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IC: Dallas (Van)Dallas, meanwhile, was staring at Ashlynn - and not in any sort of fantasizing way, either. He was worried about her - wouldn't be good to have the medic preoccupied while rushing into what could be a war zone."Ash. You good?"-Teezy



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IC: Summer-flightShe turned to Dallas and shook her head. "No... I'm not alright." she said softly. She then turned back around, watching as John rode behind them on his bike through the rear-view mirror. If she loved John... then why did it hurt so bad knowing that Alaric had left the mansion? Why did she feel somehow responsible for his pain?

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IC: Dallas (Van)Dallas's empathetic abilities had largely been placed back under control since he first discovered them the previous day, but with all the feelings of heartbreak, sadness, and sheer mortal terror running around, he was getting a bit...twitchy. His arm moved quickly, quietly, and his breathing rate quickened as the Californian looked out at John and felt a sudden urge to jump onto him, grab the bike, drive back to the institute and away from these people and their feelings..."Well, don't worry about it. Everything'll be a'ight soon enough. Just wait."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: ShadowIn the midst of all of this, Shadow had slipped off to find Alaric.But she'd done so too late. She arrived at his dorm minutes after he left, too late even to tr and catch up.His door was open, as the dark haired teenager sat on what used to be the teacher's chair. She stated at the wall, eyes glistening but no tears fell. "Of course he didn't bother to stop and say good bye. It's not like he owed you anything, Shadow. All you did was show up abd get him to by you done clothes.""You're so stupid. Why are you upset? You only knew him for a day, maybe a day and a half. You didn't even bother to learn anything about him. You were just the sad, broken pet he took care if until he decided to leave."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Windrider - Brotherhood Base, Savage Lands -I decided it was a good time to reveal I was presence in the throne room. "Sentinels...well that's just great..." I said, sounding no more than a little bit annoyed. I was actually quite worried about that, but it didn't show. "Is now a bad time to say we managed to turn our captive enforcer into a mutant?" IC: Vinewhip (Van)Ash had dragged Katrina into the van with her just before it had left, Ash looked excited, barely containing it by the look on her face. "How long till we reach the portal thing-a-majig?"IC: Agent Starling - Enforcer HQ -With the sentinels on there way to the Savage Lands, Krystal looked at West. "Sir, permission to attempt a rescue mission to retrieve Shock Bolt?" The sentinels would do their job well to be sure, but they weren't the best at saving prisoners.

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Summer-flightShe nodded, "I hope your right." she said.IC: TribladeAs Matt continued to drive down the highway he looked back at Ash. (haha confusing since we have two Ash' now. Oh well) "We should be there in a few minutes tops." he said. His brown eyes locating her in the rear view mirror for a moment before he trained them back on the road. They were getting quite a few strange looks from civilians in their cars that were passing by because of how they were dressed. John was even more obvious since he was riding a motorcycle and wearing his costume. IC: Quicksilver"Well that's good new... Windrider." he said. "Maybe he will help us defend this fortress now." he said. "We must begin to evacuate." he said. He jumped up from his throne, just as a giant laser was blasted through the roof, raining rubble and sheets of melted metal into the room. Quicksilver looked up as the giant metal face of a Sentinel loomed through the massive hole in the ceiling. "Four hours? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" he yelled as he lifted himself into the air using his father's helmet before piercing the Sentinels' chest with a rod of metal, going straight into his core, and overloading and destroying the giant robot. He turned to Windrider an Elijah, "Protect the innocents! Get all of them out of the fortress now!" he commanded. IC: DestructionDestruction ran into the throne room, "There are Sentinels everywhere outside!" he yelled as he unleashed an explosion at one of the ones coming towards the hole in the roof, blasting it back. IC: WestWest nodded, "Permission granted." he said. "I'm already sending a team of one hundred Enforcer grunts to the Savage Lands, if you hurry you can catch up to them and lead the platoon." he said.

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC: ???The figure didn't flinch and simply looked down at his watch again."It seems my calculations were...off," he stated, "but don't fear, Mr. Maximoff, we will have the chance to speak again."The image of an average man wearing a suit and sunglasses faded until it was replaced with the mutant that he had "possessed."Demon felt the roof shake and dashed into the room in time to see a sentinel."Well, ****."IC: Hunter UnitThe Hunter Unit flew in through the roof to confront Quicksilver."Pietro Maximoff," it droned mechanically, "you are wanted for crimes against the human race. Cease and desist or be exterminated."

