in this poll. It's kind of a shame, because the rules state that each member can only have one winning entry, and I'm worried that with Crunchy's entries so likely to get most of the votes, the margin between the remaining entries will be very small indeed. I won't mind losing this contest (it's not like I have any kind of reputation to uphold), but with such a slim margin I don't want to feel like my entry won or lost by random chance. One way this could be avoided in future contests would be to do it like how another LEGO forum I use often does MOC contest voting. On that site, voting is done through posts rather than polls, which makes it more difficult to track, but you get more than one vote (still a finite number), and can distribute those votes how you prefer (either award all of your votes to one entry, or divide the votes evenly or unevenly across multiple entries). This way, even if you have one overall favorite, you can also show support for other entries you consider deserving. And as such the runners-up will be decided by more members than just those few who didn't like the winning entry. But I'm not going to pressure anybody to vote for my entry. Vote for the entry you think is best! All the entries in this poll got through the preliminary polls by their own merits, and the same ought to be true this time around!
Just about one week to go in the General Art Contest #18 preliminary polls! I encourage voters to show their support for my entry, Swarm of the Century, in Preliminary Poll A! It's Entry 6 in the poll. In other art-related news, recently a friend of mine who is also an artist had a birthday, and I gave her a portrait of her I had drawn. To my delight, she really liked the drawing! Since she's also an artist (and a much better one than me, all things considered), I was thrilled to have her approval, and I hope it will motivate me to keep drawing over the course of the summer. Even though I'm often lacking in inspiration, I have tried to keep drawing so I remain in practice. Most of my recent drawings are merely sketches, like this one which shows some human figures of varying ages to approximate scale with one another. But hopefully inspiration will strike again soon and I'll have something more meaningful and finished to show you all.
You can find my entry, Swarm of the Century, in Preliminary Poll A! Go vote for the entries you think are best!
Topic Tahu is best pony.
Obligatory Advertising And a repost from the MLP topic:
Hi everyone! Don't worry, I haven't given up on my AC18 entry. Since I last blogged about it, I scanned my drawing and put in a lot of work separating the parts of it into different layers, before realizing that it would be easier to just print off some copies of it and color it using non-digital media. So I have my first colored draft mostlyt finalized now. It uses colored pencil and thus gets a lot more detail than I would have had time to do digitally. However, I am going to print off a couple more copies of it and try coloring it with different media if I have time. Watercolors would be the ideal medium if I wanted to go for the less detailed color layout I had planned to do digitally (each character and their elemental powers tinted with a one-color filter). As of right now, there are two other entries in the contest and I believe there is going to be an extension. If not, I probably won't have time to experiment with other media since I'm going to be at a press event this weekend. But since I have a colored draft finished, I should be able to enter on short notice if there turns out not to be an extension. Anyone else got an entry nearly-finished but not yet posted? Or is this going to be a very small pool of entries? Either way, best of luck to all those who are entering. I know there's a lot of talent apparent in the entries submitted so far, but I'm sure that's not the limit of artistic talent here on BZPower! ----- On a side note also related to art/creativity, I encourage everyone to read this PDF. It's an extremely informative booklet about systematic creativity put out by the LEGO Learning Institute. I like it a lot because it makes me more confident in my own creativity by expressing that no, I'm not less creative just because I'm better at creative work when given constraints to work within. Ironically the idea of "creativity with constraints" was mentioned by one of my professors in their tribute to me at my college graduation last December.
Who else is planning to enter? So far there haven't been any entries, but I'm sure some of the more talented artists here already have entries in the works and are simply devoting more time and attention to them than I have. I finished drawing my entry this morning, but I may add more detail. Right now it has very little shading, but I'm hesitant to shade much more than the background details, and I'm certainly not planning on inking this one. It looks very nice right now in graphite, and while I might add some color digitally, I don't plan on treating it like much more than a line drawing. I normally wouldn't expect my drawing to stand a chance, but with so few entrants and an idea I think a lot of people might appreciate, I suppose I might at least be able to impress a few people, even though better-quality entries are sure to turn up.
Okay, so we've all tried our best to build really cool looking characters, and most of us continue to do so through to today. But of course, there have been some weird rejects that have come into being, that just left us thinking "Why did I build this?" for the rest of the day. Or maybe you remember a MOC you built when you were younger, that now just seems like the most ridiculous thing you could've thought of.But my question for you is: What was your strangest MOC/s?Text only posts welcome, but if you have images then please add them, so we can see!
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(Yes, I am tiptoeing the BZP size limit. I'm safe though. In this reality.) I'm a fan of Norwegian Trolls. My uncle is from Norway, and I've seen an exhibit way back when. -CF