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Steal The Mask!

King Joe

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i fire a teleport level 6 kanoka disk at the vahi and it is teleported to who knows where and during your confusion of losing the vahi i grab the ignika and run like heck to my ally darkness where we travel to a hidden location only him and i know about. MY MASK NOW


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I put on my Cardboard Jutlin mask, walk up behind you, tap on your shoulder, and scare the protodermis out of you. you were so scared you threw the mask in midair, and it landed in my hands while you are recovering, I balance the mask on my nose like a seal, and run away acting like a chicken.My Mask.

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during the chaos you do grab the mask but i have a toa of plantlife make a tree pop up out of no where and right in your path. you slam in to the tree and lose you grip on the mask. i then grab it and use my mask of dimensional gates to travel into the zone of darkness where you can not see me. MY MASK NOW


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I make a quick step up, my already lightning-fast speed enhanced farther with the use of my Aki. I throw multitudes of Pakari-strength punches at you, whilst raising a shield and still keeping up my speed. Unable to keep up with the onslaught of attacks, you quickly yield. Unrelenting, I force you to unconsciousness then throw you into Mangaia to feed Makuta's Manas, but not before I rip the mask from your cold, lifeless hands.My bloodstained mask.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I'm waiting at the end of the time-tunnel with a sword in my hand-I used an Olmak and put myself in a dimension where the blink of an eye is thousands of years in this universe, and pulled myself out...waiting for you. I slice downwards quickly, severing your arm and taking the mask. As you scream in pain I slice again, this time shattering the Vahi. I leave with the Ignika, using my Olmak, as the time energies released quickly destroy you and that universe as I move to another.My mask.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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After a brief healing, I choose a new, clean bowtie, a bowler hat, and a cane. Using the other Olmak, I appear next to you, crush your kneecaps with my cane and a cry of "Ragamuffin!" And then grab the Mask, grin briefly, and then teleport to another universe.My mask.


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I teleport to an alternate dimension where small protodites are able to quickly heal my crushed kneecaps, and they also make themselves into a very nice staff for me. I then teleport until I find you, three years later, and I am very angry by that point.I brandish the staff, and quickly stab you into the stomach with its now-sharp point. The iron-hard material punches through your armour and into you, but that's not all-the protodites then quickly disperse and run through your system, quickly devouring all of you except for the mask, before the remake themselves into a newer, stronger staff that can do much more now that it has a higher metallic content.'My homocidal-protodite staff and mask.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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Unamusedly, I allow my protodites to disperse and surround you. Bussing sounds are heard, allong with a few pained screams as armour chunks and bits of flesh are flung about the room.I coalesce into the being I was at first, the mask clutched in my hand. There is no trace of you to be seen.My mask.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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The protodites are unaffected, due to being microscopic organisms of their own accord, not "bugs," as you so crudely put it. They just use your 'bug spray' as food, gaining energy.I then follow the mask, swarming around you yet again. This time, however, I make sure you suffer. And I make sure to amplify your pained, bloody screams so that the others may hear me.My mask, which I proceed to store within my protodite body.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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While you are traveling in time-space continuum, I grab the mask from INSIDE you and using my recently acquired mask of shape shifting,morph into krekka and go back to normal time,with you in a strangle hold when we land I throw you to karzahni,which is currently underwater because of gali. while I strangled you,I ripped the mask from your hands, grasping aimlessly.My slightly dented mask.

Edited by Raiden: Toa of Storms
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"It is believed that the Toa of Storms managed to kill me, with his attacks. He felt he was successful...however, he was not. First, that mask he had was a decoy, one I held in my hands, not the true one within me. However, I allowed him to take the original...for the time being. I followed after the mask in my protodite form, and I was the cause of the explosion of the Guard Droids, having forced myselves into their master servos. It was simple, really."A small trickle of protodites leaked out of the guard droids, unnoticably. Until they met in a spot just before Belthnor, rising up and coalescing into a tall being, my might having grown with the beings I consumed, including the Toa of Storms' body. I towered above him as I reached out, the protodites of my arm covering him and consuming him, feeding the energies and matter back into me.I then took the mask, and proceeded to store it within myself as before. It would take somebody truly powerful to wrench it from my body cavity.Raiden, read that this time-the mask is inside my character, not held in his hands. That goes for everybody else as well, actually.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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The protodites laugh, opening up and allowing the spartan laser shot to knock the mask out of the, and then disperse, looking as though they have been destroyed. Raiden triumphantly grabs the mask, dropping his laser, and that is when the protodites strike.They coalesce into a being again, grabbing the Spartan Laser. Unlike Raiden, who was already severely burnt and damaged from using such a powerful weapon right next to another being, the protodites do not have to worry about such a fatal flaw.Raiden turns, seeing the weapon charge. A frightened look comes upon his Miru, which is destroyed in a second by the blast, more powerful than something that Umbra and Takanuva together could do.The Protodites then consume the body a second time, before grabbing the mask. However, they use a different tactic this time. They fly into the air, creating a large, millimeter thick mat high in the atmosphere, spreading over the area of a football field, supporting the mask atop them, as they fly quickly away from the scene, covering miles in seconds due to their speed and lack of friction due to the lower amount of molecules and air pressure higher up in the atmosphere.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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While you controlled my body, I could still access my mind and sight. with that,I summoned a giant gust of air around me to blow the protodites away. it becomes successful. then I guide all the protodites with air into a jar,which I trap them in.My mask and controllable again body,plus a jar full of protodites. *shake shake*

