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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC: Higashi


"She has a point there Kaede," said Higashi. "You know, with the explosion and all that. Also you're ragey today. Calm it down a bit, will ya?"

IC: Kaede

"So what should we do about her then? We can't just let her walk."


Kaede remained in her guard position, weight in the balls of her feet.

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IC: Relisai coming to her didn't seem to be an option. The operation seemed to be less 'pick up and slip out' and more 'armed kidnapping' at this point. But in reverse. Zataka, it was that Taajar job on Odaiba all over again. That was never good. She was getting close at least; she eased up on her Kakama (at least she was getting better at using it) and slowed down, approaching the rough area she had sensed the Toroshu reaching out to her from. A Mindarm-assisted jump up to the rooftop ledge, and she crawled onto the rooftop, and started edging up to the opposite side; sure enough, the old Dasaka Robalta had described to them as there. As well as... many others. None of which looked particularly friendly. Including... was that the Dastana male from before? Great. So this was a thing. She Ideatalked a mental image of the building she had climbed, hopefully Askha would follow it like her other directions. Maripi's concentration was broken by scuffling noised from another ledge. Whipping her head around, the Mashtet saw Askha clambering onto the roof.


"How are you here so fast?" she whispered to her partner/superior/sellsword buddy as she skulked up beside her.


"Your directions were meandering. I took the direct route. I do have news though, I found-"


“I believe the Vilda Toroshu has help coming, a dark figure with a kakama, and possibly one more.  We should watch for them.”


At least there was enough commotion down there them whispering wouldn't be noticed. Probably. At least for... another few seconds. Askha gave Maripi a look, which the shadowy Menti pretended to ignore.


"Remember that cornerclub on Iki? Looks like that again."


"I wish I could forget that."


"I bet you do. Worse than the Taajar job on Odaiba, that was."


It was Maripi's turn to glare at Askha. Askha gave Maripi a knowing look. "Ready?"


Maripi nodded, readying one of her nagamaki swords.


Askha gripped the edge, and silently held her finger up, her thumb, index and middle finger out. Three. Two. One.


Together, the two Mashtet sellswords vaulted the edge, falling down. Maripi's cloak billowed behind her, and she bunched it up in one hand, choking up on her sword's long grip on the other. Askha lay one hand on her saber's scabbard and half-drew it with the other. Together, the two softened their fall with Mindarm, dropping on either side of Relisai.


Askha fully drew her saber, a straight, relatively short, single-edged blade of cyan crystal, brutally efficient in its design. "Are we interrupting something? I do hate to be bother. We'll just be leaving." She held her blade to the side, not in salute, but in readiness to swing.


Maripi gripped her long-gripped sword in both hands, eyeing the Menti whose attention they had just caught. "Relisai. Run."


OOC: Recommended listening:



Edited by Necrocybermancer

The times, they are a-changing...



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"It is intriguing that you believe you will be permitted to leave." Hanabe said, at long last drawing the staff from her back. "Sellswords or no, you are outnumbered. Relisai will be returned to a cell."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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III. Character Rules

  • Do not play as another player's character unless that player has given you explicit permission to do so. Likewise, you cannot kill or seriously injure another character without that player's permission.

IC: Amaki
Elsewhere in the Archipelago, Amaki was composing music.

Edited by Tyler St. Francis
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OOC: I've talked with Keeper - I'm not gonna make him edit the bunnying out, it'll be fine for the moment.

IC: Maripi - Sado

"There isn't much of a cell to go back to." I growl in response to the stranger. We are outnumbered, but if I can use the Kakama right I might just be able to get Relisai out before I'm attacked...this is going to be close - my muscles tense as I prepare for fight or flight. Robalta better pay us a lot.



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[sado, Market District]


::Block the exits.::  Yukie said before Zyla could finish talking.