Edited by Zyke the Destroyer


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IC: Windrider - Brotherhood Base, Savage Lands -Truth be told...my powers over the air we really not the best for combating giant enormous robots, unless of course they watched as I created a giant cyclone or something, but somehow I doubted that I'd get the chance, it was helping the innocents evacuate for me. "Right away!" I yelled to Quicksilver. I then yelled at the top of my lungs into every corridor I passed, using my powers to help get my voice across clearly. "Evacuation time! Giants robots! Let's move!" I figured a quick, short, and to the point message was appropriate I began to lead the groups of mutants down some tunnels that led out a secret back-way into the jungles of the Savage Lands. IC: Agent Starling - Enforcer HQ -Krystal saluted West and then hurried off to the platoon of enforcers. Which she quickly took command of. Then they took transport that quickly sent them toward Antarctica, they would be there not long after the Sentinels. OOC: Not sure what kind of transport...something that flys I suppose. :3

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Elijah:"You may not want the X-Men's help," Elijah said, "But I've got an offer they mentioned but probably disregarded." Meanwhile, he exerted his control over the sound waves again, amplifying and re-playing Quicksilver's command to evacuate the innocents-if they weren't already underway."I was thinking that, due to my unique experiences with both sides-" unique was certainly one way of putting it, "-I could help to set up an alliance, of sorts. Or, at least, a peace. If you're willing to listen."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Alaric (Highway, New York)After sending his final text to Shadow, detailing what had happened, where he might be headed, and where they could possibly get lunch, Alaric checked out the bar on his phone and groaned; with the one lone cell bar, the messages could take up to twenty minutes to hit Victoria's phone. Sighing and running his hand through his black hair, now completely windswept without the protection of the Corvette's convertible roof, Alaric turned around and checked out the semi-desolate highway. About two dozen cars rode along with him: as he watched, a Mustang convertible with two misplaced, tanned valley girls pulled up, and the passenger - a brunette, brown eyes, obviously high class - smiled at him suggestively and winked, withdrawing a gum wrapper from her hand and scrawling her number on it.Ric took a shard of graphite from a mechanical pencil on his seat and haphazardly tossed it into the top of the wrapper, memorizing the number before winking at the girl and pulling ahead as the Mustang turned off reluctantly onto an exit, leaving the history teacher with his own thoughts. Maybe he should text Ashlynn; after all, she was the reason he'd taken that girl's number, to take his mind off the gorgeous school nurse, the single mutant who had changed his life even more than his father or Beast. Like...maybe he should have at least helped. If something happened to her on this mission...well, he would never forgive himself. After killing John for not taking care of her the way she thought he would, he'd never forgive himself.So caught up was Alaric in his indecision, his complete insecurity about texting the girl of his dreams and apologizing for running off so quickly, a black Hummer H1 pulled up alongside him and deliberately began crowding his lane. Ric turned to flick him off and saw that the windows were completely tinted. Freaking thugs, with their tinted windows and their ridiculous ability to crowd whoever they wanted just because a skinny supermodel was driving a supermodel car and...oh, great.It was September 13, 2012. Sixteen years ago on this day, in his historian's brain, Alaric remembered the story of another artist dead before his time, one who also possessed mutant abilities: he had been gunned down in his car in a situation similar to this, and just as Ric remembered the story of Tupac Shakur and his inevitable fate in full, the window rolled down. Alaric instinctively hit the breaks, but the Hummer made a hard turn and started firing; the mutant swerved to the right with his hyperkinetic instincts, but not fast enough to avoid the bullets that slammed through his windshield and into his chest just as he unbuckled. Ric collapsed onto the floor, cursing quietly in pain as the Corvette slid forward into the Hummer and flipped in the air several times before crashing to a stop in front of the next exit. Ric groaned, gasped, coughed blood, tried to retain consciousness as he reached for his phone while sending out a final, weak thought.Ash...lynn...-Teezy



