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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC Klax - Shimmering Maze - Talking to 'Jingle':"I see... well, I doubt sticking around the Maze is a good idea then," he said, glancing at the Maze-turned-battle arena. --IC Kono - The Griffon II - Talking: "I can swim just fine, but fly I cannot," he said, staring at the water below, as underwater creatures swam back and forth beneath the boat. -Kono

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OOC: Sorry about the 3.5 day absence. Couldn't be helped. Oh, and The Power That Is, you didn't respond to my last attack.IC: Darkon / Parched WastesThe half-toa's words did not reach Darkon. He was already gone. As soon as he had hit the floor, Darkon had turned completely intangible, and wandered off into the night, mind dark with thoughts. The wolves have just gotten one more enemy. He thought as he wondered through the moving dunes. And I am, without a doubt, their worse.IC: Ajax / Ashring / Foot of Dragon's Roost. Ajax sighed as he climbed the dangerous volcano. He hated fire. Why was it always fire and magma?IC: Tenu / Toothy BaneTenu walked into the clearing where Suicavel was, stopping short to see him yelling. "Why do I always meet the loud, violent ones?" He asked outloud.


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OOC: What last attack? In your last Zeus/Hades post Hades was shouting at Umaroth and Zeus was merely standing below Blinding White. Which I suppose means Rastaque and BW just landed on top of him...IC: The speed Umaroth was moving at meant Blinding White couldn't move fast enough to dodge, but also that he had such a wind-buffer in front of him that the Toa Patronage was slammed aside by the force of it. The dagger scratched his side, adding to the numerous scars covering his body


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And I am, without a doubt, their worse.

OOC: He wishes.I understand the desire to kill Suicavel - he has good loot, and he's tried attacking half the island - but now I think that characters are being killed off just to make new ones to fight him. :PIC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavel scoffed at the newcomer. "Another, coming to challenge my supremacy. What are you? The worlds least intimidating freak?"Spear in hand, he activated his Avsa to drain Tenus energy, calling out, "Taste annihilation you worm!"IC: Arillan / Shimmering Maze"Indeed. But where do you suggest we go?" he asked in return.He thought a moment. "Any survivors will be fleeing soon. Perhaps we can ambush them. If you feel bad about killing we can just rob them, but that leaves us in the difficult situation of having enemies against us."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Rastaque and Jontan/Shimmering Maze, Fighting Blinding White/Attacking KlaxIC:

That left Rastaque on the floor, trying desperately to recover. All he had left were the two needles that he had formerly been moving to a better position. Both of those had fallen to the floor at their various positions. As he cleared his mind, trying to ignore the pain, the assassin grabbed control of both needles and sent them to impale Blinding White in the usual places: an eye and the heartlight. The toa of air moved minimally, focusing all he could to keep himself more pain and thus ruining his concentration on the needles.Jontan walked towards an entrance of the Shimmering Maze, figuring that Rastaque should be done with his mission by now. Of course, there happened to be that stupid assassin and some random being in the way. The former he couldn't kill and vice versa, but the latter... Sand erupted behind Klax, aiming to crush him like a twig. Meanwhile, the hybrid-toa activated his Avsa, draining from both of them. Could it be considered an attack on his teammate? The way he saw it, it was more along the lines of forced support.

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IC: Arillan / Shimmering MazeThe problem for Jontan was that, despite the sands camoflague - which allowed him to see Arillan first - upon nearing Shimmering Maze and standing, he was revealed.A wave of his hand, and he created a gust of wind powerful enough to blow the sand back."To Karazahni with you, sandwalker!" he said with a snarl. "Why must you get involved in my business you poor excuse for troller waste! I just got away from your wasted existence back on Stony Leap."A gust of wind whipped up around Jontan, enough to disrupt him from his novice use of the mask."Find your little green toy and begone! Of course, you being here means he's down there in all likelihood."Chuckling, Arillan said, "Of course, he's probably an icicle now. Fighting Blinding White? He's done for, you know. Without your big, strong protection he is going to die soon, if by some miracle he isn't already. Of course, with wastes like you, Mata-Nui would be glad to watch you rot."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Void - Toothy Bane/?/Approaching Suicavel and TenuA tall, lean character approached the two warriors, almost impressed with audacity to confront each other in such fashions.'Well, well, well,' the Vortixx said. Through his mask, his words took on a new, more sinister tone.He turned to address the Avsa-wearer, 'Hmm, somebody's moody today. Get up on the wrong side of the bed, or does your face always look that bad?' Void laughed. It was a crude joke, but he had never been very good at monologues.-Void