People tended to assume that because Yukie was courteous and gracious in conversation, he would hang back in combat.  They found they were wrong most of the time, and most of the time to their disadvantage.  No sooner had he sent the ideatalk message then he sprung forward as fast as his legs could carry him--straight at Maripi.  His mask glowed as his left arm went up and a shield of shimmering pink energy formed blocking both the taller being’s line of sight and the blade of her sword.  His right arm went in, grabbing for a handful of her voluminous cloak.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


Odaiba, the island of rolling grass and hills, of orchards and farmland, and home to almost all the minor clans of the Dasakan Empire, was the island that many called home - including the wondering swordswoman Inazuma Tetsu, who had first started life in the territory controlled by Clan Eiyu, home of the scholars. Not really the home of travelling warriors such as herself...but she was an enigma in the overall Dasakan society as it was. There was no reason she shouldn't be back home, as well. As such, whenever Tetsu found herself possessed of rather little to do and with little idea of how to proceed, she would often return to Odaiba, to rest and train before setting out again.


And training was what she was doing now. Any warrior needed to train very often, both for their skills and for their endurance; a Mindarm like Tetsu, who could expend her energy in a heartbeat if she wasn't careful or if she hadn't trained, even moreso. So now she was standing under a flowering tree, rather close to the castle that was home to clan Eiyu, running through various Kata she had developed for herself to practice. Most of her items were leaned against the tree, though her sword floated in front of her, moving slowly as she progressed through the dance-like movements of battle. Soon she would begin  upping the pace, and eventually she would bring out various targets for more practice.


Still, there was a bit of a risk of interruption, with where she was situated. Not that it would be much of a problem. Somebody like her almost always had time to practice.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Behind her appropriated Kaukau's visor, Askha's eyes narrowed. Her free arm swept upwards, summoning a gust of surging Mindarm force to batter Yukie away.


"If you heard them, Relisai, we really should start moving. Grab onto me, Mari-... Kavina will cover us." The Dastana male they ran into earlier was here, with some sort of Soulsword... energy... thing. Didn't look good.

The times, they are a-changing...



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Relisai knew that there was strength in numbers, and that to abandon the two Mashtet now could leave them overpowered and those ridiculous Empire loyalists on her tail. The next few moments were critical, and her actions would decide her freedom.

"All right" Relisai said, nodding at Ashka. "Let's move!"


She started running with the Mashtet rescuer.

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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In a scenario of conflict, perhaps it is only natural to ignore those whom do not seem a threat. Natural or no, it was exactly what the dishonored Toroshu and her associates had done. Focusing their efforts on Plangori Yukie, and their concerns on Dastana Jasik, they had left the door wide open for the single unknown variable; the quiet, seemingly nonthreatening scholar. Which, truly, had just provided the perfect opening. The Eiyu Sighteye slipped her illusions into place with ease, subtly altering the perception of Relisai and her bodyguards.


When Relisai and Ashka started running, nothing prevented them from doing so; except Hanabe leaping into their path, shield in one hand, staff in the other, set in a solid stance to block their escape. 



In actuality, Hanabe had never moved. But to the eyes of Relisai and her cohorts, she had moved exactly as, within their perceptions, they believed she would have. Thus the beauty; an illusion that would have forced them to stop would have been too obvious. But this, a reaction they could believe, from a discipline they had no way of knowing was there... Fooling them was easy.

And she  could always resort to her backup plan.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[sado, Market District]

The mindarm force, as momentary as it was, punched Yukie hard in the collarbone.  Turning to absorb it, he shifted his momentum down and swept out a leg to trip Maripi.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Kaede

As soon as the situation had descended into a slugfest, and as the Vilda Toroshu was attempting to flee, Kaede willhammered this message into her mind, exerting as much mental strength as she could.









IC: Chiyo

It seems that Yukie had been wise in directing Chiyo to follow the strangers. The one-armed Menti soon came upon quite a scene, with her mark blasting her older sibling away with a Mindarm blast.

Assuming a battlefield meditation stance, Chiyo activated her Sighteye, projecting a tactile illusion at the sellsword.


Boiling oil on your skin. Boiling oil on your skin, burn burn burn...