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IC: ShadowTwenty minutes later, as predicted, they arrived.Shadow was still sitting in the same place, refusing to allow any tears to fall. She looked at he phone, and who had sent the text.She warred with herself for a few minutes, trying to decide if she should read them. Finally, she cracked. After scanning them, her eyes narrowed. "IHOP, huh?"She stood, abd walked to the driveway. "Akright,"She closed her eyes, Abd willed her power to activate. She opened them, Abd her eyes flared.An instant later, before her was a beautiful Ducati 848 Evo motorcycle. It was jet black, with metallic purple highlights that matched her eyes. She pulled the helmet onto her head, and took off.********************She cruised down the highway, eyes scanning the road. She braked, as she came to a line of traffic. She could vaguely see a wreck in the...Wait. That was Ric's car. She angled herself carefully, to zoom through the gap between lines of traffic. She reached the scene as paramedics were pulling him out of the vehicle. She braked, and practically jumped off her vehicle. "Ric!"She darted past the police officers, trying to reach him.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Izzy had been talking up some woman when the first explosion hit. Face immediately going grim, Izzy smacked his fists together twice, the second time with a loud clang as adamantium coated his body. He broke into a swift run, arriving at the throne room in no time, then launching himself at the droning sentinel, fists outstretched to smash into the robot's face."I think I'm gonna crash this party, tin can!"

~Totally like a boomerang. I always come back. Just never when you want me to.~

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IC: Quicksilver and DestructionThe Brotherhood base continued to shake and collapse as the hundreds of Sentinels flew around, unleashing blasts of lasers from both hands, blowing chunks out of the fortress. Peter sneered at the Hunter Unit. "Such a small Sentinel..." he said his hand flying forward as he smashed the metal robot against the wall and held him there with his power over magnetism. He nodded at Elijah, "I don't need their help." he said, as he lifted himself through the hole in the roof and up into the air among the Sentinels. His hands flew to each side, "Chromium machines to come for the son of the master of magnestism? No wonder we call ourselves Homo Superior." he said. He then used his magnetic power to lift every Sentinel in the area into the air. They floated, writhing in the air, trapped by his power. They made a massive halo in the sky that slowly revolved around Quicksilver in the middle. Lightning flashed in the background as a storm raged over the Savage lands as Quicksilver began to work..."Quicksilver! What are you doing?!" he roared, as he grabbed two small mutant children in each arm before taking them to the tunnel where Windrider was."What does it look like I'm doing you imbecile? I'm rearranging their circuit boards." he said, as each of the Sentinel's metal skulls began to pop open as metal parts flew out and began to rearrange inside their robotic brains. "Changing their prime directive from hunting anyone with mutant genes to hunting anyone without them." Quicksilver said as rain began to pour down and pelt his helmet and suit. His eyes glowed blue from the strain on his powers as he worked.As he finished the Sentinels began to lift into the air, fleeing the Savage Lands as they flew towards their new objective: The White House. "You have my word, my brothers Human beings will know what it feels like to be hunted." Quicksilver said as he hovered over his collapsing fortress. OOC: Very fast Enforcer airplanes work XDIC: Summer-flightAshlynn suddenly got a weak telepathic message from Ric. She could sense his pain and his agony, and above all where he was. "Ric!" She yelled as she threw open the door to the van and jumped out, flapping her majestic wings as she flew off. I'm going to go save Ric... She said sending the message to the other X-Men as she took off into the air, flying as fast as she couldSoon she arrived on the scene of the crash, not long after Shadow. She flew over the police officer's, landing near the injured Ric. "Get away from him!" she yelled as the officer's walked towards her. Tears ran down her eyes as she saw what state Ric was in. "Oh god Ric... why?" she sobbed. IC: Triblade"Well ****." he said as Ashlynn flew off. He continued driving, going down a dirt path as they reached the lake that led to Quicksilver's Savage Lands. "Alright here we are." he said. Suddenly groups of Sentinels began to fly out of the lake, tearing into the sky. Triblade hit the brakes hard. As he watched they began to swoop over the highway as they flew, unleashing blasts of lasers as they caused cars on the highway to explode.IC: FeralHe pulled up besides the van. "What do we do now fearless leader?" he said, looking at Matt.IC: BeastAs the Blackbird flew over the Savage Lands, Beast watched as Quicksilver finished his work before his army of Sentinels' flew off. "Oh no..." Beast said.

