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The Island Of Pain

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OOC: Felnas, Skarloth.IC: Amalia: Stony Leap:Amalia swiftly took a sufficient gulp of the cure. As she ran away, she saw a new mask strapped to Hexxon. She pulled it off via telekinesis and clutched it tightly. She then flew into Shadowtangle with her new mask.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:"I, Orssa, wish to stay with this group to the end of my days," Orssa pledged.

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OOC: Suicavels not there. He's a long way off, deep in the mountains, battling some vortixx with a pitchfork. And apparently they're locked in some kind of magic time bubble that makes everything super slow too.Though I think one of your characters corpses is in there. Well... pieces of corpse. Well... pieces of pieces of corpse.Maybe the reason time is so messed up in an RPG is because somebody broke the Vahi.IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes Ruins"That too," said Elynirus, motioning to Orssa. "Unless, of course, you try to sacrifice me to a Vahki Hunter. Not sure how that would work out for any of us."IC: Levacius / The Griffon IILevacius stared off into the mountains. "Come on, Amalia, hurry yourself up. Hopefully Terizov told you where he is. Maybe one of you even got us a new ally, with any luck..."Shrugging, he said, "If not, at least we can begin exploring Parched Wastes and look for allies there.""Do you have doubts?" he asked Reya. "Do you have doubts about if we can beat the Shepherds?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: The Avsa wasn't strapped onto Hexxon. It was in his satchel.IC: Stony LeapThe mixing bowl was lifted into the air and dropped into Hexxon's hands.Finally, he thought.The crimson-armored Toa sipped his portion of the cure, then handed it over to Vertan. With the drink in both claws, he took a gulp before tossing it to another.''Now,'' he said, glaring at the Psionics Toa. ''Give me the cure for this!'' he gestured to the green poison on his arm.''Oh, that,'' said Hexxon, as if it didn't matter. He pointed at the dripping liquid, and it flickered and then faded away.The Skakdi of Fire glanced at the vanished toxin. There was no dissolved armor or green tissue where the poison once was.''Wha-'' he began to say.''That's right,'' Hexxon said, chuckling. ''There never was any poison on you. Why should I waste my power on you, and let you die at my hand? I would end up on the team of yours and become a target.''His laughter died away as he disguised his presence from all there, and then vanished with his Kualsi and new Avsa, leaving a very angry Skakdi behind.IC: the Griffon II''If all the slaves on this wasteland teamed together to form a glorious army to vanquish the slavers, then no,'' Reya said, ''I have no doubt. But, of course, that may never happen, because everyone will fight one another, and run off to hunt for caches, and turn in fellow slaves.... Thery're just playing the Shepherds' games.''

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC - Nostala - Ruins, Parched Waste: Nostala nodded. "Elynirus raises a good point -- and I have to thank you and Orssa for your devotion to the group," she added, a soft smiling appearing on her mask -- an odd sight behind her Miru-shaped mask's smile. "With people like Suicavel, Jontan -- who is the sand-wielder you've been hearing about -- and Rastaque around, on top of the rest of Team Patronage, we're going to be on constant alert, possibly more so than we already are once knowledge of our establishment gets around and people start coming for us. That makes it even more important for us to start setting up defenses. For that to happen, I need to know -- who here can control metal, stone, earth, ice, anything that could be used to build and repair walls, however temporary they may be?"