OOC: Kaede Willhammer screaming at Relisai, Chiyo using her Sighteye against Ashka

Edited by One-Eyed Construct
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IC: Grabbing Relisai's arm as they ran, Askha pulled the Toroshu roughly as the Eiyu stepped in their way. "Get behind me!" she shouted, as a she gripped herself with Mindarm, barreling forward, pushing forward with another Mindarm force to pummel the shielded Menti out of the way. Askha shut her eyes as she did so, clamping her jaw in preparation for the mental jostling her Mindarm would create.





Edited by Necrocybermancer

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC: Maripi - Sado

I leap to the side and out of the magenta-armoured menti's reach with just enough speed, thanks to the Kakama. Well, I was stupid to expect the Imperial idiots to be restrained in their attack. In an instant, I've attempted to forcefully fling my attacker away with mindarm, hopping backwards myself. I swiftly spin on my heel and begin to rush forwards, heading for a gap in the crowd of assailants, but a Pakari-wearing menti leaps in front of me. Blast. I raise my nagamaki, holding them firmly in an "X" shape in front of my body and preparing to charge forwards with the aid of my mask. I won't be able to knock them out of my way, not with them having a mask of strength. I'll have to try and dodge my way around them...

OOC: The menti Maripi is seeing is the illusion of Hanabe :)

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The Healers weren't pleased to find out that Herupa Jiyu had been injured once again, and so soon after the last time. Fortunately, while the wound was deep, a mask of healing and good-old-fashioned medicine ensured that he'd regain full use later. For now though, he was just warned to take it easy.


And it would also scar.


"Of course it would scar," Jiyu grumbled as the duo left hours later. He knew it wouldn't matter much, as he had already begun his own little collections.


"So, any place you would like to stop before going to Oki, Shuuan?"

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OOC: For ease of clarity, and so I don't have to make my writing clunky by using "illusory" or "illusion" every time I refer to the illusion of Hanabe, aspects of this post that are an illusion will be in italics. :P




Both Maripi and Ashka's attacks slammed into a stalwart shield, its owners stance (already strong) empowered by her Pakari. She did not move an inch. Despite the Mastets' efforts to flee with the dishonored Toroshu in tow, they were stopped short when Willhammer force took hold of their legs, rooting them firmly in place Every effort to move was resisted by psionic force, no matter how hard they pushed. The Menti kept her shield at the ready, regarding them severely as she, undoubtedly a Willhammer, kept them restrained.


As a scholar, Hanabe had researched in depth the reactions to her Discipline. There was a wealth of information to be found. Ever since Sighteyes had existed, there had been research by Eiyu and others into the limitations of the power. Strictly speaking, it fooled only the five senses, depending on the skill of the practitioner. It could not physically affect the target in any way.


But belief was a powerful thing, and one she had long since learned to make use of.


Without knowledge of Hanabe's true discipline, they would accept without question that her skills were within the domain of Mindarm. Without any reason to believe that theu were under a Sighteye's influence they would accept what their senses told them. Hanabe was not actually able to stop them, but believing that they were stopped, they would attempt to break their bonds. And in the process they would cease their efforts to escape, believing that they were in fact bound.


Illusions were a potent tool, and never more so than when the subject does not realize they are present. 


Not without effort, however. Hanabe's eyes were set in concentration, rendered utterly immobile by the effort of maintaining her layered illusion. She was relying on the others to actually apprehend the opposing Menti.

Edited by Riku Tryon



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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[sado, Market District]


As low as Yukie was positioned, the mindarm force only managed to knock him back a few centimeters.  He winced as his hand scraped on the dirt, but quickly sprung to his feet as the menti drew another sword.  It was long like the first, and it took enough time that he was able to take in the situation.  Hanabe was standing stock still to the side of him, eyes closed, probably projecting a sighteye illusion.


While the sellsword’s swords were aimed at his fellow menti’s illusion, he ran at her exposed back, aiming to wrap both arms around her waist.  Judging by the clink of weapons in her coat, she wouldn’t be able to get up easily if he threw her to the ground.

