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  1. Zonis
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    I really need money so that I can buy Metroid Prime Trilogy. I'll be spending it all on music though.
  2. Jedi Gali
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    Hey there, kids. :D


    Just a few minutes ago, I was taking a little break from my writing when I had the sudden urge to check out BZPower. Ever since senior year of high school, and especially now with college, good ol' BZP has been put on the back burner. I won't say 'no longer' since that would be lying.


    Though I may pop in here and there (maybe review a story or two, enter a contest), I'm going to remain rather ghost-like as I work on some personal projects... projects of the writing variety. As much as I'd like to write a random comedy or SS, I have some other stories to focus on.


    It makes me nostalgic, really, as I look at the Epics forum or scan through some of my old epics... But, for right now, I'm moving on. No, this isn't goodbye. Just, I'll see you every once in a while.


    Message me if you like. :)


    :kaukau: -JG


    P.S. Wow, it's amazing how I did my sign-off so automatically, even though it's been a few months.....

  3. Republic Commando Fixer
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    LOVE this show! Hammond,May and Jeremy are amazing! I love all three of them when they get togeather! On the other hand I HATE the U.S Top Gear... It's quite silly IMO. Fans of UK or US?





  5. Resev
    Latest Entry
    Making Isaac's gun was harder than I thought (all the wiring) So I decided to postpone that and work on another project of mine. As you can see, it's coming along nicely, eh? ;)
    For those of you who don't know where this is from, It's Kroenen's gas mask.

  6. Has anybody been to a Lego convention in LA? Bricks LA was the top Google result.


    I always enjoyed looking at pics of displays from conventions around the world. I never attended one, though. I think it might be fun to swing by Bricks LA this January. I live within driving distance of the venue. Any advice or tips from experienced convention attendees?

  7. Bitter Cold
    Latest Entry

    Been listening a bit to the Chicago Independent Radio Project.


    On an unrelated note.. Here's how your occupations compare with your values:


    Singer has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Animator has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Musician has 5 out of 9 of your values


    Artist has 6 out of 9 of your values


    Toy designer has 6 out of 9 of your values


    however bear in mind that two of them were "2 or less years training" and "A good salary I can depend on, maybe not the highest" soo yeah


    but what if I did them all at once? or at least, like, more than one

  8. :kaukau: Holy cow.  I really, really with that this guy's designs were sets that I could just buy.  They are BEAUTIFUL.  I especially like how consistent the colors are.



  9. Isaac swore. For the fourteenth time. And for the seventh, walked up the door, inhaled sharply, and backed off. There was some cosmic force shoving him toward that door, and he believed that one was from heaven—the one pushing him away every time his hand gripped the frosty handle was from somewhere else. His breath was frosty in the air, his soul ever colder. As his brain screamed at him in that incomprehensible agony only a mother’s son can feel, he let his body take control and stumbled through the door.


    “Mom, I’m home.”


    She smiled warmly. He smiled back with a warmth that felt somehow deadened by the snow outside. And he felt guilty for that—since Dad had been gone, his mother had somehow absorbed his own warmth. But he was left to his own distance.


    “Hey, Mom.”


    “Honey, do you…” She coughed, spat blood on the sheets. Isaac bit his lip. “Did you get the medicine?” Her voice was frail, alien. That disturbed him. He dreamt about banishing the unholy demons that did this to her.


    “Nah, Mom…they wouldn’t take change.”


    She blinked.


    Awkwardness was the only word in the English language to describe the sensation that overtook Isaac, but that was something devoid of emotion. Something as cold as a Chicago winter and a doctor’s heart. What overtook Isaac had depth and sorrow, grief and guilt. It had shame. For him and for her. And that hurt.


    “Oh…well that’s okay honey. I love you anyways.”


    He laughed. Weak, but sincere. “W-we’re gonna make it, ma. Right?”


    Her eyes shimmered. That force from outside returned and manifested in her tears, which in her still-youthful confidence refused to flood from her eyes. She could not hold them in, but they stood there stoic and bold, in eerie contrast to her dying form. She was a shell, but she was not hollow. She held love and she rejected the cold that Isaac had carried in.


    “Yeah. We’re gonna make it.”

