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Bzprpg - Ga-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Honnak"Very well," the Toa of Iron said, relaxing back in the chair. "When I was younger, a lot younger then I am now, I worked as a bounty hunter. Good pay, easy work. Anyway, a few years into that I was after some Skakdi. Unpleasent fellow, killed a bunch of Matoran. Now, I had nothing against killing, as long as there was a reason; my reason back then was money. Might have not been a good reason, but it was a reason. But this guy was literally attacking people left and right; that I just could not take. So, I joined the Guard to stop people like him.""And here I am now."



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IC: Ravage Ravage nodded, and took a step toward the cloth, before inhaling deeply. He sniffed a few more times. "Got it."Ravage stretched his legs, and let out a slight growl. "We should get going. The longer we wait, the harder it'll be to find them."He turned around. "I do have one stop to make, though."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC-Corik:Corik turned in his bed, away from the light poking through the window into his eyes, and those of his friends who were with him. He really, really didn't want to wake up, as was evidenced by his rather loud snoring. It wouldn't have been much a problem if the inn had had more openings, but now Lii and Gykehl had to deal with it as well.

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IC: GykehlThere were a few things that Gykehl couldn't stand, being a Toa of Sonics, and snoring was one of them. He had, however, managed to protect his hearing by creating a field of silence around the Toa of Fire. The field only lasted so long, and the heavily armored Toa was woken up the minute it disappeared.He got out of the bed, literally not making a sound, and made his way outside.IC: LiiThe hyper-active Toa of Heat, on the other hand, was fast asleep. It was amazing that she could stop moving at all. Lii was practically roasting under the seven blankets she had on, but anything else was too cold for her.The light hitting her eyes did wake her up, and she blinked a few times to clear her vision. I knew we should have went to the other inn, she thought to herself. Lii, not one to stay in bed and sleep in, shot out from under her covers."Good-morning!"



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IC: Lii"Well... I-wasn't-really-yelling-cause-THIS-WOULD-BE-YELLING-right?" the Toa of Heat pointed out. She didn't seem to notice the fact that Corik had fallen on the floor."Lets-go-get-breakfast-I'm-starving," Lii continued, talking faster then one would think physically possible.



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IC-Corik:"For something this early in the morning," Corik said, regretting the sleep he was losing right now, "That was yelling." He sighed. "But, you're right...seeing as you most likely won't let me sleep, we may as well get something to eat."IC-Raxa:Raxa sat/layed upon a hammock, his feet propped up on the tree in front of him. He had tried getting some sleep the last night, but hadn't, as was evidenced by the look on his face. He was drawing in his journal he had picked up, mapping out what he knew of Onu-Koro and of how far he'd gone into the catacombs before."Raxa," the Toa of Crystal heard, "Look up." Doing as was said, Raxa saw a green-and-black armoured Toa of Air looking down at him, a tablet in his hands. "Take this." The Toa of Crystal did so, watching interestedly as Zodir ran off, wind-staff on his back.Raxa shrugged, taking a look at the tablet, and frowned.Fictus is dead, it said, using the supposed 'leader' of NEX's true name. You're in charge now. The Toa of Crystal activated his Pakari, and smacked the tablet against the iron-wood tree behind him-the stone shattered into unreadable powder and fragments.Raxa stood, and waved over at Gravity. "I've got something to take care of, something that may help us," he told the younger Toa. "If I'm not back by the time that Hound decides to move out, send a messenger and I'll get there as soon as I can." He clapped the Toa of Gravity on the shoulder, and began to walk down the road, away from Hound's home.

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IC: Gravity"Alright," I said to he Toa of Crystal, not even bothering to ask. I had seen the Toa of Air give him a tablet of some kind, and it must have been important. Seeing as he smashed it. "Good luck..."I watched Raxa go, my mind elsewhere at the moment. I hadn't been feeling considerably good lately.IC: Lii"I-wonder-if-they-have-anything-good-here..." Lii said, literally bouncing down the stairs. The Toa of Heat's brother was still nowhere to be seen, and she glanced around for him. He was usually the last one up, not the other way around.



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IC-Corik:"Don't worry, they'll have good food," Corik sighed. "I've been here before. And you can stop looking around for your brother, he's most likely already downstairs and getting us food."IC-Raxa:After a while of walking south, Raxa already began to notice the effects-the air was getting hotter, the vegetation was growing sparse...typical of a highly-volcanic environment. He continued walking, ignoring the stifling heat. He had to find somebody in Ta-Koro.OOC: Raxa to Ta-Wahi.

