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Garreg Mach

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no more wind



G&T will not be the same. I wish you luck wherever you go and with whatever you might do.

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Deleted. Please note that BZPower's rules state that respect for other members regardless of "race, religious preference, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or a similar quality or belief" is something that is required at all times. -Nukaya

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So for the uninformed on current state of affairs on Bzpower, If I'm understanding this correctly Windrider retired from the position of staff? Is there a link or something to this, because I haven't seen a status update from her about it, nor have I seen a Blog post from her regarding it.

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Her official title is no longer "Premier Global Moderators" and is now "Premier Retired Staff."
G&T will miss her presence greatly.

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Her official title is no longer "Premier Global Moderators" and is now "Premier Retired Staff."


G&T will miss her presence greatly.

While I agree that G&T will be different without her, I'd rather not jump to conclusions until she or another staff member actually say something in regards to it. I mean there have been staff members who have taken breaks from it, for various reasons including health, only to return later.


I just don't want to assume the worst.

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While I agree that G&T will be different without her, I'd rather not jump to conclusions until she or another staff member actually say something in regards to it.

I won't be returning to the staff. I'm sorry.

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Your lack of respect is disgusting.


From what I've heard, she had to retire because of real-life concerns. And your only reaction is "good" because of reasons I can't call you out for.



because he's a bigoted, self-righteous, obnoxious, arrogant, abrasive person who hides behind his beliefs as an excuse to despise and belittle people for who they are, and who really doesn't even deserve to be a part of this community (and it's a wonder why he even still is, given all the trouble he's stirred up and the off-site harassment and name-calling he's been involved with)?


I'm leaving the site too so I really don't care if there are any repercussions for saying this. it's the truth. Ghidora is one of the most genuinely unpleasant people I've met in my 10+ years on the internet and his reaction to Windrider - someone who is a thousand times better of a person than he is or will ever hope to be - leaving is just another item on the enormous and ever-growing stack of proof of that fact.

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While I agree that G&T will be different without her, I'd rather not jump to conclusions until she or another staff member actually say something in regards to it.

I won't be returning to the staff. I'm sorry.


This truly is a great loss.

I wish you luck in what you do, Wind. You were a great member of staff.

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While I agree that G&T will be different without her, I'd rather not jump to conclusions until she or another staff member actually say something in regards to it.

I won't be returning to the staff. I'm sorry.


*Nods* Will you still be around in general or leaving completely?

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*Nods* Will you still be around in general or leaving completely?

I'm not sure at this point. For now, I'm going to try not to participate in order to take care of myself.

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*Nods* Will you still be around in general or leaving completely?

I'm not sure at this point. For now, I'm going to try not to participate in order to take care of myself.

If you are to leave completely, then I can say that I would truly miss you. You have always been fair in your dealings as a staff member, and regardless of what I am to you, I do consider you a friend.

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*Nods* Will you still be around in general or leaving completely?

I'm not sure at this point. For now, I'm going to try not to participate in order to take care of myself.


Well what is most important is taking care of yourself before anything else, and I wish you luck with that.

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Your lack of respect is disgusting. From what I've heard, she had to retire because of real-life concerns. And your only reaction is "good" because of reasons I can't call you out for.
 because he's a bigoted, self-righteous, obnoxious, arrogant, abrasive person who hides behind his beliefs as an excuse to despise and belittle people for who they are, and who really doesn't even deserve to be a part of this community (and it's a wonder why he even still is, given all the trouble he's stirred up and the off-site harassment and name-calling he's been involved with)? I'm leaving the site too so I really don't care if there are any repercussions for saying this. it's the truth. Ghidora is one of the most genuinely unpleasant people I've met in my 10+ years on the internet and his reaction to Windrider - someone who is a thousand times better of a person than he is or will ever hope to be - leaving is just another item on the enormous and ever-growing stack of proof of that fact.


Just a reminder, that even if you disagree with someone, we still need to be respectful towards others, and that goes for everyone.

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it's hard to respect someone who is utterly, physically incapable of respecting others themselves. if you knew Ghidora you'd understand why that's impossible.


again, I really don't care about repercussions. somebody needed to say it. good people have flat-out left the site because they didn't want to put up with his antagonism and abuse. he's been a cancer to this site for years.

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While I didn't have many opportunities to interact with you, Wind, I can certainly say that I was never given reason to take issue with you-- as a person, or as a staff member. As far as I can remember, you've always been a fair mod, whose love for this site and the people on it was obvious. More importantly, you've struck me with the impression that you are an upstanding human being, and I sincerely hope for the easy resolution of  whatever problems in your personal life may be contributing to this move.


So long, and thanks for all the forum contests.


- :burnmad:

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it's hard to respect someone who is utterly, physically incapable of respecting others themselves. if you knew Ghidora you'd understand why that's impossible.


again, I really don't care about repercussions. somebody needed to say it. good people have flat-out left the site because they didn't want to put up with his antagonism and abuse. he's been a cancer to this site for years.


If you have issue with someone on the site being continually rude or abusive towards other members, I really suggest you message an admin or global mod about your concerns. No site is or ever will be perfect, but BZPower should be a place for everyone to feel safe to be on, and something as simple as reporting abuse can help us achieve that goal.

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Windrider, you will be missed. You were the staff member with the most direct purview over the parts of the site I visited, I hope you at least check back with us every now and then.

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it's hard to respect someone who is utterly, physically incapable of respecting others themselves. if you knew Ghidora you'd understand why that's impossible.


again, I really don't care about repercussions. somebody needed to say it. good people have flat-out left the site because they didn't want to put up with his antagonism and abuse. he's been a cancer to this site for years.


If you have issue with someone on the site being continually rude or abusive towards other members, I really suggest you message an admin or global mod about your concerns. No site is or ever will be perfect, but BZPower should be a place for everyone to feel safe to be on, and something as simple as reporting abuse can help us achieve that goal.


oh, believe me, I intend to.

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