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Bzprpg - Onu-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Nex"I am strange, aren't I? And that is why you are not getting the chance to see this writing. My work will only be learned about when I publish my writing, no sooner. And no one will read it without buying a copy upon it's release."He turned, hobbling along calmly. Though they couldn't see it, he was smiling coldly."This is my life's work, it is not a matter for those who have no connection to it."NPC: NeighborThe door slowly opened to show a fearful Matoran standing in the doorway."What do you want from me?!"

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IC:Fiva"True, but we aren't above ground. And there aren't any library around here." Fiva countered. "And Ajidkalfs get a +9,000 Dex boost when attacking Heroic Level Enemies of the Star King." He then paused a moment. "Too bad Father Naviak isn't here to banish them with his teachings..."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: AurixAurix shook the necklace slightly. "Hah! These amulets have 10,000 attack power agaist Evil Spirits!"He pointed. "Hey, look, the main path!"IC: Kadon"Ok, then." I turned around, walking toward Onu-Koro.Then, without even turning around, I unleashed lightning. I didn't even have to look to know that it was speeding toward the only nearby metal object: Drome.

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IC:Fiva"But will that beat their two million shield rating? I think not! Only the Father could save us if we stumbled upon more than one." Fiva said, shuddering. "The great ones told me that if we ever meet one, we should run."

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Nex"Why yes, I do believe that I could offer you a job with my book. But..."He turned back to them, almost smiling.".. it is clear that you do not believe I am a writer. That is good, the people I am looking for must be willing to trust their instinct over what they hear."IC: DromeThere was an audible thunk as I fell over, stunned.

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IC: Lekori approached one of the guards at the Ussalry station. He was completely black, wearing a black great Miru."What can I do you for ya, sir?" greeted the Ussalry guard."I'm here on an investigation mission," replied Lekori, getting quick to the point, "Two bandits ransacked a couple of huts in Le-Koro, and I've managed to follow their trail here. Have you noted any suspicious activity recently?"The short guard thought for a minute and then replied, "We haven't noted any thievery happening in his village. However, we periodically see travelers transporting lots of cargo through this village. Have you identified these bandits?OOC: Lekori and this NPC are, in fact, open for interaction - if someone wants to temporarily combine RPing forces, LOL.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: Drome"That is the last straw!" I roared as I rose to my feet, walking toward him, both hands gripping my mace."I am not losing to you in Onu-Koro again!" One good blow of the mace damaged the rocks he was behind.IC: Nex"My name is Nex. And as you said earlier, I am indeed seeking the more... dangerous beings on this island. And by your information, you must be..."He thought over his information, the list of killers."I do not know you... Interesting."NPC: Neighbor 2"No, I didn't! I didn't, honestly!"The Matoran shouted in reply, a panicked look on his face."Please don't take me in for questioning, please! I've heard the screaming... I've heard the interrogations!"The terrified Matoran slammed the door shut."I want to live!"

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IC: "I have not, sir", Lekori said, after an awkward pause. "I had depended on them either striking again or preparing to strike again. Perhaps they are here, in this village?"Lekori knew that they could not have gone far, and Onu-Koro is home to many precious stones. True bandits would not pass up an opportunity, if they were skilled enough to rob the hut of a Gukko Force soldier.That's when a lightbulb went on over Lekori's head. He had figured out in an instant where the bandits were likely to be. "Thank you for you time, sir", Lekori said to the gentlemen in the black Miru. I must be off"Lekori gave a final nod and turned around, walking across the soft earth and following the path lit by lightstones. His next destination was the Great Mine, and he calmly walked through the center of Onu-Koro.

"hey girl: here’s an idea, but… it’s up to you:

You’re the boss of this operation."

[BZPRPG Profile] [Ghosts of Bara Magna Profile]


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IC: [Arkrak]Arkrak stared at the door, mouth agape. He had never thought that the Matoran would panic and freak out at the prospect of mere questioning, but there was always time for new things."Well that was strange," he remarked, before walking over to the next neighbour and knocking on the door.

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NPC: Neighbor 3This time the person opened the door, greeting Arkrak with a friendly smile."Hello there, what brings you to my home?"IC: DromeAnd I was chasing right after him, preparing an attack he would never see coming.Mostly because I had just thought it up right now, but that wasn't the point.

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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IC: Delak / Minho"Good, we intend to keep it that way. Although, an exception for you could be made, I guess. I'm Del.""I'm Min."Delak and Minho lied about their names, seeing as how it was too risky to reveal them at the moment. The turaga had been secretive and evasive so they were put on edge, the possibility of this being another ploy to get them to leave hanging in the air. Nex could easily report them while they'd be gone. The pair wouldn't know until they'd get to the job.Not like our identities are known to the world anyways.Better be safe than sorry.