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OOC: I am going to estimate/assume/(insert portmanteau of estimate and assume here) that one hour has passed in game.IC:Myr began looking for ways to improve the sheath. Spring loaded to sharpen the sword whilst forcing it out perhaps? Myr was leaning against the interior wall of his already deteriorating and former cell. Yes, and a switch so that I can pull it out normally, or launch it even. Myr added a spike to the pommel of his sword.Of course, I will have to make sure that I can salvage what's left if I'm wrong. Myr began to construct the spring (in this case, something reminiscent of half of a compound bow) that would store the energy for the device that was growing stranger and stranger in concept by the minute.OOC: Myr is now available for interaction.

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OOC: Ah, just searched and found that I was wrong. Nevermind. Why does everybody attack me?!?(I only started 1 of the four battles going on) Oh wait. It's called "Island of Pain" *derp*IC: Tenu / Toothy BaneTenu instantly counter-attacked, ignoring the Vortixx, creating a bowl of super-hot flames around Suicavel's head, willing it to stay there, no matter what (including Teleportation). This broke concentration and replaced it with unbearable pain. Tenu took advantage of the time he had, and he ran. Fast and hard, stopping to look at Void. "Ally or Enemy? Answer fast, I don't have a lot of patience." OOC: Open for interaction. Perferably non-violent.IC: Ajax / Dragon's RoostAjax looked down to see a vortixx. But something was different about her. She had a sense of danger. "State your buisness!" He yelled from where he was sitting on a small outlook, 100 feet higher than her.IC: Darkon / Parched Wastes Darkon sat in the metal dome he had made, eating the Rahi he had killed. Revenge. Revenge. Was all he thought about. IC: Zeus & Hades / Shimmering MazeZeus had used his light powers run up the wall, and into the floor were Umaroth and BW were. Zeus had already walked there, bow drawn. He shot two arrows at BW, both with homing tips of shadow. He focused on them, making sure the missed Umaroth.Zeus drew his sword and sheild, and started to sprint foward, ready and hoping for melee combat.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan frowned, and looked around."Say... I haven't seen Darkon since we got back in here..." Kairan said with a frown, as he sighed.Tell me he didn't just do something fail. Kairan thought.OOC: He definitely won't be the worst. And don't let Sarkan near Darkon. =P

