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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

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IC: Skyra - Vakama's Hut -"Thank you Turaga." Skyra said as they entered. "I don't know if you've heard or not. But Turaga Onewa was kidnapped, by pirates. We've done a bit of investigating, and we discovered that it was in fact the pirates of the Infernavika that took them, and they just so happen to be docked here in Ta-koro."OOC: I'll make a post as The King in a bit...

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: JikalJikal raised an eyebrow. "Um, hi. Right here." He grinned. "Holding the garlic!" He gleefully opened his makeshift sack and withdrew a few small rahi, and a large supply of herbs and edible plants. He held up some herbs. "How about some seasonings for the stew?"IC: Krayn"We also have reason to believe that there may be a second hostage aboard the ship." Krayn spoke up. It was tradition for the superior officer to speak first. But once that was accomplished, Krayn could speak.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "Wait. Don't we need a cauldron and some bowls if we're going to make stew?" Gyren asked as he looked looked at the herbs. He then looked over to Tawara, wondering if she had anything in her bags.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: - The Royal Court -

The King pointed to the wagon by The Scribe, it was full of pamphlets. "They're all there." "Let me check." Guard #1 poked his head inside the court room briefly. "It looks like they're almost done, probably don't have to wait too much longer." He said to Mantoxis.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: NicolIn a blur Nicol had grabbed the Pamphlets and was out the door. He was going to get this done as soon as possible. Which meant getting up on the roofs, which is where the runner soon was. Leaping from building to building, stopping only we arrived at a Village Leader, there he would drop down and deliver his package, before getting on the roofs again.


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IC-Kaylov:"Oh, by the way," Kaylov said, looking up at Skyra, "I got somebody on that right now. He'll be able to get the Turaga rather easily, I was told." He then turned over to Turaga Vakama."Vakama," he said, inclining his head. "I'd recommend you increase the guard around yourself, to make sure you aren't taken. I told Whenua the same thing, but when I tried to tell Nuju, he wasn't there. I fear Onewa might not have been the only Turaga that was taken."OOC: He's right, and yet also wrong.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: The Prince - Aboard Yovi's Vessel - Yovi called out to all the passengers, The Prince, The Cannoneer, and The Jester. "Hold on everyone! We're about to set sail!" As soon as he had said it the boat took off. It was a steamboat, and it went pretty fast. Those of them who hadn't been holding on to anything probably wobbled a bit to catch there balance.

IC: - The Royal Court -

"Okay, you can go see The King now." Guard #1 said, gesturing toward the entrance into the throne room.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga Border"We're making a stew? Well, I'll do my best to help, then, but I'll warn you that my cooking is functional at best. And I do have a small pot, but not nearly large enough for a stew." Tawara thought for a moment, still getting over the fact that Raion had caught a full-grown Kane-Ra on his own. But this was what she was supposed to be good at, after all. Time to take charge. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but we can't eat all of this today. We won't always have this much luck huntin', after all. So we'll ration it" She pointed to the campfire. "The Mahi is already cooking, so we'll have that today. If we need a bit more, we can decide on it later."Tawara approached the Kane-Ra and inspected it. "Gyren is right. There's too much soil stuck in the wounds. We'll have to cut away as much of the soiled area as possible, and see what meat we can salvage. Hopefully, there's still a bit of flesh that's safe to eat."That's an elementary mistake, you know. Draggin' it in the dirt." she said, looking critically at Raion, then inwardly cursed herself for risking the short-tempered Toa's rage. Still, underneath her anger, the Matoran couldn't help but feel a bit pleased that the Toa of Earth was less skilled at hunting than she thought. She had begun to feel very useless, and it was nice to encounter a task she was familiar with.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: JikalJikal shrugged. "I'unno. My player skims sometimes. I'm just tossing out suggestions."IC: KraynKrayn looked at Kaylov sharply. "Who might this somebody be. Because they are interfering in an Aggressors operation, and if it is a lone being then the hostage count might be bumped up to three."IC: The CannoneerThe Cannoneer scowled. She hung onto a railing, watching the Prince. If he looked, he might notice her watching him.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:Vakama nodded. "I was aware of Onewa's capture. He must be taken back. As for guards about myself, I have confidence that Ta-Koro is secure enough - besides, my life does not warrant unnecessary effort to protect. It is my understanding that a concerted effort is being taken to win back Onewa?"


