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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2014 in all areas

  1. I think we've found our 13-year spinny.
    4 points
    3 points
  3. 3 points
  4. *wipes some dust off of his gloves and smirks* So after being temporarily banned for week I am intrigued to see what I have missed... 41 notifications popping up only has me mildly worried. Yet you know perhaps what I am looking forward to the most? Not giving a care in the world. See I am sure that when you are banned or temporarily banned people will look at you differently. Their image of you may have been tainted and now they think negatively of you. And you know what I have to say to that? I don't give a flying mahi what people think of me. I am not here to prove myself to Bzpower nor am I here for a popularity contest. Considering this is really the first time I went off the deep end in my entire time on Bzpower which is about 7 years now I have to say I am doing a fantastic job. Never before have I been punished for anything on here nor have come close to being punished. So you know you can take your opinions of me and keep them to yourself. Afterall one does not spend 4 years in two separate mental institutions and not learn to ignore the opinions of people. Oh yeah did I never tell you all this. You will notice that from about june 2008 to april 1st 2010 that i was basically non-existent on bzpower.. That would be because those almost two years I was in a institution for legitimate mental issues and anger management issues. The other two years were spent in Wisconsin from sometime in 2003 to mid 2005. So yeah I have had a bumpy existence. Considering most said i would be locked up permanently and that I would never finish school I have one thing to say to those people 'I'm out and about and have a high-school diploma and graduated with a gpa of 3.9. I was valedictorian of my class (Yeah the class was only like 15 people but still). I would like to think I have succeeded where many thought I would either have failed or would be dead at my own hands. To those people who doubted HA!' It feels good to rant like this and just get this out on the table. Am I ashamed to have P.D.D and schizophrenic tendencies? Not in the slightest because I am proof that just if a person has a mental disorder they can succeed at life. And while i am not sure if there are parts of this that may or may not get it removed i am willing to take that risk Partly because i am not sure which parts those would be. However if there are parts sorry in advance.
    3 points
  5. Salutations. A new year brings a new t-shirt design contest. Since this is the fifth year in a row, let's just get to it. Info: This years theme is Metru Nui. Just like last year it's the 10th anniversary of the Legends of Metru Nui film! However, you're more than welcome to use anything from the 2004 saga. So this allows you all to have more creative freedom, rather than having just one character. Rules: Your design must be a simple design, one color, and must be medium sized. The prime example is last years winner. https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8416/8820021114_4757ed1131_b.jpg Your design must also be black on a clear white background. This makes it easier for the screen printing process. You may post your entries in this thread, and have until the end of May to submit your design. The Prize:The maker of the winning design will receive a free T-Shirt! Feel free to ask any questions, and good luck to all.
    2 points
  6. Ever thought someone was really young, but then you find out that they're actually like 21 and you feel all awkward about it? I had that experience with Blade and Vox. Strangely I thought Squishy was a lot older than he actually is. Whatever I feel young compared to everyone else for some reason
    2 points
  7. We have no time to waste on name changes and avatars! We must proceed with awakening the crystals before darkness swallows the world!
    2 points
  8. (im a little disappointed at the differences between the set and the movie, especially those that shouldn't have been too hard to incorporate. still, best amputee character ever)
    2 points
  9. Well, yeah, it's the internet. It's easy to hide your problems and make yourself seem more amazing than you really are. *lamblasts self for falling for it* In any case, I admire you for owning up to it. I think I remember you saying some of this before, but recent circumstances didn't tap the memory.
    2 points
  10. It's still an achievement, though. Reading your posts on the board, I wouldn't know what you just said. That counts for a whole lot. this is something I hear alot. Most people tell me they would never know I had anger issues from how i am able to speak and conduct myself on the internet yet in the past I used to just get physically aggressive at the snap of the finger. I have seen my fair share of PRTs (Physical Restraint Techniques) and let me tell you having two to three grown men slam you against the wall, pulling your arms behind your back hurts like a son of a makuta, Yet i don't hate them for that because it was their job. I was a threat to those around me they ha to do what they had to do. But none the less I deter from my point. I have learned quite well to put up a front. That is why most people never know or realize what I told in the entry above.
    2 points
  11. *upvotes post for no good reason besides it's you* But really it is not that awesome. Just trying to live a life when many did not think i would be here today.