Edited by Flex Nard
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IC-Elijah:Elijah frowned, shaking his head. "Maximoff, you bloody fool," he growled, modifying his sound so that Quicksilver could hear him. "I didn't come back to this place to watch you do the same exact things as before. I was here to help bring the Mutants together-tell me, do you ever tire of this constant fighting?" He shook his head again."Do you ever tire of the constant deaths amidst both our ranks? Yes, I understand, you have a grudge against the normal humans for the way they treat us, and I feel the same. But would you rather we fought ourselves to death, or near death, and let them take over instead? If we're to have them trust us, we have to work together, and stop trying to take over." He smiled."Then, politics comes into play."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC-Elijah:"You don't understand this, do you?" he asked, stepping forward towards Quicksilver, a familiar glare in his eyes. "If you crush America, the other nations won't be too weak and scattered to do anything-they'll take it as a reason to rally up, and fight us all! Whatever you may think, mutants can't take on the whole world-not in war." He sighed."And if you crush the X-Men, you'll be lacking any stepping stone into the world of power, whatever you may think. What will happen, do you know? The world will come against us-the European Union, the Middle East, the Russian Federation...everybody will fight. The X-Men won't be here to give you any safe haven, any step into the politics of this world, and you'll just be crushed yourself. Homo Superior will be eradicated, destroyed." He flicked a hand, muting the Hunter's voice, a second exertion causing dangerous vibrations to ripple through the metal."Just trust me on this-if you ever hope to have any power at all on a world stage, you'll have to do what I say."

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: A war was raging inside Shockbolt's head as he began to snap out of his trance. Part of him argued that nothing has changed and that he should fight and kill because of the curse inflicted upon him. Another part of him argued, embracing his new found power and that he should use it to its fullest use. A third part just wanted to leave and seek guidance. One final part, the weakest among them was far more morbid. His thought processes lost the train of thought when suddenly he heard an explosion.Wherever it was, the Brotherhood's base was being attacked.How'd they know where this place is? Derrick thought as he did not its location itself."Okay, okay, first things, first get my weapons. Second..." he really didn't know what to do for number two. So for right now he settled himself content to find where his things were so that he'd have them.No one appeared to stop him, either mutant, human or other, as he walked down a couple of hallways searching for his possessions. Suprising for if they were being attacked, he'd expect to see some sort of, well anything, but he didn't. He eventually found them, in a room blocked by a locked door. Well a soon to be formerly blocked by a locked door as he retrieved all of his belongings.Alright now, what...


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IC: QuicksilverHe shook his head at Elijah. "It has already been done... there is not stopping it now." he said. "Those three hundred Sentinels will destroy the White House and much of Washington before they know what hit them..." he said."What you don't get is that I'm trying to start a war between humans and mutants." he said. "A war that rages across the globe, where every mutant on earth will have to stand by the Brotherhood and fight the humans or accept their death." he said."And at the end of the war Homo Superior will be victorious while the human governments are reduced to nothing, replaced by our own governments as we take control of what is rightfully ours! This planet!" he said."You are a fool to think you can give me orders, if you want to keep your life I'd advise you to shut up and do what I say." he commanded. He then turned to the Hunter Unit. "You are a fly, nothing more." he said as he used his magnetism powers to fling him against the wall once again. If he activated any metal weapons against Quicksilver, he'd easily turn them back upon the robot. OOC: Want me to reprogram Hunter Unit like the others? He can get fixed to his normal state later by the Enforcers.IC: Triblade"They are leaving... they are flying somewhere, we need to contact Beast!" he yelled. "They are attacking humans, this isn't right!"

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IC: Agent Starling - Enforcer Jet, Approaching the Savage Lands -They were approaching the Savage Lands, and would be landing shortly, the enforcer platoon's job was two-fold, one, to rescue Shock Bolt, and two...to disable and capture any surviving mutants from the Sentinels attack, live or dead, didn't really matter. As the plane landed behind the cover of the thick jungle of the Savage Lands, the Enforcers began to pour out, hiding in the bushes. They knew the mutants would have some sort of escape route, as the Sentinels attacked they would have to flee somewhere. IC: Windrider - Tunnels, Savage Lands -I lead the mutants out of the tunnels and into the jungles far behind the fortress, which I looked back toward, I noticed the Sentinels were apparently leaving? I didn't understand why, but I didn't care either, as long as they weren't coming after us. I heard a snap of a twig and my head shot forward. My eyes narrowed, there was someone out there....Krystal eyed the green eyed mutant leading the group out of the tunnels, she quickly gave hand signals to the other enforcers, and they stealthily began to surround the mutants. They would subdue as many of them as they could, and kill any that resisted.OOC: I'll give you guys a chance to show up or whatever if you want here, having two of my own characters fight each other is boring. :3

Edited by Overlord Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC-Elijah:"Of course. War, battle, fighting, that's the only bloody way anybody can get anything done in this place, isn't it?" Elijah growled. "Think about the ramifications of a global war: Mass famine, entire regions of the Earth rendered unsuitable for life of any sort. Deaths numbering in the millions, if not billions." He sighed."Pietro, please. We can do this without the death, without the battle. We can coexist, we can even rise up and rule, if we just go about this with a method other than war - we don't have to stick to our hackneyed old beliefs that we have to beat everybody down if we want to get what we want! Why can't you and the others see that?"

