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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC Klastio - Stony Leap - Listening: Poison? Antidote? Are these people sick or something? Klastio wondered, flying higher into the air just out of caution. He decided that hanging around and bothering these ill folk was not best for his survival, and even though their threats were childish (as were their tempers), he never doubted for a second that they could kill him if they wanted to. "A'ight, I'm out," he said, waving bye to Amalia, and then shooting off into the distance, far out over the Parched Wastes. --IC Kono - Edge of Shadowtangle - Talking to Terizov: Kono sneaked through the jungle of Shadowtangle- with the help of shadow and darkness-, watching as Rahi ran away from him in all directions, fearful of the shadow that was breaking through everything in his way but the mighty trees. As he came closer to his destination, he spotted something; a figure, standing in the trees by the edge of the jungle. He made his way closer to this being, and hid himself from view with the shadows that he commanded. "Who are you?" the Toa of shadow asked, getting Terizov's attention by breaking a branch nearby him. --IC Klax - Parched Wastes - Alone: Klax wandered the deathly Wastes alone, his only form of light was whatever was coming from the dome above; he was truly blind. Night in the Parched Wastes was twice as worse as it was in the day, and only because the Rahi of the sands had nothing more to fear, they were invisible, and therefore they were the masters of the game. Klax finally stopped, he had had enough of this aimless running in the desert, he created a large metal box, and placed it over himself, sealing off the bottom from any would be attackers from below. "Best to wait it out until the light returns," he told himself, sitting down in the corner of the box, eagerly awaiting the light. -Klax

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IC: Terizov: Shadowtangle:Terizov received the mental message from Amalia. He was relieved to know that the Psionicist was fine. He then turned his attention the the sound of breaking branches. He spun around, and merely caw-caw-cawed again. He could not reveal that he was a sentient being.

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IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes Ruins"Lazy. Yes, that describes it." she said.Standing up, she moved towards the darker area of the ruins. "I'm going to look through the rest of the building. Make sure no nasty little critters are living in here during the night."She turned a corner, leaving only her echoing footsteps to reveal her location.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Levacius, Hexxon meant that he'd been in Arillan's mind before, not that he was at the moment.IC: Stony LeapHexxon raised an eyebrow at Arillan's words, but then decided it might have been Amalia or someone reading his thoughts. Sighing, he turned back to crude pillar construct, his eyes moving from it to Jontan's piece of antidote. Soon, he told himself, we can end this poisoning and get back to our other problems. IC: Parched Wastes''Wait,'' said Greel. ''Why add metal? We'll just get cooked during the day.''

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:"What was that, Darkon?" Orssa asked intently.EDIT:IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Maze:Umaroth pulled his cloak over his body, covering his face from the shards. His hands got cut up by the numerous shards that flew at him.

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IC - Nostala - Ruins, Parched Wastes: "Well, the fact that these are ruins implies that they didn't hold up to attackers in the past," Nostala noted. "If nothing else we need to construct walls around these buildings to help protect ourselves; otherwise we're no better off than those who came before us." She stared after Elynirus, curiosity in her eyes."Anyway, perhaps we should properly introduce ourselves to the group, and vice versa, since we're operating as a single unit at this point. Get to know each other better, you know? Not to mention it would help us assign jobs more easily." She looked at Greel, noting the Mask of Healing he had taken from Irriane's body. "For example, in my time as a soldier, rebellion leader and conspirator, I've picked up quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to healing and tending to wounds, on top of being a capable fighter in general. So it might be wise to keep Irriane's mask in a place where I have access to it when I need to use it."She shrugged, looking away to observe the rest of the room again. "Regardless, I think for now we should get our basic defenses up, and then call a meeting. From there we can figure out what needs to be figured out -- like the matter of food, securing the oasis and, since it's such a big deal to everyone, our team name."

