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Gavla's Comics: The End


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I'm paranoid enough about this stuff. So I can confirm that I do indeed have all the files saved to an external hard drive.


However, I'm not ready to re-upload them. I have done a few elsewhere but I'm waiting. I'm waiting for an official confirmation that Maj is never coming back.


Yes, I can make an assumption but I want a confirmation.


I am still actively writing the sequel series as well. Though I'm not sure if you can call it a sequel series.


If I have to re-upload it won't be on dA. I don't affiliate my comics with there. dA is restricted to my current SourceFilmmaker based business.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That wouldn't do much for you since I have no comics on this computer.


Did a total clean sweep last January. Stuffed everything important on backup drives which I keep in my desk.


You would be surprised by how many pixels, sheets and more I had stored on here before.


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@Tec- No need to.


Since I ended the series in April 2014 my backpack worth has expanded in many fantastic ways.


So much so that I feel safe in saying that I am the Comic Forum's resident Hatted King.


There's nothing really of worth on my backup drive anyway.


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I haven't really been able to give my opinion on here of the comics.


I had only been following the comics from the start of season 3 or 4 onward so honestly not very long. But in that time I feel that these comics were truly some of the best on the forum in my opinion. It was rich with comedy, drama, and adventure. And it normally stood true to most of the pre-set rules of BIONICLE. It truly was a masterpiece in my opinion, and I especially liked the ending of it. How you were able to come up with 3 endings for the major characters was truly great. The way you tied everything together in the end. In a weird kind of way, these comics reminded me of one of those fancy rugs/blankets you would see with the crazy designs. You can follow each thread in the fabric through all these crazy designs, but in the end it's still confined in a border and together ends at a certain point. 


I remember always looking forward to the next comic you would release. You consistency with the comics was truly extraordinary. You're title as one of the best if not most dedicated Comic Maker on the forums is very well deserved in my opinion. It didn't matter if the comic was 3 panels long or 28, you still had it up the very next day. Even being a part of helping with these comics for the few months I was able to was definitely an interesting endeavor for me.


I'm glad that you've been able to share this story of yours with us for so long, and actually fit an ending to it. I see too many comics that don't have any endings which is always disappointing. I'm glad that you were able to not only fit an ending to these comics, but an extraordinary ending, with a clever final panel might I add. 


Thank you for entertaining me and all of us for years with your comics and I wish you best of luck on your future endeavors, Mr. Tools,



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Now that there is a fine display of words.


It captivates my Hatted Heart.


Especially because I'm not 100% satisfied with the ending as a whole.


Mr. G.'s ending and the Life/Death ending were done as I envisioned. But the ending with the true Mr. G.? With The Original? There were key parts I had to cut out for time.


The final panel was a last minute idea. Having his own creations, his fellow living Sprites turn on him was never meant to happen.


I was going to make the cut content into a comic and post it this year on April 8th. But with Maj being stubborn I lost my drive to do it.


Maybe in the future I'll make the cut content.


Because there is purposeful tragedy with the situation of The Original. He's a living Sprite but he's also very human.


I designed his personality to be that of a hurt, enraged being who got the short end of the stick. The bad flip of the coin.


In many ways a sprite is immortal. But just like us humans they are meant to be forgotten. Eventually The Original will be forgotten.


Eventually each and every one of us will be forgotten by society and the people we love.


That's how the world works. Unless you make a big impact in a good or bad way, you will always be erased from existence.


Just like a sprite.


Thank you for the comment, Soran. I've always enjoyed reading your words.


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Life's not about trying to be remembered forever, trying to become immortal in either body or memory. It's about doing the best you can while you're here, even if no one on Earth will ever know you existed at all in a few decades. The difference you made while you lived, no matter how small or large, is something that can never be truly taken away, even if all memory of you is. And if you don't feel you're making the slightest difference, you're just not looking hard enough.




With all the acclaim these comics are getting, it sure would be nice to have a chance to read through them from start to finish. Which...tends to work best when they're uploaded to a working site.

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I'll give it another month.


Because I need to re-organize them off my drive for re-upload.

Plus it will take time to replace the links and such. I'm sure you all understand.


The thing is that I'm a busy person. For those into TF2, I'm working on a Saxxy Entry.


I'm also working on a new comic series not sprite base.


Annnd I'm helping to make a video game. So my time is all over the place this month/past few months.


I'm so sorry!


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Man, came back here for some nostalgia and a good read, loved your series so much, was a blast to go through! I'm beyond excited that you have the comics saved externally! It's been few months, so I'm rather curious, will we see them anytime soon? If not, take your time, it's no issue :P


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  • 1 month later...

I'm not dead. I did move on. The reason this topic hasn't updated with the comics is because I've been very busy the past year.


