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Bionicle Birthdays

Takuma Nuva


We've seen 'em floating all around the internet. Those things where you use your birthday to find out some extravagant thing that will happen to you.


Why is there no Bionicle one?


Oh wait, now there is. I'm just not gonna give you some crazy image to go with it.



January: Go over Niagara Falls in a barrel with...

February: Have a Madu Cabolo eating contest with...

March: Chase Muaka blindfolded with...

April: Go on a date/Hang out with...

May: ...throws you off a cliff.

June: Open a dry cleaners with...

July: Play real-life minesweeper with...

August: TP somebody's house with...

September: Burn down a public school with...

October: Throw smelly socks at passing cars with...

November: Play "ding-dong-ditch" with...

December: Get shipped in a cardboard box to Equestria with..



1: Artakha

2: Kongu

3: Lehvak Kal

4: Makuta Miserix

5: Carapar

6: Vezon

7: Kiina

8: The Shadowed One

9: Morbuzakh

10: Gahdok

11: Lesovikk

12: Karzahni

13: Helryx

14: Krekka

15: Axxon

16: Lhikan

17: Ahkmou

18: Whenua

19: Toa Ignika

20: Mata Nui

21: Roodaka

22: Takanuva

23: Malum

24: Takuma Nuva

25: Keetongu

26: Norik

27: Matoro

28: Hydraxon

29: Zaktan

30: Pohatu Nuva

31: Irnakk




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Throw smelly socks at passing cars with...Ahkmou? I can see he'd be the type of guy for that, but I'm not sure we'd get on. Why wasn't I born on June 24th, eh?


Who doesn't want to open a dry cleaners with Takuma Nuva :P

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I guess I'll be playing ding-dong ditch with Matoro someday soon. I hope Matoro's really persuasive because I don't like pranking people.

Matoro saved the matoran universe. That's persuasive enough.

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Hey, how do you make a barrel lighter? Go over Niagara Falls with Takanuva in it!


...Wait. That's not how that joke goes...

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