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan nodded at what Nostala said."Couldn't agree more there." Kairan said, though Sarkan just smirked for a moment, finding all that amusing. However, Kairan took no notice of that, as he looked around."What if there was some way to allow a fortress to be made, without it effectively being night around the fortress eternally? Because that would draw attention faster than anything as well." Kairan pointed out, but frowned."The problem is how that would work... Would it be vents or so? Or would we make the fortress open or so? That would leave the fortress open to attack for anyone with flight capabilities, though..." Kairan mused, as he wasn't certain how to handle that, but shook his head."First of all, though, we need to reinforce the actual defenses of the ruins, and secure the Oasis fully." Kairan restated, as he looked to the desert plains with a frown."After all; we have no clue when that... monster will show up again. Or those other two guys." Kairan mentioned, as he sighed, remembering the different battles they'd had up to that point.

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IC: Darkon & Norus / Parched WastesDarkon had already fallen asleep again, though, so he didn't hear the comment.IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting blinding WhiteZeus fell to the ground, still slightly stunned, dodging two of the three bolts. The other one hit him in the gut, making him moan. Hades teleported to Zeus's side dodging with out raising a finger.


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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan turned to Orssa, and chuckled."I had volunteered guarding the place a couple times now, so I wouldn't mind helping secure the perimeter." Kairan said, but thought for a moment, as he recalled that setting up basic defenses was higher on the list of importance.

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IC: Parched WastesGreel looked down at the Kanohi of Healing he held. It was his prize that he had taken, which he hoped another could use on him whenever he was injured. But what if there wasn't someone around to heal him? Would Nostala always be there for him - for everyone? I guess maybe she should carry it. She'll need others around to fix her as well. He reluctantly agreed with her, moving his hands forward to give it to her, but froze.It's still mine! My first loot here! No, he decided. It was for the good of the team. He would just give it to her later, when all their planning was done. Placing the mask and his hand back into his pocket, he stepped over to a wall of the building.''Does anyone here have a Kiril or something?'' he asked, running a teal and gold hand across the rocky, cracked wall. ''It would be useful here right now. We can repair and strengthen the ruins' structure.''And as for the guarding, Rocky can be useful there. He can hear and smell others before they come too close to the buildings.''

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IC: Terizov: Shadowtangle:Terizov received the mental message from Amalia. He was relieved to know that the Psionicist was fine. He then turned his attention the the sound of breaking branches. He spun around, and merely caw-caw-cawed again. He could not reveal that he was a sentient being.

OOC: Is Terizov in a Toa form? Because Kono can see him clearly. IC Kono - Shadowtangle - Talking to Terizov: Kono was confused, "Why are you making Rahi sounds at me?" he asked, walking closer to the being in question. -Kono
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-==IC: Desiana//Oasis Ruins==-Desiana nodded."I'm not fully certain how well it can be used on the walls of the ruins, but I do indeed have a Kiril." Desiana said, and walked over to the wall, and put her hand on it."Let me see if I can't try to repair this..." Desiana said, as she concentrated, and attempted to send a cyan-coloured pulse of reparation energy to the wall of the ruins, as her mask glowed from it's usage.

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OOC: Terizov technically is a Rahi, but he is one of the only sentient kind. No Toa resemblance.IC: Terizov: Shadowtangle:Terizov's heartlight pounded. Somehow this Toa knew who he was. He swifty landed on Kono's chest, and whispered, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have you meet Mr. Sythe?" Terizov asked menacingly.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa patted Kairan on the back. "Thanks, Kairan. Let's go," Orssa thanked.

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IC Kono - Shadowtangle - Talking to Terizov: Kono had the shadows around him wrap themselves around Terizov, pulling him away from him, and placing him on the ground. "Now is that any way to greet a visitor? Here I am simply making my way through the jungle, and here you are threatening me. All I wish is to know who you are, and what you are doing, no harm in that," he said, talking to the Rahi as if he were a Toa standing before him. Kono had nothing against Rahi, as long as they never attacked him, and this one seemed to be of the sentient kind, a rare find as Rahi go. "My name is Kono. May I ask what your name is?" he asked, awaiting an answer from the beast. OOC: Last post of the night. -Kono

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Huh? That was all Kairan had time to think, as he wasn't quite sure what was going on. He thought the meeting would be happening now, with the scouting and guarding later on. However, he wasn't sure when the others actually were going to have the meeting, so, as long as no-one missed it, he didn't truly mind going out to help defend the ruins.

