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Bionicle Fighter: Broken Virtues


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Funny, that's the same reaction I got last time someone told me about the exact same issue. Don't expect to rely on glitches in multiplayer. I will be rewriting so much code anyways, in order to make the game work online, so whatever issues you have now will likely be replaced by a completely different set once we get there.

Edited by Katuko
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"oh. fun ^_^ I can now make a huiru, a mix between a Huna and a Miru"


Don't forget a Kahumiru, Kakama+Huna+Miru=PURE AWESOME!!! (lol i tried it, actually works pretty well, especially when you are a Toa of Plasma with all stats at 500000.


Equation- :kakama: + :huna: + :miru: = :vahi:

Edited by sonyaxe
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"oh. fun ^_^ I can now make a huiru, a mix between a Huna and a Miru"


Don't forget a Kahumiru, Kakama+Huna+Miru=PURE AWESOME!!! (lol i tried it, actually works pretty well, especially when you are a Toa of Plasma with all stats at 500000.


Equation- :kakama: + :huna: + :miru: = :vahi:

Ugh! All my secrets are being revealed. Well, hopefully I'll find some other glitch in the game that makes me seem amazing.


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"oh. fun ^_^ I can now make a huiru, a mix between a Huna and a Miru"


Don't forget a Kahumiru, Kakama+Huna+Miru=PURE AWESOME!!! (lol i tried it, actually works pretty well, especially when you are a Toa of Plasma with all stats at 500000.


Equation- :kakama: + :huna: + :miru: = :vahi:

wait a second... how did you edit the stats? and how can I do it? :evilgrin:


EDIT: nevermind. found it :D

Edited by X-G.12
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You're "secrets" have been discussed a few pages back. And Katuko, when can we expect an update with maps?
*YourPlease.Maps... well, maps take some time to make, due to me having to mess around in Photoshop for a while and then port it over to the game. Since my skill at making maps is another thing that is merely adequate, that is why map work goes so slow. There are also some minor issues with coding, here and there, at least for the special features. It's not hard making a rising platform in Ta-Koro, for example, but it's hard making it so that it won't act weird when players stand on it or toss attacks onto it (especially the stone spikes or the bouncing water spurts).Kini-Nui is also just basic shapes with a sand texture over them, though I do have a center piece that is supposed to unveil Mangaia. I'm saving that for when I've finished the top part with some mountain and jungle backgrounds (look how bad that one is!). If anyone wants to help me make jungle that fits this game, feel free to do so. It would be greatly appreciated. :)I do have several map ideas on paper, including the ones that were posted by a member earlier in this thread. It just takes time to make a half-decent map, and I might need to prioritize coding game modes for you to do something meaningful on them anyways. Edited by Katuko
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I tried the new psionics but how do I make the emanate effect?
Down + R (or whatever you have as your Absorb key). Sorry, I should make that more clear. For the record, this also triggers minor effects in Fire, Ice, Plasma and Lightning. The former two transfer heat from you to those around you, ice transfers cold, and lightning causes minor area-of-effect-damage.
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Ah, I see. Thanks. Also, I think in future updates the present Miru powers should be in the Kadin and the Miru's new powers should only be floating up and down, not side to side.


That would make the mask near useless. If I cannot move from side to side, I can't get anywhere.

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

PM me to add me. 

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Ah, I see. Thanks. Also, I think in future updates the present Miru powers should be in the Kadin and the Miru's new powers should only be floating up and down, not side to side.
Going by both Bionicle canon and game-balancing conventions, this should not be the case. The way I'd balance the Miru would be the way it seems to be balanced in-story: it's easier to control, allows the user to have a controlled fall instead of flat-out flight, and allows air users to glide. The Kadin, on the other hand, is faster and more difficult to control (ever notice that Nuparu spent a lot of his time as an Inika smashing into things headfirst?), but has greater speed and allows the user to fly in any direction.Now, personally, I would go with the Kadin. Imagine the amazing dive-bomb maneuvers if Katuko allows Kadin users a melee attack...

BZPRPG TIME, where you could have one post talk about dinner, and the next about lunch.


Time is beyond relative here.

There's no reason not to put lasers in the palms of planet-sized robots. In fact, if I had my own planet-sized robot, palm lasers would be one of my first upgrades.

BZPRPG Profiles [outdated]


May or may not be back from a multi-year hiatus. We'll see how this works out...

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Plus a quake-breaker and Pakari ... instant KO's popping out everywhere.
Flyin' in your windows, smashin' yo' faces inKATUKO, MAKE IT SO

BZPRPG TIME, where you could have one post talk about dinner, and the next about lunch.


Time is beyond relative here.

There's no reason not to put lasers in the palms of planet-sized robots. In fact, if I had my own planet-sized robot, palm lasers would be one of my first upgrades.

BZPRPG Profiles [outdated]


May or may not be back from a multi-year hiatus. We'll see how this works out...

