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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2014 in all areas

  1. I asked her So +1 points because I actually DID IT She said yes Hopefully it doesn't change to a no tomorrow morning But for now I am satisfied
    7 points
    5 points
  3. So there's a cute girl in my Chem class. I just gave her my phone number. I've never done that before and now I'm freaking out. I think this is the reason I never talk to anybody. Excuse me while I curl up in a ball and hate myself.
    4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. I apologize for this spew and you don't need to actually read it I just needed to get it all out okay so let me break this down I have roughly two weeks until finals. In the grand scheme, that means 3 weeks until I need to start job hunting for the summer or (heaven forbid it comes to this) go back to my old job. So that is a giant stress but let's go more immediate I have two large projects to do as finals, two large written tests, and three practical proficiency tests on top of the weekly homework they're still giving us. I have two weeks. Now add to that the thin ice I'm on after nearly failing half my courses last semester, failing one of my midterms, and being behind in two other classes. Plus one of my projects is really huge (I need to transcribe a song into a score as well as individual instrument parts) and I just discovered what I thought was an easy 2-part horn line is actually a 5-part, which more than doubles the work I need to do on it. I have my final road test tomorrow for my full license application. I am going to a concert (which would be great but circumstances) for FOUR DAYS where I'll be able to get hardly anything done, the four days I have to practice my bass playing for the proficiency tests next week (for a class I passed by millimetres last semester. Passing it is also a requirement for my major next year. ) this also causes me to miss one of my finals which I will hava to make up the day after with a minuscule amount of preparation. PLUS I bought a new bass that was easier to play and would really help with my tests but it had to go in for repairs which were supposed to be done saturday but aren't and who knows how much that's gonna cost and finally my work ethic improved last week and I was attempting to get so much done and then I was hit with a chronic migraine that incapacitated me for 3 days halting all preparations for this stuff the universe seems to be trying to do everything it can to screw me over and I have two weeks left. at this point I want to just give up
    3 points
  6. Sorry to hear about your exam. Hope you can all talk to your professor and find a solution. I have a consolation for you, though. Have some spinnies! The spinnies appeared on a random per-member basis on each pageload. Also, Tekulo, that "penguin thingy" is a Nixel from the Mixels theme. -Gata
    3 points
  7. *fistpump* Well done, sah. You done good.
    2 points
  8. I thought this entry was gonna be inspirational, but then I saw sports. And now I am just nodding my head agreeing. eeeeeeewwwwwww sports. =P
    2 points
  9. the fact that this is a joke hurts you more than us because you don't really get to live with micah -Tyler
    2 points
  10. So I know lots of y'all have already heard about this, but I'm just going to officially say it. Kakaru recently moved to the Portland area, and we're going to move into an apartment next week to share rent and stuff. Our rooms will be full of Lego... and not much else because we spent all our money on Lego. Yep. ... ... APRIL FOOLS!
    1 point
  11. Ha. Thanks guys. I still find it wierd that the only place I've said anything about it is here. I would never hear the end of it if I said anything anywhere else.
    1 point
  12. Honestly, I feel good about myself if I can think about a previous social interaction and say with complete honesty "well, that could have gone a lot worse."
    1 point
  13. Three cheers for Voltex's wicked charm. *ahem* Enjoy and stuff. @Rahkshi Guurahk: Enjoy this other blog entry by Voltex.
    1 point
  14. I gave this a listen. Good work. Part of me thinks I really ought to motivate myself to try covering some songs (both official and fan-created). But another part of me worries that there's not a whole lot of need within the brony community for vocalists who can neither write music or voice act, particularly male vocalists. And since I still live with my family, it's near impossible for me to practice singing or voice acting without somebody interrupting.
    1 point
  15. Dude, I would totally do that with this girl that I know, but only see her in the halls. But I'm just making drawings for her now. I made her a rose during Valentine's week, and now a drawing of some of the things she likes.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Way to go, Angès! Just three crystals to g- -cough- I mean, yeah, congrats.
    1 point
  18. Don't hate yourself for taking initiative.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Nice job! If I had a cookie I'd give it to you.
    1 point
  21. I say a congrats is in order so partyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Love it, although that totally could be me xD
    1 point
  24. I'm disappointed. I thought the box would contain an unconscious Rick Astley, whom, upon awakening, would be forced to perform Never Gonna Give You Up for Six's amusement.
    1 point
  25. The main thing to remember here is that what your degree is in makes a significant difference. I'm going into mechanical engineering, and that's a degree that is basically guaranteed to get you a job somewhere, and why I find it interesting that on the graphic, they leave out the statistics on STEM majors, with only peeps like CompSci on there. Computer science majors, incidentally, are in a bit of a pickle due to market dilution, but topic for another time. Really, it's a topic that can't be explored in a cheeky infographic like that. There's tons of statistics that have to be looked at, essays can be written on the subject, and ultimately what you do with your education is best left to the advice of a college counselor, who's entire job revolves around understanding these trends. Nothing you do is going to give you a 100% certainty of getting a good job, but there are some fields that will simply always be better paying.
    1 point
  26. Why, you ask? Because it gave me Unikitty as my spinny! Oh, hey, it's that topic I haven't updated in over a year. I made myself sad.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. It was suitably epic. I'm not sure it's the ending I would have picked, but it worked.
    1 point
    1 point
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