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OOC: I'm a lord now?IC: Elynirus / Parched WastesA step - not hers - and a growl. Elynirus turned rapidly, and a beam of red energy illuminated the small room she was in. The flash a cable crawler. Well, it was a cable crawler. Now it was dead just like the other few rahi she had found in the internal buildings of the ruin.That was as far as she would go without light. Moving to the wall, she began moving back to where the others were.OOC: You are directly holding up two of my characters and indirectly holding up another ToDD >_<Not that I don't have Tamriel to explore...-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Yes, yes you are.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:Orssa looked out upon the area: beetles eating larvae, occasional rahi swallowing smaller rahi. He glanced at Kairan. "Excuse me Kairan, but I'd like to know a little about you, if you don't mind," Orssa asked.

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IC: Conjecture: I am one-sixteenth of a kio away from the fight. Theorem: I should pause briefly to reorganize.Stopping, it began to crab into the tunnel from which it could hear sounds of the fight coming out most loudly and see the reflections more clearly.Theorem: I should continue.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Blinding White took the initiative once again. Before any of his opponents could react he sent walls of ice hurtling at them. Sure they could shatter the walls...but that wouldn't alter anything. Blinding White would still be controlling the ice, willing it to fly at them. If they thought they could escape the walls' hammer-blows by breaking them they'd just end up with lethal slivers of oce stabbing through them


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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins Perimeter==-Kairan nodded, and stopped to think for a moment."Well, I was once from an island that was under attack by great powers. Me and my teammates tried to fight the threat, but eventually... Well; all of them either went missing, or were killed." Kairan explained, and frowned slightly."The worse thing about that, is that I'm starting to forget their names and faces, and that's all because of this island and the constant fights." Kairan admitted, but continued his original story."I avoided a fate like theirs; but... While it would seem a bad thing, if it wasn't for all of us being here, this group probably wouldn't have formed, and... It's the greatest chance we have at getting out of here so far."

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IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Wastes:Umaroth knew this was a trap, but continued anyways. He ran at Blinding White after breaking through the wall, jumping in the air and pushing him back to the ground with gravity. He kept the gravity hard on him.IC: Orssa: Parched Wastes:"I was a creation of the Makuta. They were attempting to clone themselves, but I came out of it. I've been wandering islands since, fighting my way," Orssa told Kairan.

Edited by Rakata
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IC: Stony Leap/ShadowtangleWhile the poisoned waited for the last ingrediant, Reptak - still disassembled and nearly invisible with the darkness - had drifted into the great jungle. He was bored and wanted to explore the area around the bridge, for the last time he was around here, both him and Vertan had returned to the desert without venturing into this place. During his search around, he spotted a body - dead, from the looks of it.The deceased being was Beretta, laying in the plants of Shadowtangle, with small, hungry Rahi gnawing at her remains. From all of it, the only intriguing thing on her was the Noble Avsa.Reptak looked at it greedily, wanting to claim it as a trophy. But before he could reform and take it, the mask was pulled off her face by some invisible force, as if someone unseen had reached out and plucked it away.''Oh, what's this?''The Avsa drifted into the hands of Hexxon, who had followed. He had gotten bored as well, and picked up the thoughts of the green Skakdi. Wondering way he would leave his partner alone, he silently went back into the forest. Much to his luck, he had found loot.Well, a nice prize, even if it is the weaker version. With a smile on his face, the Psionics Toa pocketed the Kanohi in his satchel and walked back to the group on Stony Leap, accompanied by a buzzing cloud that remained hidden in the shadows by Vertan.OOC: Just remembered that Beretta's corpse was left untouched. :P

