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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: AshringVertan hadn't fallen too far from Levacius, and stood up, despite the pain. He was sore from the electricity, but he needed revenge on this Toa, and nothing would keep him from that.Ignoring it all, he said, ''You... have... nothing but... a reward on your head... Toa! If I can... defeat the biggest... Toa on this island... THAN I CAN DEFEAT YOU!''Vertan pulled out his sonic bow, strumming the almost invisible thread like a harp, firing numerous arrows at the ground around Levacius, splintering the hot stone on which he stood. Too hurt to dodge, he assumed, and charged at the Toa of Lightning with his spiked club in hand.''You think you're so good?" he bellowed. "Let's test your skills in close combat!"Reptak retreated to the black smoke, where Kono wouldn't find him. He moved closer to where he believed Vertan was, following the sound of his roars. As he did so, more fragments of him collected, but not enough to fully reform - yet.

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OOC: You're auto-hitting rather badly, Lev. With Jontan. (Also, sorry for lack of activity today.)

Jontan and Rastaque/Shimmering Maze, Fighting Arillan and Klax/Blinding WhiteIC:

Jontan was a master of his element. True, he wasn't used to pain. Or, for that matter, a complete lack of breath. But he wouldn't let this stupid toa steal his weapon and his pride just because he was using his powers to try and kill the hybrid-toa. Fight fire with fire? No, fight fire with water... or gas with solid. Fully concentrating on his actions - and able to see all throughout them due to his mask - he caused the sand around Arillan to rise in a thick wall in front of the toa, ruining his line of sight. Then, from behind, the sand tried to pound him into the ground. Below Jontan, a thick arm of sand grabbed him and jerked him down, fast enough to leave the vacuum and take a breath.During all this motion between Arillan and Jontan, Klax's attack had missed. One of the daggers had come very close, but had its course altered by a slight push of sand. Now the toa of iron's target was beneath the sand, and who knew when or how he would strike.The best part of this situation? Sand and crystal all around the place. If Jontan felt there wasn't enough sand with which to work, he'd grind the crystal so there was enough. In fact, he was doing just that at that very moment.Rastaque, of course, was in a worse situation. Still, despite his likely broken collar and numerous patches of frostbite, he was perfectly able to fight. One of his main attributes was the fact that he still had a large amount of his elemental energy to use. Therefore, he started to send air-blades in rapid succession to slice his foes into pieces. They were like powerful gusts of wind, only focused to slice through anything they could reach.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: Sorry I was not here today, I had a soccer tournament and I got a X-Mas tree.IC: Doru Araeba: Haven Cove:"Myr! Is that you?!" Doru yelled out to the approaching being.IC: Amalia: Ashring:Amalia telekinetically froze the spiked club against Levacius, and rather, forced it back at Vertan.

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IC:Myr quickly built a gearbox that would also disengage the assembly's drive gear, which was locked with a spring-loaded, quick-release latch, and fused it into place on the sheath. He wondered if a belt would be required, and made a modification to the clip for the sheath, one that he had spent many years designing, and many more perfecting it. A locking swivel between the clip and the belt to which it would attached. Myr had spent long enough constructing such components that he could use minimal energy on a design that took hours to complete. The sheath was one of Myr's simplest designs, but by far the strangest. Myr removed the armor over his right forearm, exposing the organic matter underneath, and fused the clip to it. Myr made one final inspection of his newest creation, and moved the spike from the side of the sheath, to the end. As Myr replaced his armor, he noticed a large being to the north-east and began walking, intending to investigate. If it's that shadow Toa again... Myr swung his left arm, causing the point of the sheath to swing from being near his ebow, to being about eight inches beyond the tip of his longest finger. My name is Myr, I am a Toa of Clockwork. Myr frowned as he reset the sheath. Myr was glad he had done so, for he had forgotten his sword. After walking back and retrieving his sword, Myr returned it to it's custom made sheath, which took more effort than expected. Myr checked the assembly again, and inadvertently launched the sword at least fifty meters in the air, and about eighty away, Myr found the sword buried about half the length of the handle into the sand. Myr was careful not to cut himself on the blade of his sword as he pulled it out of the sand. After making the proper adjustments to prevent any repeated flops, Myr continued on his way, his ersatz toolbox on his shoulder.OOC: Ok, now my character has a scabbard, as I shall now refer to it, that can launch a sword at a fair speed, am I the only one who finds this a bit odd? (EDIT: Wow, that is a long post.)

