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Who was your favorite set ever?


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just wondering who was your favorite set in the history of bionicle


mine is gadunka because he is just an oddball, something different from the usual inika build. I also likes his glow in the dark pieces and (say what you want) I kind of liked the squid launcher.


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If we're speaking from a purely emotional stance, meaning not necessarily on technical merits, it has to be Pohatu Mata. He was my first Bionicle, and Pohatu has always been my favorite character in the entire theme. The 2001 Kakama is immensely iconic, the kicking function set him apart from the other Mata and his boulder was really cool. I just really, really like his design. Nothing comes close.


Obviously he isn't the most technically impressive set - none of the Mata were. If we look at things with a raw, technical eye, I'm a fan of of the Jetrax. The figure, Adapted Antroz, had many points of articulation and a solid color scheme. The vehicle was best designed of the '08 vehicles, with an awesome function, an actual cockpit and iconic design. It wasn't the biggest of the sets and thus not wildly expensive, but still a sizeable package with fantastic value. 


I like to take G2 separately, in which case my favorite set based on an emotional stance and the one based on technicalities is the same: Pohatu Uniter. Function? Check. Articulation? Check. Awesome design? Check. Coolest creature? Check. Coolest combined form? Check. Peak of G2 design in my opinion.


Also, don't feel bad - I loved the squid launchers too.



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:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

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:smilepohatunu: :smilehuki:

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I have a few favourite sets:




8530: Kanohi masks - Kanohi were such a key part of Bionicle at the beginning, it's always exciting to open one of these to see what masks are inside, spare toa heads are never a bad thing too.


8534: Tahu - My first G1 set, he looks awesome, fun to play with and overall just a great set.


8733: Axonn - Axonn is epic, he takes all the best things about knights and combines them with all the best things about Bionicle, a very enjoyable character.


8734: Brutaka - Possibly the greatest set of all time, Brutaka is cool, poseable, interesting and tall!


10203: Voporak - Another great one, he reminds me of a xenomorph and is just a fun set, plus rhotuka are fun to fire!




70787: Tahu, master of fire - My first G2 set, he's cool and nostalgic.


5002941: hero pack - The mask and the skull spider are neat, plus it was free!

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Honestly I'm still slowly collecting sets bit by bit from G1. So I can list some that I own and ones I've yet to acquire.
Already G2 sets are more expensive than they need to be on Bricklink. It's crazy. But they're worth what they're worth I suppose.

I've found that I really dig the titans from various years. 
Krekka, Roodaka, Sidorak, Vezon and Fenrakk, Makuta Icarax, Takanuva titan, Mata Nui titan, Brutaka, Axon... They look great standing tall and proud by themselves. Being so unique to each other over the assembly of uniform Toas with their minor differences.

But I love the original rahi from 2001 as well. All from the Nui Jaga to the Manas. Those are a little harder to come by in good condition. *shakes fists to the gods of wealth*


8530: Kanohi masks - Kanohi were such a key part of Bionicle at the beginning, it's always exciting to open one of these to see what masks are inside, spare toa heads are never a bad thing too.


I'd have to agree there too, the scavenger hunt for the various Kanohi was great fuel back in the day. Something I wish they incorperated in G2, especially for their villagers and protectors. Having Mask Making such a strong part of their culture serves as a great vessel for the potential of new and unique masks. Having the same design shared amongst the smaller sets didn't sit well with me, but they had their reasons.

Edited by Krystufa
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I loved the original Makuta set when it came out. The Kraahkan was an epic new mask (plus two silver Avohkii to boot!) :D

The 2003 Rahkshi were fun too, they felt really fresh after two waves of Bohrok. I remember getting the chills looking into their evil little eyes from the summer catalog...  :evilgrin:



Formerly Iron_Man5


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I couldn't claim to have a specific single favourite; but a few that particularly stand out to me have been:


- Muaka and Kane-Ra; I didn't get them until a few years after their original release, but I remember pretty much falling in love with their designs. The way they were almost exclusively technic elements, but still so effectively resembled the animals they were supposed to... they were faves of mine, for sure.


- Vezon & Kardas: I didn't actually own the set, but I bought his component characters separately and combined them. I loved Fenrakk, don't get me wrong, but the sheer size and relative complexity of Kardas took the set to a whole other level. And, I dunno why, but I always liked Vezon's design, too.


- Maxilos & Spinax: he could shrug! I remember that being the huge deal about Maxilos back in the day, his more complex shoulder articulation that allowed a lot more natural poses than most any set that had gone before him. He was also one of the biggest titans to date, and I enjoyed him a whole lot. And Spinax was kind of cute, in a... malformed sort of way xD


- '08 Takanuva: I just... really liked him. Here was a new reimagining of an iconic character - who, unlike the Toa Phantoka / Mistika, actually felt like a worthy representation of the Takanuva I had loved since Mask of Light. Add to that the fact that Titans have been some of my favourites ever since 2004, and the fact that his design really worked for me, made him an instant favourite. I'd have liked him even more if he'd remained gold, but I digress xD Of all the Bionicle sets I sold on a while ago, he's probably the only one I have some genuine regret over letting go.

