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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Angelus (Traveling, Ga-Wahi)"These two," said Angelus, gesturing to Kinvex and Tuara, "are Ta-Koro Guard. The rest of us are consultants with an ongoing investigation, and we really can't talk."GO. NOW. THEY WILL KILL YOU. Angelus's eyes screamed. Luckily, he managed to keep the warning buried enough so Utu and Dorian wouldn't kill him on spot.-Teezy



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IC: KraynKrayn looked at Angelus, and shook his head almost imperceptibly. It was obvious he got what the toa was implying. He drew his coat closer around him, and pulled his fedora further down."Really! Ta-Koro Guard. Well, I can believe it of those two," He gestured at Tuara and Kinvex, "But I never would have thought that those two," He pointed at Dorian and Utu. "Could be consultants. They looked too much like thugs." Krayn started to hobble closer to the group, using his cane for support. "I used to be Le-Koro Guard. Then I, well, I took a rather large blow to my right knee so I had to be relieved of duty. I'm a bookstore owner now." krayn for all the world looked like a crippled Toa.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Utu - Ga-Wahi - Destroyed VillageUtu was a foot away from the being when he finally stopped, he cracked his own neck. He sensed a slight spike of fear from both Tank and Tuara, less from Kinvex and even less from Angelus. Dorian was probably getting off about the same thing the others were worried about.Utu felt a pang in the Mark. Strange, it had been fed quite recently, earlier that day even. Perhaps it was... Just craving more as opposed to needing it.The Mark Bearer shrugged it off and instead proceeded to study the newcomer, "Well then," he turned away, "We'll be on our way then."

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OOC: Microsnipe, Tyler Durden, Krayzikk: Champion of RPGs,You have entered a land in its experimental stages. Totally new ideas are being tested before your very eyes. Grab a vine or sink into the quicksand of...KNI's first story arc.You see, if you would rather not be part of it, that's cool. You don't have to. It won't interfere with the Mark-Bearer plot, though. It won't fall into full effect until after it. Now's as good a time as ever. And yes, he's attacking each and every one of you. >=DIC - Yuru - AttackingHis luck was increasingly bountiful. A whole bunch of people were gathered together, traveling somewhere or other; he hadn't heard. Had he been more attentive, he might have noticed that some of them had Marks not all too different from his own. As it were, he was altogether more ready to subdue his inner lust for carnage than make any serious observations.(Dorian)One was separated from the rest by about ten feet. This gave him a disadvantage. Though the time it would take for the rest to notice his absence would be brief, it was enough time to have the others subdued to some degree. He activated his power from his hidden spot. Vines wrapped themselves around his legs faster than he would've thought possible. They snaked up and constricted him, crossing over his chest and covering his mouth. He soon gained cuts from spikes in the vines. Finishing was a small tree from behind, the top slamming into the back of his head. The toa was unconscious in seconds.(Krayn)Yuru felt a surge of energy from his Mark as the cruel act was committed. He used them to fuel the vines that dragged Krayn back by the arms, away from the starting attack. Another vine dragged him by the waist. He would have to deal with these to help the others.(Tuara)From his place, he burst out into the open. Swiping his hand, a tree slammed into Tuara and knocked her back, allowing a mess of vines to constrict her to the ground. First, one came over her waist, then arms, legs, and finally neck. Slowly, they closed in. She would soon begin choking.(Tank)Tank would now notice Yuru's glowing mark for sure. Of course, directly after he noticed that, he would notice his legs were trapped by vines. It was almost the same as Dorian, save the fact that he wasn't knocked unconscious. He was held in place, engulfed in vines that snaked around him brutally. Yuru chuckled, hoping Tank was claustrophobic.(Utu)Yuru wrinkled his nose when he turned to a particularly nasty-looking one. He grabbed his blade. Maybe he would get a fight from the fellow Mark-Bearer."Tell me," he smirked, "Who should I kill first?"He had ignored Angelus for a few reasons, but mostly because he was getting a bit exhausted on powers. He didn't doubt he could take him on with a little more power from his Mark.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: KraynKrayn was surprised, but not for long. He had already been on his guard, after all. It took him but a moment to find the correct sonic frequency to destroy the vines, and free him. Suspecting he would need the edge, he kept up the cripple act, using his cane to haul himself to his feet.He bombarded Yuru's ears with an incredibly high-pitched sound, one that would surely confuse him if not stopped.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:PontusThe walked around the city, drawing strange looks from most civilians. It was quite uncommon to see a mythical creature walk around the city after-all.OOC:Pontus the Merfolk, open for Interaction.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Hound & Co, Ga-Koro Beach / Hound's HutKirian stood up, having done everything he could do for Gravity for the moment, and motioned to Hound, who walked over."Can you carry both of them back?" Kirian asked, refering to Tirus as well. Hound nodded. Walking over to Gravity, Hound gently lifted him up, and then did the same with Tirus, before slowly and carefully walking back to his hut.OOC: If that's bunny/G-modding, sorry.


