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IC: Airu (Western Front, Hacker Siege)Airu had just enough time to see Gust get betrayed and attacked by Ryjak before he was jumped on by half a dozen Hackers. In moments, two were dead, three were missing limbs, and one had enough sense to cut and run before he met the same fate.That being settled, he dialed in to Krayzikk's link.Come on, come on...-Teezy



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IC: Savina - Information District - Game Room -Savina yawned lazily in her sleep, stretching unconsciously, her paws began to play with a ball of yarn that was right next to her.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Emma Emma nodded and bent down, picking up two of the swords, handing one to Kairan, and keeping the other."Might serve us well to keep some weapons on hand," she said, then stopped short suddenly, craning her neck as if trying to hear something, "Do you hear that? It sounds like a battle..."-Void



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IC: Savina - Information District - Game Room -Savina's eyes slowly began to open, she yawned again, then she turned her head, and to her shock that cat was right next to her! She had fallen asleep and forgotten, how careless of her. She didn't move at all, her eyes were wide though, and her ears were perked up. She simply looked Sil over, and waited to see what he did.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Kinksh & Metal Cat / Hacker Siege - Attacking AiruOn its path to the battle, the metal cat came across Airu. Kinksh recognized him as head of Technology Tower security - and knew what the chaos of this battle could mean.The robotic beasts twin weaponst fired at Airu, the sound blocked out by the ruckus of battle, as the black beast returned into hiding amongst the combatants.OOC: For the record, Rinnder is going after Torch when/if he shows up.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I don't know how you keep expecting this to work. Airu's a trained soldier from the days of the Old Universe...IC: Airu (Western Front, Hacker Siege)While he waited for Krayzikk's link to connect, he cursed - and stopped. What was that? A blaster, close by, out of sync with the raging battle...He could hear it whistling now, and he kicked off with his Kanohi Kadin, flying safely out of the way of the bullets.-Teezy



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OOC: You underestimate the sound of a couple hundred people in open battle.IC: Metal Cat / Hacker SiegeKinksh was not to be discouraged; missiles fired out at Airu from amongst the crowd, never in the direction he was looking. Even once the pattern seemed figured out, it suddenly changed.Amidst the numerous soldiers, a visual on the cat seemed impossible. An invisible opponent would seem more likely anyways.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Hint Hint as in wait for the others to respond? :P Kay. I think it's kinda funny that Savina was all worried about a little house cat. :lol:IC: Savina - Information District - Game Room -Savina watched the cat circle her, she'd gotten rather relaxed again, and lay her head down. The crazy Quada could have fun with the little guy.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Geez, I leave for an hour........IC: KrayzikkIncoming Call from Unknown SourceAccept?Y/NIncoming Call from AiruAccept?Y/NKrayzikk thought for a moment, then accepted both calls, keeping them on different lines. Athen went to deal with the Unknown, and Krayzikk with Airu."Airu, sir? How may I be of assistance?" Krayzikk smashed another Hacker, the sound of breaking bones carrying over the battle, before being quickly drowned out by the clamor of battle.Athen, on the other hand, intercepted the Unkown. "Who are you, and why do you ring up as unknown? Be forewarned, I could easily trace this call."IC: TainTain kept an eye on the events of the room, but did not react, instead remaining on alert by the door.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Airu (Western Front, Hacker Siege)"Krayzikk!" yelled Airu, dodging another set of missiles and jumping inside an abandoned apartment complex. He began to fortify the lobby, flipping tables and creating cover areas everywhere. He took out some sentry guns and trip mines and began to set them. "Listen to me."He finished setting the sentries."Ryjak is the mole. I need you to hack in and have all his clearances revoked ASAP."-Teezy



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IC: Krayzikk"Ryjak?! Yes sir, I'm on it. Five minutes, tops." Athen, you have orders to hack into Guard databases and revoke every last one of Ryjak's security clearances.On it. I can handle that, and this call at the same time.Athen was devoting only a fraction of her processing power to ealing with the unknown caller. It wouldn't take much more than that. With that done, Athen moved as far into the Guard system as her clearance would allow her, which was a decent distance already. Then, she used what she had learned during her time hooked up to Police HQ to get a little further.Now here was were things got interesting. From here on out, she would have to hack her way in.************************************************Athen's avatar stood in front of a simulated set of walls. The walls were not truly there, neither was she. This was simply another measure of her programming. In order to analyze software defenses better, she had been programmed to interpret them like this, like a real-world fortress. Normally, she would have snuck her way in, making sure that there would be no record of her entry. But she didn't have time for that. Instead, she would have to force her way in.OOC: Tyler, do you want to operate the database security, or do I have permission to do it?



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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ooC: Totally understand Hubert, 00 and now Seed having been robbing my BZPRPG time as well.IC: SilSil hissed at Quada, the Matoran mannerism was so insulting to the cat. As if he had no brains at all. They filled to realize that dolphins had more intelligence then them, and rats, those little pests, had even more intelligence than dolphins.ooC: Yes, yes I did.


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-==Blade==-"Because my comm link technology is about 100,000 years out of date." Blade said, and sighed."Now patch me through to Krayzikk, we need info on what's going on up there." Blade said, as he figured that the female was somehow connected to Krayzikk.

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IC: Krayzikk + Athen"Gladly, enemy Toa from before." Athen replied sarcastically. "To be honest, I have more important things to do right now, like hacking into a Techna database."Krayzikk picked up the call. "What do you want?"*****************************************Athen examined the wall. She knew Techna standard procedure. Experimentally, she stepped toward the main gate. As she had expected, it reacted violently. A barrage of bullets came here way from a hidden source, and Athen jumped back to avoid them."Alright. Let's play."Athen activated a bit of programming she had left behind on the HQ computer. It was a fairly harmless little piece of data, nearly undetectable. She left it in every machine she interfaced with. It would feed her data on the status of the machine, and more importantly, the status of it's security measures. Using this, and her intuition, it didn't take long for her to locate a back door, a service tunnel if you will. It had far less security then the main gate, and thus, she could slip past the security without arousing suspicion.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Savina - Information District - Game Room -Savina could tell the little house cat disliked being called 'kitty', she hoped for Quada's sake he'd figure that out. Still, she was way too relaxed to get up to do anything about it, even if she had wanted to. She continued to lay there all lazy like, purring softly.

Edited by Snelly the gelotophobic

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: (West Front)Enaltai... laughed? as a barely visible sphere appeared in the air when the bullets neared him."You should've expected this."He flicked a hand gesture. As Matrapolix turned to find the effect of his elemental powers this time, Enaltai lunged, and again, and again, and in the result he had a sword at this throat."I've had enough offering you a surrender."With his left arm, he slashed at Matrapolix, intent on quickly turning the focus to the other hand if he'd block.

Edited by Dovydas of Gulet
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OOC: Not a phone, he's connecting to your implant. The internet's back up.IC: ReichenbachReichenbach, as usual, would communicate through text.> Say nothing of this to your friend there.> I will offer you a deal.> I will pay you a considerable amount of money should you agree to spy on him, and give me exact information of what he is doing.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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OOC: Okaaaayyyy...IC: Reichenbach> There are whispers.> Rumour has it that half of that which is evil, and all of that which is undiscovered in this city is controlled by a single being.> These whispers have a name.> That name is Reichenbach.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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