Edited by Killer_myr
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OOC: How are you doing that if you have no oxygen?I gave you a perfect opportunity to end the fight when I had the obvious advantage, but you refused to take it.I want you to reread those posts with Sledge. He had no oxygen, he could only barely manipulate a metal broom.You're in the similar position where you are now. And that's not just me; that's TPTI as well.The only auto-hits I have made were the spheres of air, and that's because whenever somebody doesn't react to one of your attacks, you assume it automatically hits - thus, if you wish to play that rule, it will be played against you.IC: Arillan / Parched WastesOnce more, Jontans lack of oxygen prevented him from manifesting enough sand to block Arillans line of sight. The sand piled up slightly, not enough to block line of sight. The arm pulled Jontan down, but it couldn't pull him under the sand - the Kanohi Garai was holding him up. In fact, it was only barely holding him up - Jontan was inching closer to the ground.However, inching wasn't enough. Jontan would suffocate before them, unless he went with Arillans demands. Not that he had much of a choice - the mask was one of the three objects pulling Jontan up, and was the one that the most effort was being put into. Likely, it would be ripped from his face.He would have that mask! IC: Levacius / AshringLevacius ducked to the ground and rolled to avoid the bursts, and thus was only slightly battered from them.When Vertan rushed, he drew his shortsword. He wouldn't be fighting at optimal traits You should never fight when injured.Of course, Vertan was injured just as much as he was. This fight would be interesting."Indeed, brute! We shall test your strength against the elegance of the blade!"As the Skakdi moved in, Levacius swung his longsword diagonally from the lower right to upper left, enough force to deflect the club away as it came down. Before the slower, stronger being could make another swing with his weapon, Levacius lowered the blade and made a diagonal slash up followed by an attack with his shortsword, from the right (where he had moved it towards while blocking) across to the left at Vertans belly.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan nodded, very impressed."Nice job, you two." Kairan said, and then thought for a moment."Any other rooms that we should repair before moving onto everything else?" Kairan asked, and thought for a moment again."Also, to have a final decision on the name, let's vote on it... All in favour of the Wolves of Liberty, raise their hands." Kairan said, as he raised his hand, and then looked around the room.

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OOC: Okay, how are THIRTY THREE GUESTS reading this right now? We don't have 33 players in this RPG!IC: Elynirus / Parched WastesElynirus rose her hand up, saying, "Aye, you can count me for this vote."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - Nostala - Ruins: Nostala raised her hand as well. "For those of you who don't have the ability to repair things," she said. "You can join me in going further into the building and clearing it of stray Rahi -- after I make a torch, at any rate."OOC: And introducing my new character... 8DIC - Okena - Near Shimmering Maze; observing Jontan/Arillan fight: Quite a ways away sat a being. At a glance, even up close, one would not see him, so carefully hidden was he. His body blended in perfectly with his surroundings, as result of his mask; his body may as well have been a part of rock formation on which he had taken position. Through the scope on his mask he was observing the fight that was taking place near the Shimmering Maze, a brawl between two members of Team Patronage, as well as a third being; the Toa of Plant Life did not pay much attention to him, too focused was he on the other combatants.He was in the perfect position. He was too far away to be seen, too quiet to be heard, too swift to be avoided. He could take one or both of them out right now, and they would be none the wiser. Yet he was not too keen on the idea of drawing attention to himself... not yet. Not with an extra variable in the area. No. He would wait. His slingshot, military grade and more than capable of killing a being from the forty feet away that he was, was armed. But he would wait.Okena. The Sniper. This was the Toa's name. He wished to kill. It was in his blood.But he would wait...