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Darkon is kinda a annoying guy.IC: Darkon / Parched WastesDarkon had let Norus hunt for food, and came back to listen to Nostala. "I can do metal." he said in a monotone voice.IC: Tenu / Parched WastesTenu ventured farther down the cave, relieved to find no beings. Well, no living beings. He avoided Moras's body, and sat down to enjoy some game he had found in the jungle.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC: Grotir shot forwards. In a flash she'd taken her portion of the cure and gulped it down. Then she nodded to Kinika. "We're leaving. This time, to the Dragon's Roost."She started loping again, having restrapped her macuahuitl. Time to get somewhere her powers would be highly useful.Stokunde now calculated itself to be within only several bio away from the fight. Hiding behind a few bends, it listened and watched the reflections. The former mystery apparently had Gravity. And the Shadow one had turned itself into black protosteel-it could tell by the gleam of its armor. Yet otherwise, little had actually changed.Theorem: It is not yet time to proceed. Hypothesis: If Blinding White weakens, then it will be time to proceed.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC Kono - Shadowtangle - Following Terizov:"The Griffon II? I recall that name... is the owner of that ship a being named Levacius?" he asked, walking after the two beings as they headed toward the location of the Griffon II. IC Klastio - Parched Wastes - Hovering over Ruins: While traveling over the vast desert known as the Parched Wastes, Klastio came across a set of ruins, "A nice place to rest for the night," he said, landing just outside the broken and old buildings. He immediately noticed that there were people inside these ruins, obviously someone had beaten him to this shelter. He knew how jumpy some people could be out here, if he just walked in and said hi, he could be massacred. "How to alert them of my presence without startling them..." Klastio said to himself, walking a short distance away from the ruins to think and speak without being overheard. "I guess a tornado could nab their attention, but then again, do I really want their attention?" he asked himself, blowing some sand back and forth on the ground as he thought the situation over. OOC: Hey, former teammates, would you please notice this lost dude? :P -Klastio

Edited by Skarloth
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OOC: Right. Edited.

Jontan/Stony LeapIC:

Jontan snatched the bowl from Grotir, taking his sip and tossing it to the next. Figuring that no one would take his suggestion, he shrugged and disappeared into his mound of sand. The mound promptly melted into the desert, moving the hybrid-toa to a position that was out of sight. Then, popping back above the sand, he began walking at a leisurely pace towards the Shimmering Maze. That was a complete waste of time and energy...

Rastaque/Shimmering MazeIC:

Rastaque had taken this opportunity to get lost view, from sound, and from feel. He had, of course, kept moving in his way to avoid being seen. He had no idea that another that could practically be his twin was sneaking just like he was. Thus, he had kept sneaking and was again close enough to start another assassination attempt. As he was down a relatively straight corridor behind Blinding White, using the shadow and crystal projections to keep himself hidden, this was perfect. Thus, he threw two more needles, guiding them toward the two critical points for which he always aimed. Any projections would be dodged, any attempts to knock them out of the air (unlikely, as they were practically invisible) would be circumvented.

Trian and Felix/Shadowtangle, Fighting SuicavelIC:

Suicavel would find, as he turned his attention back to Trian, that her pitchfork was only a split second from impaling his chest. Meanwhile, she summoned more of the numerous rahi surrounding the area, knowing that she would very quickly have to divert all of her attention into that. Let's see... a mother ashbear who claims this territory... A doom viper! Indeed... It would be fun to introduce him to that herd of fader bulls, see how he reacts... Bring them all? Yes.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes Ruin"My powers are... odd." said Elynirus. "I have no elemental power, and as I said before, I don't believe I can even use a mask. But - and I still know not how exactly he did it - I was modified by a foul Makuta named Bitil. You know toa energy? When a toa runs out, they become a turaga. It can be used to heal, to remove disease, all sorts of things. But it's limited. I have no limit of it. As such, I can repair any injury one of you suffers, remove poisons and cure diseases.""More so," she said. "I can transfer it into another being, either converting it into elemental energy a user of such can use, thus recharging their supply of it. Or, instead, I can fire it as a beam. One of three, each with a different effect.""Of course," she finished. "Any non-toa will suffer negative effects from having their elemental energy recharged."Looking to the others, she said, "Now, I never heard of the name Jontan, or Suicavel. What does he do?"IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavel grabbed onto the middle prong of the pitchfork as it came. The metal bar the prongs came ended it, and he pushed back, knocking Trian and her weapon away."Pathetic!" he shouted before pointing his spear and releasing an endless volley of solid shadow bolts at the vortixx. There would be no way to concentrate on controlling the Rahi with the assault underway.Simply pointing and shooting didn't take much of Suicavels concentration, so he focused the rest of it on draining her life energy. Within seconds, the combined force of both would bring her to her knees!IC: Arillan / Parched WastesStanding atop his hovering rock, Arillan began making his way towards Shimmering Maze."Whoever wins the fighting here will be an important factor to me. Or, perhaps I can simply help Blinding White. No, too dangerous doing that. If he can't win without my help, he probably can't with my help, especially in a place like Shimmering Maze."He stopped the rock, looking down to a large ruin. Some kind of large scorpion rahi was feeding upon a dead Muaka.Dinner? No, a scorpion - or whatever it was, it was ugly - was not on his list of cuisine. Still, he could at least check it for poisons.No, something this big didn't usually have poison that worked in small amounts. He needed something he could stick on a blade. One cut would be death."Not worth it...." he thought, moving on. Norus would be spared from his wrath, at the very least.Continuing on, he readied himself for the show.IC: Levacius / The Griffon II"Aye," said Levacius. "But it is surprisingly easy to rally a force when they think they can win."He sighed. "Truth is, though, I don't know if this is a fight we can win. They're only advancing their caretakers. They have rahkshi at their disposal, perhaps even Shadow Kraata. Sure, many of us can probably resist the control, but who knows how many can't?'"The hardest thing to do is lie to your troops," he said. "But I have to wonder - is there the slimmest chance that when I tell them the Shepherds can be beat, it isn't a lie?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Blinding White didn't need to dodge the needles. Umaroth's gravity field did it for him. With that around him making everything heavier the needles simply slammed into the floor. The same went for Hades' spikes, they just imploded into vapour when the increased gravity made them too heavy to support themselves.But Blinding White knew he couldn't last like that forever. It wouldn't take the fool long to realise he could just try to squash everyone. So he took Hades' advice and went for the head, creating a helmet of ice around Umaroth. Opaque and airtight, it would ruin his concentration on any gravity field


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IC: Terizov and Amalia: Griffon II:Terizov lifed Kono into the air with him, Amalia leading the way. They found a little speck that looked like a boat, and they approached it. Amalia gave a telepathic message: Levacius! Reya! Terizov and I are here with a new recruit! We will arrive shortly.IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Maze:Umaroth felt the cold, icy helm form over his head. He closed the gravity area around Blinding White a little more, then focused on the ice. He felt it was hard to breath, and broke it off by forcing the gravity around his head to repulse outward, careful he would not rip his head off instead.

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IC: Parched Wastes Greel, who had seated himself on a piece of rubble, stood up and spoke. "It would be good to start repairing this place. Though maybe we shouldn't use too much metal, because we're in a desert; it can burn someone's skin off by touching it during the day.''Then he turned to the rest of the group. ''Once again: does anyone here wear a Kiril?''While Greel talked, Rocky happily chewed on the organic portions of the Cable Crawler thrown to him. It was delicious, even more so because he hadn't eaten for some time. His eyes moved over to Norus; now he would make a fine meal. The Rock Lion didn't like him much. Leave him alive and he might be the top predator, take all the food around, dominate the area. The giant scorpion had to go. He wanted to be the biggest predator here. Rocky prepared himself, waiting for the right moment... and then lunged at the enemy Rahi. His extremely sharp claws sunk into the side of Norus, who cried out in surprise and anger. Then he bit the animal's torso, tearing up tissue and armor. Norus thrashed around, successfully landed a few hits on Rocky, but now he was on his back, digging his way into the scorpion. If only he had brought his singer tail down in time would he have saved his life. Rocky slashed Norus' head off, ripping it from his body. The enormous Rahi went limp without his head. Rocky gleefully began eating away at the remains.OOC: Norus is dead, Darkon. Sorry for the delay. ;)

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Trian and Felix/Shadowtangle, Fighting SuicavelIC:

The Avsa wasn't something that could immediately eat your soul. Yes, Suicavel had been using it for quite a while now, and was thus able to drain a good deal of her general energy. But she had plenty, especially with her vortixx resilience. That didn't mean she was invulnerable, but she could hang in there for longer than this. As she ducked into a small cleft between trees, she put forth her attention into the rahi. The fader bulls would be there momentarily, followed by the ash bear and the doom viper soon after that.Suicavel was still shooting shadow at Trian? Not likely, as Felix had pounced at the toa of shadow, aiming to slam into him with claws outstretched. If he didn't teleport quickly enough, he'd find his throat torn out, then a herd of bulls stampeding over his dead body, followed by doom viper venom being injectedf into his corpse, with an ashbear tearing him to bits. The muaka would leap back whether he succeeded in his attack or not to let the bulls through.