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IC: Arillan / Stony LeapArillan looked down at his bottle. It was secure, and he could fight to the death for it. He just needed Jontan to place that ingredient within...IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes Ruins"All clear!" called Elynirus as she walked out from behind the hallway."Well..." she said, stopping as she took her place leaning against the end that they were in. "Mostly clear. I need light to go further in. You would think a ruin would have more cracks in the ceiling."She tossed over a dead cable crawler to Rocky, then sat down. "So what are we talking about?"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Terizov: Shadowtangle:"Now, if you must excuse me, I need to take something of interest," Terizov said as he walked over to a carnivore-plant. He felt it innards, feeling an odd shape. He made the plant spit it out. It was what to appeared to be a war mask. He took of his hidden Elda, which was placed atop of his head. He put the war mask on, feeling immoral power that rushed through him. He did not know what it was but kept it on anyway. He walked back to Kono. "It seems I've found a mask, and don't know what it is. Maybe you can help me?" Terizov asked.OOC: Lijsk's corpse.

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OOC: No one noticed Tenu leave? My plan went better than I thought it would.IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting Blinding whiteHades sighed as the walls shot at him. He never liked doing this. He activated his special power, and where a black hybrid stood, a black Protosteel hybrid stood. He slammed his body straight through the ice, impervious to any pain the frozen water could do. He pulled out his spear, and walked up to point blank range (BW's point blank range)Zeus, however did not have that luxury. He first touched the wall, making it blow up. Then he realized his folly. To avoid the killer ice shards, he fought and defended against them at lightspeed, easily dodging any attacks thrown at him.


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IC - Nostala - Ruins: Nostala nodded at the half-Toa. "Thanks for the preliminary exploration," she said. "Kairan and Orssa are doing some preliminary scouting outside; they should be back in a minute. Once they are, we're going to have a bit of a group discussion to try and get more organized; mainly, to figure out jobs for everyone and see who can help with defenses, food and the oasis. Feel free to hang around until we get started."Having said that, the Artanian shouldered her staff, moving over to the walls. It was difficult to get a good look at them due to the darkness outside, though the through-cracks were easily visible due to the 'moonlight' shining out of them. That didn't say much about the rest of the cracks that were probably present...She sighed. They had a lot of work to do, though by the sounds of their earlier discussion, the place wasn't a completely lost cause; they could still make it into a suitable base.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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Jontan/Stony LeapIC:

Everything relied upon Jontan. Not exactly the most comforting thing, he would assume. The lives of five (?) others resting in his murderous hands. Would he take his portion and infect the rest with his sand? No. It was much more fun to kill someone who could fight back. Though it was fun keeping all these people's levels of tension this high for so long. How long had he stood there? Surely at least an hour, while they bantered idly."This is humorous," he said in his poison-laced, two-toned, demonic voice. He uncorked the bottle of Makika ooze, letting the thick goop drip slowly into the bowl."I propose we stay in this position after we drink until we are sure the antidote worked. About eighteen or so hours from now, we shall all either be dead or healthy again. In either case, none of us trust a bit to the others. I wouldn't be surprised if half of us were dead by the end of this, just from our hatred of each other causing us to kill each other. However, as I prefer my prey alive, I swear by all the souls of the ones I've brutally murdered that I did nothing to the antidote."With that, he lowered his hand and gestured for Arillan to finish it.Would his plans shatter if Hexxon or Amalia tried to read his full intentions? He had enough mental protection, what with his demonic side screaming bloody murder and bringing all those delicious images to the forefront of his mind. If the screaming wasn't enough to shatter a sane being's mind, the images would. That was perfect, just as Jontan liked it.OOC: Everyone else later.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Zeu's problem was that to have punched the wall he had to have been close to it. So he was right next to it when it shattered and sprayed him with lethal shards instantly. His muscles had been lacerated badly before he managed to get up to lightspeed, an act which further aggravated his wounds. If he tried going at lightspeed again he'd tear something, crippling himself.Blinding White was forced to his knees by the gravity increase, but wasn't out the fight yet. Seeing the incoming Hades, he created a ramp of ice under the hybrid's feet. Not some huge ramp like you'd find in stunts, but an angular bump about ankle-height. In his metallic form Hades was both heavier and clumsier, the ramp suddenly materialising under his feet would topple him. And he'd fall right into the field of increased gravity. That, plus his greater weight, would be enough to crack the floor, sending him falling back down to the level they'd been fighting on originally


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IC: Terizov: Shadowtangle:"Now, if you must excuse me, I need to take something of interest," Terizov said as he walked over to a carnivore-plant. He felt it innards, feeling an odd shape. He made the plant spit it out. It was what to appeared to be a war mask. He took of his hidden Elda, which was placed atop of his head. He put the war mask on, feeling immoral power that rushed through him. He did not know what it was but kept it on anyway. He walked back to Kono. "It seems I've found a mask, and don't know what it is. Maybe you can help me?" Terizov asked.OOC: Lijsk's corpse.

