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The Toa's Hideout is once again open for business! We've been gone for a few years, but now BIONICLE's back and so are we. Click the banner to check out our friendly and laid back site where you can discuss all manners of things and chill with awesome people.

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5/5What's up? The Earth is about to implode and take every single kind of impulse with it. That includes electrical impulses, people that are people of impulse, sudden urges... It's weird but I'm okay with it. I'm okay with a lot of things, including the end of the universe, mainly because I want to facilitate and be the one responsible for it.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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5/5.Well, if it involves creating paradoxes, I'm in.If you're wondering about the name change, I was corrupted by the power of the Kanohi Tahk and became a paradox devouring monster.All in all, things are fine.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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5/5I plan to go back in time and cause a ton of paradoxes. For science, that's my justification. After all, it is about time we documented what paradoxes do to the world and what happens if you are at the hypocenter of a paradox.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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5/5.I know what happens. I create the paradoxes, and then feed on them. That's how I roll.I can tell you exactly what happens. But when a temporary chronon blocker is created, the paradox will survive for a number of moments.


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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5/5If this topic was edible it would have been eaten by now, but it is not edible and therefore cannot be eaten. However, with new technological advancements involving red keyboards, purple chairs and orange cakes, we can attempt to make inedible things edible through the power of magic-science.

On Bota Magna, everything is about to fall apart.


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