Rastaque/Shimmering MazeIC:

The problem was, Rastaque was putting forth his power into the needles, making them stop for nothing if he could help it. They couldn't fight the gravity, but sure as karzahni as soon as Blinding White interrupted it they shot forward like bullet, aiming to tear through the toa of ice. If their target or anyone else noticed them and tried to stop them, they would drive themselves through any barrier that they possibly could until they had gone through their target.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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OOC: Holy Crikey! I've been missing for that long! Anyway, sorry for the long absence. I had developed a fever only a week after I'd gotten over my cold, so yeah. Not pleasant.IC: RynekkRynekk positioned himself on the top of one of the taller ruins, checking the grounds. All seemed to be secure, no sight of anything-Wait, he thought he had seen some movement over there.He grimaced. He had honestly been hoping for some rest. Apparently, the universe had other ideas.OOC: Just checking, where are all of our groups?-Void



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IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa noticed someone was missing- Rynekk! He went out of the chamber and looked out for him.OOC: Orssa, Kairan, Greel, Nostala, Rocky, Elynirus, Plagia, Darkon, Desiana, Sakron, and possibly someone I have forgotten is meeting in the central chamber, discussing stuff.

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IC: Suicavel / Toothy Bane - ShadowtangleAs the Muaka lunged, Suicavel warped away into the shadows behind him, before attempting a prodding to the rear. Hit or not, it would turn the Muaka away as Suicavel vanished a second time, reappearing in melee with Trian, too close for either to use their long weapons. He attempted to grab onto her throat while once more using the Avsa on her. The trees Trian had entered into were cover, yes, but that was useless now. Especially considering it was blocking off Felix.IC: Levacius / The Griffon IIBefore she could close the mental link, Levacius thought the words, "Very good! What is this mysterious beings name?"Turning to Reya he said, "Looks like our numbers went from four to five, unless you already received the message."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Levacius / The Griffon II"Kono? Yes, I gave him some transport earlier. How interesting.""His name is Kono," he said. "I've met him before. Helped him get over to Shadowtangle from Parched Wastes a while back."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: As Umaroth was still keeping up the gravity the needles were still on the ground, Rastaque's influence was just driving his needles into the crystal environment. They were becoming stuck, lodged in the ground even without Umaroth flattening everything. Blinding White bent his will to the icy helmet he'd created, enclosing it on Umaroth once more. And this time, since Umaroth had cracked it to breath, it would have spikes jabbing into his face


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OOC: I fail to see where Umaroth defended himself in any way from the ice. Thus, unless he was doing it blindly, he couldn't have kept using the gravity. Unless, of course, we go with TPtI's assumption...

Rastaque/Shimmering Maze, Fighting Blinding White, Umaroth, etc.IC:

Still able to control the gravity? It was no matter. Rastaque directed two more needles to a new position above the field of gravity. When they were directly above Blinding White, the assassin pointed them so that they would fly through the right and left sides of the brain straight into the brain stem. With that, he sent them at terminal velocity towards their target, letting Umaroth's own field of gravity help them reach the toa of ice almost invisibly in a matter of moments.

Trian and Felix/Shadowtangle, Fighting SuicavelIC:

Using her superior stature and strength, Trian managed to get a grasp directly on the Avsa. Then, using a blow from her knee to his stomach, she attempted to wrench it off while simultaneously pushing Suicavel into the horns of the fader bull that had materialized behind him. Felix, in the meantime, sprinted up one of the massive nearby trees, ready to pounce if all the other rahi failed.