  10. Alright, so I got a little less interested in Bionicle throughout this year, but I think Comic-Con brought me back, somewhat. I'm not as interested as I was 2 years ago, but it's still in there. Anyways, my Comic-Con experience was pretty awesome. But I'll have to tell you that in the coverage. :3


    I got Takanuva at Comic-Con, and he was HUUUUUGE. Here are some key points in his hugeness:


    *2003 Takanuva does not go past his waist

    *Brutaka only goes to his shoulder

    *Fenrakk in length only goes to his shoulder.


    You'd obviously notice if you've grown twice your size. In any case, his appearance still looks like Takanuva, which is good enough for me. The Toa Nuva of 2008 don't look that much similar to their 2003 selves, which I was a little disappointed in.


    One more thing before I go, BZ-Koro is DYING. Everything is now red. Help revive it, and then I'll be a happy boy.

  11. .:Rohn:.
    Latest Entry

    I just got the PC Games Republic Commando, The Jedi Outcast, Empire of War, Knights of the Old Republic, and Battlefront.FOR 40 BUCKS. 8D



  12. But don't tell nobody.


    In all seriousness though, I might actually come back here if the leaks are true.


    In the meantime, I'm gonna get back to playing on the xbox one with some mods from this site.


    And I'm waaaay too lazy to find the font or do my signature anymore.

  13. blogs_blog_73

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    Hey everyone!

    Made this account 16 years ago. Crazy how time flies. In that time, I finished elementary school, high school, my bachelor's degree and my masters. Now I live in Germany. Who would have thought.

    When I get home, i think I'll display my 6 OG Toa. Man those were the best.

  14. Vegans.


    I like meat and eggs and milk far too much to be a vegan. But man, do I admire vegans. I have no idea how they keep up that diet. It looks so difficult! From not being able to buy bulk, because organic stuff goes bad quickly, to only being able to eat select few foods. I couldn't even imagine doing that for a month, let alone my life. So if any of you are vegans, I salute you.

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    The rules are difficult:


    1. Role Playing in-character posts must be at least 1000 words long.

    2. There won't be any out-of-character role playing posts.

    3. Any and all arguments/debates must be at least 2000 words long.

    4. Any and all arguments/debates must be supported by at least 3 separate sources.

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  15. So, hi. Wow. I will admit that I thought the place was razed to the ground years back, and became nothing more than a childhood memory.


    I was still technically a youth when I was last here. I was a child when I first joined this place - a very vivid memory of me asking my mother for permission to join the Internet in a world of Bionicle that I learned from a Flash game of Takua.


    To add to the feels of polishing off cobwebs, a lot of my old content was gone. I found a message in my Inbox asking for my second Epic, Changing Worlds. All those documents are gone, I'm afraid. I'd honestly be surprised if any data from 2005 made it to my laptop 13 years later.


    Lots have changed for me, once I left BZPower and the server move. I got a degree. I got a job. I moved countries for said degree and job, and had to leave it and return to my homeland. Taxes became a thing. Earning a living. The skill of the pen left me as well, when the demand of a day-to-day job overtook languid breaks between essays and projects... and World of Warcraft and Starcraft and Diablo, et cetera.


    And the 'death' of Bionicle. I honestly could not keep up when Mata Nui went from godhood to mortal life. He was the last figurine I got, and that was as a gift to an autistic boy who shared a similar passion. That was in 2010, I think? When the news from LEGO came out, I merely thought that all good things would come to an end.


    Fast track to today. Just two days ago, I had to dig out old certificates for an interview. I dug out my old backups to hunt down one missing cert, and came across my old FictionWrites. One of them was for Bionicle. And no, it was not everything. I eventually started saving my Epic writings in 2003-4 by copying what I raved into a text field onto Notepad. That did not come through. My short stories were lost too. I only found two stories, both in-progress and will probably be buried. They are fond memories to me, and it would be wrong to go back in and whack at it aimlessly.


    I honestly don't know if I will pop round much anymore, but it is great to see old friends and usernames still active here in BZP. Maybe I will? I'm not sure how the rules have changed - or if the rules have changed - but... Yeah. Good to see BZPower alive and well.

  16. So, I entered this Adobe Imagination Challenge, and I need votes to win $10 000.




    If you could, help a brotha out and vote for me here: [You may not link to sites with comment systems. -Shine]


    aiya shine, pretty please? i thought this was a cooler bzpower :(


    well then just go to the website and go to entries and mine's on page 6


    You have to register an account. Don't worry, it takes like 5 minutes.