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IC: Skyra - Ga-koro -"I'll be right back guys..." I said as I walked toward the carriage. I walked right up to her and her guards, just to see what kind of reaction they'd give me. "Hello there, what brings you to Ga-koro?" I asked in a friendly, diplomatic voice. Aurelia's reaction would help me decide my opinion on her.

Ic: Immediately, two of the retainers leveled a pike at Skyra, but Aurelia waved his hand in dismissal. "He's curious," she said, "let him be." The retainers obeyed but kept an eye each at Skyra, as was their job, though they were more leery at a toa than they would be at anyone else. "Do pardon their reflexes. The status of wealth sometimes does have its cumbersome aspects, this being one," she said, meaning the entourage. Her voice was soft and cultured, a far cry from the more urgent tone she used on Brykon only hours before, but she was very stately as she addressed the common person."I'm here on business. I'll be taking a ship of wares to the Kumu Islets to deliver relief to the poor city. As it so happened, most of it burned down. I intend to rectify and renovate the city, and maybe it can be counted as a legitimate village soon."

IC: Savina - Ga-Wahi -Savina looked around the grassy hills and valleys, it was a rather beautiful view. "Wow, I don't think I've been here before."

"Few people have," Anthyn said simply. "There is not much here to see if you don't know what you're looking for." There were plenty natural beauties, of course, a wonderland for a naturalist of any sort, but Anthyn was not looking for flower specimens or dirt samples -- she was not a softie like the doll she carried with her now. Of course, Savina could not know what it was the Valkyr was after. Not until it would come into view. Edited by Tyrion Lannister
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IC-Vitiate:Vitiate turned from the group, watching and listening to Skyra speaking to Aurelia. "If you think that plague-ridden smuggler's hole will be a true village some day," he called over to the Matoran, "You're more idealistic than most."

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Ic: Aurelia lowered her gaze at Vitiate, and her tone held a veiled sense of guard and irritation at the shadowy toa. "Not more idealistic, more capable than most. Do I look like someone who's idea of investment is tossing change into lava wells?" The answer was obviously not. "The people who live there are just as much like the two of you, too, only they have been tread on by worse fates. To think of them as rotten and infected pests is just the sort of attitude that relegated them to the lives they live now. Show some common courtesy and respect to those who cannot even defend themselves from your barbarous tongue."

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OOC: Note: Skyra is male. :PIC: Skyra - Ga-koro -Well, she seemed nice enough. Her guards not so much, but I guess that meant they were doing their job. "Well, that is quite a big project. I heard about Xa-koro being burned, a shame that." I kept the tone of my voice at a professional level, like a gukko force officer should usually act around acquaintances. I ignored Vitate's comment as I continued the conversation. "I wish you luck, many have tried to make something out of the Kumu Islets in the past, with limited success at best." For whatever reason, I found the conversation somewhat stimulating. IC: Savina - Ga-Wahi -"And, what exactly are we looking for?" She asked curiously, she was half tempted to stop and examine some of the flora, but Anthyn clearly wanted to keep moving.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Vitiate:Vitiate kept his expression blank as he stepped over towards Aurelia, standing slightly to the side of Skyra. "I think the way I do of that place," he said calmly, his hands behind his back, "Because that is where I come from. Of the beings who live their permanently, they're hard, thieving criminals most of the time. Some are decent, most are not. They were that way in the beginning-the only reason they live on that island is because the 'barabarous tounges' of people drove them there." He looked over to Aurelia."But please, enlighten me on your view. I'd love to hear it."

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Ic: "Then I pity you for your blindness to the plight your fellow Xa-Koro people face. It's fitting, I suppose," she added, "that you think that was because you are here and not there, not anymore. But I can hardly understand why you would not want to help them or even show them kindness they so desperately deserve. What a cruel creature you are," Aurelia said in curiosity."You, sir," she said as she turned back to Skyra, "are kind, kinder than your company, and I can respect that compassion. At the least you do not condemn renovation, which is good. Tell me your name."

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IC-Vitiate:"Rennovation, I do not condemn. Trying to help them out of where they are, by delivering supplies when they haven't paid for them? That, I do condemn. The smallest acts have far reaching repercussions, and not everything is fixed by helping a being. In the case of the Xa-Koro people, the best help you can give is making them pull themselves out of that pit by their own strength." The Toa of Plasma looked at Aurelia interestedly."Cruelty can be useful. Kindness as well. My philosophy for those in Xa-Koro is both a cruelty and a kindness. Yes, I would be forcing the criminals to do something they normally wouldn't want to do. But what they would learn in the process would help them climb to heights they can't reach if somebody else makes it easier on them."