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Zeus' blow had just helped Blinding White. It just meant he was safely out the way when the needles Rastaque had thrown went through Umaroth and stuck into Zeus himself. He created a dense wall of ice between him and them from wall to wall and floor to ceiling to keep them busy by trapping them with the air-based assassin. Hopefully he'd pick them off while they were trying to break through, or they'd be forced to deal with him. Either way, less enemies for him to dispatch himself.Now, that just left the shadow-user, who was on the same side of the wall. Blinding White frosted over the crystals to focus the light again, banishing his own shadow to prevent the hybrid jumping out of it again


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IC: Void - Toothy Bane/Near Shadow-Construct/Fighting SuicavelVoid was surprised, at the very least. He was blown off his feet, sending him flying through the air. Had he been a lesser man, Void would be dead right now.But he wasn't. He was a cold, ruthless killer, who was determined to stay alive. He stabbed his arm out, stabbing his blade into the rock face, stopping his fall short, but almost dislocating his shoulder in the process. He ground his teeth. He couldn't let this pain affect him.He leaped down to the ground, landing in a crouch. He glared at Suicavel, a plan already forming in his mind. Void had been too respectable before, but he had learned. He charged, silently raising his blade to strike down this demon once and for all.-Void



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IC: AshringVertan had shifted his body enough that the sword scrapped against his torso armor. He swung his club-like fist at Levacius' head, while he used his other hand to jab his club at the Toa's chest, wanting very much to sink the spikes into his body.''You know you can't win,'' the Skakdi hissed. ''You will pass out from the heat long before you can defeat me!''His words were true. Out of all of them, Vertan was the only one who could stand the extreme warmth coming from the fires and lava around. It wouldn't be long now, hopefully.A golden blade stopped Kono in his path, its flat side against his chest. Reptak stood beside him, fully reformed and no longer scattered. He had a look of anger and confusion on his face, but did not show any sign of preparing an attack on him. "Let the warriors do the fighting. I want to know something,'' he said. "You're that Toa from the mountains we met earlier. That telepathic Toa told us you lived among our kind. If so, why are you helping these people? Don't you hate them?''IC: Parched WastesGreel, too, raised his hand. "A very good name, I think. It will fit us well.''Then, turning to the holes in the structure, said. ''I can put pieces back into place with my telekinesis, then Desiana can repair them with he Kiril."OOC: Parugi, you have a green and brown-armored, the Green-wielding character with a mechanical arm because of an accident, too? :o

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OOC: Yeees........ did someone else also have a character like that..? O.oIC - Nostala - Ruins: Nostala, meanwhile, had set about gathering some of the sticks that happened to be lying around the room. Moving away from the others, she began working to make a fire...

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Suicavel teleported up and then to the side, so he's diagonally up (to Voids) leftIC: Levacius / Ashring"No!" shouted Levacius. "Destroy the other one with Kono! I have this one!"Rolling back to avoid both attacks, Levacius blasted lightning bolts at the vines, charring them."You underestimate me, Skakdi. Sure, I don't like the heat. But I've fought in it. I can kill you before I pass out." He swung this longsword to sever Vertans hand, and kept his shortsword ready to parry any incoming attack.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: AshringTwin beams of energy knocked the Rhotuka off its path. Reptak's eyes glowed with blinding light from the lasers, which faded. He dissolved his form, dissappearing into cracks in the ground, and traveling through them. Once the plants were gone, Vertan rolled to the side to avoid losing a hand. As he got to his feet, the Skakdi blasted his eyebeams at Levacius' hand that held the longsword.''You think you will win!" shouted Vertan, swinging his club at the Toa. "But surely, I am the superior now!''OOC: Yes... Kaytana. :P

