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Friar Tuck

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Alright, though it's more the way I play him than how the profile is written anyways. :PHe didn't even want to re-arrest Hiemalis. :PAnd I'm up at this ungodly hour because I went to see Gungor in Wichita, Kansas. The Brilliance opened for them, and they "soft rocked my face off." No joke. It was awesome enough that I can't sleep.But I have the worst headache....uggggggh.....

Edited by Kal Grochi

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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If you count 10:42 as day, then I am up during the day. Or something. That sounded more clever in my head.Onarax, I can't think of a reason for that to happen, really, so I can't say that it would occur.

10:42 pm is fine...I've stayed up until sunrise from one morning to the next for two days straight...I just get the most ungodly headaches...And I'm thinking I might want to play as a Valkyr sometime soon.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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This was meant for Kal, I just got Ninja'edoh, that guy. :PInteresting.

...I....er....what?Is this about seeing Gungor and The Brilliance or is it completely unrelated to anything at all ever?EDIT:...The quote....got the edit...before the rest of my computer did.EDITCEPTION! Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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This was meant for Kal, I just got Ninja'edoh, that guy. :PInteresting.

...I....er....what?Is this about seeing Gungor and The Brilliance or is it completely unrelated to anything at all ever?EDIT:...The quote....got the edit...before the rest of my computer did.EDITCEPTION!
That guy directed at Corik.The link directed at the concert thing, which I did not understand a word of. :P


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This was meant for Kal, I just got Ninja'edoh, that guy. :PInteresting.

...I....er....what?Is this about seeing Gungor and The Brilliance or is it completely unrelated to anything at all ever?EDIT:...The quote....got the edit...before the rest of my computer did.EDITCEPTION!
That guy directed at Corik.The link directed at the concert thing, which I did not understand a word of. :P
They're both Christian rock bands. I went with one of my two youth groups tonight to see them. We then ate at Fridays afterwards...I never thought I would ever like grilled shrimp. Ever. But then I had their key west shrimp.And who would you think would be the most charitable character of mine? :P "Eh, you only killed 238 people. Have fun out in the world." That's overly charitable, even if he's stupid. :P

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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They're both Christian rock bands. I went with one of my two youth groups tonight to see them. We then ate at Fridays afterwards...I never thought I would ever like grilled shrimp. Ever. But then I had their key west shrimp.And who would you think would be the most charitable character of mine? :P "Eh, you only killed 238 people. Have fun out in the world." That's overly charitable, even if he's stupid. :P

I know for a fact I would despise any concert other than classical, my ear's are too sensitive, that I pick up every little nuance of people talking. I can easedrop from a very long distance. Problem is I hear every single thing. Heck it's so painful, I don't even eat in the lunch room at school anymore. It's just way too loud.Shrimp is amazing.No, that's insensitive to the dead people. XD Also they're supposed to grow into their more noble selves. And I was under the impression that you were making a new char. Edited by Toa Onarax


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They're both Christian rock bands. I went with one of my two youth groups tonight to see them. We then ate at Fridays afterwards...I never thought I would ever like grilled shrimp. Ever. But then I had their key west shrimp.And who would you think would be the most charitable character of mine? :P "Eh, you only killed 238 people. Have fun out in the world." That's overly charitable, even if he's stupid. :P

I know for a fact I would despise any concert other than classical, my ear's are too sensitive, that I pick up every little nuance of people talking. I can easedrop from a very long distance. Problem is I hear every single thing. Heck it's so painful, I don't even eat in the lunch room at school anymore. It's just way too loud.Shrimp is amazing.No, that's insensitive to the dead people. XD Also they're supposed to grow into their more noble selves. And I was under the impression that you were making a new char.
I said he was already made. :P And he'll probably grow up eventually. He's not going to stay a childish Matoa forever. xDAnd yes, yes it is. Especially fried.And I play classical music on my upright Bass, just so you know. Classical and Jazz. :DIf you play any instruments, you and I need to get together and jam sometime. We live in the same time zone, we shouldn't have too much trouble with it. xD

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I suppose this is useful to other people, too. If someone were to come to me with a Valkyr, present it to me, and somehow get approved by me and all that jazz, then I would decide on how to go about manifesting the character in the game. Chances are it will involve a ritual, though I have no reason to concentrate on those details until the time comes to put them into practice.