Edited by Kal Grochi

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IC: Skyra - Ga-koro -"I'm Commander Skyra, of the Gukko Force." I said as I glanced at Vitiate, wondering what his issue was. I'd just met him as well really, and already I was finding him to be annoying. "Personally, I find cruelty to be both wrong and ineffective. Kindness is a much better motivator." I then looked back at Aurelia.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

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Ic: She smiled a small smile. "I agree with you, Skyra. I am Aurelia of Onu-Koro."Then she returned to her sharp demeanor at Vitiate. "Did you not hear my words about throwing change into lava? Please, if you think the only thing I am doing is sending presents to hungry children then please explain why I am dressed like a queen with attendants and not as a nun with friars. You misjudge my actions as pure charity. I am a merchant - I invest. Or are you blind to that, too?"If we leave the Xa-Koronans to rot in their swamps, they will never learn to succeed. By showing them what they could do if they actually worked and by giving them incentives to do better, they can improve themselves with the sponsorship and mentoring of people who know better than they. Bi giving them a leg up and tools to show them how to walk, they can succeed and be better, but it takes two to tango."

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IC-Vitiate:"Truly," Vitiate said drily. "And yet, I managed to pull myself out of that place without having to rely on another being. Without having to have an incentive. I pulled myself out because I hate that bloody life...And there are more beings than you who have tried investing in Xa-Koro, as I have seen. Were that place not under Makuta's influence, then their efforts may have been better. Beings richer than you by far, richer and more powerful." He then took a glance at Aurelia again."More powerful with the villages, at least. With the major organizations...everything except any organized crime. You, however, I am not familiar with, and have not seen before. I wonder where your power truly lies."

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IC: Skyra - Ga-koro -I stared at Vitiate blankly. "So what you're saying is that because you had to pull yourself out on your own, so does everyone else?" I wondered why Vitiate was so apprehensive at someone who actually wanted to use their riches to improve a village. What the karz could be wrong with that?

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Vitiate:"Forgive me for not being clear: Most of the people there have lived that life so long that it is accustomed to them, that it has become the only way they know. In fact, some of them even like being a part of crime, they like running around, stealing, murdering, everything that goes on there. If they can't get over that and pull themselves out themselves, if they have to rely on a second being or group to show them the right way to live their lives, they will regress. They will fall back on crime. Only those truly wishing to pull themselves out and lead a better life are likely to truly benefit from this." He looked over to Skyra."Otherwise, Guardsman, you and your organization may just have to go through the pain of having to de- and re-socialize them yet again."

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Ic: "Precisely," Aurelia countered. "That's the only life they know, and so it is up to people like myself and my colleagues to fix that and show them what they can achieve. My goal is to mentor all of them to lead better lives. But to think that Xa-Koro has a devil's spell cast on it by the Makuta is sheer fantasy. They are people like us with different histories -- minus yourself, mister...?"As she gave this front of justice and goodwill towards the fortuneless, aiming at improving their sorry little lives, she mentally smirked. If only the two beings who squabbled before her had any inkling, the slightest hint at Aurelia's true nature, business and goals, they would not have hesitated to slam a sword into her heartlight. Domination, enslavement, indentured servitude, invasion -- those were the words that rang in her mind, words spoken by her fellow Peers with herself, words that would certainly transform Xa-Koro to a bustling atmosphere but not to one of prosperity for the throngs, but to the Four and their goals.Still, she had no intentions of ending the conversations yet, no matter how chaotic they seemed to be. There was still much information to be gleaned.

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IC-Vitiate:"Under Makuta's spell? No. I speak of the Rahi. I speak of the number of Makuta's worshippers who congregate there. He himself has done nothing directly, though many things that have happened there ultimately lead back to him." He kept a careful eye on Aurelia."And I like the thought that you can show them what they can achieve," he said, "But as I mentioned earlier, more people than you have tried such things and failed, yet you seem even more optimistic that you will succeed. As I mentioned earlier, miss, I wonder where your power truly lies."

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Ic: "The same touch of darkness has been placed on the rest of the island, mister...?" she said, again opening a place for the man to identify himself. "There is little difference between the Makuta's influence there and here."Power is a curious thing. It's a trick, a scam. Power... lies in the eye of the beholder. "My power here on Mata Nui is nothing to consider. It is the power I exercise to the poor souls in Xa-Koro that will have them flock to me. It is the power that those people see that will yield results. My power lies in those who see it and believe."