IC Kono - Shadowtangle - Talking to Terizov: "You got this out of that plant?" he asked, wondering how in the world a plant could have a mask stuck inside it. He took a closer look at the mask, attempting to figure out what type it was. OOC: I don't know who Lijsk is/was, or what kind of mask he had. -Kono
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IC - Nostala - Ruins, Parched Wastes: As Kairan and Orssa returned, Nostala nodded, moving over to a large , square-shaped structure that rose a couple of feet off of the floor; evidently this had once been an announcement hall. "All right, everyone, listen up and gather around," she called, getting everyone's attention. "For the few of you that haven't picked up my name, I am Nostala, a rebellion organizer from the island of Artana. I may not seem like much, but I've fought against my fair share of tyrants, and I know when a rebellion has a chance at succeeding. The reason I'm telling you this is because I, for one, do not intend to die on this island -- as I'm sure the rest of you feel. I don't know how long this island has been around, or how long people have been dumped on it only to die, but enough is enough. I think we have the ability to rise up against and defeat the Shepherds, and I think that by working together, we can put an end to this psychotic game and get out back to our lives."She looked around. "I'm going to assume that you all feel the same and are willing to help; otherwise you wouldn't have come to this group. If not, then I encourage you to leave. For those that remain, know that from here on out, we're a single unit. A family. We'll work together to accomplish common goals and support each other; wolves can't survive alone. The first place of concern for us is this building, which could potentially be completely restored and turned into our permanent home; we need to work on fortifying the place, making it more habitable than it is now, securing it and the resources around us from any that would threaten our ability to operate from here. Any thoughts or questions so far?"

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Er... it wasn't complete. And everyone knew it wasn't complete.Arillan didn't put the madu juice in yet. He placed the mixing bowl on the rocks. When all of the other ingredients were within, he would place his within and take the first drink.I would suggest editing that. Or going with the being dead thing.IC: Arillan / Stony LeapArillan took the madu juice out and poured it into the mixture. Carefully measuring everything around and making sure it was a perfect antidote, he raised the mixer to his mask, taking one/eighth of the admixture.True to his lawful evil words, he backed away, and said, "The antidote is all yours! Kill each other for it or share, either works for me."The rock he was standing on broke off, hovering into the air."By my word, the admixture is perfect. If it wasn't, I think it would probably have killed me... but as I said, I will take my leave now. Waiting here for eighteen hours? Not my idea of a good time."With that, the rock began hovering away, with the toa of air upon it - facing at them, in case of an assault from the back.IC: Elynirus / Parched WastesElynirus began clapping softly and stood up.Looking around, she said, "I suggest we also begin preparing strategies. If two of us are attacked here, what do we do different than elsewhere? Also, a list of enemies that have been encountered. Everyone is good against something. I've heard references to some kind of sand entity. Perhaps an effective way to battle him? Say, one being removes the sand under him with fire so he can't escape, or puts protosteel under him, while one person attacks the flank, and so on and so forth."OOC: Whoever says, "a pack" wins the golden ticket.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting Blinding White Zeus gasped in pain, and skidded below the shards to Umaroth. "Increase the gravity on the snow demon's head!" he managed to say before moaning in pain. Hades created a platform of shadow, and he soon appeared from the floor back to where BW was. He jumped from the platform, absorbed the shadow, and then turned it into three gigantic spikes, which appeared launching at BW from two directions, foward and high (and arching down), and to the sides and low.IC: Tenu / Shadowtangle Tenu wondered in shadow tangle, until coming upon a cave (suicavel's) he walked inside, curious.


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