Edited by Kal Grochi

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Sure, but its AI is a lot more sophisticated, so it's not going to be that simple.IC: JuliaJulia was out of the van and through the portal in seconds, and she appeared on the other side. She flew into through the humid air, caught a glimpse of some sentinels floating, than landed right on top of...her brother."What the ****!?" Jordan exclaimed. Julia scrambled to her feet, then noticed the blood on her claws. Several deep lacerations had etched themselves across Jordan's face."Julia! What are you doing here? And why did you **** up my face?""I'm sorry," Julia stammered, "I was...and Alex...and I was angry and...Oh god, Jordan, I'm so sorry.""Alex?" Jordan scoffed, "Julia, everyone's leaving. I'm not sure how you found the portal, or why you even tried to in the first place, but everyone's leaving. The Enforcers found us.""I know. That's why I'm here.""Well, we can talk later. Now, we should go."Jordan touched a hand to his ragged face, then turned an continued to run to the portal with Julia in tow.

Edited by Zyke the Destroyer


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Shawn IC: Shawn looks around at the Sentinel's he looks at the the new Ash and Vinewhip and yells out "Hey, you guys stay near Matt and Emily. At least untill we have more of an understanding what is happening. He then rushes towards Matt "Hey! I can stop those sentinel's or I can try, I don't really have much to live for but those humans being attacked do. So I am going to make sure that those cheap a** robots get sent back to the 99 cent store."Emily IC: Emily heads towards Vinewhip and New Ash. "Okay ladies, lets stay together."OOC: just got back from work and re-did my last post.

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: Triblade and BeastMatt pushed the X down on his belt which activated his communicator. He called Beast, hearing Beast's voice through the headpiece in his ear after a moment. "Hank! We have a problem." Matt said. "We are outside the portal but we just saw Sentinels exit through it and attack humans, what's going on?" he asked."I know Matt... it seems that Quicksilver has reprogrammed them to attack only humans!" he said. "I've been following them in the Blackbird, they are heading towards Washington DC it seems, they must be targeting the capitol!" he said. "I'll swing by and pick all of you up so we can go intercept them, we must protect the President!" he said. "Alright we will be here... oh yeah and Ashlynn flew off to go save Ric or something, I couldn't stop her, I'm sorry." he said. IC: Quicksilver"Why can't you see that the humans will never stop hunting us? Never stop hating us? That we will never get power and freedom unless we take it." he said. He could sense the metal rifles of the Enforcer's that were surrounding the collapsing base. He could sense the bullets in their rifles. "This isn't over yet." he said. He floated through the hole in the ceiling once again and faced the line of Enforcers. Quicksilver grinned as he wrenched each of their rifles from all of their hands and then pointed it at the Enforcers. "Such fools." he said before he had to floating guns triggers suddenly be pulled as the rounds of bullets were pumped into many of the Enforcers.IC: DestructionCaden ran outside and began unleashing explosions at the Enforcers, he sent one flying towards Agent Starling.IC: NPC CrossfireCrossfire stood next to his comrade Agent Starling, he jumped to the right as the explosive orb ignited near them, blowing him a few feet away. He got to his feet before running at the first mutant he saw, Windrider. He slashed at Windrider with his blade arm as he heard the guns go off as they were turned on the Enforcer grunts.IC: BeastThe Blackbird suddenly touched down next to the van as the hatch came down. "Come on get in, the mission has changed!" Beast yelled. IC: FeralJohn drove his bike up the ramp and into the back of the Blackbird before turning it off and taking a seat. "This doesn't feel right, going into a fight without Ashlynn." he said.OOC: Getting off for the night guys

