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Posted (edited)

I'll be there as The MBernard99.


EDIT: Sorry, as Maxwell Bernard. My mistake.

Edited by Artakha's Nephew

Find (digital) me under the name Azani on YouTube, Eurobricks, Discord, the BioMedia Project and the TTV Message Boards.


Please check out Project AFTERMAN on Tumblr and Facebook; I'm proud to have worked as their PR Manager and as a writer.




That was a lot of fun! I couldn't comment due to some weirdness with YouTube and Google+ and my channel, but I'm definitely looking forward to the next stream, whatever and whenever that might be.

Hey: I'm not very active around BZP right now.  However, you can always contact me through PM (I have email notifications set up) and I will reply as soon as I can.

Useful Topics: The Q&A Compendium | The Official RPG Planning Topic
Stories: Fractures | An Aftermath | Three Stories | LSO 2012 Epics: Team Three | The Shadow and the Sea | The Days They Were Needed | Glitches | Transformations | Echoes | The Kaita and the Storyteller | Nui

BZPRPG: Komae · Soraya · Bohrei

Blog: Defendant Lobby no. 42


Someone quickly post a news story about rayg 5!

You have 666 posts :o

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.


So now I'm going to have two ta-koronan 2001 polybag characters.

I used to be able to instantly decipher Matoran like you, but then I took a loss of interest to the mind.

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.



So now I'm going to have two ta-koronan 2001 polybag characters.

I used to be able to instantly decipher Matoran like you, but then I took a loss of interest to the mind.


I attribute my incredible skill in memorization to high-functioning autism.


Posted (edited)

Darn it, I wasn't able to watch last night. I'll have to view the recorded version soon, though!


I had a blast! Decoding the Matoran scripts was really fun! And also...


Ga-Matoran hookers! (They hook the fish ;) )

i dearly hope this is never spoken of again



EDIT: I love the fact that B6 recognized Hebrew but not Japanese. XD

Edited by Master of all Kopekes
My Writing Blog (more writing coming soon!)

My Bionicle/LEGO Blog (defunct)

Hyfudiar on Spotify (noise/drone/experimental music)


I had to leave the stream during the Rahi battles at the end. It was 10:30 and I was exhausted from having to flip back and forth between the stream itself and a tab containing the comments (so that I could refresh that and keep up with discussion).


Overall, I enjoyed the stream, but it didn't feel quite as fulfilling as the LEGO Movie discussion livestream last month. The frantic pace made it difficult to keep up with both the game and the comments, and because of all the dialogue that got skipped I felt like a number of the game's most humorous moments (like much of the dialogue of the lovable band of misfits that became the Chronicler's Company) got overlooked.


I don't know how this could be fixed in future streams, to be honest. To a certain extent the dialogue-heavy game with its rich visuals just wasn't conducive to stumbling through within a stretch of two and a half hours. I feel like I get a lot more out of playing through it at my own pace.

Posted (edited)

I had to leave the stream during the Rahi battles at the end. It was 10:30 and I was exhausted from having to flip back and forth between the stream itself and a tab containing the comments (so that I could refresh that and keep up with discussion).


Overall, I enjoyed the stream, but it didn't feel quite as fulfilling as the LEGO Movie discussion livestream last month. The frantic pace made it difficult to keep up with both the game and the comments, and because of all the dialogue that got skipped I felt like a number of the game's most humorous moments (like much of the dialogue of the lovable band of misfits that became the Chronicler's Company) got overlooked.


I don't know how this could be fixed in future streams, to be honest. To a certain extent the dialogue-heavy game with its rich visuals just wasn't conducive to stumbling through within a stretch of two and a half hours. I feel like I get a lot more out of playing through it at my own pace.

If you watched it on youtube, you could click the show recent posts button and it'll automatically add the comments as they are made.

Edited by Flamewing Studios

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.



I had to leave the stream during the Rahi battles at the end. It was 10:30 and I was exhausted from having to flip back and forth between the stream itself and a tab containing the comments (so that I could refresh that and keep up with discussion).


Overall, I enjoyed the stream, but it didn't feel quite as fulfilling as the LEGO Movie discussion livestream last month. The frantic pace made it difficult to keep up with both the game and the comments, and because of all the dialogue that got skipped I felt like a number of the game's most humorous moments (like much of the dialogue of the lovable band of misfits that became the Chronicler's Company) got overlooked.


I don't know how this could be fixed in future streams, to be honest. To a certain extent the dialogue-heavy game with its rich visuals just wasn't conducive to stumbling through within a stretch of two and a half hours. I feel like I get a lot more out of playing through it at my own pace.

If you watched it on youtube, you could click the show recent posts button and it'll automatically add the comments as they are made.


I tried that, but for whatever reason it wouldn't refresh the comments regularly enough for me to keep up with the discussion.


Could it work on twitch?

Unless it's got some features I don't know about, I don't believe Twitch has video-conferencing capabilities that would allow multiple staff members to talk at once.


Twitch + Skype?

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.




Could it work on twitch?

Unless it's got some features I don't know about, I don't believe Twitch has video-conferencing capabilities that would allow multiple staff members to talk at once.


Twitch + Skype?



That sounds a little needlessly complicated





Could it work on twitch?

Unless it's got some features I don't know about, I don't believe Twitch has video-conferencing capabilities that would allow multiple staff members to talk at once.


Twitch + Skype?



That sounds a little needlessly complicated


I'm not sure how Twitch works, but if they used Skype, they could all communicate and the person doing the game could screen share, while Twitch is recording or doing whatever it is it's doing. That doesn't really sound very complicated to me.

:a: :r: :z: :a: :k: :i:

I got Monster Hunter World on PS4, add me at bmrjw2 if you want

Also I play FFXIV, my main is Anastasia Willow on Exodus but I've got characters on every NA datacenter.

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