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IC: Angelus (Traveling, Ga-Wahi)Why Angelus had been spared from the assault, he didn't know, but whatever the Toa had planned for him, it wasn't good."Tuara!" he roared, running forward and lighting the vines holding her neck on fire and burning through them in seconds. "Hang on, okay? Just give me a second..."He began to tear through the vines with his bare hands. -Teezy



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IC: KraynKrayn abandoned his act. It wasn't going to help him here, the enemy was crazy. He started destroying the ropes on Tuara that Angelus had not already destroyed with his powers over sonics, and sprinted at the two, drawing a sword from his cane. The main body of the cane was the sheath, and the cane handle the handle of the sword. "I have no clue who you two are, but there is something really wrong about this guy." Krayn said upon reaching Tuara and Angelus.

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I'm absolutely sure sound frequencies can't disrupt solid matter (besides glass, at a ridiculous level), especially at that level. I guess, because of it having already happened and this being Bionicle, I can believe he weakened it or something. Just my opinion, so it really means nothing.IC - Yuru - AttackingYuru ripped a strip from his cloak at a screeching sound. As fast as he could, he wrapped it around his head and ears to block the sound. From that point, he waved his arms in a seemingly useless sequence of motions, but it triggered movement in surrounding plants. They began swiping, briefly animated by his will. The trees were Karz-bent on killing them.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: I might very well be wrong, but I'm taking it along the same lines as when music gets really loud and makes things vibrate. Logically speaking, a toa could take that to the next level and disrupt matter. Just my, likely wrong, psuedo-science.IC: KraynKrayn swiped viciously at the plants with his sword, hacking and hacking, but for every one he stopped there was always one more.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Hound & Co, Hound's HutHound carefully laid the two toa on his cot (Much larger than most) before sitting down in a chair to treat his own wounds. Kirian made of list of medical items to purchase before rushing out of there, and Hajia walked over to Gravity and Tirus, finding Tirus unconsious, and spoke to Gravity. "Can you speak?"


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IC-KuAnLo:KuAnLo awoke, falling into a coughing fit again. He checked his hand-no blood this time. Good. He stretched himself like a cat, wondering what had happened yesterday...oh, that's right-he got some food from a weird mutant-toa. He grabbed the half of the armoured tentacle he hadn't eaten, swinging it around somewhat. He nibbled on it slightly, as though it were some morbid snack of his.As he walked, he passed by where he had fought the marked beings and their friends. The trees were moving around, trying to apparently kill something. He noticed them, fighting against all the plants, and shrugged. Ripping a limb off of a tree that tried to swing at him, he walked on, using that branch as a good, strong staff now.He came lazily over to Ta-Wahi eventually. He'd been there, a long, long time ago...he remembered a bar fight, and a few crazy people. Nothing specific though, besides his brother, what he'd found him doing...He growled, his anger blind as that of a Mother Ash Bear. He shook himself, walking in to Ta-Wahi. He heard that some other followers were building some sort of base in the Charred Forest, and he wanted to check it out.OOC: KuAnLo to Ta-Wahi...and yes, Shadow, that was you guys that I passed. :D

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Utu - Ga-WahiUtu lifted up his hands and brought his fingers together into fists in a crushing manner. Ice erupted from below him slicing through the vines and freezing those already there, making them easy to shatter.Utu watched as Angelus jumped to Tuara's aid, seemingly forgetting about the others being engulfed in vines. Utu stepped forwards, his powers freezing any vines that came close to him and crushing them with his feet.IC: Tank - Ga-WahiTank's Mark already active, he didn't need to take a moment to will it on, instead, he waited. Holding his breath as the vines wrapped around his neck, he waited for pain, struggling to keep the breath of air in his lungs.The next thing he'd need was anger. And lots of it.Dorian needed to wake up.IC: Tuara - Ga-WahiTuara gasped as the vines were burnt from her neck and she struggled to pull her arms free of their hold, she lit her hands aflame and her hands burst through the vines, "Thank you."She looked down as more and more vines wrapped around her body, spreading past Angelus to reach her. Utu had just stopped stepping forwards towards the newcomer, who... The Marking. Tuara ceased her struggle for a moment to peer at the glowing tattoo, "Mata-Nui."Utu tilted his head at the sight of the being's Mark, next was the whipping vines and moving trees. That might be a problem. He tugged up his sleeve and bore holes into the being with his eyes, revealing the Mark of Fear. Utu breathed in and it started glowing.

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IC: Gravity"Eh.... Not really," I said, "The torn off tentacle hurts kinda bad. A bit more than 'kinda bad', but I'll live."I tried to take a deep breath, but was stopped about half-way by the melted chest peice."Uh, could you take the armor on my chest off? Its kinda hard to breath."