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OOC: The next time you guys see Darkon, you'll be wishing Jontan was there.IC: Darkon / Parched wastesDarkon finished his meal, and looked around. "Yes... this will do nicely..." He said as he look as the 7ft tall metal dome around him. He tapped the iron beneath him with his foot, and the dome began to change and warp, ending in a 40 ft long and 10ft tall box shapped building. Armored on the outside protosteel, oh, and spikes. massive spikes. He swatted the air, and The sand around the fort was suddenly riddled with iron spikes. He sighed and sat down. "That was... Interesting. I now must wait for more energy... Soon..." He murmured as he curled into a ball, wings envolping him.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC: Grotir shrugged while looking more closely at the guy. He appeared to be a skakdi of Gravity with a yari, gloves, and a few pouches. Looks like he could make a decent ally."Name's Grotir. You're?," asked the hybrid, stopping in her tracks. She now leaned casually against a conveniently thoughtfully placed pillar of black rock.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: Doubtful. He and Jontan are both weak compared to the power of Suicavel!*Sigh* Once more, the entire fundamentals of building a fortress is overlooked. Do you know why it takes so long to build a castle? It involves a lot of work and time. It's not just moving the rocks and heightening them. It's the structure. Sure, you have the elemental energy - if you spend it all - to make a fortress of metal.First off, you're looking for the word ballista. Your ballistae are likewise impossible - they're not even mostly metal, and considering your character's isn't a weapon designer, he would have no way to possibly build one, especially in a flash. You need the shaped wood, the string, whole nine yards.Protosteel is not destroyed only by plasma, and it's the best thing you can make. You can't make indestructible protosteel.Your whole post there is completely improbable (though, considering what every iron user and their mother do, it wasn't inconceivable it would be tried).IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneA tentacle of shadow burst up to strike at Tenu. Dodge it or not, it would be a distraction. Suicavel escaped his prison of fire - fire is not ice, it is not a permanent structure, and it needs concentration, especially if the being is moving by moving through the shadows, and attempted to impale Tenu through the neck, declaring, "Your status as friend or foe is irrelevant to me, all will perish at my hand!"IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"Went and wandered himself off," she said. "The main question is - did he leave to be enemy, or leave to reconfirm himself in the status of friend, and should we follow the trail while its warm to discover why?"IC: Levacius / Eastern Shore off of Ashring"We're here." declared Levacius, grabbign onto an anchor and chucking it overboard."Make your way to land in the way most suited to you." he said. "I will perform recon on our landing area, and meet you once you've come."The jetpacks activated, and he flew rapidly towards land, easily closing the distance between it and the ship within short time and landing upon igneous rocks that made up the coast of Ashring, scanning the area.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-"I don't know..." Kairan said with a frown."It seems suspicious that he disappeared directly after the argument, though... If I recall, he never had responded to you, did he?" Kairan asked, a serious look on his face.

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OOC: These aren't big auto-fire accurate ballista. These are simple already drawn fully metal crossbows, not using an spring firing or anything. Think a bow on a stick, that can be pointed in the right direction. Also a weapon like a crossbow is something, that most weapon makers could create and use in their sleep. Besides, it's no where near as complicated as the fortress Klax created way back when.IC: Tenu / Fighting SuicavelTenu sidestepped the shadow just in time to see the attempt impalement stabb inches from him by him. He activated his mask to 30 feet, and launched a vicious kick at Suicavel before running away, heading towards the mountain Myr was on. "HELP!" He screamed. "MAD TOA THINGIE!"OOC: Heading to Interact withMyrIC: Ajax / Dragon's RoostAjax looked down. "Ajax. You look to be heading towards me. Any intentions I should know about?" He said calmly, making sure not to reach towards his weapon on his back.


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Jontan/Shimmering Maze, With Arillan and KlaxIC:

You're petty insults and warm breezes hold no sway over me, piraka," said Jontan, the sand all around Klax trying to consume him. Or hold him still. it would break his body once the hybrid-toa drank enough energy with his mask. It wasn't that hard to make another connection after one was broken.

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OOC: These aren't big auto-fire accurate ballista. These are simple already drawn fully metal crossbows, not using an spring firing or anything. Think a bow on a stick, that can be pointed in the right direction. Also a weapon like a crossbow is something, that most weapon makers could create and use in their sleep. Besides, it's no where near as complicated as the fortress Klax created way back when.

