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Bzprpg - Ta-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC(Balaythah and Tairel)

Balaythah groggilly opens his eyes. He felt like Karz and probably looked it as well. The Matoran looks around the room, trying to find where he was.Of course. The hospital...again. The killer was still on the loose, and Balaythah needed to track her down. But, he was still in pain. Alot. The Matoran wouldn't be leaving any time soon."Doctor!" calls out the Matoran.Tairel looks toward the door of the guard and walks in. "Yes?""Doctor; I was just wondering how a certain Ga-Matoran is doing. She works here and was admitted earlier."The Ta-Toa stood there for a moment, recalling the list of recent patients."I'm afraid I'm not sure who you're talking about; I've been gone for a while."Balaythah sighs before replying,"That's quite alright; I'll meet up with her later."Tairel nods his head and leaves the room; heading back to the Ko-Toa's room.-Mef Man

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IC: [Darylhii/Ril]Darylhii ignored Thama's vacuum, merely deciding not to breathe, and strode up to Ril, pulling out his spear from the Toa of Fire's chest., causing the other Toa to scream in pain. He then began to walk away, leaving Ril lying against the wall, vines having grown out of his chest and covered most of his body except for his face."Why didn't you kill me," he coughed as blood flowed from his wounds."Because I did not," Darylhii replied as he continued to walk away.

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OOC: Blackout? In the TF series Blackout and Grindor were identical, so he could be Grindorak's (I don't know why I didn't just plan call him Grindor) twin or something.IC: They got away. "They will return. I did not believe they would go on without Zeltroth...but they did. Blackout, Soundwave, Bonecrusher, Demolishor, and Brawl will return.""Maybe Frenzy. An insane Matoran I had as a slave. Jittery, spastic, and presumed dead. Emphasis on presumed.""Are you helping us, Barricade?""Well, if you want me gone so badly I can leave." He smirked."I'll take that as a yes. Welcome to the team."HE was taking orders from TAHUVA? Just until Bonecrusher was dead...then he'd get out of here. This was RIDICULOUS! He'd kill Bonecrusher as revenge then leave the Xanthium to deal with the others...he turned to Nen. "Clean it up if you like, servant boy! I really don't care either way!"

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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OOC: Ara'kas and Kamaehu from Onu-wahiIC: "That's far enough." Fragarach found his path blocked by a silver armored Toa, her sword gripped at her side, and her eyes blazing with judgement. "Don't try to run, or you won't make it out of here alive." Said Ara'kas.Meanwhile, Kamaehu hurried over to Ril. "You planning on dying anytime soon. If not, how can I help?"

Edited by Progenitus Worldsoul

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC: [Darylhii/Ril]"Well you could destroy this plant growing out of chest," said Ril dryly, coughing. "I just got promoted. I'm not going to die so soon."---Darylhii raised a metaphorical eyebrow."I see," he said, raising his spear. "Very well."He sped forward, thrusting the spear at Ara'kas' chest.

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OOC: King of No Isles, Gravity, I made Demolishor's profile. And I removed Bonecrusher's.IC: Tahuva ran toward Fragarach. More trouble. Though he didn't know these people, it was obvious which one was evil. "Dervian, help Ril up and get him to a hospital!"Dervian did so. "Doctor, this man needs an operation."The same old doctor they always came to sighed. "HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SEE YOU PEOPLE IN ONE WEEK?! IT'S LIKE YOU FIGHT DAILY!" At least he'd make a profit but TOO MUCH WORK! "Lay him on the bed."Tahuva and Kahua helped surround Fragarach. Tahuva caught Fragarach's attack in the curve of his axe. "Surrender or die."


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IC Thama:Thama moved behind Fragarach, staying a far distance away. She'd lend help to Ara'kas if she needed it. For now, she had to study this new foe.IC Nen:Nen finished solidifying the quicksand. He took the last bit of liquid dirt and tossed it at Barricade. "Here, since you might be leaving soon, take this souvenier to remind you of your time in Ta-Koro," he said as he tossed the dirt.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC: The dirt landed on Barricade's face. "What's THIS?!" He commanded it off of himself with his elemental power. "I like your style, kid." He formed a hard clump of dirt, heavy and hard like a rock, in his palm. "Tell me how you like mine." He threw it at the annoying Toa, calling him a (censored). "I don't have time for your silly jokes right now. I want to hunt down that Bonecrusher and tear him apart!"