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IC: Torrent.Caleb got out of the van, he snuck away from Zac to prove he wasnt a coward. The techno path was right Zac didn't Cre enough for him. Maybe he would after Caleb helped wih this fight. He looked and saw a ship coming down. He decided to head over to it.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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IC:Jordan and Julia came running out of the portal. Julia hesitated when she noticed the blackbird. She turned and headed for the sleek plane and hopped into a seat while Jordan took the seat next to her hesitantly."Everyone, this is my brother Jordan. Jordan, this is...well, evreryone."Jordan gave a half-smile-half-smirk and a little wave."Nice to meet you, everyone."Julia looked at Matt."What's going on? I thought the Blackbird was supposed to be in the Savage lands."IC: ZackZack arrived at the mansion just in time to see sentinels flying overhead."This is fantastic."He turned to some kid (Caleb) and asked him,"Do you know where those sentinels are going and why they aren't targeting the mutants?"OOC: Not your Zac, Dymex :P

Edited by Zyke the Destroyer


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Shawn IC: Shawn being gets slightly irritated, his rematch with Quicksilver will have to wait. Though he did contemplate just saying screw the X-Men and just do his own thing, but because of Emily he did not want to act that rash. So he gets on the plane. Emily IC: Emily rushes on to the plane as she waves to The new Ash and Vinewhip to come on. Shawn IC: Shawn makes sure that the 3 girls are okay when they enter the jet (Emily, Ash, and Vinewhip) He then turns to anyone who would listen and ask. "Whats with the change?" Shawn makes a quick turn to Jordan and says "Sup" then turns back and ask "So what heck happened." Emily IC: Emily waves at Jordan and announces "Once again seat belts everyone! saftey still comes first."


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC: TorrentCaleb noticed the ship was about to take off and started to bang on the door, "Hey! Open it!"IC: InfernoZac was in the garage. He couldn't use the cars so he had to use something else to get to Caleb. It was that dude's fault, he made Caleb think Zac wasn't helping him. "I'm gonna give that tablet nerd guy a piece of my mind when I get Caleb back, then I'm gonna get us to join the X-men,"

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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​IC: Alaric (Highway, New York)Alaric was lifted onto the stretcher by frantic, hurried paramedics, fighting against time and blood loss to help seal up the bullet wounds before the history teacher bled out. The breath was raggedly leaking from one side of his mouth, indicating a perforated lung, and blood leaked from his mouth and neck from where the hot asphalt had torn open the skin around it. His soft, beautiful black hair was matted down with blood, his designer clothes ruined...if Alaric could have been viewed himself the way Ashlynn was viewing him, he would have cried, too.A middle-aged police officer, handsome, yet weary looking, with a bronze skin tone and dark features moved towards Ashlynn, noting the wings with a sort of jaded acceptance as he observed her and then Shadow. His face betrayed nothing, no glimpse of what could have possibly happened to so suddenly attempt to rip all the life away from someone so full of the substance as Alaric Carlisle. Finally, he took a deep breath, a mourning glance at the Corvette, and then turned to Ashlynn."Ma'am, he's not looking good. Just in case...we're gonna need someone for next of kin."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Shadow"He doesn't have a next of kin." Shadow spoke up, tears finally falling down her face. "No girlfriend," She shot Ashlynn an angry glare. "No coworkers. All he has is friends."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Blake,Scott:Wander, Tragedy)Both guys got on the plane and were ready to go.(Sarah,Lexie: Prototype,Evil Angel)Lexie had come out to help the others escape, and saw crossfire, she took the chance to fight him, again. "THIS TIME YOU DIE!!!" she yelled as she went for a slash with her blade. Angel had gone up, and helped Quicksliver in killing the enforcer grunts.

Edited by thelonewander

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: AlexNo sooner did Abbas depart, then they came up the drive.The Engorcers came in, well, force. A local police squad car and a large black van marked with the Enfircer logo. Alex took a deep breath.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Shawn IC: Shawn still waiting for a response from Beast or anyone about why the change of plans looks back to notice 2 more people get on the plane. Emily IC: Emily calls Shawn over while sitting next to Katrina and Ash. "Hey, why the order to pull back?"Shawn IC: Shawn crouches in front of all 3 of them and tells them. "I am not too sure what is going on but I will find. You girls stay together, we are gonna need our secret weapons *points at them* when things get rough."

Edited by The_Shawn_Legend


Close enough to my Shawn is...Zelos Wilder.

