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Brooklyn's feet pattered against the sand in excitement as she made a little "yeeeee" sound, her hands wrapped around Rebekah's neck as she looked around at the beach.


"Getting late. I didn't mean to fall asleep out here..."





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IC:"Works for me." Rebekah said, carefully disentangling herself from the hug, standing, and stretching. She'd been sitting down for quite a while, most of her limbs had fallen asleep. After a moment's thought, she decided that packing up the myriad of supplies around them was inefficient, and simply shuttled them off to another dimension, leaving behind only the longer on which Brooklyn was currently perched.


"Come on. If you don't hurry, I'll make you let me drive."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"GOTTA GO FAST?" Brooklyn cried, standing up with a jolt, uprooting the umbrella she had been snoozing under, and grabbing the cooler that was still chock full of snacks. "ALRIGHT. COMMENCE GOING FAST."


She began to sprint as fast as her legs could carry her towards the Pagani, a long cry of "SHAZBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT~!" following her as she ran.




"What, Tali? You think I'm making a mistake by sitting by and letting things take their course? You think I'm gonna start becoming like him or something? Well, I'm not, and I won't. John's a freak. World's better off without him. This world and ours."


His hands began to shake, pinned down and hidden between his clasped knees.



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC:Rebekah shook her head in amusement, following her towards the car at a slower pace, taking a moment to brush the sane off of her limbs.


"Alright, I guess you can drive."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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It was good to be the king. To be the guy who keeps the throne warm, on the other hand...Alexander Smith had to admit that sucked.


With Alaric still on sabbatical and Beast dead, it had fallen to the highest ranking student to keep the X-Men and the Institute students in check; even now he was confiscating materials that could be considered dangerous or illicit. Sweeping through the hallway with his deep black trenchcoat, gold trim relaying a regal air to the students around him, Alex noted to himself that the looks on their faces had slowly changed over the months. At first he'd been ignored, then he'd been respected; after that, there had been admiration, but even now, the most surprising look was the surprise. They were surprised to see him this morning, which he figured was odd. It was still a Friday, after all - did students expect that he wouldn't be moving on a Friday? Apparently they did. They looked shocked as could be, their mouths moving but no words coming out. And then there were hands.


Two hands, as one would expect from most human beings. They were soft and smooth, warm, with a comforting air; they slipped into Alex's palms and then intertwined with his fingers. The technopath was yanked back into an embrace as an equally soft, pretty face brushed against his own, and lips moved to his ear to whisper.


"You're always at your cutest when you're wearing my clothes."





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OOC: Flare, last I checked you were throwing a punch at Rhino. I pointed out what would happen if that punch connected and then you just seem to have forgotten about it. No stopping yourself, no breaking of bones...



IC: Alyss took the proffered hand and shook it heartily.


"Wait, so are you two literally other halves of each other?" she asked, "Is that your mutant power? To split into personifications of id and ego?"



IC: As Alyss walked along she did indeed start singing the Bottle song


"Ninety-nine bottle of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer..."



IC: Tyrone was sat in one of the lesser studies in the mansion, dealing with an enemy none of his brute strength could handle. Paperwork. There was mounds of it, and it didn't care they were going through something of an interregnum. There were bills, applications, forms of every colour. And as pretty much the only adult capable of filing the wretched stuff rightly, it fell to him. Unfortunately


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IC:Abraham's eyebrows rose, the first real change in expression since she entered the room. "No, it was metaphorical. Dominik handles the side of the things that require a less... Off-putting social behavior. He can travel through sources of light."


IC:James raised an eyebrow, withdrawing his cellphone, and sending out a text to the others, telling them to head to Stark Tower. "Excuse me, miss? You aren't from around here, are you?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: Okay Adders.



My punch just bounced off his skin. And I flew back a couple of yards. This guy is extremely tough, but he has a weakness. Everyone does. Rhino's face is the only thing that seems to be available for attacks, but he keeps blocking my attacks. Maybe his back is the only thing that I can use to attack him. I charged at him, ready for another punch, but this time, I hopped on him, landing on his head, and kicked off him, and threw a bolt at his back.


OOC: Here's another character.