    2 points
  12. *upvotes post because Voxumo is mortally awesome*
    2 points
  13. Recap 01: You Asked For It Well, technically I asked, and you responded. But it was a positive response! So here I am. I will thus go over the highlights and downers of my week in chronological order. But obviously only the interesting stuff. Who wants to hear about silly homework or like, how my hands froze on Thursday? What was of note this week? I’ve always been a fan of Sunny D, staunchly ignoring how unhealthy it is because I loved it so much. Unfortunately, it was shattered this week. I tried some and it was too sweet, tasted bad, made my mouth feel dry... childhood ruined. (Let’s move onto more important things). As you all know, I asked a girl in my class out to prom this week – in the moment she said yes, but it turned into a “no” the next day. I’m not too worried – if worst comes to worst, I’ll go to the prom alone and it’ll be a little awkward (or a lot, I don’t care to think about it). The way I see it: I asked, I got a definite result, and that is at least one moment of my life that will not forever be a “what if”, because there’s no “what if” to it. So the +1 points still stands. Coincidentally, I am also tied with said girl for the top mark in our English class. That means the next month is going to be me trying to steamroller through everything to boost my mark up as high as possible, because I have never been so close to the top of a class before and I’d like to take an award home for it this year if at all possible. My diet this week has consisted of adrenaline and coffee. I think I also ate four muffins on Wednesday that my brother made during his foods class and I did eat dinner today but otherwise I think I should probably be collapsing? Let me just say that adrenaline is overrated and I’d really appreciate it if it would stop for awhile (like, for a long time please). I’ve been struck down (or awake, rather) by insomnia again. It’s been going on since early last week and I have no idea how long it’ll last; I looked it up and as best I could tell from the jargon, I have the type of insomnia where it’s not a symptom of something worse and you have lots of trouble falling asleep. I consider four hours to be a splendid night of rest and coffee is my go-to thing in the morning. It seems to strike every couple of months; I’m sure it’ll be gone in a week or two. And... that’s about it. Those are the most interesting things from my life this week. I’m sure that if I continue this, eventually I’ll get some sort of rhythm or organization to these entries, but for now, that’s all I have to say, so... END. Current Points: 1
    1 point
  14. *whacks Tekulo with my clipboard* You think that's funny? *whacks*
    1 point
  15. And I thought "defenestration" was weird. Takuma Nuva
    1 point
  16. Like the entry titles, or the blog titles? I don't even really understand mine.
    1 point
  17. Thanks. I think we all try our best. =P
    1 point
  18. I see, getting revenge by being better in an English class. Brilliant! Also you still have that cardboard cut-out of Tiz to go with. He's slightly more complex and interesting than regular Tiz. =P On an important note, I remember the fall of Sunny D as well. It's amazing how you can look back at what you ate as a kid and just wonder how you ever liked it to begin with... but last I checked I still like juice boxes.
    1 point
  19. Why on earth would someone change their answer.... That's what I want to know...
    1 point
  20. *Proceeds to destroy homework violently* Much better.
    1 point
  21. Oh... the whole bravely default thing is still going on? *Waits this out*
    1 point
  22. Fun with a LaunchPad and TouchOSC.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. The thumb can be improved if you attach an Exo-Force robot arm to the paw piece, and attach the thumb to that instead of directly to the paw piece. It's not the sturdiest connection but it results in a more realistic range of movement. I've done this with my Caitlyn Gauss XL MOC as well as my twin brother's CHI Worriz set and it generally works like a charm. I'm not terribly bothered by the lower half. What it loses in articulation it gains in stability. Could have been improved, certainly, but the range of motion is sufficient for this particular model just as the articulation of the 2003 Makuta set was previously. Contrary to their name, flick missiles generally work better if you just press them rather than trying to flick them with one finger. That way you can hold the launcher steady with your other fingers. Their range isn't tremendously great, but it's not considerably worse than what you'd get by actually flicking them. I suppose I had a better experience with the jumpers than you did. I think if you practice with them a bit more you'll figure out how to make them jump forward more reliably. Certainly I find them more effective than the mini-Visorak from 2005.
    1 point
  25. It's still an achievement, though. Reading your posts on the board, I wouldn't know what you just said. That counts for a whole lot.
    1 point
  26. I'd be cool with that. If need-be I can offer probably-less-than-helpful advice!
    1 point
  27. I'm game for any response that isn't hateful.
    1 point
  28. Don't hate yourself for taking initiative.
    1 point
  29. I have enjoyed your recent entries, and I hope I can make the time to read those that I haven't yet. I have no grounding in linguistics however so I usually have nothing to add to the conversation, except that it saddens me that great work like this often goes noticed but not praised. I think you have done a great job, and much of my Bionicle headcanon is based off of entries and posts like these.
    1 point
  30. See, the organic vs. inorganic matter argument would have been fine; this is why you don't let a Communications major do a scientist's job.
    1 point
  31. I, for one, welcome our new air overlord.
    1 point
  32. Finally bit the bullet, eh? Well, welcome to the blogosphere. We have candy, and also long self-centered entries, and also more candy.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, then comes Endless Eight, which cements that the producers are trolls.
    1 point
  34. Also after just finishing the first season of Darker Than Black, I'd have to add that as well. Oh yeah, and Haruhi Suzumiya.
    1 point
  35. Excluding Miyasaki films, I'd have to say: Gundam 00, Gurren Lagann, and Evangelion.
    1 point
  36. It's not quite anime, but Avatar takes elements from Eastern animation. There's no specific anime show that stands out to me, though, other than perhaps Digimon. Merida
    1 point
  37. If you like normal FMA (as I did). You will love Brotherhood. Seriously, its awesome.
    1 point
  38. And that is all, Folks!
    1 point
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