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IC-Elijah:Elijah sighed, quickly finding a ladder, in a storage closet, that he could balance correctly to make his way to the top of the fortress, through the hole in the ceiling where Quicksilver had floated just a second ago."You realize they only hunt us for your father's actions, and for yours?" he asked the man before him. "That they only hunt us due to your attempts to put yourself on top, to try to prove that we should rule? It is our actions that have led to this, Pietro, not theirs. They fight us out of fear-and the longer that fear persists, the longer they will fight against us. They won't just submit."

Edited by Kal Grochi

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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OOC: Dymex, you do know that the X-Jet is nowhere near the mansion, right?IC: ZackZack swore under his breath and dove behind a mailbox. These were human Enforcers. Not the Sentinels who had been mysteriously reprogrammed. He reached behind him for his shotgun...except it wasn't there. You couldn't bring guns on airplanes.He took a peek from behind his cover, then lifted his glasses. A blast of energy erupted from his eye sockets and tire through the air towards the van.


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IC: Agent Starling - Savage Lands -Things had not gone according to plan in the sightliest, for one thing, the sentinels were no where to be found, what could of possibly happened to them? Secondly more then have their men were either dead or dying from Quicksilver's attack. She barely had time to register this as Destruction's explosion went off a few feet behind her, sending her flying forward and into the dirt, she grimaced as she got herself back up. Taking one of her Colt M1911 out, she fired several shots at Destruction as she began to sprint toward the tunnels. The original plan to capture the running mutants was quite a bust, but she could still try to find Shock Bolt and rescue him. IC: Windrider - Savage Lands -I bent over backwards as far as I could as I saw the blade arm swing just above me. Too close.. I sent a blast of air into Crossfire's chest, and then shot up into the sky about 40 feet. I glared at Crossfire, I remembered him, I'd met him once, before my powers had manifested, back when I had been in the police academy, he had come and had tried to recruit many of the cadets for some 'special' program, it wasn't long after that my powers manifested, oh the irony. OOC: I thought it would be interesting if they had met before somehow. :3

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: I'm letting Dymex say that Caleb went with the X-Men on the van so he's not at the mansion, and left Zac behind at the mansion, who is in the garage. Also Shawn, Ash and Vinewhip are the same person! I think you mean Katrina as the third girl, who is Empathy.Oh yeah and time for me to go to class, be back around 11:45ishIC: BeastBeast turned to his X-Men, noticing a few new people, including Julia's brother, It didn't matter now they had no time to change things. "Quicksilver reprogrammed the Sentinels to attack only humans." he said. "They are heading towards the White House and unless we stop them our government will be destroyed, and America will soon follow." he said as he got behind the controls of the plane. Beast heard someone banging on the hatch, he noticed Shawn open it for Caleb, who wasn't supposed to go on the mission he shrugged, it was too late to stop him, he only hoped he would survive the fight. IC: Summer-flightAshlynn continued to examine his injuries. "No! He's going to make it!" she yelled at the police officer. She then threw herself at Alaric, knocking the paramedics back. She then placed both of her hands on Alaric's chest, where the bullet wounds were. She closed her eyes and focused all of her energy, green light poured out like never before as it sunk into Alaric's body, healing it from the inside out. As his wounds began to seal they pushed the bullets out of him. They rolled down his blood stained shirt as the wounds closed up. Even the scrape around his mouth seemingly healed up. "Please don't die on my Alaric..." she said squeezing his hand. IC: NPC CrossfireCrossfire's blade has missed the mutant. He'd distantly remembered seeing him in a police academy, now it seemed he was a Brotherhood mutant. The blast of air caught him in the chest and sent him stumbling back, the air pushed from his lungs. Suddenly he saw the mutant he'd fought before running at him, it was Prototype, he jumped backwards, her blade slashing open his armor a bit and cutting him. Crossfire grunted and continued to back away from her, knowing not to get too close. His left hand formed into a shotgun and he took aim at Prototypes' chest before firing, before turning his arm towards Windrider and firing at him as well. NPC EnforcersThe Enforcers sprinted across the grounds, keeping in a tight formation as they kept their guns trained on Alex. "Don't move!" one of them yelled. He then slowly took off his metal Enforcer helmet, revealing an attractive man with longish blonde hair. "Are you Alex?" he demanded. "We have been told you are a threat to National Security so you are to come with us." he said."If you don't come willingly... then we will force you." he said, his gun still pointed at Alex.

Edited by Flex Nard
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