OOC: I... oh my lord.The weapon you describe is not something you could make, especially with a wave of your hand. Just as we explained to you why you can't just make armor and weapons out of thin air that have the quality required for constant use, you can't just make a ballista.And no, a crossbow is not something that you can just make. You just can't. A weapon maker present day doesn't have half the trouble one in the past did, and even then doesn't just put a crossbow together. One that large would be impossible to do without a lot of patience.And you don't just put a bow on a stick and point it. Even your analogy was terrible. I could forgive you making walls with spikes and a roof, but this is just ridiculous in every way.A crossbow doesn't spring fire. It doesn't fire just by being pointed. You need to have more than just metal to make one.Also you can't even see Myr, unless I'm totally missing something.IC: Arillan / Shimmering MazeArillan pointed at the maze, and his mask glowed. Shards of diamond broke off, and he hurled them at Jontan. A gust of wind pulled them in, and stunned Jontan once more enough to break off the Avsa."You don't even know how to use that!" said Arillan, scoffing. "Let alone maintain concentration. I can only imagine what it will be like once I finally master this mask! But unlike air and gravity, there is nothing similar to sand and the Avsa. You have no expertise!"A blast of wind flew towards Klax, knocking the sand off of him."Now, if you insist on using the Avsa on me, how about I show you what I use." said the master assassin. Putting almost no thought into his signature use of the power, he created a vacuum sphere around Jontans head. It wasn't just a lack of air - air within him was being controlled, pulled out of the sphere. Best part? Almost completely silent.To add injury to injury, Arillan created spheres of condensed air in his hand that he began hurling. Upon contact, or after a while, they would be released from the forces he used to hold them elementally, causing severe blunt pain.OOC: Arillan is at least three times more powerful than Irriane. Your chances of besting him in single combat are only a chance because he doesn't have the drop on you.IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavel was unimpressed with a fleeing energy. Folding his back legs back to take on bipedal form, he created a field of shadow around the titan.He teleported into a position grabbing onto his opponents weapon sheathes. Spear in hand, he attempted to impale the large being with his weapon, using the Avsa to weaken him the whole time.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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Jontan/Shimmering Maze, Fighting Arillan and KlaxIC:

Really? Was that all? Rastaque used vacuums innumerable when they sparred. It was easy enough to overcome. How? Well, the sand that was now constricting Arillan's neck would attest to that. Along with the sand that wrapped around his limbs and torso, aiming to constrict and break them two. Also, it didn't cost any more energy than he gained to keep using the Avsa. The hybrid-toa wondered how long it would be before the caretakers arrived to break up the fight...

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OOC: Since whenever we don't respond to an attack, you automatically assume it hits...IC: Arillan / Shimmering MazeThe problem for Jontan was that Arillan actually specialized in this, Ratasque didn't. He had used it many times. And Jontan had no option to hold his breath, he was having it sucked out - now, he had no oxygen at all in his lungs. Not to mention, his control over the sand was disrupted when the orbs of air hit him, knocking him back and allowing Arillan to release a burst of wind that sent the sand holding him flying."You know, I wonder what would happen if I killed you. Oh, what would the Shepherds do then? Find a replacement? Or need two? Maybe we'll need to find out."He did a check of the air around. He didn't detect any observers anywhere close enough to relay a message to save Jontan. The sand toa would die here!-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Ugh, fine. I edit'd it. And Tenu didn't know what mountian Myr was on. He simply just screamed for help. Also, before I responded to that attack, I'm 30 ft tall. you would have to climb up me to reach my sheath ( Which I would notice ). I'll IC when you edit.IC: Ajax / Dragon's RoostAjax pondered it before answering. "Allies are a good investment. What is it you are searching for up here? Are were you simply climbing to me? IC: Darkon / Parched WastesDarkon sat and considered his motives and plan. Perhaps revenge wasn't the best option. Building up an inventory would be a better first choice. He thought.


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OOC: The great power of teleportation works wonders, now doesn't it?Never had somebody to fight before big enough to teleport onto. Would have grabbed you, but sinking claws through your back seemed like an autohit.And thank you. That's much more realistic.IC: Levacius / Ashring As Amalia and Terizov neared, Levacius said, "I hope you two realize the potential we have here of a set up - Kono discouraging us, and conveniently being found by you. Reya likewise - and note she opened the cache. Do not get me wrong, I trust them. And you had better be willing to fight at either of their sides against enemies, because I sure will. But never drop your guard. You never know when something can happen."Reya still hadn't left the ship, from what his eyes could see, so both she and Kono were out of range to detect what he was saying.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Amalia and Terizov: Ashring:"The possibilities are endless, although if we had a mask of possibilities then this predicament would not happen. But I agree if they do get off hand, Kono would be a difficult one with a Felnas," Amalia stated. "I should have never given him it.." Terizov murmmered quietly.

