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What life lessons has Bionicle taught you?


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Hi, guys!:) We know that Bionicle G1 in general has a very good story and character development (much better than G2’s), and it’s something that Lego should make a TV show or a theatrical Cinematic Universe with. It’s like Transformers, Star Wars, Marvel, DC Comics, Steven Universe, and Ninjago. Very good stuff. Speaking of character development, what has Bionicle in general, like the stories, taught you in life?

For me, here’s these:

1. Collecting stuff is like treasure, and you are going to need them for the good of everyone that you care about.

2. The Three Virtues, Unity, Duty, and Destiny, sound like that you must work together with your comrades, and you guys know what to do, so you can accomplish anything to make satisfaction.

3. In case of Onua fighting against Lewa being mind-controlled by a Krana, you must care for your friends and encourage willpower.

4. Sometimes, when it comes to certain situations, like the Toa Mata not being able to fight the Bahrag without their elemental powers, it’s best to do what you always do rather than doing a troublesome new thing.

5. Never overthrow or betray someone that you worked with or for. The Makuta species, Piraka, and Barraki have this problem. Even Makuta Teridax put Mata Nui to sleep.

6. Never be jealous, or otherwise consequences would happen. Teridax caused the Great Cataclysm because he was jealous of Mata Nui. Makuta G2 ruined the island of Okoto with the power of the Mask of Ultimate Power because he was jealous of Ekimu.

7. Never be hot-headed too much. Tahu G1 has this problem.

8. Get along with your comrades. Tahu and Kopaka always have this problem with each other.

9. Never steal stuff from people. The Bohrok-Kal stole the Toa Nuva’s Nuva Symbols.

10. Take risks to do the greater good for people. Matoro sacrificed his life to save the Matoran Universe.

11. Tell people about what they should be aware of. The Great Beings never told people from the Matoran Universe about the true nature of the Great Spirit Mata Nui and their home.

12. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to watch over your people. Mata Nui had this problem, which allowed Teridax to put him to sleep.

13. Don’t panic, and you have to work together. The people of Bara Magna in Bionicle: The Legend Reborn were fighting each other in arena matches while they let their enemies destroy their stuff. Mata Nui and his Glatorian friends told them that they have to work together to end this threat.

14. Don’t choose bad things over your friends or people that you care about. Roodaka made Vakama think that he should help her defeat his own team, but Matau made Vakama snap out of it when he reminded Vakama about the Matoran that they had to rescue.

15. Don’t listen to the deception of a tyrant because he’s bad influence. Teridax turned the whole city of Metru Nui against the Toa Metru, and then he put the people in the Matoran Pods.

16. Be brave when things are tough. Takua was so scared by Teridax that he left Jaller with the Mask of Light before Onu-Koro was attacked by the Rahkshi.

17. Never go alone selfishly from your friends. Lewa G2 has his mask stolen by Skull Slicer when he selfishly went alone to learn about a game.

18. Greed is a menace to many things when people want the same thing. The Core War on Spherus Magna happened, and then the Energized Protodermis broke the world into pieces.

19. When you are taken to another place that is alien to you, you would find that this place reminds you of home. When Mata Nui was launched to Bara Magna, he saw some things and people in there that remind him of things and people from his home, like Glatorian reminding him of Toa, Ackar of Onua, Tuma and Metus of Teridax, and the Great Beings’ building plans about the Great Spirit Robot in their underground lab.

20. Lifes are more important than things when a situation gets so big. In G2, Pohatu was trying to get the Mask of Control, but Umarak was trying to doom Ketar, so Pohatu had to save Ketar while Umarak got the Mask.

21. When a task requires you to sacrifice something important to you, do it for the greater good and in the right way. In G1, after the people of the island of Mata Nui left the place, the Toa Nuva reluctantly had to awaken the Bohrok to destroy the island (without any innocent lives on it) in order to awaken Mata Nui.

21. Caring does not make one weak. Umarak told Pohatu that caring makes him weak, which upset Pohatu, but his fellow Toa cheered him up by saying that Umarak is wrong.

22. You miss someone dear to you. In G2, Ekimu looks at the Protectors as reminders of their ancestors that he was friends with. Plus, when Gali disappeared into the Shadow Realm, the Toa and Ekimu miss her because she’s their friend until she came back. In G1, Solek must’ve missed Takua, and I wonder if he realized that Takanuva was Takua.

23. Don’t be lonely or disliked and try to make friends. Gavla has this problem when she doesn’t make friends with her fellow Av-Matoran. When she turned into a Shadow Matoran, she willingly fought them because she believed that they wronged her and the Makuta respected her. When she changed back, she felt upset that she went back to where she was before being a Shadow Matoran: being without friends. She’s gotta try making friends with her fellow Av-Matoran and the Matoran in Metru Nui.

24. Never let a bad person take an advantage of you. After Mata Nui was reawakened, Makuta Teridax took over the Great Spirit Robot tyrannically and kicked Mata Nui out of it.


That’s pretty much it. I learned a lot lessons in life from Bionicle rather than just learning how to say stuff by reading Bionicle books.


So, what valuable life lessons did you guys learn from Bionicle?:)

I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!:)

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Loyalty and creativity. Loyalty because of the way the Toa have always worked together as a team. Even when Tahu and Gali got at each other's throats in the movie, they still looked out for each other in the end, especially when Tahu got infected. Creativity because I became pretty resourceful with my Bionicle toys.

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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Sometimes, you need to be Nothing, just to keep yourself from being destroyed.


Sometimes you need to throw off the shackles of Nothing because you just need to live.


"Sleep spares him pain!  Awake, he suffers!"  (particularly apt when you have 8:00 AM classes)


It is possible to be both an engineer and a poet, it's being both at once that's hard.


Don't eat all the pies.


If you practice, you can move quickly, and if you move slowly, you can go far.


"When wisdom and valor fail, all that remains is faith - and it can overcome all."

Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)

My blog: The Jaga's Nest

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Don't get attached to things because you never know when they might be unceremoniously taken away from you.




I was going to say this, but you beat me to it.


Also, that having a hobby can make hard times go by more easily.

My friend went to Po-Wahi and all I got was this lousy rock.


Blue sea...a Ruki leaps...the sound of water

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