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It's so hard to choose! For me it would be a toss-up between Teridax (the original, and as a result the one with the most character development), Krika (who could tell they were being played by Teridax and tried to prevent it), Gorast (whose blind devotion to Teridax's plan cost her her life), and Icarax (whose impatience and bluster made him an excellent foil for Teridax). It's practically impossible to pick just one.But for those who can, might this topic be better as a poll? After all, there's not that many Makuta to choose from.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

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Murtan his sense of humor is great also the only makuta from witch we know the toughtsAlso teridax awsome introduction awsome death"I was bringing fabulous creatures into being. True, some of them did not live very long... and yes, one died quite an explosive death... but I had my successes as well. The shadow leech, for example – a mutated kraata that could drain the light out of any living being. Who couldn't love that?"-Mutran

Edited by Toa Temporal

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Teridax has kind of an advantage here, being the leader and most oft-seen Makuta (plus the only one we knew about until '07). Which makes Krika's fanbase all the more impressive. I like that each Makuta had something that set them apart (like Antroz having honor, Bitil's ambitions, Gorast being a radical fanatic, etc.). I'll say Mutran. He seemed so casual about everything he did.

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Teridax and Krika are both great. But I'd probably have to pick Teridax(is white Teridax included with that? They are the same makuta after all).


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"So where is my dream?" "it is a continuation of reality"

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Mainly because I admittedly only have the most basic Cliffnotes-level knowledge of everything after 2006, I'll go with our boy Teridax. Still one of my favorite fictional villains ever.

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