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In the story, and as shown in the flash animations, the Miru lets you slow your fall, hover slowly upwards, and glide long distances. We've been over the design aspect of these masks before, and the conclusion on my part is that the Miru will eventually allow you to:1) slow falls and stop in mid-air2) jump higher (but not infinitely because friction)3) glide a long distance by doing a running startIt will not a allow you to move perfectly in the air like it does now, but it will be quicker to get up high, in a way, so long as you can do it in one (low-gravity) jump.The Kadin, on the other hand, will give you motion in all directions, at the cost of being unable to stop. You can slow down by changing directions or deactivating the mask, but it will be hard to land with pin-point precision. You would not be able to stand still in the air.Attacking while flying will be possible, but of course hard to aim right. Oh, and if you crash I will likely make you take damage from it. So there. ;)

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Kadin sounds awesome. and a real pain to code. :P but once it's done, I will have fun dive-bombing everything with fire :evilgrin: one question: will the flames be controllable at degrees, such as a 45 degree angle? or is it just to the sides?

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I have already programmed Kadin flight in a separate project file, but like my previous attempt I have some trouble with porting it over to the actual game. Unlike the current Miru and swim physics - which are just modifications of the speed, friction and gravity variables - the Kadin requires more proper programming. This interferes with my movement system, because I was stupid enough to not make it more flexible a few years back when I started this.In the meantime, have some Castlevania-esque dash sprites.toa_dash_sheet.png(Flying/dashing forwards and dodging backwards, in case you wonder)

Edited by Katuko
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Dos this work on mac?

Steam Name: Toa Hahli Mahri. Xbox Live Gamertag: Makuta. Minecraft Username: ThePoohster.

Wants: 2003 Jaller (from Jaller and Gukko), Exo-Toa, Turaga Nuju, Turaga Vakama, Shadow Kraata, Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon & Fenrakk, Nocturn, ORANGE FIKOU.

I got rid of my picture, are you happy?




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Dos this work on mac?
I had hoped the new version of the program would let me export to Mac, but it turns out I need an actual Mac for myself plus a paid license to Apple or some other stuff like that, so a dedicated Mac version will not happen anytime soon. If you're lucky you can still run the game via a Windows-environment emulator, but judging by previous reports in this thread that sadly means that you're looking at a lot of lag.
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Dos this work on mac?
I had hoped the new version of the program would let me export to Mac, but it turns out I need an actual Mac for myself plus a paid license to Apple or some other stuff like that, so a dedicated Mac version will not happen anytime soon. If you're lucky you can still run the game via a Windows-environment emulator, but judging by previous reports in this thread that sadly means that you're looking at a lot of lag.


While Game Maker does have export functions for Mac, Androis, iOs, etc., the Windows export seems to be the only one that properly works. Not sure about the HTML5 export mode, but I did head that one has had some trouble regarding loading external resources.

So Mac-compatibility would probably mean either a really slow and buggy game, or having to recode everything in a universal language like Java. (Even then, Apple has forbidden the official JRE on Macs, and instead forces users to user their own version, which has quite a history of not working properly)


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While Game Maker <strong>does</strong> have export functions for Mac, Androis, iOs, etc., the Windows export seems to be the only one that properly works.
It does work... if you have the right setup. I don't, and probably never will have, because it requires an actual Mac.In other news, I'm done with my current bout of school work, and will be finishing up the stuff I should have done a month ago. You will get your new Earth, Air and Water attacks before the weekend is over. Edited by Katuko
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sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Can we get a little description on them? or is that in the game? I forget. It's been awhile since I've opened it up.

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

PM me to add me. 

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Click here for the BZP Destiny Group

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so this means a new update before monday?
I'm putting the finishing touches on the new abilities, and tuning up a little something called damage numbers. I think I've fixed the settings file issue, so that settings should properly save and load now.New version will be uploaded sometime today, yes.
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Kadin is not implemented in this version, but I am working on it. Earth, Air and Water gets new powers. I have also tried to fix the settings file problem, and I have added (optional) damage numbers to show how much damage you are doing.Some small bug fixes, too. Throwing knives no longer ignore Hau shielding, for example, and they no longer go through Nui-Rama.

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Version 12 is now available.Download (47.54 MB ZIP)mediafire-banner.pngdropbox_banner.pngChanges (12.0):- Added Toa of Air primary power: Wind. Pushes enemies away and refills 100 air per second underwater.- Added Toa of Water secondary power: Tidal wave. Deals damage and pushes the target away.- Toa of Earth primary reworked into Debris: Tosses a big chunk of dirt in an arc.- Toa of Earth secondary added: Quake. Sends an energy pulse through the ground, which then erupts a moment afterwards.- Damage numbers can now be displayed in order to tell how much damage an attack is doing.Bug fixes and engine tweaks:- Hau shield now stops throwing knives.- Throwing knives no longer pass through Nui-Rama and their hives.- Fixed Nui-Rama being almost immune to Tornado force.- Fixes settings file checking the wrong path when loading.- Made settings file carry the values for "Items take user's color".- Added buttons in the settings menu for toggling damage numbers on/off.NOTE: Delete the file "settings.ini" if you have an old one in the same folder as this new game version. If you do not, then your settings will still not load correctly until you have entered and exited the settings menu, then restarted the game. Doing so will save a new, default version of the settings file. It should work correctly after that.

Edited by Katuko
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