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Levacius / AshringLevacius was moving too fast for the eyebeams to get a clear shot on his right hand,and his left hand came up to deflect the club with his short sword. After deflecting, he attempted to impale Vertan through the chest - only a few inches in, the idea of ramming another whole foot of blade into your enemy is a foolish one.During this he said, "Silly Skakdi. When you fought me before I was your superior. Now, all you've done is even out the battlefield!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: Huh... I hadn't even noticed that. O.oIC - Okena - Near Shimmering Maze: Hm...Slowly, Okena reached behind himself, into one of the bags on his belt. The Toa pulled out one of his metal marbles. Placing it in the cup of the slingshot -- which he had made sure was locked in place -- he pulled back as far as he needed, taking careful aim. Which one to kill?At this distance he couldn't be sure which of the two Patronage Toa was winning the fight. That didn't matter, though; all he had to do was wait for one of them to finish the other off, and then he could eliminate the remainder...

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Stokunde's lense gleamed coldly. There was another nearby-it sensed their gravitational field even though it could not see them. Toa. Slingshot. Aiming.Theorem: This toa is not to fire until he gets an opportunity to make sure they both are dead. Hypothesis: If so, then I will watch him.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC:Myr turned to see Doru approaching. "Glad to see we both made it." said Myr, grinning while he held up his left arm so that the scabbard caught the moonlight, Doru would get to see just how adroit he was at crafting weapons, and using them even. "Funniest thing happened after you left, a zyglak intervened. I believe his name was Zyrata. We should head north, I think we'll have more luck finding allies there."

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OOC: Wait, what? Zeus had his shield up to protect himself, and used his other arm to elbow you. How in mata-nui did he get hit with one of the needles? Unless they were aimed for his legs, I don't see how that would hurt him. Also, Hades was behind Umaroth. He wouldn't be behind the wall. Please explain. (http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=410&view=findpost&p=75624)OOC 2 @ Levacius: I think that all that teleporting is draining your elemental energy. After all, you created a very large dome of pure shadow energy, something that would drain atleast a large fraction of your energy. Plus, you've been teleporting like crazy, and absorbing the shadwos of the rocks around the area wouldn't do much. Some realisim would be appreciated.IC: Tenu / Fighting SuicavelTenu turned to face the arrogant demon. "I will not fall by your hands." He said as he absorbed every bit of heat in the area for a mile. This would freeze every living thing that wasn't a zyglak or toa of fire, and make it that If Suicavel teleported, he would be out of range to use his mask. His elemental energy was now full. The demon's must be low.IC: Darkon / Parched WastesDarkon awoke with a cough. He was weak, but he could walk. He shuffled over to his last effort trap, absorbed it, and walked back to his small fortress.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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IC: AshringVertan simply thrust his club from the side, knocking the blade away as it cut his chest armor. Quickly after this, the Skakdi moved back, and raised his great hand.Force bolts flew from his open claw, raining down on Levacius from above. They fell in front of him, behind him, his side - all around the Toa. And for good measure, Vertan blasted his eyebeams at the ground to keep his enemy off his feet.Green shards and particles burst from tiny fissures in the ground beneath Amalia, flying up to and engulfing her. There was Reptak, and now he was attempting the same attack of blinding and choking his foe as he did on Kono. All the Toa of Psionics saw was green like her Shadow friend had. This time, however, the Skakdi of Air was trying to force his pieces into Amalia, through her mouth and ears in order to ruin her from inside. If she tried flying up to escape, he would follow. And if she was telepathically listening, she might hear maniacal laughter in his mind. IC: Parched WastesRubble from the ground was telekinetically lifted up to openings in the ceilings and held there. "Okay, Desiana. Use your Kiril on the rocks," Greel said.

