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Bionifight 4


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Ugh, I feel horrible. Anywho I'm Co-Host now, and I declare round 22 over. I'll edit in this in a few minutes with the winner.Blue Team wins the round and Jl1223X is the MVP for the usual reasons. And for taking on the Blue Team pretty much by himself for much of the game SSJ Pahrak will receive an Unusual Weapon. An Unusual Weapon is less then a Special Weapon but a way of rewarding players for some achievement that does not award a Special Weapon, this first Unusual Weapon is the: Ivory Staff of the Archmage (ISotA) - This is a long black staff with an ivory orb at the top, that staff can shoot small bolts of shadow or fire. Round 23 Start. Regular Bionifight. For this round you will fight in a dreamy Victorian style house that seem to constantly shift in appearance. Occasionally you will be attacked by ghosts who are armed with swords and crossbows and are immune to any physical or mental attacks, they can only be harmed by heat, shadow, or light and they are very tough except against light.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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OOC: Congrats on the promotion, hope you feel better.IC:The door to the house slowly creaked open, and against the dark, dreary outside atmosphere a shadowy figure could be seen. A flash of lightning illuminated the figure for a second, but only enough to show whoever it was step in and swing the door closed. The figure shuffled across the entryway and over to the main staircase, which it slowly ascended, and when it reached the top, it stopped, turned, and surveyed the area it had just crossed. It raised a weapon, and then what appeared to be a bolt of fire flew out and hit the chandelier on the ceiling, causing it to spring to life."Ah, that's better," Zadakh said, shaking the rain off. "Hm, not bad, though I was hoping to visit the House of the Seven Gables...ah well."He sat down on the top stair and said, "Hoping I'll do better in this round."

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JiMing hated haunted houses. The house shifted appearance a lot, and different figures kept popping up. "Mommy." he silently whimpered to hiimself.Suddenly, the lights popped on, JiMIng turning around and screaming "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!""Wait a minute, I have a Tahu Mata Sword, the Glove of Fire, the Earthshaker, and my handy Gale Spear! I've got no reason to be afraid."Still, he ventured on, beads of sweat forming on his head.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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"Oh I wouldn't be so sure of that." BZPP's voice came from somewhere but she was bending light waves to become invisible. She channeled a whole lotta electricity through a thin copper wire on the ground that she had transmuted to JiMing to add to thise shocking experience.OOC: Staying up playing tower ball, dodgeball and running through a building to find gift cards is tiring when done all night.

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"Oh great, I'm being zapped by BZPP, how shocking."When he was smoking from the electricity, he used his Gale Spear to summon winds that knocked BZPP off balance, revealing her.JiMing then used his Glove of Fire to grab and slam BZPP into a wall.

Edited by JiMing

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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JiMing deflected most of the beans with his Gale Spear, but some still hit him.He punched Beano with his Glove of Fire, then set his beans on fire, using his Gale Spear to launch them at Beano.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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BZPP grinned maliciously, this would be the perfect opportunity to cause trouble. She telekineticly yanked hard on Beano's foot when he tried to slash JiMing and then transmuted a block of steel around JiMing's head. OOC: I had the weirdest dream last night, everyone was speaking Spanish.

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Ugh, I feel horrible. Anywho I'm Co-Host now, and I declare round 22 over. I'll edit in this in a few minutes with the winner.Blue Team wins the round and Jl1223X is the MVP for the usual reasons. And for taking on the Blue Team pretty much by himself for much of the game SSJ Pahrak will receive an Unusual Weapon. An Unusual Weapon is less then a Special Weapon but a way of rewarding players for some achievement that does not award a Special Weapon, this first Unusual Weapon is the: Ivory Staff of the Archmage (ISotA) - This is a long black staff with an ivory orb at the top, that staff can shoot small bolts of shadow or fire. Round 23 Start. Regular Bionifight. For this round you will fight in a dreamy Victorian style house that seem to constantly shift in appearance. Occasionally you will be attacked by ghosts who are armed with swords and crossbows.

Thanks for getting this up; I'm hoping you won't have to end Round 23 as well, but internet was lost unexpectedly. :PAnyway, yeah. MoC1 is the co-host of Bionifight 4.-ibrow
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IC:Zadakh examined his new staff, thinking, Hm, it's going to take a lot of practice to master this...wait...this will add mage skills to my pre-exisiting warrior skills...so that means...I'll be a Red Mage!! That means I get an awesome hat!! WOOT!!Suddenly the stairs turned flat and Zadakh slid down them and across the floor, and then he said, "Oh, right, shifting house...I should go find some targets."OOC: So these ghosts...do we have any way of damaging them, or do we just have to run? Or are the vulnerable only while attacking or something?

