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Bzprpg - Le-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: "Yes, sir" the matoran stammered. He thought this Skakdi was being rather rude, but wasn't about to make an issue of it. "I've heard talk of pirates here in Le-koro. Apparently, they had a fight, stole a food cart and then sailed west and south." He wasn't sure that particular crew contained this Odhran, but he hoped it would keep this angry-looking Skakdi off his back."Thankyou" replied Hatann coolly. "You have been most helpful." He threw the matoran a couple of widgets, and stood up. "West and south eh? To me, that says the Kumu islets or somewhere on the east coast. Any ideas Moylan?"


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IC (Merror)Merror quickly extinguished his sword, signalling urgently for the others to do the same. Between the trunks of a couple of trees, he watched...IC (Echelon)Suddenly, Echelon felt a slight change in the weak magnetic field he had surrounded himself with after having been spied on so much.He quickly turned his head in the direction the noise had come from. Slowly he began to walk towards the tree behind which the Toa were hiding...And then he stopped, shook his head, and turned back to Vidar. His companion looked quizzically at him."There was a slight disturbance in the force," he said. "But I believe it was merely a Rahi."As they began walking once more, Echelon looked back one more time, frowning, for a second or two. It had probably been nothing.





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OOC: Star Wars references? Seriously?IC: Pirok & Invisible"Do you think he saw us?" Pirok whispered."Here's an idea:" Invisible said, before using his sonic powers to make everything around them silent to anyone outside a small field.OOC: Yes, I think one can do that...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC: Proditor"Don't forget to pass on my message! The one about 'The dead Toa of Air from Tamaru's hut would like his body back now, thankyou very much.'. Y'know, that one?" Proditor hadn't really caught on to the seriousness of what was taking place.

Edited by Pirok the Va-Matoran


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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"Karz!" curses the Toa as he loads in another metal disk and fires it toward the being before throwing his launcher to the ground. He grabs his second ice pick and stands his ground, activating his Kanohi Hau.-Mef Man

Ooc: Oh, they're metal? Odd. Throwing disks on Mata Nui are made of bamboo.Ic: Senegal played the same trick again, snatching the disk midair. But when Kav'Den threw the launcher down, Senegal didn't, instead hurtling the plate right back at the Toa of Ice who shot it at him.While he did that, however, he quickly closed the gap between the two fighters. So Kav'Den had a choice: slammed by his own weapon or battered by his adversary. The audience eagerly wanted to find out which was going to be chosen.
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OOC: Oh Great, Now Cadias is Breaking the Fourth wall too. XDIC: Moylan"The islets seen the likely choice for pirate filth like Odhran."She noted, clenching her fist. The Pirate had gotten away, but she was going to find him... and he was going to die.IC: KirgonNothing, nothing at all. The silence was disturbing, unpleasant to the extreme. There was nothing to do but listen to the sound of the jungle. He was being ignored by everyone else, and his greed was quite strong. He wanted that treasure, and the others were just wasting his time.Then, a clever idea slipped into his mind. Kinika would end up hating him for sure, but he had never really cared about having friends.He slipped over to Kinika's cart, hoping that he was unnoticed. Now was when stealth was thrown out of the window completely.He leaped up onto the cart, kicking the Rahi pulling the cart as he did, to get it running. It was Grand Theft Carto."Run you stupid Rahi, run for the border!"

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OOC: You liked the last one :(And I was writing it, and thought "Oh, that sounds like Star Wars, I know, let's just make it into a nice little reference, shall we?"IC (Echelon)Echelon looked up sharply at the spirit. A quick magnetic probe showed that he was indeed that - a disembodied spirit; nothing metallic, at least, and judging by the looks of him, there should have been."Do I, now?" he replied. "And what might that be?"OOC: BTW, Snelly, is Echelon allowed to have done anything to Wraith's body while he's had it?IC (Merror)Merror would have replied, but Invisible's field of silence stopped him from speaking.





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OOC: Actually, no-one inside the field is affected, it's just that people outside the field can't hear them. And I did like the SW reference, I was just joking. :PIC: Pirok"What the Karz does he think he's doing?!" Pirok was shocked by Wraith's apparent stupidity.OOC: I know Wraith's not actually stupid.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Ya, as long as you didn't kill his body, feel free to have done terrible things to it. :biggrin:IC: Skyra, Mimira, Wraith"My body. You stole it in Ko-Wahi. I want it back, and I'll keep following you forever, till I get it." Wraith hadn't heard Proditor's request, he was a bit preoccupied with getting his own body back.OOC: Maybe Proditor should try getting back into his body right about now? See what happens?

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Echelon)Ah, he thought. Most fascinating.It was always a pleasure when an experiment came to fruition; and it was certainly interesting to observe the results of long-term separation from the body of Iden-users."Will you?" Echelon replied. "What makes you think I have your body, and if I did, why should I care about being followed by a disembodied spirit?"





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IC: Wraith"A certain pirate tipped me off. And after all the searching and sleuthing I've done, everything points to you. There simply is no one else who could or would have taken it. And maybe you don't care if I follow you, but your going to have to go back to where you've taken my body eventually."Wraith looked at the undead around Echelon, he got an idea. "Besides, I think I know a way to make my presence unbearable if I have to."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC (Madrihk)"Calm down," Madrihk hissed. "everyone. Police or not, murderer or not, it certainly won't do any good if we start lopping each other's heads off due to a small disagreement. As I said: I want to hear what Voriki has to say before taking any further action."