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At this distance he couldn't be sure which of the two Patronage Toa was winning the fight. That didn't matter, though; all he had to do was wait for one of them to finish the other off, and then he could eliminate the remainder...

OOC: Arillan, though ToDD would deny that. :PSuicavel's most powerful trait is his elemental powers, and a toa doesn't exactly have a small amount of elemental energy. A nova blast - all of a toas energy - can destroy an island two-three times the size of The Island of Pain. Teleporting around uses barely any elemental energy in comparison, less than a percentage.On your hand, however, you absorbed all the heat in a mile. Vakama nearly passed out from absorbing all of the heat in a single room. You are in no place to talk about realism.And once more - I'm not draining your elemental energy, I am draining your life energy. No amount of absorbing the elemental energy around you will save you from that. The only reason Zeus lost elemental energy was because Suicavel was draining his light and trying to make him into a shadow user.IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneSuicavel winced at the cold as it came. It was intense, but he had once been a toa of ice before his change, and was used to the cold. Not to mention that Tenu wouldn't have a chance to finish his absorbtion, which was barely reaching his location at the moment. The strain of absorbing a percentile of the heat he was aiming to was too great for most toa to do.Tenu couldn't even see Suicavel now, he had barely any of his life energy left. The strain of absorbing prevented much of the heat from coming into him.IC: Levacius / AshringLevacius ducked to the side and rolled past Vertan, coming behind him as the Skakdi released his force bolts. In the process, he sheathed his shortsword and attempted to grab onto Vertans shoulder with his left hand, which was glowing with electrical energy. Upon getting a hold of the skakdi, he would have him completely paralyzed. And being electrocuted. Both of those were bad."I hoped you would be willing to fight without the usage of powers, but you leave me no choice now. A shame, really."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: I never said I was getting my LIFE energy. I said I was getting back my elemental powers. Which I am going to use now.IC: Tenu / Fighting SuicavelTenu couldn't absorb much more. Besides, his time was runnning out. His energy was perfectly full, and he released it. Through the ground. He completely drained his energy into the ground, heating it unbearable for a very long distance. At the very least out of eyesight. Tired, he layed down, saving his last fifteen minutes of consiousness incasse he needed them.


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OOC: Wait, what? Zeus had his shield up to protect himself, and used his other arm to elbow you. How in mata-nui did he get hit with one of the needles? Unless they were aimed for his legs, I don't see how that would hurt him. Also, Hades was behind Umaroth. He wouldn't be behind the wall. Please explain. (http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?showtopic=410&view=findpost&p=75624)

OOC: The needles were coming from behind you, so your shield wouldn't stop them. Originally BW was facing Umaroth and Rastaque. Rastaque threw his last needles at BW but Umaroth got in the way. Zeus came at BW but got swung round so he ended up between Umaroth and BW (I can link you to where I say that if you want). So you have a chain of BW->Zeus->Umaroth->Rastaque. ToDD specifically said he was giving the needles extra oomph so they'd go through Umaroth (again, I can link if you want) and hit BW, but with Zeus now in the way they'd hit him instead. And since you had your shield facing BW you wouldn't be blocking the needles.The Hades thing is my bad though. I thought he was still in retreat after getting light focused on him, I missed your edit


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IC: AshringSeeing the glowing hand made Vertan move quickly away, for he had learned the pain the came with a touch from Levacius."You hoped a Skakdi wouldn't cheat?" he barked. "How foolish of you. Skakdi don't always play by the rules!"As he did all this, Vertan releashed dozens of energy bolts at the Toa and shot his eyebeams in a circle around him.Amalia couldn't see all his parts, especially with them clouding her vision. She had only collected the dust and shards before her eyes, while the rest of the cloud filled their spots, still trying to force their way in. With this distraction, she didn't get the aim right, and the particles she had gotten rejoined the rest of him. Why resist? You're only delaying the inevitable.Whether she picked up his thoughts or not, Reptak continued his assault on the Toa of Psionics.

