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Happy Halloween!


Finally, a holiday with my colors! Also, please excuse me for not posting this on Halloween, I didn't feel like waiting.


I came up with this idea for a comic last night and since it was simple enough I decided to make it. I'm still on a comic making break though so don't expect any more updates soon.




I bet he's also the type of person who drinks milk from the jug. The animal.


That kind of reminds me of this one guy who went to my elementary school. He played trombone in the school band, and instead of putting the slide oil on the slide itself, he would pour it down the mouthpiece and into the tube. 


I think he misinterpreted what the "slide" was supposed to mean.


I'm not even going to question how he drank it through his mask.


Instead you'll state it.


Now if he sticks a match in front of his face, can he breathe out fire?


I think his head would just be on fire.



Now if he sticks a match in front of his face, can he breathe out fire?

No, but he can burn his mask off.



Probably more accurate.


Mmmmm, oil! Yummy! *barfsimmediately* Never mind, lol XD 


Yeah, pretty accurate for any real mortals.


Would you like a lime with that?


It enhances the flavor. 


Great comic as always.




I kind of called it


That's good, it seems like I set up the joke well then.


Man, this stuff takes me back to those days when the comics forum had a lot of great stuff. Anyone remember Gavla, Vataki and Mr. Giggles? Ah, good times...good times.


Anyway, concerning Soran's comics. Wasn't there a series that featured Soran becoming a vigilante or something? I can't really remember. Although I do remember Soran switching his mask to a Miru Nuva and painted himself red. Then again, my mind might be playing tricks on me. 


I do, I remember all sorts of comics back in the day. Sometimes I get disappointed when I find out certain series I enjoyed in the past are unavailable for viewing in any context. It's a bit disheartening. 


There was plans for that. That was planned for season 2, essentially it was going to be an entire arc of various characters becoming vigilantes to stop the crime that's going on in the city. Because of the amount of elements needed to make that series (with each background having to be created for essentially just a single panel) I decided to scrap the concept. That also was when I ended up taking about a year long break from making comics, which led to some people proclaiming that, "Maybe Soran died," which prompted the story of Season 3. "Soran dies of inactivity and comes back as a zombie" 


So nope, your mind isn't playing tricks on you. If you go to the first post you can see it under the season 2 section. 


Really enjoying looking at your comics again, Soran! Hope things are going well, and that you keep making these quality comics!


Thank you. I'll try to once I find the time.


Always love these comics great job.


Thank you.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic and I'll be back later when I find the time,




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You know what would be funny.

If Soran tried collecting candy from trick or treaters by scaring them by floating out of his body. Imagine all the candy!


Or for Thanksgiving he poses the turkey and makes it dance!

Edited by ToaTimeLord

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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Durability Test


Got bored and made a few more comics from some scripts I've already had written. No story arcs, just a bunch of one-offs. 


If you think about it, he could be either a ghost or a robot for Halloween now.


Pretty much.


Looks like Soran's dead again. What a shame.


Eh, nothing's changed. He's been dead the entire season.


This whole topic is... Amazing. You are the king of BioComics.  :superfunny:


Thank you, glad you enjoy the comics.


You know what would be funny.
If Soran tried collecting candy from trick or treaters by scaring them by floating out of his body. Imagine all the candy!

Or for Thanksgiving he poses the turkey and makes it dance!


If I wasn't too busy to make any new panels or anything then I'd definitely make a comic surrounding that idea for a real Halloween comic. 


As for the turkey thing, that wouldn't be able to work. Since he can't move his own dead body, he wouldn't be able to move any other creature's dead body. 



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



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Lacking Energy


Suddenly sun bathing is a viable thing to do.



On the plus side, he at least didn't feel all the initial pain from the hit and the crashing. Assuming he can feel pain anymore.


He can't.


Huh, at first I thought the hole in the wall was some sort of a visual reference to the Ignika/Mata Nui symbol. :P


I didn't see that initially when I was making it but now I can't unsee it. Neat.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



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Happy Halloween!



Man, this stuff takes me back to those days when the comics forum had a lot of great stuff. Anyone remember Gavla, Vataki and Mr. Giggles? Ah, good times...good times.


