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Bionifight 4


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JiMing was annoyed because he technically changed his decision and fixed his two Gale Spears, and then shot an intense blast of wind at BZPP, flinging him away."How do you like a taste of your own medicine?" JiMing taunted.

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So Squishy wanted to be crazy and summoned 10,000 Rahkshi of Heat Vision, 30,000 Visorak of differing types, and 60,000 other Rahkshi of mixed typing, though mostly of Hunger. Then, Squishy shot out easily 25 rounds of rodents out of his Anaconda Summoner and then threw his DRCB before tossing around some army members with his Telekinetic Armor.


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BZPP was flung back but unhurt and yelled, "I'M A LADY, NOT A GUY!" And shot at JiMing with lasers, lightning and water while using telekinesis to hold him still. She also summoned an army that was twice as big a Squishy's to fight it whilst she beat up JiMing.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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JiMIng noticed his mouth was not held in place.He shouted so loud, it shattered BZPP's concentration, freeing him from her grasp, and dodged all of the attacks, and then slapped her with his Glove of Fire.

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EDIT: NEVAHMIND, I got this.Capricorn was alive. Great goodness, he was alive. His right arm was missing from the lazer, but by golly he was alive. So happy with his life, he decided to attack some one. Teleporting behind Squishy, he pummelled him repetedly with his left arm.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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BZPP summoned a hundred thousand Zivons to kill the Visorak and another hundred thousand Takanuva's to kill the rahkshi. BZPP blocked JiMing's slap with her Shield and warped to behind him to attack with her Sword.OOC: That is not how the game is played JiMing, you do not have power scream so you can't just do that to cheapo move your way out of an attack.@ Lord Darkon: The Boss fight is over and we are just fighting to pass time until ibrow gets back.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Squishy commented on his current pseudo-dance by stating"Everyday I'm..."shuffleshuffleshuffle"Shuffling."But, alas, as Squishy was blasted by a mental attack and followed up by getting slashed by an electric Halberd. At least his Telekinetic Armor helped a bit. Squishy growled at Capricorn and unleashed upon him a vicious gravity attack, sending him randomly hurtling into walls, the ceiling, and the ground.@Onarax If you do that, I vote for The Fearless Leader. He used a very reasonable amount of power, humility, and plenty of of involvement. He's just a really good Bionifighter all around, anyway. =P

Edited by Squishypony


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OOC: I vote The Fearless Leader for his hard work and sacrifice, it would have gone differently were he not there. Plus he has a Special Weapon idea that is awesomesauce to the millionth power.BZPP saw that Squishy was now busy and turned her attention back to JiMing and flung some water at him with a bored expression (that was equal to 5(2+3)).

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Lul, everyone is voting for me. *Blushes slightly*I vote for Squishypony. Because...Well...Who else is there who even competed in sacrifice (save the victor)? He does already have a ton of special weapons, but no char looked to the ultimate victory of the Bionifighters more than him (debatable, but not very). And without his Gravity powers, we wouldn't have had Josefina even close to Sumiki after her first try. In fact, his Gravity element was very useful in this fight.-The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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BZPP summoned a hundred thousand Zivons to kill the Visorak and another hundred thousand Takanuva's to kill the rahkshi. BZPP blocked JiMing's slap with her Shield and warped to behind him to attack with her Sword.OOC: That is not how the game is played JiMing, you do not have power scream so you can't just do that to cheapo move your way out of an attack.@ Lord Darkon: The Boss fight is over and we are just fighting to pass time until ibrow gets back.

I didn't power scream, I just screamed loudly.IC:JiMIng slams his Earthshaker on the ground, sending everybody flying from an intense Earthquake. He then used his Gale Spear to blow BZPP, Squishy, and Capricorn against a wall.

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@JiMing There is no way you could scream loud enough to break free of a telekinetic grasp unless you could power scream. Just saying.Squishy was hit with so many attacks in such a short window of time he didn't really know what happened until the pain caught up to him. Then it hurt like nobody's business. After gathering himself, he fired off one charge of his Monsterquake Inducer at JiMing to show him what a real earthquake looked like. And that looked like an approximate 9.4 scale quake. Wowza.


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"No," Squishy shrugged "And neither is this, but I want to see if you live through it anyway."Squishy commanded a plant. But not just any plant, oh no, but a GIGANTIC SUPER AMAZING AWESOME MOON-EATING PLANT OF ZORKON 5. The very ground beneath JiMing shook, the walls seemed to strain and groan, and then suddenly emerged the humongous mouth of the GSAAM-EP from the sand and, with one mighty snap of its jaw, it utterly consumed JiMing....And Squishy, who had underestimated the size of it. Squishy didn't want to kill his plant just yet, so he increased JiMing's gravity tenfold while he was inside the mouth of the GSAAM-EP which plummeted him down into the stomach.


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Lulk. Sending the Survivalist Shotgun to iBrony, considering that I'm having trouble researching Gregor the Cockroach for his full moveset. He'll be next, then the clothing of a gaucho. I'm working on variety for my special weapons.-The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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JiMing was extremely miffed that he got consumed by some weird plant thing.Then, with some difficulty, he cut open the plant with his Tahu Mata sword, and because his gravity was still increased, tumbled heavily on the ground, unable to move.

Edited by JiMing

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ARE YOU SRS?=====Beano walked up, mad.This was what you get when you live in the worst internet connection.He had missed the boss fight completely with full health because he had been sleeping. RRRRG.He looked back in time at what the others had been doing, and found JiMing doing the wrong thing. Mad again, he flew over, created a bean rope, and tied JiMing up as a target. Then, he sent a beanbomb at his face, covering him in a heap of beans.Beano: Thats for doing the wrong thing, You screechy annoying choob.

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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The Earthshake doubles as a melee weapon/club, it's only when it hits the ground that it causes Earthquakes.IC:The bean hit JiMing, which is not fun when the bean is flying at the speed of sound.JiMing used the Gale Spear to shoot himself into the air, hitting Beano with the Earthshaker."That will leave a mark." thought JiMing.

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BZPP Telekineticly retrieved her weapons and summoned an army of a hundred thousand toa of ice, a hundred thousand toa of air and a hundred thousand rahkshi of weather control, plus a few sonic and light toa. Since ToD wasn't here BZPP and the toa of air, ice and the rahkshi created a super-blizzard and the toa of sonics and light formed a band and started to play Falling by Cryoshell.OOC: Check out my Blog to vote on my next Special Weapon.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Okay... Imma try to do this as best as possible, having just swam through four pages of posts....Boss Battle #2 Over.The winner of this round is Toa Onarax, who was the one to successfully slay Sumiki. You may design two special weapons for me to approve via pm.The Runner-Up is The Fearless Leader. You may design one special weapon for me to approve via pm.Be patient, winners; I'll try and approve the weapons you've sent me within the hour, but my time's getting restricted more every day. Which seems backwards to me since I'm on vacation and all right now, but whatever, right?Round 21: Bionifight (Regular)For this round you all manage to break out of the Atero Arena and are set loose on the planet of Bara-Magna. As you pound into each other, be on the look out for Bone Hunters, Vorox, Skrall, and guys like Sahmad who will eat you for breakfast.Good luck.-ibrow

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