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OOC: I hope you realize, Darkon, that much energy will melt the ground under you. Even a fire toa can't survive floating in magma, and that's what you'll be doing. The stone is liquified at thousands of degrees Fahrenheit directly under your feet, and you're sinking into it.IC: Suicavel / Toothy BaneTenu could have destroyed the island with that much energy, but instead he had forced it to the ground. The ground around him instantly liquefied to molten stone, likely dragging him into it. The mountains at the far edge began to fall inwards, and Suicavel barely had time to teleport away as the mountain he was on began falling apart, sinking into the molten rock below.The heat of the ground was enough to cause him harm as he finally reached Shadowtangle, just beyond the burst. The heat was still radiating from the core of Toothy Bane.Laying down, he considered what could have happened to the titan. No one without teleportation or flight could have survived that!IC: Levacius / AshringLevacius was able to dodge most of the force bolts - just barely, though a few still struck him. One hit him in the chest and winded him.Sheathing his second blade, he said, "Fine, Skakdi. Condemn yourself to an honorless death."Channeling a great deal of electrical power, Levacius released a cone of energy. Hundreds of lightning bolts went flying from his hands, lightning up the night sky - someone at Dragons Roost who looked from the top of the volcano could probably see it down below.Levacius, too, was glowing with energy as bolts of electricity struck out from his form and at the area around him. Standing near him was dangerous - standing where Vertan was, far worse. The electricity of the blast was enough to hold a Phase Dragon in place.He began moving closer, keeping Vertan constantly at the center of his cone of energy.OOC: Die Luke! Die!-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: AshringLevacius had forgotten about the eyebeams that had circled him. They had scraped and cut into the ground under him as he dodged the bolts, sending debris and ash into the air around him. With his vision blurred, he hadn't put the prison in the right place, during which time the Skakdi had retreated after seeing bright lights begin to appear. There were screams and cries, though, confimiring that Vertan had been hit repeatedly, and then what almost sounded like a whimper. Almost.Once Levacius would clear his eyes, he would see his electrical cone empty. His enemy had escaped death, but not pain. And he was no where to be seen, possibly hiding in the thick smoke.

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IC: Void - Toothy Bane/Near Giant-Magma Hole/Running for his LifeVoid barely had time to register the growing explosion when he took off running. He could feel the heat on the back of his neck, and the flames licking at his heels. It was only when he emerged in Shadowtangle, could he rest. His mind was already calculating the disadvantage he was at, minus one sword and his cloak, both of which he had lost in the explosion.The Vortixx looked up, still panting, to see Suicavel laying on the ground. The fool!'Get up demon!' he yelled, 'This fight isn't finished yet.'-Void



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IC: AshringMemory could not be erased. Reptak's particles swirled angrily as the mental pain returned. Once again he tried forcing his way into her, also trying to enter through her breathing, where he could travel to her lungs. The Skakdi tried harder, but if this failed, he would go for a different attack. And to weaken Amalia and stop the assault, he attempted to use his shards to cut into her skin and muscles.

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IC: Suicavel / Shadowtangle"Oh, perfect." said Suicavel, his mask glowing as he began draining Void of life energy.Standing up, he said, "I can already feel myself strengthening. You shouldn't have come. Perhaps I might have died.""Well, not really. But now? Now I'm guaranteed survival. Really, I should thank you. But I'll just kill you instead."IC: Levacius / AshringLevacius detected the sounds, and figured out where Vertan was. Gathering a mass of energy, he released it. A rock Vertan was behind split in half, and Levacius moved into the fog."I like that little bow of yours..." he said, as his mask - now improving sight to beyond perfect - allowed him to see the Skakdis outline, though not his expressions or coloring. "Perhaps we can come to a little... agreement?"The lightning flowed through his hands, and he released two bolts at Vertan, holding the stream and keeping a lock on the outline.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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