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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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-==IC: Desiana and Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Desiana frowned, as she considered everything that the group had been talking about. She had stayed quiet for the most part while they were looking for the caches, but was a little disappointed that they hadn't found anything. Meanwhile, Sarkan was even more disappointed about not finding anything, and even more disappointed that there hadn't been anything good to use his mask power on.No matter. When I get the chance I will use the power. And when I use it, I can strike against the wielder of the power to steal it for myself. The Toa of Magnetism thought, as he stood nearby, though he couldn't care less about the group's idea to grow more organized. Desiana thought about how anything could be organized better, and was about to open her mouth, when another voice cut her off."Unity... Duty.... Destiny... Our Unity is us gathering here, and our bonds of friendship growing through our trials. Our Duty is to each other; to protect us while we fight alongside each other on this forsaken island. Our Destiny... Is to get off the island no matter how it happens, and destroy the ones in charge." The voice called out from inside the ruins. Desiana looked to the entrance, and Sarkan scowled at the ideals that were mentioned, as they were of no use to him, however, it was obvious who was speaking a moment later, as a green armoured being stepped out of the ruins, and looked at the gathered group. Kairan had finally woken up again."Irradiated Hopes. That's what I propose for our group's name. Both as a reference to Irrianne, and technically to show that our hopes can't be broken." Kairan said, as he looked over the group, and then smiled."Did I miss anything while I was asleep?"

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IC: Fine, Grotir replied mentally. He can distribute what's left after Arillan takes his share.She continued to work on her cesti. When all parts of the antidote were present, she'd actually get up. But for now, the hybrid had better things to do.Like figuring out how to better punch things.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Arillan / Stony LeapArillan pulled out the mixing vessel, and used gravity to pull a few blocks of stone together into a rough pillar. In the same way he placed the mixing vessel on top."Once you have all placed your ingredients within the vessel, I will place my second ingredient, the last one, within and begin concocting the antidote using the vessel."He looked at them all. "When I am done, as I have stated, I will take my leave with what I need. Hopefully, next time we meet the situation will be more favorable. And by favorable, your death will be swift from an arrow shot."He chuckled. "Oh, but do hurry up with placing the ingredients within, if you would please."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Stony Leap''Very well, Arillan,'' said Hexxon. ''Though, remember. I'm listening, and waiting, just in case...''Even if this Toa of Air didn't plan on running off with or destroying the antidote, he still couldn't trust him fully. Vertan even more so...''You better not try anything, Toa.'' he warned.The Psionic Toa chuckled a little about Arillan's threats. As if he could. I could kill him so much faster, and in more ways than he could think of. Both Hexxon and Vertan pulled out their portions of the cure, but held on tight to them as they placed them into the container. The Toa emptied his spores into it, and Vertan carefully dropped the piece of green ice into it.Such an odd ingrediant to hide near a volcano, the Skakdi thought.

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IC: Arilan / Stony LeapArillan stared at Hexxon. "You would not be laughing if you took time to investigate your beings mind - not that you can, even someone without special training can keep you out of their mind if they try. I've taken out mind readers who could snap your mental shielding with a single thought, so don't think for a moment you're any safer than anyone else."Looking back at Jontan and Grotir he said, "Now, place your three ingredients within so we can get this over with."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Darkon & Norus / Parched Wastes"The two light and shadow beings left." He said. "Did you even get to meet them?" He asked before continuing randomly. "And, no offense, but that name doesn't really fit in my opinion. I still vote Strife as a reference that our battles with the slavers and others who block our way will not last long, even though no others do.


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IC: Grotir had watched the display of power with interest. The guy's mask was either a Matatu, a Garai, or something else with gravitational powers.Now she, crude cesti gloving her hands, held tight to her ingredients' containers as she added them to the mix. The hybrid then sat down. She had made sure her macuahuitl was still right behind her and in a position from which she could reach it with her arm and bring it up to fight easily. She pulled off the cesti and continued working on them. They were probably good for combat at this point, but she still wanted to refine them. And again, it wasn't like Grotir had anything better to do.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"No," said Elynirus. "Whilst I personally find both not of my taste - though as I never knew this toa, the one means little to me - Strife just sounds... wrong. Whatever, though."Looking to Darkon, she said, "I don't particularly care. They are fools making a fools mistake. They left - only two of them - to engage one of the islands most powerful toa in a place where he would be most powerful. And light and shadow? A poor combination in such a place. Shadows will obstruct their view, and light will bounce around their and cause more damage than anything else. As I have stated - we should consider them dead."IC: Arillan / Stony LeapArillan nodded off to Grotir, and turned to Jontan. "Place the ingredient in the vessel." he said. "Or the poison will be the least of your problems."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Stony Leap''And don't go thinking you're better than anyone else, Arillan,'' Hexxon said, giving an equal glare. ''I am skilled at my power; no one can touch my mind without my consent, and there's no unshielded mind that I cannot enter.'' his tone and stare were dangerous, implying that what he said was no boast - but truth. Then he turned his eyes to Jontan. ''Yes, let's finish this. I'm sure we all wish to be rid of eacthother's company.''The Toa didn't like the look of Jontan's mind. There should be someone watching him too, for he liked to kill.