Anyway, concerning Soran's comics. Wasn't there a series that featured Soran becoming a vigilante or something? I can't really remember. Although I do remember Soran switching his mask to a Miru Nuva and painted himself red. Then again, my mind might be playing tricks on me.


I do, I remember all sorts of comics back in the day. Sometimes I get disappointed when I find out certain series I enjoyed in the past are unavailable for viewing in any context. It's a bit disheartening.


There was plans for that. That was planned for season 2, essentially it was going to be an entire arc of various characters becoming vigilantes to stop the crime that's going on in the city. Because of the amount of elements needed to make that series (with each background having to be created for essentially just a single panel) I decided to scrap the concept. That also was when I ended up taking about a year long break from making comics, which led to some people proclaiming that, "Maybe Soran died," which prompted the story of Season 3. "Soran dies of inactivity and comes back as a zombie"


So nope, your mind isn't playing tricks on you. If you go to the first post you can see it under the season 2 section.



I wonder how I never noticed that before posting that little question of mine. Now I feel stupid XP.


Anyway, great comic as always. Since he runs on solar energy, I wonder if that would make him like a plant that undergoes the process of photosynthesis thus making him the first ever Eco-friendly Matoran robot. Now everyone will vote him for global dictator.

Edited by Koala Kranan
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Why Don't You Draw Your Comics: Part 1


I put too much effort into that last panel. Never again.


Just install UV lights everywhere, he'll be fine.


I'll take this as the reason why he'll seem okay later on.



New Comic
Happy Halloween!

Man, this stuff takes me back to those days when the comics forum had a lot of great stuff. Anyone remember Gavla, Vataki and Mr. Giggles? Ah, good times...good times.
Anyway, concerning Soran's comics. Wasn't there a series that featured Soran becoming a vigilante or something? I can't really remember. Although I do remember Soran switching his mask to a Miru Nuva and painted himself red. Then again, my mind might be playing tricks on me.

I do, I remember all sorts of comics back in the day. Sometimes I get disappointed when I find out certain series I enjoyed in the past are unavailable for viewing in any context. It's a bit disheartening. 
There was plans for that. That was planned for season 2, essentially it was going to be an entire arc of various characters becoming vigilantes to stop the crime that's going on in the city. Because of the amount of elements needed to make that series (with each background having to be created for essentially just a single panel) I decided to scrap the concept. That also was when I ended up taking about a year long break from making comics, which led to some people proclaiming that, "Maybe Soran died," which prompted the story of Season 3. "Soran dies of inactivity and comes back as a zombie" 
So nope, your mind isn't playing tricks on you. If you go to the first post you can see it under the season 2 section.

I don't know how I never noticed that before posting that little question of mine. Now I feel stupid XP.

Anyway, great comic as always. Since he runs on solar energy, I wonder if that would make him like a plant that undergoes the process of photosynthesis thus making him the first ever Eco-friendly Matoran robot. Now everyone will vote him for global dictator.



All according to my schemes plans of World Domination Peace. 



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



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Always Negative


I'm not sure if that last statement of Bulik's makes sense.


Sprites are just so much more convenient, especially for a lazy artist like myself. :v


Pretty much.


The dramedy is real.


Everything ends up becoming a dramedy at some point or another.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,




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I love all the flaws I can come up with for a robot body, it's very entertaining.


Gotta balance all that negativity with a little positivity I guess.


Positive to negative, negative to ground.


Don't worry Soran, Bulik's comment made sense to me.

BTW how do you pronounce your character's names?




Name Pronunciations:


Soran: (Sore-inn, Sore-an, Soren, etc) (I don't have a set way how I pronounce my character's name)

Akino: (Ack-key-no)

Axilus: (Axe-i-luss)

Leraku: (Le-rock-oo)

Zyglak: (ZI-glack) or Z: (Zee)

Malignus: (Mal-ig-nuss) or Mal: (Mal)

Bulik: (Bull-lick)

Windrider: (Wind-rider) or Wind: (Wind)

Oko: (Ah-ko) (Starts with the same "o" sound as Fox)


Those are the main character's names.