Name: Ricardo MendozaCodename: InfernoAge: 16Gender: MaleFaction: X-MenPower(S): Fire. Can control and create fire. Throw fire balls, create tornadoes of fire, and grenades of pure fire. (Tornadoes can only be used in large open spaces, like in the streets.) Also has enough strength to lift up a trailer without load.Appearance: 6'6, dark brown-black hair. Scar on left eye, and dark brown eyes.Weapons: Flaming whips. Whips made of pure fire that come put of his hands. He only uses it in close quarters.Skills: Racing, and shooting a gun. (Too much Need For Speed and First Person Shooters have contributed to this)Personality: Non-social, depressed, and gets angry easily.Weakness: Cold weather, since he never has adjusted to it. (This includes freezing him)Bio: At birth, his parents knew he was destined to be great. But with greatness comes, learning about it. When he was seven, he accidentally caused a school fire. He was expelled from the school, and was soon home schooled. When he was 12, he was jumped by some old school mates, and hated him because of his power. For two years, he was tormented by people on the street, until he rose up, and burned one's face when they came to assault him. He then raised his hand in right hand, and they ran away.

​For 14 years he lived in San Antonio, until someone from the academy of Xavier's school for Gifted Children, came to him to offer him help and guidance. He visited his parents and told him about his situation and abilities. He parents agreed to him moving to New York, and is now living at the mansion.



One more on the way. Possible tomorrow.


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IC: Two things put the kibosh on White Lightning's grand plan. The first were his broken fingers. Punching someone with skin like Rhino's then getting rebounded several yards by the failure of that punch was going to leave a mark. Especially on such a focused area as a fist and especially especially as the fingers were always quite vulnerable. There was a reason boxers wore gloves. Those broken fingers made it tricky for him to pull off advanced acrobatics.

The second problem was Zack. Specifically the concussive energy blast he had launched at Rhino's back. Or at least at the space that Rhino's considerable amount of back had occupied...right up until the present moment. When it became occupied by White Lightning...


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OOC: Okay, Flaredrick. Two things. First, I really was hoping not to have to point this out, but... The video game tactics really need to stop. They don't make any sene within the setting, and they don't follow any actual logic.


Second, I am going to have to say no to that profile, for multiple reasons. First of all, it falls into the same issues as TNG's characters, which I had similar misgivings with. That volume of fire, and in the ways you described, is highly destructive. Plus, there's no limit on how much he can produce, and fire whips and grenades don't make any sense. Fire doesn't work that way. Second of all, he has no real weakness. And playing driving games and shooters does not in any way give him the skill set you just described.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Meanwhile, at the safehouse the Avengers were using, SHIELD Senior Special Agent Brando Barton's phone vibrated on his right pectoral as he lay on his back lazily, eyes forced closed so he could claw for a few more vestiges of sleep. The text message would not go away, sending a cheerful alert his way every minute or so.
"Someone shoot it," he grumbled in his sleep. Natalie rolled over next to him and looked at him with heterochromatic eyes that shimmered expressively, while Brando's dark eyes begged beneath their lids for a slight reprieve from his duties as an Avenger.
"It could be important," she sighed. Brando grumbled but gave no reply, letting the phone buzz on his chest without punishment. For the moment.



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IC: Taralynn, Las Vegas. Parking Garage.


Several feelings were wrecking Tara's mind. The most prominent being sorrow, anger and suprisingly to her, panic. She had wanted to lash out, to hurt somebody; break something, she knew that. But this was too much, she was letting out too much power. Tara tried to stand up, to walk away. But in her wobbly state all she managed to do was fall back and knock the wind from her lungs.


Tara laid on the ground for a second and recovered her breath, before she lifted herself onto her elbows and latched onto the pillar. A few more seconds and she finally managed to pull herself up up. 'It's not enough!' Taralynn thought to herself frantically she as lingered over Alaric's unconsious body. She was killing him, she could feel it. But no matter how hard she tried to stop, she couldn't. Taralynn wobbled once as her hand left the pillar and she barely steadied herself with telekenisis. Slowly, she stumbled her way toward the parking garage exit, throwing telekinetic blasts at the walls in anger the whole way.



She made it two and a half blocks, before blacking out.

Life comes, and life goes, flowing like the tide.