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The ghosts are immune to any physical or mental attacks, they can only be harmed by heat, shadow, or light and they are very tough except against light.BZPP, still hidden by her light powers, telekineticly punched Zadakh in the stomach and then Jutlin-ed the floor underneath him.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Squishy was scared easily, so it didn't help that he was in a haunted house. Shuddering and grasping his common sense, he moved slowly throughout the house while trying to remember there was no such thing as ghosts. At all. They were entirely fiction. Completely imaginar-- What? No, Mr. Ghost, I'm just a narrator for Squishy, he's over there. Anyway, as I was saying, ghosts didn't exist and-- Gosh darn it! Squishy, quit your screaming! I can barely hear myself think! No! There's no such thing as ghosts! So annoying, sometimes.


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OOC: So this staff is VERY useful :DIC:Zadakh's Indestructible Sweater Vest helped him absorb the damage, and he said, "Ah, invisibility, very clever! But I shall..."He then realized there was no floor beneath him. "...plummet to the depths of this house's basement...I shall return!"Zadakh fell, hit the basement floor, and said, "Ow...now to get back up!"Several ghosts then appeared, and Zadakh said, "...Uh...hey guys. I don't suppose you're the friendly ones?"The ghosts drew their weapons, and Zadakh said, "Where's the Fenton Thermos when you need it..."He readied his new Staff, thinking, It's too bad that Chaos Reaper lowers my magic powers...still, I might be able to hold them off.

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BZPP heard Zadakh and cursed his IDSV before transmuting a block of osmium right above the hole in the floor. Destruction was fun. She was laughing to herself when a ghost smashed his sword into her back and sent her down the hole also.

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IC:Zadakh dodged arrows and shot fire bolts from his staff, stunning one of the ghosts, and then he was slashed from behind by a ghost with a sword. Would Nerd powers work on them? It affects the mind, not the body...so if they still have minds, it should work.Sending out a few more fire bolts, Zadakh explained the reference he made in the last post, waiting to see if he would be able to confuse his ghostly foes.

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IC:Zadakh ran out of the way...and then saw BZPP falling towards his previous location. "Dumb luck dodge!"He was hit by some ghostly arrows, and then he sent out a wave of fire and shadow bolts, which he followed by sending out Fire Keyblades to finish off the ghosts. Suddenly, there was a loud creaking sound, and a hallway opened up in the wall behind him."Don't go in," Reaper said. "That's the first mistake made in horror movies.""The first mistake in horror movies is someone deciding to make a horror movie," Zadakh said. "Besides, if I don't check it out, how will I search for clues? How will I find out who's really behind this? How will I hear 'And I would've gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!'?"Zadakh went through the hallway.

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BZPP landed on the block and lay there for a while and exhausted herself by cursing the world to be eaten by a turtle dove (pain makes her angry and insane). She got up thanks to her regen and followed Zadakh, careful to keep an aura of light around her to repel any ghosts.

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IC:Zadakh kept walking through the hallway, which had now shifted so that he appeared to be walking on the ceiling. Most people might freak out, but Zadakh had always wanted to defy gravity--it was so pushy sometimes. "You know we're being followed," Reaper said."What, you expect me to wait?" Zadakh said. "I'm gonna keep moving. She'll probably catch up eventually."Zadakh rounded a corner and saw a bunch of ghosts sitting around a table playing cards. They looked up at him."...Hey, is it poker night already? Sorry I'm late, I was caught in traffic. Horrible storm out there."

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IC:Zadakh hit the table and flipped over it, and it provided some protection against BZPP's next attacks. He readied a Kanoka Mahiki and sent an illusion of himself out to make BZPP think he was fighting ghosts. If she moved to attack the illusion, he would leapt out and use Mystic Reaper to smash her into the wall.

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IC:Using the defensive powers of his Sweater Vest, Zadakh took the kick and swung his Keyblade at Capricorn, hopefully before he had a chance to recover from attacking. Then a wave of ghost soliders came at them, so he ran towards the hallway...but a wall materialized and stopped him.As he slammed into the wall, Zadakh said, "...This could be going better..."

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BZPP was kicked round-house style and knocked to the ground, deciding that she was fed up with Cap and Zadakh and they didn't taste good she went nova and unleashed all of her water powers at them.

Edited by MoC1: BZPower Paladin

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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IC:Zadakh saw the Nova Blast coming and figured he was going to get hit either way...so he may as well do something stupid. Right before the water hit, he activated a Lightning Spellblade, and the resulting shock dealt even more damage do everyone in the room, including himself and, hopefully, BZPP."Zadakh...this is really stupid, even for you," Reaper said.

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Josefina trod carefully through the house on her Geta Sandals. She knew she had to keep moving in case of ghost attacks-otherwise, she'd be holed up right now. But even as the toa swaggered around, she kept Survivalist Shotgun in hand. It couldn't do anything to the ghosts...But against anything else in the confined space she would be having the time of her life. Especially with Lightning.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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