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IC: Angelus (Battling, Ga-Wahi)"Aw, to Karz with it," he said, moving a step back. "Try and breath in, Tuara."He sucked the heat from the air around him and shot it out in a giant wave of fire, eradicating all the vines. If Tuara didn't have the power of heat resistance, she'd be cooked to death. As it was, she'd feel pretty sunbaked for a couple seconds, but at least she wasn't choking."Tank! Where is Dorian?" he yelled. The Mark Bearer of Rage was nowhere to be found, and rage was the one thing they all had in common right now.IC: Dorian (Battling, Ga-Wahi)Dorian regained consciousness and found himself being slowly strangled by the vines. Snarling, he felt the others nearby: they were all full of rage, and rightfully so. Luckily, that was just what Dorian needed.He sent out a volley of ice, freezing the vines, and then shattered them with a burst of strength, flying into the battleground. The others had freed themselves from their attackers already, and now there was...a new Mark Bearer?Moving his shirt sleeve, he revealed his Mark of Rage, which, along with his eyes, were glowing a brilliant iridescent blue.-Teezy



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IC: KraynKrayn lunged away from the fire, and stood, brushing himself off. "Thank you for nearly baking me." He complained to Angelus. "It was much appreciated. Now, again. What the karz is with those marks?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC - Yuru - AttackAs Kinvex jumped at him, he was thrown backwards brutally by vines that grabbed it. It was obvious to everyone on the battlefield that they couldn't approach him so directly. They'd have to fight smarter to defeat him. Meanwhile, trees continued to attack, now seeming direct mostly on Tuara, as she seemed to be the focus of Angelus. Everyone was still being bombarded, though her the most.He smirked when he saw all the Marks. Atleast they wouldn't be pushovers like his normal victims.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Dorian (Fighting, Ga-Wahi)Noticing the increased attacks on Tuara, Dorian leapt forward and flash-froze the plants; seconds later, they were shattered by a brutal blow from Angelus. Before Yuru could send out another wave of plants, Dorian had charged, forward, aiming a sweep at the Toa of Plantlife's legs with his sword.-Teezy



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IC - Yuru - AttackYuru's own blade flashed before Dorian's eyes, swerving his sword to miss. The dual blades glinted in the sun, blinding Dorian for a half second that let Yuru make another move. He threw out a kick that would move his opponent back regardless of whether it struck. He used the opening to create a bush between them. It shot dozens of thorns at Dorian quickly. Unbeknownst to him, they were poisoned.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Dorian (Battling, Ga-Wahi)"Angelus!" Dorian yelled, jumping into the air. While he was up, Angelus sent out a tongue of flame that vaporized the thorns before they could hit anyone from the group. When he landed, Dorian began to freeze the air around Yuru, and slowly, the Toa of Plantlife was being covered by a layer of frost which would soon turn to ice.-Teezy



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IC - Yuru - AttackA vine reached up and broke the bolt in half. Vines jumped up and began trying to strangling Krayn. He felt cold around him."What is this sorcery?!"He created a tree under himself, rising above the specific area. This also gave him an advantage of ground.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: KraynBetween a combination of his powers, and a dagger, Krayn managed to fight free of and destroy the vines. By this point, Yuru was already higher up. Krayn loaded, and fired, his crossbow again.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Tank - Ga-WahiThings started to become darker, his breath being thrust from his lungs, Tank gasped for a breath but could not find any.IC: Utu - Ga-WahiUtu stepped forwards ready to attack when he noticed the struggling figure disguised by vines. Tank. Utu quickly conjured up a dagger before throwing it into his own side, close to his hip. Away from vital organs, but in a place that could cause plenty of pain. The Toa of sand was the priority when it came to being kept alive, next to himself of course.Tank felt a surge of strength and pushed outwards as hard as he could, tearing his upper body free from his prison of vines, he pulled at the vines on his neck and tore them off angrily. Tank dropped to his knees coughing wildly. He looked up to see Utu with the dagger of ice in his side."This could be a problem."Tank leapt upwards and gingerly attempted to get closer to the battle, to the Mark Bearer while still coughing. The Mark Bearer of Pain stepped over and around moving vines all heading towards him.IC: Tuara - Ga-WahiTuara looked up as the Mark Bearer rose up, she lifted up both hands once again and let loose a massive wall of fire, enveloping much of the tree trunk, ready to take down the tree as quickly as she could make it burn.Utu shook a little as he yanked the dagger out. He then concentrated on defending himself from yet another wave of vines.

Edited by MicroSnipe

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IC: Dorian (Battling, Ga-Wahi)This was becoming annoying. Dorian found himself batted back by plantlife until he was shoulder to shoulder with Angelus."You down for something incredibly stupid, half-cocked, and death-defying?"IC: Angelus (Battling, Ga-Wahi)Angelus gave a predatory grin."Continue."-Teezy



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IC - Yuru - FightAt the approaching flames, Yuru flipped over them. He landed on the ground with one hand in the air. He wasn't just putting on the ritz- it created a vine that knocked Krayn's bolt out of the way."I'm through attacking. Unless you want to keep going?"

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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