Peace ebbs, and peace flows, often fleeting just like time.

Love can last, but only so, there isn't much before you die.

People pass, come to and fro. And eventually revenge too, doe lie.

For in the the end, it's only the vengent who lasts forever.

The Vengent Spectre.


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OOC: So what then? What can my power be? What can be the weakness of the power that I could have used on him? Must physics be involved?


OOC: ...


Must physics be i-


.... Physics-..... Yes. Physics has to be involved, because otherwise we don't have gravity. Or movement. Or force. Or anything, really. Physics is always involved. And while we may stretch the bounds of physics here, we are not in the business of outright defying them. If you want to know more, go read the arguments about a character called "Burnblade".


And it is not my job to tell you what your character needs to be. The one you have doesn't work. I've pointed out the issues, it is up to you to make of them what you will.




"... Hello Dallas. Didn't expect to see you here."




Even as Alaric fell, unconscious, to the ground, another mind was reaching towards his, doing its best to shelter him from the attack.


Alaric, stay with me here.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"You don't sound happy. You used to be so happy," the Californian pouted. "C'mon, I brought Ashley, too! Not even a smile?"




"Just paste a picture of me in front of your iPhone and prop it up on the table. I'll be there in spirit."


"You're the Avenger."


Brando sighed - or maybe sobbed - and sat up next to Natalie the exposed muscles in his arms, chest and back stretching and groaning in surprise at their sudden awakening. Reluctantly, he took his phone back and read the message, shaking his head.


"The man has no limits."





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"That is not an excuse for him to torture the rest of humanity with his workaholic tomfoolery," Brando pouted, though he turned and kissed Natalie on the cheek anyway.





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"That sounds about right, actually," Dominik confessed amiably to himself while perusing through Abraham's copy of East of Eden. "This a first edition, tiger?"



Edited by Dallas Winston



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IC:"If Zeus was a, Dominik what was it that newcomer said?"


"Pompous jagoff that had it out for the Ivy League, had the communication skills of kidney stones, and had a pair of bifocals stranded somewhere in his colon?"


"I'm paraphrasing."


Abraham nodded, and looked back at Alyss. "There you have it. From the words of one newcomer, at least. I'll be completely up front and say that I am not, historically, a people person. But, that is something I am making an attempt at correcting, so if I seem to have stepped out of line, tell me. I can't say I'll listen, but I'll at least take it under advisement.""And Dominik? Of coure it's a first edition."

Edited by The Snark Knight



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Shiloh


The sound of shuffling cards was apparent in the halls just outside Abraham's study. Shiloh didn't say anything, or even try to enter the study. But she was rather good at making her presence well known. Whoever this new girl was, Shiloh was curious to find out more about her. After all, she was a firm believer keep your friends close and your enemies closer. So far Alyss seemed to be a friend, but that could naturally change at any moment.

Edited by A billion cats

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Rebekah slid into the passenger seat of the Pagani, still grinning as she fastened her seatbelt. "Hey, Brooklyn. Want me to call Mrs. Pace Carlisle, tell her we're running late?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:"Alright."The teenager pulled out her phone, opening up the favorites menu, and tapping the screen. While she was aiming for the second listing, Brooklyn's house, she accidentally tapped the first. Ric's cell. Oh well. I can say hello, I've been kinda worried about what happened to him and the others...


One ring... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six...


"Alright, Vic. If you ever call, and I don't answer after six rings, I'm either dead or dying. Got it?"


"Something is wrong."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC:Rebekah's smile vanished in an instant, her eyes flaring violet. A small device appeared in her hand, one she quickly attached to her phone. Weapon X issued, not something she'd ever had to use before. It was a device to triangulate phone signals.


"Brooklyn." Her voice was deadly serious, a strong undercurrent of worry. "We need to get to Vegas. Now."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Wha...but...I...movie ni...okay...?"


Brooklyn took a sharp left, breaking off the exit they had been about to take off the freeway and headed back towards Vegas.





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IC:"How fast can this car go?"Rebekah asked, voice growing more terse with every word spoken. Her violet eyes were fixed on the street signs, watching as the miles counted down. "Alaric is in trouble.""As in, we-might-already-be-too-late level trouble."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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