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To Those Cursed With Braces

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Don't give up hope.


It's worth it, I tell you! The pain and deprivation are worth it! All those Snickers, Milky Ways, Tootsie Rolls, Skittles, and Peanut M&Ms you're forced to give away are redeemed in the end!




Actually, I'm lying. You never do quite get over their loss.


But at least your teeth look good. =D




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I know right? I got mine off about a month ago, and it feels and looks wonderful.


I've never quite recovered from my deprivation of popcorn (Never mind all the sweet stuff) but my shiny smile is a pretty good refund.

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I ate all that stuff...except for apples...I didn't care to cut an apple into pieces so I just gave those up 'cause it hurt too much to eat and always got caught everywhere in my braces..other than that I never deprived myself of anything...and my teeth still turned out good. :P

...not that I'm recommending anyone else do that... >_>


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I have a special kind of brace. See, mine is not just a wire of steel, mine has pistons and hinches.


I couldn`t eat anything the first week i had them. Youghurt is getting tiring. Though, i realized that i began to lose weight, and hence, i was actually kinda saddened when i found out how to eat with the brace on.


I`m really not good at will-power.

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I chewed gum on the way back from the orthodontist. When I got back to school, the principal made me spit it out, despite me explaining my three years of gum fasting. Never liked her very much. :glare:

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I ate Snickers. I ate Milky Ways. I ate Tootsie Rools, Skittles (ESPECIALLY Skittles), Peanut M&Ms, popcorn (though, during that time I learned to dislike popcorn :blink:), and all that stuff. :evilgrin:


But, yes. SO worth it.


I could've done without losing a chunk of my gums that one time though...


«Takuma Nuva»
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I have a special kind of brace. See, mine is not just a wire of steel, mine has pistons and hinches.


I couldn`t eat anything the first week i had them. Youghurt is getting tiring. Though, i realized that i began to lose weight, and hence, i was actually kinda saddened when i found out how to eat with the brace on.


I`m really not good at will-power.

Dang, that sucks.


Youghurt? :P

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I ate Snickers. I ate Milky Ways. I ate Tootsie Rools, Skittles (ESPECIALLY Skittles), Peanut M&Ms, popcorn (though, during that time I learned to dislike popcorn :blink:), and all that stuff. :evilgrin:


But, yes. SO worth it.


I could've done without losing a chunk of my gums that one time though...


«Takuma Nuva»

My thoughts (and on the gums note, current position ><) exactly!


Also I just got my braces off yesterday. B)

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The only two things on that list that I can eat are Tootsie Rolls and Skittles.


I never ate Tootsie Rolls while I had braces, but I ate Skittles because I am a rebellious teenager.


REBEL AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT (Of braces.... or something...)



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I eat whatever I like, it just takes skill.

I've also met a number of girls who find braces particularly attractive, but I still can't wait to have them taken off.

They're just so annoying, they make your mouth all awkward and I cut up my tongue on a regs from trying to get food out of them.

My teeth weren't even that bad, they're coming off soon though :D

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Even though I'm 20 and my mouth has stopped growing, I'm apparently going to need braces soon to prep for jaw surgery.


I am not excited to give up chewy candies! :(


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I've never needed braces. I have perfect, slightly yellowish teeth. I am a horrible person. :)




I've also never had a cavity. :)

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