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IC: Savina - Information District - game room -Savina brushed against Tain and meowed in concern, and then went to look for medical supplies, still walking on all fours. Luckily, she found a first aid kit in the back corner of the room, she grabbed it by the handle with her mouth, and make her way back to Tain.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: (Now outside of the game store): Vrf-3The small robot hovered along, dodging the fighting and evading anything that got near him. This was chaos, mayhem, madness! He wanted to get out of it. And when a bullet flew far too close to him, he fled, heading towards the closest location. A game store.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


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IC: TainTain winced as he tried to inspect his head. "Thank you, Savina." Tain took the first aid kit, and pulled out one of the more important devices: a tricorder. It could diagnose his problem, as long as it was a documented one.OOC: Yes, internet is up.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Quada - Information DistrictWhen Quada went to work that day, he did not expect to find the store in a large mess, with a trio of beings sitting around some yarn."Um, hello?"IC: Hrunja Gilga - Lab"Move on with the times ... kiddo," growled Hrunja. "You think that this is unnatural? Lots of people thought that being on Spherus Magna was unnatural for them! THEY WERE WRONG! NOW GET YOUR MIND INTO THIS CENTURY OR I'LL FORCE YOU TO!"

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IC: Savina - Information District - Game Room -Savina eyed the small robot with mild curiosity, and then Quada she eyed...cautiously, she didn't know if she could trust him yet or not. She had a ball of yarn back in her mouth.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: TAinWith one hand, Tain held the tricorder to the back of his head. He kept his pistol nearby, even in his wounded state. He didn't trust the being yet. "I'm not a fish!"

Edited by Krayzikk Champion of RPGs



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Gust (Western Front, Hacker Siege)Gust threw a cyclone at Swuiop, distracting her long enough for the cage to break. Gust jumped, barely skimming the edge of the pillar Thuiop had sent up.He rolled to a stop a couple feet away from Swuiop and whipped out a pistol, firing off four bullets point-blank at her chest.-Teezy



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-==IC: Blade==-"Kinda hard to do that, given that I've been in stasis the entire trip. However, consider this... That personality transfer system... I was there when it was being built. It's only one way. If something happens, if this ship encounters something we can't handle, we'll all die. Every last one of us." Blade glared at Hrunja, and then look away."If you want to fight me, do it later. As I said earlier, something's wrong; you realize it yourself... Otherwise that robot wouldn't have left. So you can waste time with me, and potentially be weakened or killed... Or, you can accept my help, and we can figure out what to do with this threat. However, consider again what happens if we get into mortal danger like the Makuta incident, in the middle of deep space."

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IC: Savina - Information District - Game Room -Savina decided this Quada guy wasn't gonna do anything to hurt Tain, and so decided not to eat him. Now that someone was taking care of Tain's injuries, Savina eyed a rolling ball of yarn, she lowered herself to the ground, and then pounced, she got the ball of yarn, but not before crashing into a stack of papers, sending them all over the place. She began to swat with her paws at the flying paper. Her claws got stuck on some sheets of paper, and as she tried to get them off her claw, the paper ripped all over and spread confetti everywhere.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Gust (Western Front, Hacker Siege)Gust threw a cyclone at Swuiop, distracting her long enough for the cage to break. Gust jumped, barely skimming the edge of the pillar Thuiop had sent up.He rolled to a stop a couple feet away from Swuiop and whipped out a pistol, firing off four bullets point-blank at her chest.-Teezy

IC - Battle...only to find the bullets were stopped and disentegrated by a black plate of energy."Apologies, Gust. But I can't be on the losing side anymore. We both know how this will end, because we both know how it started."He fired his submachine gun, ten feet to the left of Gust. Edited by Shadow Guardian

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: NikaronNikaron groaned, he was resting on a random roof top, where he had fallen unconcious a while ago. His memories had not stopped with the virus gone, and soon he had been flooded with them. Now he had finally awoken, and was wondering where Sil was.IC: SilThe cat in question was currently roaming in search of Nikaron, he had tracked the scent to this general area, when he picked up another scent. That of a cat, except something was off. Cautiously, Sil approached the game shop, slinking inside, where he came from other Cats usually meant trouble.ooC: That'd be Savina, and no Nikaron is not ontop of the Game Shop room.


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IC: Gust (Western Front, Hacker Siege)Gust was so taken aback by the voice he almost forgot to blow away the bullets. No. Oh, God, no..."It was you all along," he said to the Toa of Shadow. "You were the mole? The viruses? Takadox? All you?"-Teezy



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IC - Battle"Indeed."He felt no remorse as he continued fire. Surely he couldn't stop every bullet."I'm surprised you didn't catch on. I am a toa of shadow, after all. This mission is a failure."

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: (Game Shop.): Vrf-3The small robot proceeded to make a very, very dramatic entrance into the game shop. The only problem was... he was going at a speed that meant he couldn't stop in time. "Don't let them shoot meeeee!" He cried as he shot inside, smacking into a wall and beginning to bounce around like a pinball in the shop, screaming the whole time.

This is my signature

It has words in it

They don't say much


BZPRPG profiles

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IC: Gust (Duel with Ryjak, Western Front, Hacker Siege)Gust activated his Kakama and ran, ducking in between Ryjak's legs and rolling between them. He popped up about fifteen feet behind him."We were in training together, Ryjak," said the Toa Techna of Air tearfully. "We were partners on field ops. You were like my brother."His eyes glinted red and he fired off his SMGs at the elite Toa."I loved you, man."-Teezy



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IC: Quada - Hubertus Toys and Games"Okay," he said. "I'll try help!"IC: Hrunja Gilga - Lab"We also got into a Makuta incident in deep space back on Mata Nui."

-==IC: Blade==-Blade nodded."Yes, that's what I meant by that. If someone turned off this ship, however, it won't crash into land, though, it'll just float in space, dead. And what then if it was an enemy attack that caused that? We haven't landed anywhere either, so is it possible for us to even keep moving for much longer?" Blade mused, the last sentence more to himself."Let's go, though. Feel free to kill me if I turn on you, but that won't happen until danger has passed." Blade stated, as he walked toward the stairs, which were miraculously still intact.
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