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IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Maze:In a last attempt, Umaroth pushed everything up. Every foreign object would be thrown to the celling of the corridor, including him, the ice helm that is now jagged, and everyone else here. The helm scraped his scalp as flew towards the wall, shattering. He clenched his mouth hard, and shouted a muffled scream. He wasn't done yet. He was pulled upward by his gravity field, then turned upside down, which would now be downside up. He then ran at Blinding White to catch him off guard.

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IC: Hades & Zeus / Fighting blinding whiteHades was slammed against the ceiling, making him blink. He then created a link to Zeus, containing a important message."Tell the Gravity user to turn us back to normal, and then focus everything he's got on the snow demon while we launch pure energy at It." Zeus recieved. He then turned to Umaroth, who was right next to him, on the ceiling. "FOCUS ALL YOUR ENERGY ON THE DEMON! MY BROTHER AND I WILL ASSIST!" IC: Darkon / Parched WastesDarko slipped out of the meeting, and wondered over to where he let Norus feed. As soon as saw Norus's body, his eyes flared. "WHERE'S THAT ROCK LION?!?" He roared in a thunderous voice, while creating two gigantic protosteel maces in his hands.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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OOC: Umm, Rakata, did you just shatter a helmet of ice using your own head? How would you still have eyes after doing something like that? Heck, how would you still have a face?IC: At least the ceiling wasn't too far up. Blinding White hit it with a bump, Rastaque's two needles stuck to the ceiling beside him, but nothing was broken or sprained. Assuming the gravity wielder was going to switch the gravity back to normal, creating a back-and-forth attack that would just batter everyone between floor and ceiling, he created icy footholds to secure himself in place. He threw an icicle through the air at the onrushing Umaroth. He wouldn't be able to use any gravity tricks to stop it without affecting himself, and his own blind rush forwards should have given him too much momentum to simply move aside in time


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IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleTrian may have been larger, but having been repeatedly been drained of energy during the fight - energy Suicavel was gaining - she didn't manage much in the harm of pain. When the fader bull materialized, he squeezed her neck and pushed back before vanishing to behind the Fader Bull, which he impaled with his spear.Trian could command the Rahi to attack, but commanding every movement like a strategy game was beyond the masks powers. Similarly, it is impossible to control a Rahis power better than its own instincts. Fading in was not what made fading useful - it was for escaping - as two more found out as he drew both spears and plunged them through the pairs heads. Placing the long obsidian one back, he plunged his spear in the ground and a wall of solidified shadow appeared around him.Fader bulls, as a guide will tell you, are a herd. They vanish as one. When Suicavel raised his spear and created a wall of solid shadow, razor sharp and thin, and four of the bulls appeared next to him, all were severed in half. When the wall dropped, the halves fell."Pathetic," he said, pointing his spear at her. "Just die."Once more, he repeated the tactic of firing a massive volley of shadows into Trian and the foliage around her.IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"Be calm," said Elynirus, walking out. "He's just doing what comes naturally - eating the more threatening predator."Cocking her head at Rocky, who was eating a piece of Norus, she said, "I do believe, in terms his species understands, this is the highest form of compliment a Rock Lion has for another Rahi."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Oh. No I meant since the ice helmet is not apart of Umaroth's body, it would tear off. And his cloak covers most of his body, so the ice helmet was on his head, which was on his cloak.IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Maze:Umaroth felt an icicle fly through his side. It cracked on impact, leaving particles of sharp ice in his hip. He scowled in pain, so he reversed the gravity once again, only with much more force.

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OOC: It was wrapped round your head though, thats why I said helmet instead of mask. To tear it off would have just stuck you full of ice shardsIC: And that would be why Blinding White had created the footholds. He remained securely in place on the ceiling. Umaroth had no such protection. By reversing the gravity he was sending himself slamming down. Blinding White created a bed of icicles to greet him when he hit the floor


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IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Maze:Umaroth swiped the shards of I've out of his eyes. He wa about to hit the ground when he pushed gravity harder on the icicles, breaking them and the floor below. Umaroth could not switch the gravity up and down, rather he made it zero gravity. He then drifted to Blinding White with his Kakama, and forced the gravity upwards on him.