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan blinked."Shadow and light guys?" Kairan asked, as he raised an eyebrow, and thought for a moment before responding about the name."So, let me just get this straight... A group that's fighting for peace for the slaves... Should be named Strife? Did I get that right? Just wanna make sure." Kairan said, trying to point out that one part about the name. He wasn't opposed to the name; but a one word name didn't really seem to 'fit' in his opinion; and as he had pointed out, the name did seem a little weird as it effectively meant the opposite of what they wanted."I'll be the first to admit that the name I thought up wasn't the absolute greatest, but it's a start, in my opinion." Kairan explained, as he looked over the rest of the group.

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IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Wastes:Umaroth grinned. This enemy had shown to be a coward, rather than to fight. Not killing him had not mattered to Umaroth, but a sense of pride engulfed him. He was more willing to fight. Blinding White, however, exploited his weakness: he only fights to survive for shelter and rewards. Greed now has consumed his mind. Umaroth then flew out of the hole Blinding White had made, and looked out for him.

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IC: Elynirus / Parched Wastes"Perhaps... Liberty's Ascension? The rise of freedom, a breaking of the chains the slavers have on us. Not just a rebellion, but a stand for freedom and justice against a force much greater than our own.IC: Arillan / Stony Leap"You speak of weak minded fools, psionicist. Just as you may not enter into the mind your fellow here, or into those with training, you cannot unearth the secrets of one who doesn't want them seen. Using psionics, you do not have immediate access to the mind. You still have to get into a mind. But the mind is a labyrinth, and some cannot get to what lies within."Crossing his arms, Arillan said, "You can anticipate my moves in combat. You can sense my outer thoughts - for example, right now you can see a dozen possible ways for me to kill you, and then the thirteenth one I would actually perform. But if you think for one moment you can enter the recesses of anyone's mind, you would be wrong."IC: Levacius / The Griffon IILevacius stared out, and said, "The caches have already been recovered. Take us north, if you would, due west of Yawning Sunder. Most likely, everyone is at Toothy Bane right now. I want to be within distance to reach Amalia if she needs aid."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan raised an eyebrow at the name, intrigued, as it was a rather good name, he had to admit."That's definitely more fitting than any of the names suggested so far. Anyone else have any ideas, just to check?" Kairan asked, as he did like the name, but wanted to just quickly check to see if everyone else agreed.

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IC: Stony Leap''You think so?'' Hexxon answered. ''You seem to talk a lot about the mind, for one who has never held the power of Psionics. You might have worn some mask of the Element - a Suletu or Komau, maybe - but never truly. Those have their limitations. So do not tell a Psionics Toa what they can or can't do with the mind of another.'' IC: Eastern Sea''Very well,'' Reya said, stirring up the waters again. She hoped this wasn't her place in the group: providing a faster means of propelling a ship around.

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IC: Arillan / Stony Leap"If you wish to test your skills, you are more than welcome to try me." said Arillan. "You may be a psionicist, but your mind is no stronger than mine. Look within, if you dare. Try to see my mind, if you can."OOC:

"Up above, Orde closed his eyes. His mind brushed against Kabrua's and encountered no resistance. He pushed a little harder, peeling away layers as quickly as he could to find the information he sought."

This statement here, as well as how psionics works in everything else ever made, leads me to believe that even if you can read minds doesn't mean you can read everyones mind without a fight to be able to.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Darkon & Norus / Parched WastesDarkon shrugged at the oppositon of his chosen name and leaned back on Norus, who was watching intently.IC: Zeus & Hades / Fighting Blinding whiteHades absorbed the shadows, and the turned to Zeus. "Show time." He said as he jumped the the hole created by BW.


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IC Kono - Shadowtangle - Heading to the Yawning Sunder: Once again he had been abandoned; no problem, he did not like those people in any way. At long last, he was finally in the jungle of Shadowtangle, he moved through it silently and quickly, making use of the shadows around him to ward off any Rahi that wanted to attack him. He also used the shadows to heighten his awareness in the area, feeling with the long shadows, and getting an overall better view of the jungle that surrounded him. Kono was able to clear a path through the jungle with the immense amount of shadow around him, and his journey towards the Sunder was only quickened by this. He didn't know what was driving him towards his destination, all he knew was that he needed to get there. -Kono

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OOC: Lol no need to edit this post in anymore. :P IC Klastio - Stony Leap - Floating: Klastio watched the beings below around the bridge that stretched over the Yawning Sunder, just observing the group of people. As he floated above them, he could see real Observers floating over and looking down at the beings as well, displaying their activities on the dome that made up the sky of the island. "No privacy at all, eh? Haha," the Toa said, making way for an Observer as it flew in to watch the people around Stony Leap. Klastio wondered what it was that they were doing, they seemed to be making something, but he couldn't tell from his position; he decided to wait it out, and float amongst the Observers, just watching as a spectator. -Klastio

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OOC: I always thought the ''no resistance'' part was there because Kabrua had no mental shielding. Though I don't doubt you can't fight back, doing things like stirring up your thoughts to make it harder to for them to get to the information they seek. Things like that.IC: Stony Leap''Just so you know, I already have entered your mind.'' Hexxon informed.