Edited by Darth Jaller
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"New legends awake, but old lessons must be remembered.
For that is the way
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My favorite set was probably Tahu Nuva. I loved the aesthetics of the canister, the Toa himself, etc. I really liked how the Toa Nuva looked like more adult versions of the Toa Mata. They looked like they meant business and were ready to kill the Makuta.

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Emotionally?  Pohatu Mata (whod've thought).  He was my very first Bionicle set, and one of my first LEGO sets to boot.  He's also just my favorite character, plain and simple.  I like his personality, his lines... I also liked the design of his G2 set, though I wish they put as many pieces into him as they did Tahu or Kopaka.  I'm also a big fan of both Toa Jaller sets (I think Jaller Mahri was the better build, but the Inika was the first toa team that we had all six of, and besides, the Kanohi Calix just looked cool).  I'm also a fan of the Vahki sets, especially Rorzakh.


Structurally, my favorite had to be Toa Mata Nui (the Titan version).

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As a kid, I was a huge fan of Lhikan and the Kikanalo.


At 9-10, I loved the Metru sets and how fresh they felt after 3 years of the original Mata/Nuva build.  But Lhikan looked awesome, he was like a 2nd Takanuva with his gold armor, unique mask, and thing to ride on.  Plus, red and gold make a nice combo.


Also, the Kikanalo looked great.  I got that it was supposed to be some kind of two-legged rhino, but it had this sort of dragon look I really liked, and it was a pretty stable build from what I could remember.


Before that, the Rahkshi.  We had never had articulated knees before that, and they just looked so cool and evil.

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I can't narrow it down to one. I like too many of them. Tahu Mata, Tahu Nuva, Axonn, Umarak the Hunter, Lesovikk and his Sea Sled, The Jetrax T6 set, Gen 2 Lewa 2015, Hydraxon, Icarax, Keetongu, The Kardas Dragon, Carapar, Lord of Skull Spiders, etc. I like all these sets, and more. I don't think I could pick my all time favorite between them.  

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Everyone is one choice away from being the bad guy in another person's story.



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Brutaka was my favourite I think. His size was impressive for his time, and even now holds up to the later sets. It also utilized new techniques at making titans, and did so spectacularly. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

gosh, does Kardas count?
going through the years, i absolutely loved the functions of Muaka & Kane-Ra, the rahkshi were nicely articulated, Brutaka was just an all-around awesome set, i really liked Lesovikk and Maxilos/Spinak as well
the vehicles were all neat, but i wouldn't call them great...

i'm gonna have to say either Brutaka or Lesovikk, if you don't count Kardas

~Bionicle Online Games Guru~
Current Bionicle Sets: 232/250
2001: 23/24 2002: 20/21 2003: 22/22 2004: 22/22 2005: 23/23
2006: 16/22 2007: 22/22 2008: 25/27 2009: 26/26 2010: 4/6
2015: 18/18 2016: 11/17

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Oh man, so many. Emotionally speaking, probably the original Tahu Mata. First one I ever saw in a magazine, fell in love with it, kinda became the defining "face" of the franchise for me.


Technically, there are a few I love: Maxilos, number one. Full articulation, two joints in each shoulder and his neck, and just overall looked good. Gresh was probably the best use of the Inika build. Extremely aesthetically pleasing and consistent, and actually had some bulk to him. That paper-thin torso design for a lot of those builds drove me nuts. I love the Mata Nui canister set for pretty much the same reasons. Lesovikk is a nice runner-up, too, he actually looked armored. Vezon had a great but simple design, too.


There's one that I always felt like didn't get enough love, and that was Icarax. He was basically an improved Sidorak. Great color scheme, no colors that were blatantly out of place, and he actually looked like a warrior. Not the usual "strength = super bulky" designs associated with other similar characters. Icarax looked powerful without being over the top. The four wings were cool, too, although they do look a little small on him.


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Nuju was always a favorite of mine. Despite the odd proportions of the Toa Metru, I really liked them, and as a fan of the element of ice, Nuju made the top of the Metru list.


But my overall favorite has to be Axonn. Sure, his arms are incredibly long, his hands are massive, and there are only so many poses you can do with his top-heavy axe, but I just loved him. I liked his articulation, I liked how hefty and imposing he looked and felt, and his mask and axe are just cool. Every time I played with him, somebody got grabbed and squeezed by and/or got clobbered with those massive hands. Fun stuff.

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