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OOC: Thanks for the awesome story so far, guys! :)IC: Tawara, Ta-Ga Border"Well, we might be able to make stew eventually. Depends on what we can find." Tawara walked over to the Mahi and turned it over, exposing the other side of the Rahi to the fire.

Weaver, Seeker, and Spark

"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

- Death, The Sandman

(Previously Toa Alaka)

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IC: Skyra - Vakama's Hut -Skyra looked at Kaylov. "Wait...you think more Turaga could be taken? By who? The pirates are right here in this koro." He looked back at Vakama. "Yes, we plan to get Turaga Onewa back. I've got an idea or two on how to do it. But we're gonna have to regroup with Commander Tillian and the others first."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Kaylov:"Three?" Kaylov asked, surprised. "Have they taken another Turaga since they took Onewa? Odd. I noticed a Skakdi, and three Toa: A Toa of Air, a Toa of Plasma, and a Toa of Lightning. The Skakdi and the Toa of Air fought others off, with the Toa of Lightning leading the way for the Toa of Plasma to run off with the Turaga." He looked oddly at the others, before turning back to Vakama."Turaga," he said, "I understand your lack of concern, but what if there are other pirates, or what if they've been sent by Makuta himself?" He figured he must be getting to the end of his limit, but oh well. "Nearly anything could happen, with the world the way it is. Are you sure you want to risk this?"He then turned back to Skyra and Krayn, frowning. "And I'm afraid I can't really tell you who I sent to get the Turaga," he said, frowning. "An old friend did me a favor, that's all," he said, leaning back in a small chair.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: KraynKrayn shook his head. "There was a possible hostage. A Toa named Song." He frowned. "And I'm sorry, but unless you can give me a name and an explanation, we will have to treat your ally as dead or captured. One being can't take an entire crew on their home turf."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Kaylov:"Song?" Kaylov asked skeptically. "Toa of Lightning, about as tall as you," he said, pointing over to Skyra, "And a rather special martial artist?" Despite himself, he burst out laughing."She's no hostage," he said, trying to hold back tears. "Not the way she was during that fight, oh no." He kept laughing."And don't be so certain about the person I got on the job," he said then. "I've seen him in action before. He'll have no trouble at all grabbing the Turaga, trust me. Not like anybody'd surprise him, not with how many eyes he has." He barely managed to contain his laughter.

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: "Hello, great ruler. My name is Mantoxis, and I seek work from whoever will hire me. I am, however, sick of the treachery of Makuta and will do whatever it takes to stop him. Do you have any tasks for me?"

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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Ic: Stannis led the Companions out of Ta-Koro and turned to a nearly-invisible side trail almost immediately. The ash carpet crunched under the heels of the matoran as they walked into a thicket of burned shrubberies and vanished from the sight of the guards at the entrance of Ta-Koro.Thanks to Lepidran's skilled Le-Koronan tracking, they quickly found the gate to the steps they were looking for. One of them swung the gate open from its ajar position and led the way up the long flight of steps. The cobblestone stairs snaked in a loosely straight line up the steep embankment of the hill, and nobody had the breath to speak much as the ascended the side of the volcano. Finally they reached the top, and a Ta-Koro guard halted them. "Halt," he said, as guards who halt people usually say.Stannis answered by showing his own medallion. "We have permission to use the car.""So you do. You may pass," the guard said, as guards who let people pass usually say.The entire company piled into the cablecar and journeyed to Ko-Wahi.

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IC (Oreius) (Ta-Koro)Oreius stepped out of Turaga Vakama's hut, the hot, dry air, filling his lungs as he took a deep breath. He felt curiously light, freed of the responsibility as a Guard he'd held for so long, and free of the Guard Staff that he had carried on his back all these years.The Ta-Matoran sighed, briefly overcome by a sad nostalgia. His career as a Guard had provided him with a purpose, and now that he had resigned, that purpose was gone. All he had was a heartwrenching longing to be free, and that would have to do.It was then that a series of enormous booms tore Oreius from his thoughts; three blasst of sound so loud they shook the very ground. The Matoran gasped and clapped his hands over his ears, his eyes wide as he watched a fireball erupt into the gray sky, hovering over the remains of the hospital.Forgetting his resignation for a brief moment, Oreius's Guard training kicked in. He began to run, his feet kicking up clouds of black dust as he tore through the streets of Ta-Koro, making for the hospital. He arrived scant minutes after the exposion to see the remains of the building consumed by fire. There was nothing left anymore, not even rubble. The hospital was gone as though it had never existed.Ta-Koro's alarm was ringing, and Guards were rushing through the streets. One, recognizing Oreius, slowed long enough to shout, "The Ice Toa's loose!" before vanishing in a trail of dust."Karz," Oreius swore quietly. The Toa had obviously had more in store for the hospital than just a murderous rampage: he had been planning to raze the building from the very beginning.There was little that could be done now. The fires were already dying down, but the alarm bells were still going strong, signaling the village that a murderer was on the loose. For once at a loss, Oreius drew one of his knives, feeling rather helpless, but still resolved to do something. He began to jog towards Ta-Koro's main gate, hoping to meet more Guards on his way. Though no longer an official member, he was willing to help in whatever way he could.