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OOC: For someone who "exhausted his elemental power" a very short time ago, I'm amazed Barricade can make something so large.IC Nen:The dirt clump flew towards Nen, who crouched in readiness. Suddenly, the sound of a slash rang out, the dirt clump split into two clean chunks that fell to Nen's side and Nen's sword was already back in his sheath, his hand resting on the hilt. "I'm very much enjoying our game of catch. Would you like another turn?" he asked politely.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC: Ara'kas countered with an upwards swing, sending the spear sailing over her shoulder. The upswing became a slash, whistling in from the right towards Fragarach's chest.

Edited by Progenitus Worldsoul

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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OOC: Progenitus Worldsoul, the plant is being surgically removed at a hospital where Dervian brought Ril, and the spear is caught in the curve of Tahuva's axe. Edit your post.IC: The doctor used a large amount of beer to get Ril unconscious. "I don't want to have him screaming and squirming..." He started carefully and slowly uprooting the plant, making sure not to pull on anything important.Dervian watched the doctor. This. Was. Disgusting. But he had seen his fair share of battles, so he wasn't fazed.


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IC: [Ril/Darylhii]Ril chuckled as the fire burnt the vines away. It may have hurt for others, but he was a Toa of Fire, so it hurt much less."Thanks," he said.---Vines burst out of Darylhii's chest, grabbing onto the sword. Another vine shot out of his shoulder, grabbing his spear and returning it to his hands. His eyes flashed, and he stabbed his spear at the other Toa once more.

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IC Nen:Unfortunately for Barricade, Nen was not close enough to spit on, so he merely spit on the ground. Nen blinked. "I guess it's my turn then. Catch!" He formed a sphere of earth half the height of a toa and casually chucked it at Barricade.

Edited by pokemonlover360

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC Nen:"Fighting? You think this is a fight?" Nen asked. "This is merely a friendly game of catch between two fellow toa of earth. And since it is your turn, yes, it would be nice if you could toss it back to me so that I may catch it."

Edited by pokemonlover360

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC: "How cute." Ara'kas snapped her fingers, a line of fire burning through the vines holding her sword. But this time, instead of parrying, she swung her left shoulder into Fragarach, twisting her body out of the path of the spear.

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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OOC: I hope you realize that Nen is in fact entirely serious about playing catch.IC Nen:Nen stabbed his sword into the dirt as he stepped to the side. He used the momentum of the toss to rotate around in the circle, stopping so that the dirt clump flew off his sword and right at the back of Barricade. "CATCH!" he quickly shouted at Barricade. He didn't want to hurt the toa of course.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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OOC: Nevermind the editing...and I do, I read his profile. Barricade isn't used to guys like that though. Gravity, King of No Isles, you should probably continue about now, at least with planning or something.IC: Tahuva caught the spear in the curve of his axe. "Look behind you." He thrust his sword at the enemy's face.Barricade was fed up with this nonsense. He channeled his elemental power into his fist, and punched the rock, shattering it. Why was it that every time he regenerated elemental power he always ended up USING IT UP ON THE SPOT?! "ENOUGH!" This Toa was playing dumb! OOC: I know he's not, like I said, but Barricade doesn't.


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IC Nen:Nen was unfazed by the ball's destruction. "That was pretty cool. Would you like me to make a new ball so we can keep playing?" he asked, still as cheerful as always. He glanced back towards where the rest of the group was. "By the way, the person you were with is fighting someone over there, so you should probably tell them if you're leaving somewhere so they can find you when they're done fighting."

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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OOC: How did an axe turn into a sword?IC: [Darylhii]A wall of wood appeared in front of the sword, stopping it from hitting his head. Darylhii pulled his spear back, before slowly moving a short distance away from them. Energy began to charge up into his spear, and the vines around it began to slowly unravel."Lancea," he whispered as he prepared to throw it. "LONGINI!"The spear flew from his hand, crashing into the ground in between his two opponents, the energy exploding outwards as plants grew out from everywhere the energy had touched,

Edited by Hubert
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OOC: He has an axe AND a sword. Have you not seen his profile? IC: Tahuva jumped back, then set fire to the plants and pulled out his Triple Blast Rod, sheathing his sword. He fired on Fragarach/Darylhii (PICK A NAME) while running at him with his axe. Barricade spat. "I may as well join the fight, but it's too crowded. I DO have some toa pride, you know! It won't mean anything if we win at an unfair fight in our favor! Just look at them all ganging. Prideless!" He was starting to hate ganging up on people. If he was going to hang around with good guys, then he'd pick his favorite thing about them. Honor! "And I DON'T. WANT. TO. PLAY!"