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IC Klastio - Stony Leap - Observing: Klastio flew over to an Observer, and grabbed onto it, "Cap'n! It appears we've been spotted by the landlubbers! Orders, sir?" Klastio pleaded to the non-responsive robot. He shoved it away, and looked down at the people, staring at them as if he was confused; which he was, actually. He floated down closer, and spoke to the beings, "Is there a problem, ma'am?" he asked Amalia with crossed arms, watching the group intently. OOC: So much fun, flying in the sky. :3-Klastio

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IC: Arillan / Stony Leap"Of course," said Arillan. "I sense your probing. Here, let's see... oh, here's a memory."A screaming matoran crawling through the alleyway, a dagger in his leg. Poison through his blood. Poison much like this, though even more horrible - he was liquefying from the inside. Arillan watched from atop, shaking his head at the matoran who had tried to escape him."Oh, how about this one..."A psionics toa battling Arillan, hurling telekinetically balls of rock and unleashing bolts of mental energy. Up until the point where a longsword sliced into his neck, becoming embedded in his spine."My favorite..."A stone bridge, its reinforcements shaking apart as it collapses into the chasm below, carrying with it a number of matoran and toa.More images came through than that. Memories of killings. Some of them were just sickening."You can feel free to attempt to get farther in, but there's more of these for you to see before you get further. Lots more. And by the time I'm done, you won't even notice they're being recycled."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC Klastio - Stony Leap - Talking to Amalia: "Hold up there, now why would I stop talking? I'm just as curious as these little guys are," he said, nudging at an Observer with his elbow. "I just wanna know if y'all are friends or foes, no harm in finding out. Except in the case that you are foes, then there is harm." -Klastio

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OOC: I always thought a resistance team might have 'Wolf' in their same somewhere. Natural enemies of Shepherds after allIC: Umaroth leaped up and was greeting by dozens upon dozens of images of Blinding White, as his image was reflected back and forth between the crystals. Then the images started laughing at hi. Every single one, he sound bouncing around the endless labyrinth. Umaroth suddenly had icicles flying at him from every angle. Increase the gravity and the spikes above would strike him harder, reverse the gravity and the spikes from underneath would impale him faster. Crush the icicles and he'd only be able to affect the ones in front of him, leaving his back exposed


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OOC: Iol. Forgot about someone.IC: Hades & Zeus / Fighting Blinding white (and helping a fellow combatant) Hades, who had jumped in the hole right after Umaroth, created multiple tendrils of shadow that destroyed the icicles right before impact. before they could fall, he had already made them a landing pad out of solid, (but writihing) Shadow. "Let us kill this snow demon together!" Shouted Hades a Umaroth.


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IC: Arillan / Stony LeapArillan turned around from his mental combat and stared at the newcomer. "Foe," he said. "But that won't be enacted upon unless you continue bothering us!"OOC: Do you note that pretty much everyone here, save Amalia (maybe) is either a] Their players only character or b] Their players evil character?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: And being a 'bad' character is judged on what? They kill people? IC Klastio - Stony Leap - Talking: "Calm down, big shot. I don't see why I can't swim through the air up here and enjoy the view, and watch whatever show y'all have got going on here," he said, promptly swimming backwards through the air, as if nothing were the matter. He bumped into an Observer, and grabbed hold of it, tossing it down towards the group. OOC: That last sentenced was forced. By pain of death. By The Fearless Leader. -Klastio

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OOC: Whoa, that's cool. Kudos to you for that great idea! :)IC: Umaroth: Shimmering Maze:Umaroth redirected his attention to Blinding White. "Why do this, coward? Fighting for the Sheperds is useless! What have they actually done for you? Keep you here locked up?" Umaroth tempted.

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OOC: How about emotionlessly killing people they come across and being utterly selfish in every way, shape, or form?IC: Arillan / Stony Leap"Get out of my airspace!" growled Arillan.Cooling down his temper, he said, "I could ground you without a thought, but if you're SOobsessed with watching us, just stay out of our way."Turning to Jontan he barked, "Hurry up! We never know when the poison will settle in! Who knows what kind of trick the Shepherds have made."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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