Edited by Mel

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

En4XX.gif zTCqe.gif gkKRR.gif TUJGk.gif 7dN9Y.gif TNxSB.gif HpGw0.gif r89Xe.gif AKbnC.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: Maripi - Sado

My legs become rooted to the spot as I attempt to run at the menti, an invisible force binding them. I quickly assess the situation, my eyes focused on the navy-blue dasaka before me. The most likely option is that she is using mindarm on me - little does she realize that I'm trained and experienced with mindarm, and I might be able to overcome her will and break free. I focus all all my strength into pushing away the telekinetic power holding me...and, for a split second, I manage it. A split second is all I need - my mask helps me leap from my position and--

 --a hand grabs at my side. The power of the Kakama is sent off course and, although the mask's energy is enough to let me pull free of the hand, the intervention at this precarious stage of its use sends me careering to the left. In the split second, I instinctively stop using the mask as my subconscious realizes what's happening, but it's too late to stop me smashing clean through the wooden door of a nearby dwelling. I sit in the splinters for a second, my muscles aching and head throbbing, as I try to regain the willpower to haul myself up.

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IC: Higashi


"Ooh, looks pretty bad," said a jovial voice as Higashi, leaving the rest of the battle to the others, stepped through the shattered door, her eyes glancing approvingly at the hurt Maripi below her. "It really did a number, didn't it?"


Her Soulsword fist activated, flitting through the air rapidly to float in front of Maripi's face. It could strike at any moment.


"Here's the deal bozo," she explained, lifting a finger up to establish the point. "You surrender right now. And I won't kill you. For abetting an enemy of the state."


She grinned.


"Deal or no deal?"

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IC: Maripi - Sado

I'm going to have to handle this very carefully because Sil doesn't want another one of his characters to go to prison. Luckily, I've had a lifetime's worth of theatrics practice: my face clouds with confusion as I subtly grasp the swords beside me with my mind, not actually moving them at all.

"Enemy of the state?" I ask incredulously, "But Madame Kavina said that she was being held by rebels here and that we needed to rescue her. She did promise a big reward..." Kavina, my current alias, is the only name I can think of quickly with a burning gauntlet less than half a metre in front of my head. So excuse me for my lack of creativity.

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IC: Higashi


"That was Toroshu Relisai, actually," was the reply. Higashi's grin grew. "Buuuuuut, I bet you already knew that."


Toroshu-types were usually too proud to try and have an alias. Especially one that didn't even sound Dasakan. It was probably some weird Tajaar thing.


"So, deal or no deal?" she asked. "I have a tea ceremony to get to later this evening, and I wanna get this over and done with."

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IC: Maripi - Sado

I raise an eyebrow. Oh well. "I was hired with the orders of getting Relisai to safety, nothing more. What's the punishment for that?" No  matter how much I love getting paid, self-preservation comes first.



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IC: Higashi


"I'm only jury on off-days and executioner when people annoy me," was the cheery reply. "No judging from me!"


She liked dealing with mercenaries. Dishonourable scum sure, but hey throw enough incentives at them and they'd scatter like lava rats.


"Oh, and your weapons? I'll be confiscating them thanks."

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IC: Maripi - Sado

"What did Relisai do to put her in prison?" I ask. I hope that Askha will know to simply point Relisai in Somei's direction and then come back and get me. Anyway, as soon as this menti tries to take my weapons, they may find that some of their limbs are missing. Soulsword takes a large amount of concentration to maintain for long, and as soon as the gauntlet slips, tomahawks, nagamaki, manriki and all might just come rushing at their head.

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IC: Higashi


"Not the person to ask," she said. "Oh yeah, no funny movements. I can stand over you all day."


Gotta be careful with mercenaries. Her Soulsword fist nudged a bit closer to emphasise her comment.


There were a lotta weapons on the Dasaka though. Too many, honestly. Who in Zataka's village bicycle needed so many?


"Yoink," continued Higashi, taking the two kusari-fundos. "Oh hey, I haven't used these things since I was young."


What else was there?


"Why you're dual-wielding anti-cavalry weapons, I have no idea," said the Hogo Menti, scrunching her face at the two nagamaki. "Were you like, present at a Tajaar insurrection or something?"


Oh hey mini-axes. Normal things.


And a weirdly unbalanced knife?

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IC: Maripi - Sado

Time seems to slow down.