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IC: LuxLux was stunned. He had never guessed...Not really thinking he ran up and hugged Solia, not caring if he looked silly.'Be safe,' he said, 'You'll always get burned, but you've got to keep forging. Goodbye Solia.'With that, he smiled sadly, and walked back towards Zaveno.OOC: It's been great RPing with you wotsiznum! See ya around! :lol:-Void



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IC: Hatann nodded. "Long walk to Ga-koro" he said quietly. "Maybe we could get a gukko or two. That's the closest thing you have to an airship on this island, right?" It wasn't so much the walk he wished to avoid as that he wanted to get on with his mission. It was too long since he had smashed something. Particularly any living thing.


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IC(Love): "Aw, thank you! I'm not that young anyway. Besides, I can't muster that much Willpower. Just tons and tons of love. Love Mardi, and you are?"

IC Yghari - Le-Koro - Talking to Love: "Yghari. I am also hungry. It was nice to meet you, Love Mardi, but I have to go now," the Toa of electricity said, turning from the purple Toa, and walking away to find him some food. -Yghari
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IC: Hatann had to admit he had never ridden a gukko before. Still, if those puny Matoran could manage it, how hard could it be? "Um, sit on it I guess" he said, not quite sure of himself, then, as he gained confidence in the idea, "Point it north-east and off we go!" He approached one of the matoran tending the birds. "Oi, you" he said. "We need to use a couple of those". There were no toa about to object to his treatment of the matoran, so he wouldn't bother asking nicely.


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OOC: Er, TDC, you think Jokar is still following Kirgon?IC Jokar - Le-Wahi - Stopping Kirgon: Kirgon didn't get more than ten yards before vines flew in from outta nowhere, and wrapped themselves around the wheels of the cart, stopping it effectively from going anywhere. Jokar emerged from the jungle, "Stop right there. You've just crossed the final line, Kirgon," he said, making the plants around the cart to hold it down in place, and the Rahi that was pulling it was unable to move the cart whatsoever.--OOC: You posted the exact moment I did. XD IC Yghari - Le-Koro - Talking to Love: He sighed to himself, and turned to face the purple being again, "I saved the life of a thief. And I know all lives are the same, and all are worth saving, but there's no need to thank me anymore than you already have," he said, looking over at a wooden stand that was selling freshly cut Rahi meat, along with bread and water. He walked over to the stand and looked at what was available to purchase. -Yghari

Edited by Skarloth
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IC: MoylanWhile Hatann was speaking to the Matoran, she was trying to find a way to just steal the birds and get it over-with."Yeah... my brotheer flunked out of the Gukko force, even after training, he couldn't stay on the back of a Gukko."OOC: Well, Kirgon hasn't moved from the bottom of the tree yet. And KNI and I are planning Animal cart races. You up for racing in wooden/metal carts around the island and trying to injure each other in exchange for victory?IC: Kirgon"Hey! I thought you were of my side, plant brain!"Kirgon grumbled in irritation as the cart was stopped.

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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OOC: Sure, but Jokar isn't. :P He'll probably just be a ref or something.IC Jokar - Le-Wahi - Talking to Kirgon: "I am on your side, but you had to be stopped, you crazy Brakas," he said still holding the cart in place, waiting until Kinika realized that his cart was being stolen. (:P)-Jokar

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IC(Love): "Fine, but at least take this." She shoved two things into his pocket(OOC: Does he have pockets? If not, whereever she could shove the items.)The first was a handful of widgets, enough to buy any of the items in the stand. Mixed in with the widgets was a note, hidden under them.It read as follows:When you have time, come to the inn over...erm...there. That one. The one with the vines around the door.Love, Love, Temporary Leader of the Emotional SpectrumShe then took off towards Mardi and Despair.

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IC: Hatann was busy explaining to the Le-matoran that it would be much easier for everyone and less painful to him if he just gave up a pair of gukkos, so he ignored Moylan's comment. Finally, the Matoran saw sense and picked out two birds of a calm temperament and easily directable. He climbed onto its back and held on for dear life as the bird flapped its wings and rose into the air. He pulled on the harness so that the bird's head was pointing north-east, and thankfully it turned that way. Hatann was releved, but did not relax his grip. He leaned forward on the Gukko, and it shot of like a rocket, but straight towards a tree. He yanked the reins upwards, but the bird went up at a ninety-degree angle. He opened one eye, relived not to have crashed. Once the flight leveled out again, he once more directed it towards the north-east, towards Ga-wahi.OOC: Hatann and gukko to Ga-wahi (unless we crash into the Mangai on the way).

Edited by Mt Ihu


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OOC: No pockets, but I would assume he has some kind of bag or something. IC Yghari - Le-Koro - Eating: He didn't know what that Toa's problem was, but he accepted the widgets, and read the note after the Toa had left. "... that inn?" he asked, looking around until he spotted an Inn with vines covering the entrance, just as the note described. He raised an eyebrow at the whole ordeal, but decided that he would see what she wanted after he was done eating. -Yghari

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