I was planning some new comic stuff but I decided it probably wouldn't be worth it. I'm not a comic maker anymore. Why would I want to be? I'm glad people still enjoy my work even though I myself don't.


A lot has gone on the past year. A lot of good and bad. Thankfully I was able to utilize my experience here to make something truly great. Something worth my time.


Something 600+ people check out every day. Read every day. Complement me for every day. I make people happy. That is true success for me. It gives me a reason to keep working.


I have everything I ever wanted. I inspire people every day to do the same work as me, more coming to me. Flocking to me. Treating me with respect.


My Children of Holding will spread my legacy for a long time. Though not under the name Gavla. 


I am compiling the old comics as I type this. Made myself a new brickshelf and will begin uploading them once it's ready to go. Going through all those links is gonna be a pain though, ahah. I'll manage.


Everything should probably be ready by New Year. I've got some major work to do with my New Job for Christmas. 


Been planning on getting rid of the Gavla name too. It's not who I am anymore anyway. Gavla's dead.


I'll update this post or make a new post again when the first post is completed. Though I will probably reduce the comics I upload to only the story ones. For space reasons and time.




I've got a lot of the comics compiled but sadly it looks like some are lost forever. I've only encountered about two so far but that's the risk of this business when you crank them out ever day for so long.

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Some are better thane none at all. I just hope they aren't from one of my favorite arcs. (God forbid it's Electric Blues. Gosh I loved Electric Blues.)


I'm no where near getting to them but I just checked. Every comic for Electric Blues is saved. It's a personal favorite of mine as well. A Toa not really acting like one? A Matoran bossing a Toa around? A deranged murderer tormenting them? It's good stuff.


I typically don't like my older work but EB had some good concepts in my opinion. Everyone loves a good mystery in the snow.


Good to see you back!

I may be retired but I like to visit here. BZP isn't a website I enjoy being around that much but it was one of the first websites I ever devoted time into. I was there when BZP was first made out of two separate Bionicle sites and I was here when the comics forum was first put in place. I got to read all the original comic authors back in the past. How odd to be among them in the future. To be a part of that history.


BZP was not always the best experience for me. But it was an experience I can't forget. It lead me into better things.


As I said. I now do work that makes a lot of people happy every day. I could have never done it without this place.


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I'm glad to see that you visit the website every now and then. Even though I more or less keep contact with you otherwise, it's always nice to see you on the forums. It's been a while since I've been able to read your comics so I'm excited to read through them some more once they're uploaded and updated. I've always held your series in high regard amongst the many comic authors on the site. To say that it's inspired my work would be an understatement. You've been able to inspire many people during your time of work which frankly isn't surprising at all. You literally cranked out comic upon comic every single day for who knows how long. Even when you might miss a day you would upload 2 to make up for it. It frankly was inspiring and your work ethic is intimidating. 


I'm excited as always to see whatever projects you work on and I can say that I've enjoyed your latest project as well. It's great to see you putting your skills you have learned to something you and others find worthy. 


Though it's sad to see Gavla has died off it's great to see that from the ashes of Gavla comes Doremy to hold the torch in Gavla's stead. Although I'll admit that it might seem odd to see "Gavla's Comics: The End, by Doremy," but I'm sure it'll turn out fine.


Like I said earlier, I'm excited to see the comics being viewable again and I'm excited that you have discovered a new calling in life. It's sad to see you officially resign, to leave… But like they say, all good things must eventually come to an end. Luckily you're still putting out some entertainment though, it's just a little different.


Thank you again for this series and this new present. It isn't something you have to do or need to do so I'm glad that you have offered to do it. It'll be great to reread these once they are rereleased. 




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Soran always has the best words to say. I always look forward to what you post. You're one of the more discussion based comic makers I've known.


I could return to comics at any point. I really could. I have all my old sprites and backgrounds.


For a time I did plan on it. I even discussed with Soran some ideas. It's kinda funny how my best ideas came to life when I stopped with this series. 


The main reason I'm not returning is because there's no reason to. Think about it. Gavla's story has ended. Life has died and Death still lives. In a way. Gavla accepted his fate and the Life Gavla was reduced to what he always was. Just another Gavla. The ICC Gavla had his conclusion and reveal as the Mastermind, the Mouse behind the work. 


If I do return to comics I would make an entirely new series. I'd throw a Gavla cameo in but it would be something different. I always have ideas cooking in my noggin. 


While my main reason behind not continuing is the Gavla story, there is a secondary reason. Comic Makers are not the best people. I know it sounds odd but think on it. Really think on it.


It's always had a competitive vibe to it. Sprite kits against sprite kits. Comic makers against comic makers. A certain comic maker trying to ruin other series. This business is very competitive in my opinion. Which.. isn't that bad since it can motivate you to improve. But when the people you regard as your close friends go behind your back to insult your work? Or insult you as a comic maker? The people who think you'll never see their words? Comic makers rarely care for other comic makers. But that's a fact of life. Can't avoid it.