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OOC: As Suicavel made no attempt to stop this from happening...

Trian and Felix/Shadowtangle, Fighting SuicavelIC:

Suicavel had missed one important detail. Trian had a death-grip on his Avsa, and was trying to tear it from his face. As he made no direct attempt to keep this from happening, she had succeeded. He was now without his mask, leaving him without half his power and arguably his greatest weapon. Trian dodged the shadow bolts - which were still powerful, as he had absorbed so much energy - by grabbing onto a fader bull as it teleported away. She quickly swung herself into a riding position and hugged the mask between its body and hers. Now all that was left was to let the doom viper bite, the ash bear tear, the bulls trample, and the muaka finish off what was left.OOC: Will respond with Rastaque later, I have to go.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

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OOC: In zero gravity you'd still have momentum, so you'd still slam into the floor, but whatevsIC: A small pellet of ice shot out from Blinding White, small and fast enough that Umaroth didn't notice it until it hit him. It wasn't large enough to do any damage, but it was going fast enough to side-track the speed of his Kakama. Floating free without gravity Umaroth had nothing anchoring him, so found himself spinning round and round at Kakama speeds. It should disorientate him enough to prevent him doing...anything really


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IC: RynekkRynekk walked the darkened streets of the ruins, scanning each pass for a sign of intrusion. Nothing. Maybe it was his imagination. Man, he needed to get some sleep.He turned around to head back to the meeting when he saw a familiar face.'Orssa!' he cried out in surprise, 'What are you doing out here?'-Void



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OOC: Sorry, what? I didn't understand that...Are you saying you made BW the centre of a singularity, so that everything flies towards him? If so, why would you need your Kakama to get to him? Your own attack would be doing it for you. And something small and fast moving (which I specifically described the pellet as) could get through it, especially with BW actually controlling it


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OOC: Well considering I teleported away, you really wouldn't have a hold on it anymore, would you? But nevertheless, I'll play along, if only for a display of power.IC: Suicavel / ShadowtangleWhat Trian saw under his mask was something hideous - Suicavels deformed face, not like that of a toa anymore. As the Rahi approached, he raised his spear up, and tendrils of shadow covered the battle field. Half power or not, he was still a master of shadow. Trian couldn't just command them to rush to their death, and even the Doom Viper knew better than walking into the shadow tendrils, razor sharp and ready to kill.One tentacle grabbed onto Trians bulls leg and pulled it back before the beast could teleport. Trian was knocked off, and for a critical moment, the Avsa was free - a tentacle of shadow grabbed the Rahkshi head like mask and pulled it away from her. Hovering around his head for a while, it placed the Avsa back on.His eyes flared red and power surged through him once more. The tendrils burst out. A few fader bulls got away, but the rest were impaled multiple times. The ash bear found one right through the mouth, which writhed around inside her, ripping apart her vital organs. The vipers breath, more toxic than any other poison, was useless against shadow. The beast wasn't dead yet, but had a number of holes in its body. One of its heads was ripped off.Felix was spared only because he was a PC up in the trees still. A number of tendrils had reached far enough to get to where he was, however. Some of the inky blackness attacked him. The rest began pulling his safe haven apart."Send all your pets!" he shrieked. "Send all of Shadowtangle to its death, little Vortixx. You know nothing of my power! The power of utter darkness, darkness that always has been! Light is a new idea, the darkness - it is ETERNAL! Eternal like me! You will perish here, weakling!"Some of the tendrils were growing forth from him - his spear was nothing but a sphere of blackness now, the shadows extending from it as he held it aloft with all but a fragment of his concentration holding it - and slithering over to Trian now, making their way through trees far faster than she could run.Her stature was only a hindrance in Shadowtangle.IC: Arillan / Shimmering MazeArillan looked around. Up and down, left and right. All around."Wherever Blinding White and his enemies are, they're deep below the upper levels of the area. Still, others will be coming. Kill them, loot them. Lure them in here and kill them within. Might as well stay a while."From atop his perch, he awaited the sight of others to kill.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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