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OOC: Fragarach and Darylhii are completely different people. They just share the same body. And why does Tahuva have a magic gun?IC: [Darylhii]Several walls of wood rose up in front of Darylhii, blocking all the attacks that had came at him and preventing Tahuva from getting to him. From his back erupted several vines, and they rose up, creating a rather intimidating figure. They promptly opened up, and seeds rapidly shot out of them, peppering his two opponents.OOC: I require someone to make a comparison between Darylhii, Rannin and Stronin's use of tentacles in combat. Except nobody present except for JL knows Stronin or Rannin.

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IC Nen:"Well, you might as well stick around to cheer for your friends to give them moral support. I'm pretty sure there isn't a rule against ganging up on a foe if they are sufficiently dangerous. That's why toa form teams, so we can all help each other out. By the way, you should see someone about that anger problem you seem to have. Try eating berries. They're delicious. Since we're done playing, we might as well introduce ourselves. My name's Nen, and I'm in a really good mood. What's your name?"

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC Nen:"We've been playing catch and becoming friends!" Nen answered. "It's fun!"

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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OOC: It's a Toa Tool. Since you can channel a blast through a sword, I decided to make a weapon in that shape designed for that purpose.IC: Tahuva burned the seeds up, even those falling on the others. "If you will not surrender, I will kill you." No more mercy... He ran at Darylhii with surprising speed, then flipped in the air while shooting flames from his Blast Rod at the vine tentacles. Holding them at bay with his powerful flame blasts (strong enough to go through a metal wall 2 seconds after hitting it), he swung his axe at his opponent's head. Barricade facepalmed. "IT'S JUST ONE TOA OF THE GREEN. TAHUVA'S FIGHTING HIM ALONE NOW, IT SEEMS."OOC: No one else in that fight is online, he's right. IC: "Screw berries, I'm not hungry! I didn't ask for your name, but mine's Barricade. If you don't mind, I'm busy so LEAVE!" He turned to Ril. "I fought alongside Tahuva, our opponents escaped but I nearly killed one. I JUST WISH I COULD HAVE ACTUALLY KILLED HIM!" He heard another intrusive comment from Nen. "WE-ARE-NOT-FRIENDS! I BARELY EVEN KNOW YOU!" He turned to Ril again. "This guy doesn't seem to take anything seriously. Be glad I haven't hit him. And FINE, YOU'RE CORRUPTING ME. I HELPED THE XANTHIUM. But THIS guy is NOT my friend." Barricade suddenly realized that his admission would embarrass him. "BUT I AM NOT OFFICIALLY WITH THEM!"

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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IC Nen:"You're part of a team, so that must mean they're all your friends! I bet you have loads of fun hanging out. I have an idea. Since there's three of us, we could play hide and seek!"

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC: [Darylhii]A massive piece of wood erupted from Darylhii's shoulder, causing the axe to be lodged in it. Surprisingly, the Toa of the Green began to laugh. It was a rather terrible sound, for his laugh felt evil."Kill?" he said. "And you call yourself a Toa?"The wood around the axe turned into a wooden arm, grabbing the weapon and throwing it off into the distance, where it crashed into the ground."Even I," he continued, "a being guilty of many crimes, has not killed a single being in my lifetime. Despite everything I done, I still follow the Golden Rule of the Toa Code."His vines grabbed his spear from where it had been embedded, returning it to his hands."You are trash. How can you declare yourself a Toa-hero when you are intent on killing others?"

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IC Nen:As Barricade went towards Nen, Nen suddenly reached out and poked Barricade. "TAG! You're it!" he gleefully shouted, leaping away.

I am pokemonlover360, master of hardly ever posting. You might know me from the many posts that I haven't made.
I'm around. If you really need me and I haven't responded quickly, send me a pm.

BZPRPG 2021 Profiles Six Kingdoms Profiles: Kilo-M9 NUVA, Ysocla Naenoic

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IC: "I am a Pyro and protector of the good first, and a Toa second. I fight the enemy with no mercy, and I protect the good with the best care. That is who I am. I am Tahuva Pyro, and I'm sorry if I disappoint!" He pulled out his sword, blasting apart each plant on the enemy's body with his blast rod, then making a wall of flame appear on every side of Darylhii, including up, except for the side he was coming from. He increased the flames intensity to a level that would reduce wood to ash in a split second, and swung his sword full force--a force that would remove the head of any but a very big and strong opponent in a single slash.OOC: In other words, unless he's Titan sized like Tahuva, Onuzek, Demolishor, Zeltroth, Senturon, Shockwave, etc...IC: Barricade spat. "I'M NOT PLAYING TAG! THAT WASN'T THE GAME I MEANT!" He turned to Ril. "I had a plan. Anyway, I'M NOT EVEN PLAYING WITH THIS FOOLISH FREAK!"


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