Well the joke is always on them. I got my work done. I ended it properly. I advanced into new work which they will never be able to beat.


Oh and there's also the reason this sub forum is really quite dead. I say that a lot but it is. So I mean. Why put in the effort to make a comic if only like two to four people are active? You get what I mean?


I'm super busy on my new work's Christmas update. So I'll continue the comic compiling after Christmas. 

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Thank you. I always enjoy a good conversation, I like the concept of debating things and figuring out the logic behind certain situations or events. It's all interesting to me.


I'm going to redact something I said earlier because you brought up something that I didn't really think about. It seems very appropriate to change your name. The reasoning for it is clear as day as you explained. Gavla's story is over. This comic, this series isn't a story about you, it's a story about a character. It's all about the many different Gavla's and how they intertwine in their own destinies. Their logic, their reasoning, their goals and their failures. It's all one big story about the many different possibilities and outcomes of a character. But you are not that character. 


You've explained it before that you aren't Gavla, he's simply a character. Although many different comic authors say similar things (like myself) it's very few that actually show it. I'm guilty of it as well where my own character is practically a self-insert of my own personality although slightly altered (I'm more logical and patient in reality than Soran is as a character). But you can honestly and truly say that Gavla isn't just a self-insert, he… they are all different. They have different motives and different personalities. And unless you've got multiple personalities, there's no way for you to exhibit each of these characters. The way how the title is named, it makes it sound like it's saying Gavla's (Gavla, meaning you and your ownership of said comics) Comics I feel that as time went on the meaning has changed. It no longer is about your identity as Gavla but it's more wrapped up in Gavla the character's ownership of the comics. It's his story and these comics revolve around him, thus it is Gavla's Comics. Just a tid bit I thought was interesting as I thought about it more.


I will say that you are absolutely correct about people being competitive when making comics. I too have seen people make a complete shift in personalities when certain situations happen. It's really ugly to me how it happens so quickly and so thoughtlessly. Or perhaps it's entirely thought out. Comics on the forum are a game of reputation. The better reputation you have the more likely you are to get followers, even if it is people that are unknown to you (like guests who have not joined BZPower). It's what people truly crave even if they themselves don't admit it. They want to be accepted, liked and appreciated for what they love to do. Everyone wants that deep down, we all just want success. But sometimes you're thrown into a situation where you've got some dirt on you. That's to be expected since you were playing outside. But the question is, do you rid yourself of this dirt or do you simply live carefree, not concerned about the dirt or the way the world sees you. You're just outside to play.


That honestly is one of the lessons I've learned from you that I'm most thankful for. The ability to truly not care about the situations going on in the forums. To rid yourself of the drama and simply avoid it is really a great feeling. I definitely participate in the forums, I like to see other people succeed in whatever they're doing. I like to give advice on whatever I can and whenever I can with something I'm knowledgable in. But if I cannot give any input that I feel can truly make a change I don't really bother replying. This can be in the form of something I just have no knowledge in (like photography) or when I notice that someone too has that carefree attitude, where all they want to do is have fun. I suppose I went off on a little tangent but still I figured I would thank you for that as it's semi-related to your reply.


It's something I often see a lot of, the slow decline of the Comic's Forum. And honestly, I have my own opinions of why that is. If we go off of what I had previously stated as being most people goals, success, then it's fairly easy to tell what's going on. It's a monopoly. In the past, all the crazy special effects weren't "needed". There were several ridiculously clever and entertaining series that were primarily just made from MSPaint. Like Dark709's comics (for a while at least) and LR's Comics. But then as certain comic makers joined the fray, it brought another age of comics, ones that revolved around the latest and greatest of special effects. Those that were more graphically pleasing were normally watched first versus those with quality jokes. And having a series that was filled with both was the ultimate monopoly. But what this graphical inclination did was it forced the comic makers that were willing to make the change to photo manipulation survive and those that did not slowly fell away into obscurity. Then all that remained was a waiting game, as the surviving comic makers waged wars on each other in an attempt to gain popularity. Some submitted to peer pressure and left the site, others simply got bored while the remaining simply finished the tale they wanted to tell (like yourself). As more and more departed the ones that remained were able to increase their monopoly. Some people still wanted comics, but their favorite author left so what are they going to do? They're going to move onto the next one that is most similar. What was often prized as I stated before was graphical quality. And since most people who begin a series are most likely unaware or unwilling to learn what they might view as a complex program this left a massive decline in new comics. Because everyone is comparing themselves to each other it isn't about having fun or for release, it's about entertaining the audience. But if you lack the audience do you still try to entertain? It's simply my theory for why the place is dead. There's too much of a jump in graphical quality between old talent and new talent. I suppose that I am to blame for that in some regard but oh well. 


