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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC:Fiva"Maybe.... Let's ask the Turaga? But you have to ask." he said, beaming at his idea.Nightning"What took you so long Dreenan? And where's the new recruit?" Nightning asked, looking at Dreenan with a frown on his face.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: [Arkrak]Arkrak sighed. It seemed as if he was going nowhere with this line of questioning, which meant that he had to change his means of interrogation, such as using violence. Normally he would be arrested for assault, but because of the fact that the Matoran in front of him was holding a disk launcher at his face, he could easily claim that it was in self defence.He lashed out with his foot, which connected with the Matoran's crotch, sending the aforementioned being flying past the doorway and onto a chair inside the house. The Toa of Sonics smiled as he walked in, watching as his 'victim' groaned in pain."I asked a simple question," he said, face settling into a simple expression of professionalism. "Yes or no, have you seen someone loiter around Thedar Chronn's door? If so, who was it?"

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IC: Nex"Precisely, though who you choose, will in turn effect how you are rewarded."He noted with a cold calm.IC: Dreenan"I hit a-"Unpleasant"-wall, in that-"Unpleasant"-tunnel, and I was stuck-"Unpleasant"-crashing around until I smashed into the-"Unpleasant"-ground!"NPC: THE Neighbor"N-no..."He gasped out in pain."Why don't... you go...d-drown yourself."

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IC:Fiva"Well yeah." Fiva said. "But what if he just saw the Star King? Like, passing through? Then he could tell us which way the Star King went?"Nightning"Really?" Nighting asked, bursting into laughter. "Why didn't you just deactivate the mask?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:Nightning"Then why did we go here?" Nightning asked. "Onu-Koro is not on the way. You go across the mountain, in the opposite direction of Le-Koro, and head underground! For Le-Koro you go south a little bit, then straight west!"OOC:No seriously, what are we doing here if it's in Le-Koro?

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:"The loudest heckling...well, surprise me and lead the way." Kohra said. She needed to get her thoughts straight and didn't want to make conversation while doing so, so quietly following the Toa of stone was a good option.And there was something else. Her dark passenger, dormant for most of the journey, was chuckling in the back of her head. We reap what we sow. he said, satisfied. And your actions might just help in a plentiful harvest...Kohra felt this had something to do with her deed in Po-Koro, but her guide's cryptical messages were often hard to decipher. But whatever was going on, she was glad he was pleased. It meant these puny Matoran were one step closer to be humbled. And that was all that mattered in the end.OOC: I can see some interesting developments coming, if Kohra's trued allegiance is discovered and that Clo'on has ties to her (Even if he doesn't know.)^^




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IC: [Arkrak]When Arkrak had returned to Chronn, he was slightly annoyed and somewhat cheerful, for he didn't really get to frighten Matoran that much."You should really get a PR Manager," he remarked as he sat down. "Everybody hates you."He paused for a moment."But anyway," the Toa of Sonics continued. "I managed to get one piece of information. There has been a Turaga loitering around your house recently."

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IC: Dreenan"You do, and apparently so do I, we both decided to head here."She remarked.IC: ChronnMy chair slowly turned to face Arkrak, and he could see that I was asleep in my chair, and hadn't heard anything he had been saying. Being a detective was hard work, being a detective with trouble getting good sleep was harder work.But unfortunately for myself, I had left the back room unlocked. Hopefully, Arkrak wouldn't see the slightly cracked open door, if he did, he would likely get himself into a lot of trouble when I woke up.

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IC: ChronnI rose from the chair like something out of a horror movie, right before someone dies a horribly painful death. My face had a mixture of irritation, and rage upon it. I was clearly not happy about having been awoken, and I'm sure Arkrak could easily guess that."What. Do. You. Want. Now?!"I was about ready to fry something with lightning, all I wanted was some sleep, and it seemed impossible.IC: Dreenan"We could go back... or just take the Le-Koro tunnel."She suggested.

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IC: It didn't take long for Clo'on and Kohra to reach the marketplace. Cries of sales and bargains filled the air along with the twin stenches of smoke from Ta-Koronan torches and slowly putrefying flesh from Ga-Koronan fish. Lights dazzled from displays, be they lightstones or sculptures. Handy maps of the known regions of the island jostled for attention with tacky bric-a-brac and souvenirs. "Ta-da," said Clo'on, spreading his broad arms wide as though trying to enclasp the whole market within his reach


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IC: MinhoMinho was slightly troubled and confused by Nex's remark on killing whomever he, Delak and possibly Skraatuth wished to kill. He pondered on it for a moment and hushed Delak as he tried to voice his opinion."I'll take the tablet in case I happen to run by anyone worth killing. Don't expect us to be back any time soon though."

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IC: Chronn"Great. And what did you find out?"I didn't really think it great, I was wondering what had taken this fool so long to return.IC: Dreenan"Great, let's get out of here."She wasn't a big fan of being underground.IC: NexHe was out of stone tablets, so he formed a metal one with his power. Being a Turaga, it took a lot out of him. He handed the metal tablet to Minho calmly."Here... and take your time."

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IC: [Arkrak]Arkrak shrugged, leaning back into the chair."Well the first thing I found out is that you really need a PR Manager," he remarked. "Everybody hates you. That's bad for business."The Toa of Sonics flung the stick he had used to poke Chronn away."And the second thing is that one of the Matoran I 'interrogated' saw a Turaga loitering around your door recently."

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IC: Chronn"My neighbors, they're all morons. Like yourself."I remarked in irritation, sick and tired of his overactive mouth, it never stopped spitting out useless extra information that made not even the slightest impact on my life."Then I suppose you were not intelligent enough to speak to the Turaga yet, am I correct?"I tapped my foot boredly, wanting to my incompetent employee to actually do something useful, and not just walk up with information that a Turaga was seen near my doorway.

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IC: Chronn"The, meaning the one you were speaking of. If I had meant Whenua, I would have stated his name. Clearly someone is not very intellectual in the understanding of grammar."I remark, irritated by the stupid grin on his face. I just wanted to punch his face in, he was a pest, and clearly thought himself to be intelligent by incorrectly trying to change my grammar. He needed to learn that he was an imbecile, he had proven it multiple times already."Then find him. Is that not why I sent you out, to find the being who had placed the tablet? And you come back with only the fact that it might be a Turaga? Leave my office. Now."

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