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IC: Skyra - Ga-koro -"She's right, Makuta's influence is everywhere on the island, so it's moot point." Aurelia brought up an interesting take on power, and it made sense, if someone believes you have power, then you have power over them right then and there. What helping the people of Xa-koro had to do with power I wasn't exactly sure. Helping all those people could easily get you power, but only if you really wanted it. I began to wonder what she would do with such power.

Edited by King Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Vitiate:Interesting, Vitiate thought. She is truly either another soon-to-be-poor fool...Or there is something she's hiding. The Toa of Plasma made a mental note to prepare for the second and not the first. He did not trust Aurelia as much as Skyra seemed to."My name is Tenebrae Incarnatum, Miss," he said politely, nodding his head in courtesy. "And the touch of darkness appears to be...concentrated, if you will, in Xa-Koro. To my eyes." His gaze passed over the guards who were watching him closely as well. It seemed they worked voluntarily, and yet...There was something about them. Something not quite meeting the eye, the same with Aurelia...though this something was different. They didn't convey the feeling of power and wealth, of both idealism and shrewd cunning. He couldn't quite put his finger on it."I see. I feel that I may see a different power within you than others might, miss...and yet, the same. You are a very interesting individual."

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Ic: Aurelia grinned slightly at this. "If people stopped trying to be interesting, the world would be a very boring place. But tell me, what is it that makes you think of me as interesting, and why is it so? Do my words resound, my ideas rivet, my status baffle, or is it something else entirely?"

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IC: Skyra - Ga-koro -"Well I don't know about him, but I'd have to say just the fact that you rode into the village in a carriage makes you interesting. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just unusual, it's more common for people to ride gukko."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Ic: "More common for a common person, I would assume," Aurelia stated. "Now, the loading of my wares will surely take a while. I heard about a certain wedding and party celebrating the matrimony of another renown warrior, Tillian. The two of you would not happen to know more about this event, would you?"

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IC: Skyra - Ga-koro -"I do actually, I just so happen to be the best man." I stated. "Tillian is actually just over there." I pointed at him, as Tillian hadn't moved from Riaril's final resting place. Emotia and the others were still gathered over there as well.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Vitiate:"Yes, Commander Tillian is getting married today," Vitiate said, thinking. "I find you interesting because I know you're hiding something. Something more than most beings...something more intricate. And it is that very thing, with your intelligence, that causes your words to resound, your ideas to rivet, and your status to baffle. I believe it is that thing that must interest others enough that you will easily be able to gain a certain influence over them." He lifted a hand to his chin, stroking it slightly."As I said, there is something about you that is different from every being...and yet, very similar. It is your seeming intelligence that makes you seem powerful, and every other thing I have mentioned...and gives you the ability to hide that which I know you must be hiding." He stopped stroking his chin, allowing his eyes to focus completely on Aurelia."And I am wondering just what that is, as well."

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Ic: "Oh, how nice," Aurelia said. "I was hoping I would be able to pop in. Word of Tillian's exploits reached far and wide, and I happen to have quite a bit of respect for him. I would be quite honored to be there myself, as an act of admiration. I would be happy to give some of my services and resources to the planning, as well."And Tenebrae, we all hide things, I just hide things as befitting my position. Whatever they are, I guarantee you they play no role in our conversations. Though if you ever want to help with the efforts in Xa-Koro, here is my card," she said as she slipped a small, thin piece of stone with gold plating and her details on it. "I would be happy to have you on the team. Maybe someday I can tell you a few secrets," she said, smirking epically at the end of the sentence.

Edited by Tyrion Lannister
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IC-Vitiate:Vitiate took the small plaque, slipping it into a small pocket on his robes. "I would very much like to know these 'secrets,' Miss," he said, making a mental note as to how she avoided the question. She seemed to be good at what she did...he would watch her, possibly turn her. He wasn't sure yet."Meanwhile, I think we'd do better to head back to the others," the Toa of Plasma said. "I feel they might like a few plans to be finished, and Lieutenant Skyra has an important part in that, don't you?"

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IC: Tillian (Ga-Wahi)Idly, Tillian strolled up to the new arrival, noticing Skyra as the Toa of Air stalked away with a fuming look on his face. An eyebrow raised, Til turned back to the Matoran."Hello!" he said brightly, a wide smile on his face; it was clear the return trip home had been good for the Toa of Gravity's sorely lagging spirits.-Teezy



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