Glad you guys enjoyed the comic,



Edited by Soran

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Man... I bet that Hertz...


Watt, are we doing a pun war again?


Shocking, isn't it?


Ohm no!

He can't resist the puns!


It's not an ample source of puns, I'll give you that, but it's working quite well for me currently.

Let's hope it doesn't make anyone blow a fuse.

Avatar by Nicholas Anderson (NickonAquaMagna)

My blog: The Jaga's Nest

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Man... I bet that Hertz...


Watt, are we doing a pun war again?


Shocking, isn't it?


Ohm no!

He can't resist the puns!


It's not an ample source of puns, I'll give you that, but it's working quite well for me currently.

Let's hope it doesn't make anyone blow a fuse.



Its amazing how one pun can spark such a chain of comments.


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Man... I bet that Hertz...

Watt, are we doing a pun war again?

Shocking, isn't it?

Ohm no!

He can't resist the puns!

It's not an ample source of puns, I'll give you that, but it's working quite well for me currently.

Let's hope it doesn't make anyone blow a fuse.

Its amazing how one pun can spark such a chain of comments.

Must be chain lightning.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Man... I bet that Hertz...

Watt, are we doing a pun war again?

Shocking, isn't it?

Ohm no!

He can't resist the puns!

It's not an ample source of puns, I'll give you that, but it's working quite well for me currently.

Let's hope it doesn't make anyone blow a fuse.

Its amazing how one pun can spark such a chain of comments.

Must be chain lightning.


This post chain is quite... electrifying

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The Great Pun War of BZPower II


Based off of the numerous puns you guys made. I tried to include everyone who made a pun into the comic. Overall it took a couple hours. Was it worth it? Probably not but oh well.


Also, for those unaware, the first pun Soran made, about what happened being 'jarring,' was in reference to the 'Lightning Jar' from Benjamin Franklin's Kite experiment. 



Sorens real full name is just Soren three times, each of them said differently


That actually sounds entertaining. It suddenly makes all the characters sound really excited to see Soran.


"Soran, come here I need to show you something."

  • Vs. 

"Soran, Soran, Soran, come here I need to show you something."



Soran should avoid going out during thunderstorms.


He's a living lightning rod.


Man... I bet that Hertz...





Watt, are we doing a pun war again?



Apparently so.



Shocking, isn't it?



Not really.



Ohm no!


He can't resist the puns!



I almost feel that you guys make more puns than I do despite most of my jokes/punchlines involving wordplay in some way.



It's not an ample source of puns, I'll give you that, but it's working quite well for me currently.



Those were really reaching.



Let's hope it doesn't make anyone blow a fuse.




It probably will. Puns are one of those things that people either love or hate.



Its amazing how one pun can spark such a chain of comments.



With the current way how things are going, I can only assume that it'll just go on and on.



Must be chain lightning.



Blunt, I like it.



This post chain is quite... electrifying



I really feel like you weren't trying with that one.


Wire we doing this again?


Because you were all circuit bored, I assume.


The puns make a good social outlet.


(Slightly back on topic, I wonder why Oko needs a drill in the first place...)


Nice one. There isn't any specific reason why he's using a drill, at least it's not connected to any sort of future comics. I just needed a tool that had a cord.


You all need to stop the electricity puns or you're all grounded.


Your not my real mom!


Don't be so negative it's just a discharge of energy.

I see a Go-Cart in the future.





Hopefully you guys enjoy the comic,



Edited by Soran
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That comic...It's not that I hate puns although at the same time I don't really like them either. I guess I'm pretty neutral on this one.


(I'm just kidding. I love how you took all those posts and threw them into the comic.)

Edited by Koala Kranan
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I got into the comic! :D

Even if it's just my head I got in it!

If you decide to make a character of me.

Use the same Matoran design you have with a Rahkshi head white with Mata blue as a secondary color. Also a grey fez.

(this is what my Self MOC looks like)


Also I still see Go-Carts in the future.



Great comic.

Edited by ToaTimeLord
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Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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