IC: NikaronNikaron looked at the others, "You guys hear that?"

IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)Did I hear that? The question was, how could I not hear it? An explosion ripped through the air, loud enough to shake the ground, hitting me like a fist to the chest. I gasped, then dropped the Kolhii equipment to cover my ears as another blast of sound tore through the village.Just a little ways off, a cloud of smoke and fire exploded over the rubble of the hospital. I took my hands away from my temples to find that alarm bells were clanging, adding to the ringing in my ears.I looked at Nikaron. "We need to go find out what happened."
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IC (Avya) (Ta-Koro)I started to follow Nikaron, then turned back to pick up the Kolhii staff and shield. I didn't know what was going on down in the village, but chances were it wasn't good, and i didn't want to meet danger empty-handed. Until i could get a proper weapon, these tools would have to do.I sprinted after Nikaron, dodging through the streets, and quickly caught up to him. In little time we were standing before the rubble of the hospital.What little debris remained from the hospital's demolition was now being swiftly consumed by flames, which even now were dying down, starving for combustible material. In minutes, the hospital would be nothing more than a pile of ashes.I looked at Nikaron. "What should we do?"

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IC: NikaronNikaron glanced at Avya, he was thinking of a course of action, they needed to find the demolisher, but the question was how. Then he found his ticket. A massive pool of water, walking over and touching it revealed that it was frigid. Thus it must have been recently frozen, after Cold Water did not exist in Ta. For that matter Ice didn't either. It seemed the Toa of Ice had escaped, which fit with the alarms of the Guard, for some reason he created a massive glacier of Ice, which was latter melted. Most likely by a Toa of Fire, for that would explain the explosions and flames.Nikaron then climbed to the top of the building, an expert Marksman himself, Nikaron knew where the fireballs had to be thrown in order to melt the Ice the way they had. He then took note of a few wet footprints, most likely leading in the direction of the perpetrators. "Come on Avya, I think I've found our clue."


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IC: "Hello, great ruler. My name is Mantoxis, and I seek work from whoever will hire me. I am, however, sick of the treachery of Makuta and will do whatever it takes to stop him. Do you have any tasks for me?"

IC: The Royal Court

"Well, Mantoxis." The King began. "Your hate for Makuta sounds to be as strong as mine. I do in fact have a task for you." The King grinned, the timing of this individual could not have been better. "I am in need of a...herald of sorts you see. I've just ordered some pamphlets to be sent out, but I need a voice as well. Would you like to be that voice? All you have to do, is go out there, from village to village, and speak for the Kingdom. I am trying to grow my army, and I need recruits, we need numbers to defeat the Dark Wizard Makuta. You must go out there and convince the people to join, only united can we defeat the Dark Wizard!"

The King paused, but only briefly. "So what say you? Will you be my herald and recruiter?"

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: DemasIt took all the self-control Demas possessed not to leap over the fence with his magnetic powers and kill the fools where they stood. He inhaled deeply. Exhaled. No. That would accomplish nothing. Instead, he fitted a bolt into his crossbow. He was extremely proud of these bolts. They were ornately yet practically decorated, easy to overlook, but instantly recognizable if you knew what you were looking for. Few did, of course, which was why he was still allowed to use them for assassinations, but he hoped the fools in the compound were among them.Using his mask, Demas selected the perfect spot to place the bolt - directly above the entrance to a large hut at the center of the compound, which looked to be a meeting hall of sorts. He fired. The bolt sailed over the fence and struck its target perfectly, quivering slightly. Demas smiled, then turned and vanished into the forest.OOC: Open for interaction.


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