I suppose in answer to your question for why try to entertain those few people my answer is simple. In teaching me not to worry about the going ons of the forum, I've learned where I should focus my comics. My comics are my release. I like making stories but I can't go through the entire process of writing a book, it can't hold my attention. So it's about writing short stories, stories to entertain people but primarily it's to entertain myself. It's my release. I'm not a very witty person in reality, but give me a situation and I can come up with several quick jokes relating to it. It's just not jokes that are appropriate for conversation. By making comics, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Each comic can take from 1 hour to a whole day in work hours but after making each one I just feel like I did something. I did something I wanted to do and what, if possible, I would like people to see and acknowledge in some way. It's my release, my escapism from reality. To be able to make humor in the most unfortunate of situations is truly a blessing to me, especially when it's something that I have logically thought out myself. I definitely understand what you mean in feeling like you weren't able to put out something that people truly wanted to see. It's the thought process of an entertainer. Heck, there's been some times when I truly thought a comic I've made was genius and it just fell flat with the audience. Sure, it's tough on me but that's what I get for trying to please the audience instead of myself. When you're an entertainer, you've got to figure out what you want to focus on. If it's your job, then it's best to try to please the audience. But when it's a hobby you have that choice. Who are you doing this for? Yourself or your audience? It's a question I ask myself periodically when I make comics. 


I will say that whatever you decide to do with your time is always great, because it's what you want to do. And most times, they're entertaining to others as well. You're an entertaining guy, you've got a good sense of logic, story and comedy. You've called me this term in the past but I feel like you really exhibit these attributes yourself. That term being a "Jack of all trades." You're great at writing stories, comics, and now even a reply strip which almost always has 1 panel. That's some witty humor to be able to come up with a joke that fits in a single panel, especially considering most of it is either one liners or non-verbal (purely visible). So whether you continue on with your current Doremy work or you move on at some point to make comics or you switch back to SFM, it'll all work out in the end because of one important thing. You've got talent.


So thank you for your kind words and I'm sorry for rambling. I just wanted to clear up some points I made earlier. I'm definitely looking forward to revisiting your work after Christmas. One question I've got however is if it's something that'll be released before the New Years or is it planned for after New Years as well. 


Also, I figured that after all the work you've done you're probably the most deserving of this. Should you ever remake your trophy page I figured I would at least add this to your list.



Soran Stamp of Stupendousness






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Oh and there's also the reason this sub forum is really quite dead. I say that a lot but it is. So I mean. Why put in the effort to make a comic if only like two to four people are active? You get what I mean?


Yeah, this place is pretty dead, with the exception of Soran's comics which still get multiple posts daily. I used to think that with Bionicle's return this would change though and that we'd get many new comic makers come in to the forum, bringing new life to the section. We used to discuss that at times on steam IIRC.


Seems I was wrong though. If anything, it just seems more dead now. A shame really.


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Ah Soran. I could listen to your rambles all day. You're also very logical and you make a lot of good points. It's why we connect so well.


The graphical advancement age of comics was such an odd time. You saw it everywhere. Photos for panels. Photo assets for props. Very few hand made the props and such for their work.


It's funny because my comics never really used photo-realistic stuff. Very rarely did I stick something that actually existed into it. I really liked to manipulate sprites to suit my needs.


Now look at my current work. Everything is photo realistic. It has to be. 


In this place you need to advance to survive. In many ways it is a business. 


But everything you said is correct. Who do you work for? Yourself or to entertain others?


Everything I have ever done I did with the craving to make people happy.


Now I do. My work here is done. My work elsewhere going to last for as long as it must. 


As for your question: I will try very hard to get everything re-linked by the New Year. I can not make a promise on it though. Holidays are a busy time.


Thank you for your award. I look forward to putting it up.


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Hey there I don't mean to double post without content but I thought I'd give a status update. (Also chances are if I updated the previous post with this it would probably not be seen or answered until months later so yeah.)


The comic compilations are about.. if I had to guess.. 94% done? 


I got pretty busy right after the holidays since we're busy dealing with my great grandmom's uh. Decaying health. 


Sadly there is a road block that I need assistance with. Brick-shelf hasn't done the email verification thing at all so my new brick-shelf is not usable apparently.


I was curious if there were any other good image hosting sites I could use. I don't want to use my dA like Soran does since I use it for my new work.


I'm not aware of any other sites aside from a few like imagur (I think that's how you spell it.) And the issue with me is I'd need a reliable site that won't downsize the quality of the picture.


Keep in mind my comics tend to be very long. Especially the final six-seven. 


Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I wanted the comics back up by today but sometimes you hit these roadblocks. 

Edited by Gavla


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