As the unarmed menti reaches down for the nagamaki, the soulsword gauntlet five inches from my face, my entire body slams to the ground with lightning fast speed, aided by both my mask and the mindarm discipline. Before anything has time to happen, I surge sideways and upwards, the jump once again aided by my psychic discipline and my Kanohi, used at the highest level I dare. Before a second has passed, I'm at the top of a short flight of stairs, and turning the corner.

OOC: Tell me if you think this is unrealistic, but I think it's probably possible with a combination of the two powers  :shrugs: 


(see below - I'll get to making another post as soon as I can, but I've got to go for the moment)

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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


IC: Saritsu - Eiyu Castle Grounds


"Y'know, you need a permit to perform Kata on Eiyu lands."


The breezy comment wafted from behind the practicing Menti, from the smirking mouth of one Eiyu Saritsu: sister and retainer of Toroshu Nihonei, Wild Woman of the Archipelago, writer of three books of poetry (under various pseudonyms), and, currently, one of the few people more concerned about the life of her clan's leader than that leader herself. She walked with a casual, but purposeful gait, sporting both a sleeveless longcoat of Eiyu colour and a sheathed machete slung over one shoulder; her intentions, whether diplomatic or violent, were clouded.


"What's your name, traveller?"





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OOC: Assuming that Maripi was sitting on the ground like that, and taking into account that moving oneself with Mindarm is incredibly energy-intensive, the amount of discipline and effort spent to do that long movement would be ridiculous, especially combining it with a Kakama. You forgot to take into account that the Kakama has been ruled to not provide faster reaction times, and in such an uncontrolled action like that it would be impossible to properly perform. 


Also Maripi would've leapt straight into the ceiling.


So yeah, pretty unrealistic.


IC: Amaki


Elsewhere on Kentoku ...

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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


Tetsu turned, stopping her practice, and raising an eyebrow in slight curiosity. How surprising; an Eiyu who didn't seem to recognize her. And not even offering a polite greeting, either, just instantly moving to a bossy mood; Tetsu had dealt with the type far too often. The bad part for people like Saritsu would be the fact that Tetsu often found it humorous to mess with those people.


"My heritage is my permit, and my name is my own," she replied calmly, before returning to her Kata. "What might your name be, and who failed to teach you how to properly greet others?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Something was wrong. The Menti with the shield was still right there, in front of her. She hadn't stepped back, she wasn't recoiling from Askha's push. Her limbs were burning, but... were they being commanded to slow?


Every stretch of her body burned. Her feet were slowing. Flashes of her Clan played out before her eyes.


"In this world, trust is something that is not easily found. Your senses can betray you. Your instincts can betray you. Your body can betray you." Her father, the castellan and master-at-arms of the Mashtet clan, paced around her as she struggled through an illusionary maze conjured by the clan's Sighteyes. "There are only two things you can trust. Your Clansmen are one. We may be bent astray by the Eye, the Sword, the Arm, and the Hammer, but in times of truth, we will always look out for each other. The only other thing you can trust... is your doubt. You can trust that you can't trust yourself. You understand?


"What in Zuto Nui's name are you talking about!?" young Askha demanded as she turned, the walls swirling around her.


"Trust not your senses, they can be fooled. Your instincts as well. You will always have that shadow of a doubt; you must reside there. If your mind is there, that doubt will save your life. You can be sure of it."


"I can't listen if you don't make sense!" Askha rushed forward, breaking out of the illusion... and running straight into a real wall.


Askha came to, slamming into the very real wall of the alley. As clear as a hot afternoon, she saw the scene playing out. Maripi was gone, likely inside the house with the busted door. There was no boiling oil. There was no invincible barrier maiden. Her hand went to her forehead, aching from its brief but forceful introduction to the alley wall. She realized she was no longer holding onto Relisai, who was for now standing motionless. With clarity, she observed the situation laid out in front of her. A few Menti near her on this side of the alley, lots more on the other end, one in the middle. She frowned at the Vilda.


"I thought we were rescuing a Toroshu, not some helpless Dashi! Snap out of it!"