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The Toa Ancora are still looking for a new Charity, Kindness and Temperance.

Speaking of which, the Daedra are going to need a new Wrath since Mef left. Of course, we'll have to wait for Cool-Aid to come back first, but just a heads-up.


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So, any updates on the wacky mishaps of the suicide squad lately? It's all seemed a tad quiet on that front as far as I can tell.

My headache is too head-achey to contemplate their deaths yet, sorry. I'll get on it soon.But not now, I'm about to eat myself a box of Mac n' Cheese while listening to Marcus Miller.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Figured I should bring this up since I forgot.The Toa Ancora are still looking for a new Charity, Kindness and Temperance.

Is this still standing? I was one of the Arete, I didn't know there was a revamped version here but seems like something I should get in on
If you're interested please send me a PM.


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So, any updates on the wacky mishaps of the suicide squad lately? It's all seemed a tad quiet on that front as far as I can tell.

My headache is too head-achey to contemplate their deaths yet, sorry. I'll get on it soon.But not now, I'm about to eat myself a box of Mac n' Cheese while listening to Marcus Miller.
Sounds like you've got a bad case of the headaches.But never fear, I wasn't going anywhere. *Pulls up a chair and sits around, twiddling thumbs.*


I wrote stories once. They were okay.

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So, any updates on the wacky mishaps of the suicide squad lately? It's all seemed a tad quiet on that front as far as I can tell.

My headache is too head-achey to contemplate their deaths yet, sorry. I'll get on it soon.But not now, I'm about to eat myself a box of Mac n' Cheese while listening to Marcus Miller.
Sounds like you've got a bad case of the headaches.But never fear, I wasn't going anywhere. *Pulls up a chair and sits around, twiddling thumbs.*
Good. I'm going to play Fallout 3 for a while, be back in a bit.I'll imagine my character is a Toa as I play.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Well of course. I was already on the computer anyways. :P

Suddenly the mystery of the headache has been solved. You may now refer to me as Sherlock Holmes. :P
Problem is, that wasn't the cause of my headache.Go farther up the page, maybe back one to find the cause. You'll get to it.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Problem is, that wasn't the cause of my headache.Go farther up the page, maybe back one to find the cause. You'll get to it.

Well...Y'know. The continuation of it.You can refer to me as Watson then.
I went to sleep with it. I woke up with it. I went to the shower with it. I took an aspirin. I got on the computer.Five hours after I woke it's still here. This is not good. I don't think that the computer is the continuation of it.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Angels... eh? I call dibs on making a evil one known simply as, Lucian. </humor> Anyway, someone in the Bad Company talk to Dalia. She's in the same wagon as Illicia. She mainly is following Sev, who decided to wander off alone (dangit onarax! Don't leave a MB who might end up trying to seduce the people around her! People might get the wrong idea...) so someone talk to her please. You don't leave MB's alone, that's just asking for trouble.

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Angels... eh? I call dibs on making a evil one known simply as, Lucian. </humor> Anyway, someone in the Bad Company talk to Dalia. She's in the same wagon as Illicia. She mainly is following Sev, who decided to wander off alone (dangit onarax! Don't leave a MB who might end up trying to seduce the people around her! People might get the wrong idea...) so someone talk to her please. You don't leave MB's alone, that's just asking for trouble.

Dude, just take the initiative and make conversation. Don't ask us to do that for you. The people in the same charriot as Illicia are Mikrok and Marfoir. Edited by TX Wade
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Angels... eh? I call dibs on making a evil one known simply as, Lucian. </humor> Anyway, someone in the Bad Company talk to Dalia. She's in the same wagon as Illicia. She mainly is following Sev, who decided to wander off alone (dangit onarax! Don't leave a MB who might end up trying to seduce the people around her! People might get the wrong idea...) so someone talk to her please. You don't leave MB's alone, that's just asking for trouble.

Dud, just take the initiative and make conversation. Don't ask us to do that for you. The people in the same charriot as Illicia are Mikrok and Marfoir.
That's generally the best course of action. Try sticking a note onto Mikrok's forehead.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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