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Is there such thing as Intelligent Rahi?

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Arthaka Bulls, too, they have the intelligence of a Matoran.Edit: And Visorak, I'm pretty sure. Rebellious ones have tried to kill Makuta Teridax. I read that on good old BS01. Too bad a giant flying planet piece beat them to the punch =/

Edited by Aderia

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Wait. Can the Manas be considered intelligent or is it because they're being commanded by Teridax during that time?
Manas mostly seem to act when directed by another being, such as Teridax or Karzahni, so I don't think they're really too intelligent.Also, aren't a number of Dark Hunters originally members of sapient Rahi species?~B~
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Also, aren't a number of Dark Hunters originally members of sapient Rahi species?~B~
I think a few of them are, yes. Can't remember exactly which ones, though. Charger comes to mind, but beyond that, I don't remember. And yeah, a lot of Rahi are very intelligent, besides Keetongu. The list I have is Krahka, Tahtorak, Frost Beetles, Artahka Bulls, Frostelus, Mana Ko (I believe), and quite possibly the Visorak. I'd also hazard a guess that Ussal crabs, Kikanalo, and the Gukko are more intelligent than they are given credit for. Also, BioSector01 lists The Mountain of Xia (once Mutran's "pet project") as an intelligent Rahi, but I find that one questionable.signoffffff.png

~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



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Yeah, according to BS01 Tahtorak are "highly intelligent" but at the same time are used as steeds by Skakdi? That doesn't add up to me.
Maybe they're slaves? I read somewhere (I think BS01) that they were staging a rebellion
The Tahtorak are immense and powerful Rahi with high intelligence.* * *Tahtorak were used as steeds for Keetongu's species and still are for the Skakdi.* * *An Order of Mata Nui member was told by a dying Tahtorak that its kind have had enough of the Skakdi's warring and destroying of Zakaz, and plan to wipe them out. However, these plans remain unfulfilled due to the Skakdi's recent participation in the war between the Order of Mata Nui and the Brotherhood of Makuta.
Tahtorak versus Skakdi - now that would be a weird battle on Spherus Magna...
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Visorak Oohnorak can mimic voices, which I imagine requires at least an understanding of language in order to use effectively. Then they would have to have the intelligence to actually say something useful in that mimicked voice. It's stated that they "are skilled mimics, often imitating a trusted voice to lure a foe into a trap". This would require more than just parroting, I imagine.

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