The times, they are a-changing...



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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


"Well, you seem so insistent on calling me 'Traveller,' so I suppose that is my name for now, isn't it?" Tetsu replied, smiling while she faced away from Saritsu. "After all, what is a name, other than that which somebody else decides to call you? Titles may as well be names, with how often they are used instead of names. So, you may call me Traveller, if you wish, miss Saritsu."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: ... So, how is a Pakari-powered defensive fighter not getting pushed by by a blunt force attack cause enough for suspicion to think there's an illusion? And even if it was, realizing that something's up doesn't mean there's an illusion, nor would you be likely to start running immediately. Every bit of feedback you have is telling you you're stuck. Even if you consciously realize you aren't (which Ashka should have had no cause to do), you're still going to be incredibly disoriented, not running.




"Dear mother would be the woman responsible for her manners. Wonderful woman, but she was better with books than people." The dry comment came from just behind Saritsu, as a figure approached.


"Inazuma Tetsu. Been a while."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


"Nihonei," Tetsu replied, sheathing her sword telekinetically. She turned and bowed to the Toroshu of the Eiyu clan, if only to preserve the formality. "It has indeed." Then her mouth took a wry twist, and her eyes looked at Nihonei with a measure of disappointment and annoyance. "Nice of you to ruin my fun, by the way."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC - Inazuma Tetsu:


"I'm honestly surprised there are still some who don't know or recognize me," Tetsu replied. "You'd think I'd be the example to all the younger ones of what not to turn into." Then she sighed, shaking her head. "And yes, I know these are troubling times. Things have been quite strange for a while now. Still, if I were supposedly hunting you, or trying to cause harm to the Eiyu, do you honestly think I'd be practicing out in plain sight where any of my possible targets could see me?" Then she shrugged, walking over and grabbing her things.


"Besides. You at least know I'd never do anything to hurt my former clan."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Relisai felt a sudden urge to stop. Why?  She had to think for a moment, even as a Menti jumped in front of her and Ashka's path. Oh right, her rescuers. They were in trouble. The Vilda Toroshu knew she had to help them a litttle more if she was to escape successfully. Still, the urge felt awfully strong, not at all in congruity with deep sense of self-preservation. Something felt wrong.


But first she had to clear her path.


Willhammer energies already summoned, Relisai began a barrage at the lone Menti blocking her and Ashka, except - there was nothing there. There was no mind to overcome and assault. There was only a profound emptiness. 


Relisai swore. She hated Sighteyes. 


"That's a bloody illusion" she spat, speaking to Ashka. "These self-righteous twats have become annoying self-righteous twats. We must hurry." Relisai looked Maripi, who was faring badly. Not good, the Mashtet sellsword still had a part to play. The Toroshu gathered her psychic powers again and attacked Higashi in earnest. Willhammer commands were driven into Higashi's mind with full strength, powered by Relisai's desperation to return home. 


:Leave them alone: was the first command, with reference to a picture of Maripi and Ashka. Relisai could have added herself to the duo, but doing so would have reduced Higashi's chances of following the order - honour had a habit of getting in the way of things.


:Restrain them: was the second, this time with a picture of Kaide, Yukie and Hanabe.



"I thought we were rescuing a Toroshu, not some helpless Dashi! Snap out of it!"


Relisai glared at Ashka. How dare she - no, she was right. Relisai had to get out of here. She started a slow jog away from the battle behind her. 

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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OOC: Well, given that Fanixe built off of it, I'll roll with it. But here's a reminder that recognizing there's an illusion doesn't mean it stops happening, or that you can see through it. :P




They had broken their way out. Hanabe couldn't point to how, but they had. Regardless, however, the inconvenience only really served to lessen Hanabe's load. Maintaining such a complex, realistic illusion had been incredibly taxing. Now she could just be simple and distracting.


Relisai and Ashka's vision was suddenly replaced by a uniform, desolate field of black, their entire world seemingly inverted; the ground above their heads, and the feeling of gravity pulling in that same direction. They stepped left, their world moved right. And all the while, a piercing, high pitched whine served to further irritate and disorient. 



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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