Edited by Rakata
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IC: Levacius / Ashring"Nonsense!" said Levacius, picking up Terizovs silenced speech with the power of his mask. "At the moment, they are allies. Just as we are allies. We are all allies, see? And allies need to have the best equipment we can have. Kono is all but useless with a mask of night vision in many cases. With the Felnas, he can rip the toughest enemies apart with their own powers. As a shadow user, he can just teleport in and use it, making him the best to have it. Me? I have the mask I need - something that lets me know where someone is before they know where I am."Not as powerful as other masks in each particular attribute, but overall the best. The balance helps with keeping footing on difficult terrain or while in combat. Thus, I wear it. It also has some... sentimental value, shall we call it that?""Make no mistake," he said. "If we're betrayed, be ready to strike. Never question your instincts - question mine if you feel you have a valid point, because if it's not I'll gut you. When we meet someone, they are an ally until they prove otherwise - Amalia, you can figure that one out with psionics. If they prove to not be an ally, they're an enemy - there are friend and foe, not an in between, when this is involved. You are a friend until you change that - then, you are a foe from then on.""If either betrays us, they are enemies. Until then, I don't want either of you discussing this topic. This is only forewarning. But remember it."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Ack, posts. IC Kono - The Griffon II - Swimming toward land: Kono saluted to Reya, and then dove off the ship, landing into the water with a quiet splash. When he came back up, he took a breath of air, and then took off for the shore, keeping the sea creatures at bay with his power over shadow. Even though the others saw it as a possibility, Kono would never attack his allies unless they struck first. An odd lesson to know for a being who lived on Zakaz for so long. --IC Klax - Shimmering Maze - Fighting Jontan: "Aw come on," he said, activating his mask and creating six jagged metal spikes, all of which he hurled at Jontan with incredible speed. He then unsheathed his two swords, and prepared for melee combat against the Toa of sand. -Klax

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IC: In moving to take on Blinding White again Umaroth had moved directly in front of Rastaque's needles. They were flying towards his unguarded back right now.Firing two arrows at once had really screwed up Hades aim. He didn't have time to correct their course either, not at the speeds arrows moved at, so they ended up digging into the crystal walls of the Maze. In response Blinding White frosted up the crystal walls, just a little. But enough that it focused the light in the Maze, and redirected it at Hades, engulfing him in a blinding glare. While it wouldn't be enough to hurt him, even as a shadow-user, it would stop him aiming anymore arrows, and burn away any more shadow-tips


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Jontan and Rastaque/Shimmering Maze, Fighting Blinding White/Arillan and KlaxIC:

At the rate the needles were travelling, they woulf fly through Umaroth and then through their intended target. Killing two enemies at once was good for Rastaque. However, just in case, he slightly altered their path so that they'd fly through weaker areas of Umaroth and then into Blinding White's critical points.Sand was a good deal heavier and more solid than air. Thus, as it was tightly compacted, it would take far more energy on Arillan's part to keep defending than it would for Jontan to attack. Thus, the sand kept attempting to break the toa of air.He didn't have an air supply? Fine. See if Arillan could keep sustaining the vacuum if Jontan was underground, seeing everything with his Akaku. Taking a deep breath from his air pocket, the hybrid-toa smiled.

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OOC: Ah, I see. Continue on, shall we? Also, a shadow against fire fight will be interesting.IC: Tenu / Fighting / Running away from SuicavelTenu saw the shadows cover the area around him in shadow, and felt a hand on his sheath, and spun around, creating a blast of white-hot flame, sending Suicavel away from him (Not auto hitting, just counter attacking, like you did here.