    Spread the word on BZPower! Put a link to this in your blog.


    Thanks everyone.

  17. IDK if I explained this project here. Basically, I'm compiling everything Bionicle into a single book.


    In the last week, I've gotten all of Maze of Shadows and Web of the Visorak entered and have made a fair dent in Challenge of the Hordika. Took a little sorting to figure out when each Mask of Light quest, comic, and BA8 thing happened.


    Things I particularly like about this part:


    - Vakama's turn to the dark side was a very gradual process, TBH. It makes a lot of sense the second time around.

    - I had no recollection that Hordika venom was copper. Interesting fun fact nonetheless.

    - Energized Protodermis Entity pretty much confirmed by Great Being theory (might post it later)

    - Added "Protection" after the first or second chapter of BA6. Fit in rather well.

    - The chapter in which the Toa Metru become Hordika was probably about 15-20 pages, longest yet. Though why Greg put the ash bear part in that part, IDK. :P

    - The enhanced Vahki were probably my favorite part of BA7


    I've looked into Web of Shadows and remembered why I don't understand people's problem with the movie. I had read the novellization first (best novelization for Bionicle) and it clearly laid out Vakama's thought process in joining the Visorak. I also plan to put Birth of a Dark Hunter either immediately before or after WoS. Not sure yet, but I feel it definitely belongs near that storyline.


    And in other parts, I've decided to write up a small Bionicle series based on the Toa Nuva Blog. Not sure if I'll finish but it's fun so far.


    Half way done with 2005 for the Complete Legend then it's onto 2006, the last full year of books (after that, it's 3 books at max and formatting for serials. I'm buying The Legend Reborn novelization for the sole purpose of using it. Thinking about getting the 2009 picture books, but I'm not sure. If the material is covered in TLR, I'll skip it. Though I might need to get the Certavus one anyway. And JoT, but I'll to that eventually.


    Very fun so far. Can't wait to do revisions on this to make it flow smoothly.

  18. Seems I've woken up too early.


    Summary: Those very few of you who I've privately told of things (in-depth) going on in this world and where I fit into it?



    Things are happening soon.

    Actually, they're happening right now already.

    My head explodes with things I'm thankful to know yet stabbed with not being able to discuss, be it about me or the darker things going on elsewhere.


    The world's getting ready to change again, brace for impact lol.


    Anyway, I probably won't be the same person (or have the same name in real life) when I get online again for good, so here's a pretty much finished (piloted!) moc I (apparently?) never had the opportunity to post.

    Schattengeist and Jinzo:


    (chest even unlocks to let head swing back to accommodate me)


    Don't fret the stuff I said. The reasons are good... mostly. :)


    Take care, kids.


    Hoo boy.


    :) :( :blink: :o

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    Last night at aproximatly 9:30 PM, I watched the entire based off of Steven King novel movie entitled the Mist. Before this, I veiwed Cloverfield and became an extreme fan of it. Well, after veiwing the Mist, I cannot admire Cloverfield like I used to. Why, read on:


    Monster comparison:


    Obviously, none of the smaller monsters such as the insects and the red (?) have no resemblence to the Cloverfield monster, nor the lobster-ish monster, rather, the large green tentacle equiped monster bears a strong resemblence. Stronger than Hulk Hogan on 5 tons of steroids.


    From what I heard, the large tentacle monster from the Mist had insects on his back, (end of what I heard),same with Clovy. Clovy was green, the Mist monster was green. The mist monster had a multiple amount of limbs, Clovy did aswell,(Forget it all, I will call the Mist thing Misty). Their heads also bear a good resemblence. Clovy has a long tail, Misty has a long tail.


    Scenery resemblence:


    In Cloverfield, the monster smacked the building, it fell down, thus creating a crud-load of smoke. The people then ran into the store to hide and avoid it. In the Mist, the people stayed in the building when the mist hit to stay away from the creatures.


    In Cloverfield, evryone main character dies except for Rob, in the Mist, everyone main dies except for the (Cloverfield reference) main dude.


    Post comments as a response to this to discuss if my studying is correct or if it is off.




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  19. So I've been keeping track of my BIONICLE collectible progress via a post on a particular blogging site and, while it's been very effective so far, I'd like to also keep track of it here. I've been using older checklists for my Kanohi and Kanoka while utilizing my nice, newer checklists for Krana and Kraata.


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    Last Update: August 8, 2014

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