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IC:Fiva"Unless they have an amulet of +20 WIS, which allows them to make ten saving checks to get rid of the stunning." Fiva pointed out. "So, now that we're at the main village, what do we do?"

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC:Kohra led the Toa of stone further through Onu-Koro. She didn't know the way by heart. But the Koro was practically leading them by itself. Being underground and only illuminated by torches and lightstones it still was a busy place, with many travelers coming through. That was no surprise either. Many wanted to get from the jungle in the south to the village of stone in the north and many places in between. The fastest route led them underground and through the village of earth. The alternative was taking a long trek on the eastern shore of the island, which took several days longer. And the longer one was on the road these days, the more likely it became to run into trouble. Kohra knew her dark guide had eyes everywhere on the island and beasts at his command, just like the Nui-Jaga they had fought. The truly courageous, or the mad, sometimes tried to make their way over the pass of Mount Ihu. Out of all the routes one could take, this was probably the most unforgiving. To cross there was commonly regarded as folly.So the route underground was much safer. And with so many strangers coming through, not only had Matoran built one of the best streets on the Island but also made sure everybody knew their way around, so every few feet the Vortixx and Toa passed by another sign, either on a pole or at the side of a hut, telling them which direction the market lay. Soon enough, Kohra didn't even need to look at those anymore. The typical sounds from a market were getting louder the closer they got. Matoran were praising their wares, a multitude of voices was in the air and the glow of the hundreds of lightstones intensified, creating a sphere of comfortable bright orange around the area. Rounding a corner, Kohra and Clo'on stopped, as the market-square spread out in front of them. She turned around and looked at Clo'on. "Well, what do you think?"




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NPC: Neighbor 3"Are you speaking of that detective, Chronn?"The person tried to slam the door shut in Arkrak's face."That detective murderer psycho freak!"IC: Nex"It seems the three of you might be interested in getting rewarded for the deaths of other beings, is that true?"He calmly asked the three, already suspecting their answer.

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IC (Zadron)Locating Stabbington was proving more difficult than Zadron had expected. It seemed that the last time he'd been seen was by some traveller at the Kini-Nui, of all places. As all other leads seemed cold, Zadron took the tunnel that led to the valley of the Kini-Nui.Perhaps he'd be able to pick up this 'Baron''s trail...OOC: Zadron to Kini-Nui

Edited by Ghosthands





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IC: [Arkrak]The door would have crashed into Arkrak's face if it had not exploded millimetres away from him, sending pieces of it flying everywhere. It was rather useful to be a Toa of Sonics, for controlling vibrations to blow things up was much more fun and easy than just using explosives."I don't really like it when others insult my employer," he said, ignoring the shrapnel scratching his armour, "that's my job."He smirked, hands reaching to where his explosives lay."All I want to know is if you have seen anyone loiter around Mr. One-Man-Homicide-Squad's front door. It isn't really that hard for you to tell me if there was anyone there or not. I mean, the first person I talked to cooperated rather well."

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NPC: Neighbor 3"I don't have to work with you, not if you're with that ... that monster!"The Matoran dashed deeper into it's house, looking for a weapon to use to defend himself.IC: Nex"Then, Perhaps we can negotiate. What is it that you would want? Currency, perhaps?"He didn't know these people, he thought it better to ask before offering anything.

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IC:Kohra raised an eyebrow. Her companion obviously wasn't impressed by the sight. She wasn't either, but the glow of the lightstones in the dimness made her feel...she couldn't quite describe it. But she didn't detest the place as much as others on the island."Well, in that case, can your nose point the way to the flea-market section?" the Vortixx wanted to know.




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OOC: Yeah, I have that problem when I use my DSi to post.IC: Nex:You wish the reward to be a surprise? I am fine with that."He raised an eyebrow slightly, a subtle smirk on his face, barely noticeable."And as for you first target... surprise me."OOC: Out of targets right now. XD

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IC: [Arkrak]"Alright," said Arkrak, sighing as he turned away from the door, or doorway, seeing that he had blown up the door. "I'll just leave you alone then."He walked over to the next house, which was situated right next to his employer's office."Hello," the Toa of Sonics said as he knocked on the door.

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NPC: THE Neighbor"Maybe I have, why would I care if Chronn found out. He'd be better off dead, or in another Koro."The neighbor snapped, moving the launcher back to Arkrak's face.IC: DreenanThere was the sound of someone shouting a warning to move ffom behind Nighing, as Dreenan slammed into the ground behind him with incredible force. She had gotten lost somewhere along the tunnels, then hit a wall, and with his mask still on, had been bouncing along walls rather painfully in an out of control fashion.

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IC: Aurix"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah," Aurix muttered. Then, he brightened up. "We should find the Star King, of course!" Then he paused. "Of course, we need to think of a way to find him if he's even here..."IC: KadonDrome was chasing me, not even attempting to stay quiet. With a grin, I send a bolt of lightning in his direction. That should make him think twice.

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