Irriane spun around and feinted to the left, only to move sideways and go at the right, sweeping Sacorans legs. As she did so, she grabbed a pile of dust and tossed it into her adversaries eyes, blinding him, even if only temporarily.

) At seeing his opponent forced away, Tenu created a ring of extremely bright fire around him, disrupting the shadow and destroying it.IC: Darkon / Parched WastesDarkon walked out of the hut, looking for more food. He saw nothing for awhile, but eventually discovered a large group of Kane-Ra bulls. Darkon had food.IC: Ajax / Dragon's roost."Liking a volcano? I've never heard someone say that before..." He called down to her while climbing up.IC: Zeus & Hades / Shimmering MazeHades cursed as the light hit him. It hurt slightly, and he stepped back into a darker area.Zeus's sprint was drawing to a end. He was in attacking range. He ran forward, sword swing wildly.


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IC: Arillan / Parched WastesJontan thought he could escape. As he tried to descend, the Mask of Hunger (no longer on Jontans face), armor, and jars of sand began to float up towards the dome - taking him with it. There would be no such escape for him in this fight.Unless, of course, he was willing to lose his equipment....Hovering in the air with no oxygen had the same effect to Jontan as standing on molten metal with no oxygen did to Sledge - his elemental powers were almost impossibel to use properly.Arillan knew such an attempt on a sand users part wasn't out of the picture - when he needed to escape, he would try to go under.Could he hear Arillan? If he could, he would know he was saying,"I claimed that mask before you did! Throw it off into the air, so I may pull it in, and I'll free you from the vacuum!"'IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavels body whisked from the shadows of the flame to elsewhere."Ah, fire." he said. "Yes, pretty, flickering lights. Should I be impressed?"His powers of shadow covered over, and clung onto the flames. The heat was there, but no light stone forth from them.The Avsa was the only thing glowing as it drained Tenu. "Such a shame...." he said. "That I must waste energy on you. Luckily, you're just a full battery of it, aren't you?"IC: Levacius / Ashring"Ah, pleasure to see you Kono!" called Levacius as the toa of shadow began walking up to shore. "I thought a giant squid with illusion powers had grabbed you two.""...what, I've killed one."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Eastern SeaReya watched as the others left, but she did not follow. No, in a situation like her's, it would not be a wise move to step on land where fellow slaves dwelled. She had a reward on her, and heading to an island full of danders was not going to work with her.No. The Toa of Water decided to stay where it would be safe.''I can look after the ship while they're gone,'' Reya told herself, and leaned on the rail, looking outward at the sea opposite to the island, where no greedy slaves lurked.IC: AshringThere was a gust of wind around the assembled group, causing the black smoke above to stir. All around them, the heat quickly began rising to unbearable temperatures, making metal begin to feel searing to the touch and the rock below even hotter. The air grew thinner as well, making breathing in this wasteland of lava and sulfer even harder. IC: Parched Wastes Two sky blue eyes watched Darkon as he walked alone on the sands from behind a dune. A quick mental scan provided Toa Hexxon with enough information to deal with this character. It was quick because the Psionics Toa didn't want to waste newly regenerated energy... because he didn't want it to be noticed... because he wanted this to be subtle.According to new knowledge, the hybrid held control over Iron and Density Control. No other powers, from what was gathered. This was good, since they both weren't going to be a threat.Let's see, Hexxon said to himself, shifting through his satchel. He first pulled out a grey-colored Jutlin. This would take care of any metal around. Then he withdrew the Avsa, also grey in color. This was essential, for it was the purpose for which he came here, looking for others. Removing his Kualsi, Hexxon placed the Mask of Corruption on, then the Avsa over it. Time to get started. The Mask of Hunger glowed, indicating its active powers, as he began draining Darkon of his strength.

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IC: Levacius / AshringLevacius shrugged. "Reya appears to have taken the task to guard the ship. For the best - being robbed of your ship is the most embarrassing thing that can happen."Walking onwards, he said, "Come on, let's start exploring. I want to get as much done before daybreak as we can."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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