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You seem to forget that we're smarter than you might think, and being microscopic, we can see microscopic cracks in the glass, which we manipulate, causing the jar to break. Conveniently, some non-directed shards of glass fly into your eyes, punching through to your brain and killing you insantly.Afterwards, we take the mask and walk away calmly, whilst storing the mask within us.Our mask. Although, we're still uncertain how you managed to blow us outside of yourself, when you really couldn't see us due to our being inside you, and we had sealed up all pores.

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I Created a type of virus/acid that can cause the protodites to turn to glass. Now if they move thier bodies will shatter. and thus i take the mask and escape to the Zone of Darkness, MY MASK NOW


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I Invade your castle,using my two buddies Mushy the Mushroom and WORT WORT WORT as meat shields. as I conquer it, I find a portal to the zone of darkness. I grab my sword and gun and go inside. Once inside, I see you with a Ruru,and shoot you a couple times. once I'm sure you're dead, I grab the mask from you.Mea Larva.My Mask.

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For Voxumo: Acid wouldn't turn them to glass, but a virus might cause their bodies to fuse.Annoyed, we searched with our minds, trying to find a way out of this mess. Sadly, we couldn't find one. And so, we moved, our bodies shattering, our minds going to darkness.Only to suddenly be brought back to this world, the powers of the Mask of Life giving us our freedom again. We searched, following the scent trail of Raiden. In the darkness, even with the Ruru, he could not see us, for we moved singularly, coming upon him when he was least expecting it. He let out a cry of pain as his hand was forcibly removed, the Ignika dropping to the ground.We then proceeded to systematically dissect him while he was still living, removing the various organs. We coalesced, a grin on our face once he could finally see us...before his light and that of his mask were put out. We then claimed the Ignika, dispersing again and leaving through the zone.The Ignika is our mask again!

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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I respawned, walk to Nuparu's workshop and ask to borrow it for a while. after many strenuous hours, I devise a virus. a virus to stop the protodites. I walk around hoping to lure them. the protodites start to swarm,I grab the mask from inside them, and I dump the virus on all of them causing them to fuse together. then, I put a do not touch sign on them, Mea Larva.My mask.

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In addition, to stop Kal Grochi's permanent modding (This isn't an RPG, Kal. Tricks you use are not meant to carry over into your next post.), I use Tahu's Magic Bucket (Lol) to pour lava on his protodites. This melts into more molten metal and rock, which I direct towards Raiden to kill him. I take the mask from his dead body.My mask.


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Kal Grochi and Raiden respawn.I teleport into play, and magnetically fuse them to TNG. I proceed to teleport above them, crush them, and laugh as they slowly suffocate beneath my weight. then, I absorb the pancaked remains and grab the mask."I'll take that mask."Mine.


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As you were stealing the mask i watched from a small portal i created that leads into the Zone of Darkness . After you claim the mask i activate my mask of silence so that you do not hear my approach. I then take you and the mask back through the portal. i then grab the mask from your hands and quickly open a portal leading to iconox and jump through the portal leaving you behind in the zone of darkness with a very hungry Zivon.My mask now


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If you interact with one of my characters and I don't respond or acknowledge the interaction within a day, send me a PM. Odds are I missed or did not see the post.

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The Zivon gives you indigestion. Being a Makuta (as per your BZP self-description), that would mean your armor explodes. You dissipate as Antidermis and I take the mask.My mask!

you forget. my armor is far denser than usual. i simply convert the zivon into more protosteel, making my armor even denser.still mine...


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i use gravity to implode you, the toa of iron, and the mask of iron, then absorb the aforementioned, take the mask, and transform into a 600 foot, winged replica of the MU robot. I proceed to ravage through Spherus Magna, kill and absorb Annona, and cause widespread panic.My mask again, take it now.


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Due to absorbing me, you now gain my powers as a Toa of Fire. However, this simply causes you to burn yourself, since I have such an insatiable pie craving that you cannot control the powers without pie. You expel me to avoid death from burns and the pie craving gnawing away at your sanity every second, and I take the mask. My mask.


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